// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet : // ============================================================================= // SourceMod // Copyright (C) 2004-2015 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. // ============================================================================= // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the // Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the // code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the // "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software // by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in // all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants // this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further // exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), // or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "ForwardSys.h" #include "DebugReporter.h" #include "common_logic.h" #include <bridge/include/IScriptManager.h> #include <amtl/am-string.h> #include <ReentrantList.h> using namespace ke; CForwardManager g_Forwards; // Genesis turns to its source, reduction occurs stepwise although the essence // is all one. End of line. FTL system check. void CForwardManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { scripts->AddPluginsListener(this); sharesys->AddInterface(NULL, this); } IForward *CForwardManager::CreateForward(const char *name, ExecType et, unsigned int num_params, const ParamType *types, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, types); CForward *fwd = CForward::CreateForward(name, et, num_params, types, ap); va_end(ap); if (fwd) { scripts->AddFunctionsToForward(name, fwd); m_managed.push_back(fwd); } return fwd; } IChangeableForward *CForwardManager::CreateForwardEx(const char *name, ExecType et, int num_params, const ParamType *types, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, types); CForward *fwd = CForward::CreateForward(name, et, num_params, types, ap); va_end(ap); if (fwd) { m_unmanaged.push_back(fwd); } return fwd; } void CForwardManager::OnPluginLoaded(IPlugin *plugin) { /* Attach any globally managed forwards */ for (ForwardIter iter(m_managed); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); IPluginFunction *pFunc = plugin->GetBaseContext()->GetFunctionByName(fwd->GetForwardName()); if (pFunc) fwd->AddFunction(pFunc); } } void CForwardManager::OnPluginUnloaded(IPlugin *plugin) { for (ForwardIter iter(m_managed); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); fwd->RemoveFunctionsOfPlugin(plugin); } for (ForwardIter iter(m_unmanaged); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); fwd->RemoveFunctionsOfPlugin(plugin); } } IForward *CForwardManager::FindForward(const char *name, IChangeableForward **ifchng) { for (ForwardIter iter(m_managed); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); if (strcmp(fwd->GetForwardName(), name) == 0) { if (ifchng) *ifchng = NULL; return fwd; } } for (ForwardIter iter(m_unmanaged); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); if (strcmp(fwd->GetForwardName(), name) == 0) { if (ifchng) *ifchng = fwd; return fwd; } } if (ifchng) *ifchng = NULL; return NULL; } void CForwardManager::ReleaseForward(IForward *aForward) { CForward *fwd = static_cast<CForward *>(aForward); m_managed.remove(fwd); m_unmanaged.remove(fwd); delete fwd; } void CForwardManager::OnPluginPauseChange(IPlugin *plugin, bool paused) { if (paused) return; /* Attach any globally managed forwards */ for (ForwardIter iter(m_managed); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { CForward *fwd = (*iter); IPluginFunction *pFunc = plugin->GetBaseContext()->GetFunctionByName(fwd->GetForwardName()); // Only add functions, if they aren't registered yet! if (pFunc && !fwd->IsFunctionRegistered(pFunc)) { fwd->AddFunction(pFunc); } } } /************************************* * ACTUAL FORWARD API IMPLEMENTATION * *************************************/ CForward::CForward(ExecType et, const char *name, const ParamType *types, unsigned num_params) : m_numparams(0), m_varargs(0), m_ExecType(et), m_curparam(0), m_errstate(SP_ERROR_NONE) { ke::SafeStrcpy(m_name, sizeof(m_name), name ? name : ""); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_params; i++) m_types[i] = types[i]; if (num_params && types[num_params - 1] == Param_VarArgs) { m_varargs = num_params; m_numparams = num_params - 1; } else { m_varargs = 0; m_numparams = num_params; } } CForward *CForward::CreateForward(const char *name, ExecType et, unsigned int num_params, const ParamType *types, va_list ap) { ParamType _types[SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS]; if (num_params > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return NULL; } if (types == NULL && num_params) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_params; i++) { _types[i] = (ParamType)va_arg(ap, int); if (_types[i] == Param_VarArgs && (i != num_params - 1)) { return NULL; } } types = _types; } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_params; i++) { _types[i] = types[i]; if (types[i] == Param_VarArgs && (i != num_params - 1)) { return NULL; } } } /* First parameter can never be varargs */ if (num_params && _types[0] == Param_VarArgs) { return NULL; } return new CForward(et, name, _types, num_params); } int CForward::Execute(cell_t *result, IForwardFilter *filter) { if (m_errstate) { int err = m_errstate; Cancel(); return err; } cell_t cur_result = 0; cell_t high_result = 0; cell_t low_result = 0; int err; unsigned int success=0; unsigned int num_params = m_curparam; FwdParamInfo temp_info[SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS]; /* Save local, reset */ memcpy(temp_info, m_params, sizeof(m_params)); m_curparam = 0; for (FuncIter iter(m_functions); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { IPluginFunction *func = (*iter); if (filter) filter->Preprocess(func, temp_info); if (func->GetParentRuntime()->IsPaused()) continue; for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_params; i++) { int err = SP_ERROR_PARAM; FwdParamInfo *param = &temp_info[i]; ParamType type; if (i >= m_numparams || m_types[i] == Param_Any) type = param->pushedas; else type = m_types[i]; if ((i >= m_numparams) || (type & SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF)) { /* If we're byref or we're vararg, we always push everything by ref. * Even if they're byval, we must push them byref. */ err = _ExecutePushRef(func, type, param); } else { /* If we're not byref or not vararg, our job is a bit easier. */ assert(type == Param_Cell || type == Param_Float); err = func->PushCell(param->val); } if (err != SP_ERROR_NONE) { g_DbgReporter.GenerateError(func->GetParentContext(), func->GetFunctionID(), err, "Failed to push parameter while executing forward"); continue; } } /* Call the function and deal with the return value. */ if ((err=func->Execute(&cur_result)) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { success++; switch (m_ExecType) { case ET_Event: { if (cur_result > high_result) { high_result = cur_result; } break; } case ET_Hook: { if (cur_result > high_result) { high_result = cur_result; if ((ResultType)high_result == Pl_Stop) { goto done; } } break; } case ET_LowEvent: { /* Check if the current result is the lowest so far (or if it's the first result) */ if (cur_result < low_result || success == 1) { low_result = cur_result; } break; } default: { break; } } } } done: if (success) { switch (m_ExecType) { case ET_Ignore: { cur_result = 0; break; } case ET_Event: case ET_Hook: { cur_result = high_result; break; } case ET_LowEvent: { cur_result = low_result; break; } default: { break; } } if (result) { *result = cur_result; } } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::_ExecutePushRef(IPluginFunction *func, ParamType type, FwdParamInfo *param) { /* If we're byref or we're vararg, we always push everything by ref. * Even if they're byval, we must push them byref. */ int err; IPluginRuntime *runtime = func->GetParentRuntime(); switch (type) { case Param_String: // Normal string was pushed. if (!param->isnull) return func->PushStringEx((char *)param->byref.orig_addr, param->byref.cells, param->byref.sz_flags, param->byref.flags); // If NULL_STRING was pushed, push the reference to the pubvar of the callee instead. uint32_t null_string_idx; err = runtime->FindPubvarByName("NULL_STRING", &null_string_idx); if (err) return err; cell_t null_string; err = runtime->GetPubvarAddrs(null_string_idx, &null_string, nullptr); if (err) return err; return func->PushCell(null_string); case Param_Float: case Param_Cell: return func->PushCellByRef(¶m->val); default: assert(type == Param_Array || type == Param_FloatByRef || type == Param_CellByRef); // No NULL_VECTOR was pushed. if (type != Param_Array || !param->isnull) return func->PushArray(param->byref.orig_addr, param->byref.cells, param->byref.flags); // If NULL_VECTOR was pushed, push the reference to the pubvar of the callee instead. uint32_t null_vector_idx; err = runtime->FindPubvarByName("NULL_VECTOR", &null_vector_idx); if (err) return err; cell_t null_vector; err = runtime->GetPubvarAddrs(null_vector_idx, &null_vector, nullptr); if (err) return err; return func->PushCell(null_vector); } } int CForward::PushCell(cell_t cell) { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Cell; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_Cell) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Cell; } m_params[m_curparam].isnull = false; m_params[m_curparam++].val = cell; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushFloat(float number) { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Float; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_Float) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Float; } m_params[m_curparam].isnull = false; m_params[m_curparam++].val = *(cell_t *)&number; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushCellByRef(cell_t *cell, int flags) { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_CellByRef; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_CellByRef) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_CellByRef; } _Int_PushArray(cell, 1, flags); m_curparam++; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushFloatByRef(float *num, int flags) { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_FloatByRef; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_FloatByRef) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_FloatByRef; } _Int_PushArray((cell_t *)num, 1, flags); m_curparam++; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } void CForward::_Int_PushArray(cell_t *inarray, unsigned int cells, int flags) { m_params[m_curparam].byref.cells = cells; m_params[m_curparam].byref.flags = flags; m_params[m_curparam].byref.orig_addr = inarray; m_params[m_curparam].isnull = false; } int CForward::PushArray(cell_t *inarray, unsigned int cells, int flags) { /* Push a reference to the NULL_VECTOR pubvar if NULL was passed. */ if (!inarray) { /* Make sure this was intentional. */ if (cells == 3) { return PushNullVector(); } else { /* We don't allow this here */ return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Array; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_Array) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_curparam > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Array; } _Int_PushArray(inarray, cells, flags); m_curparam++; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } void CForward::_Int_PushString(cell_t *inarray, unsigned int cells, int sz_flags, int cp_flags) { m_params[m_curparam].byref.cells = cells; /* Notice this contains the char count not cell count */ m_params[m_curparam].byref.flags = cp_flags; m_params[m_curparam].byref.orig_addr = inarray; m_params[m_curparam].byref.sz_flags = sz_flags; m_params[m_curparam].isnull = false; } int CForward::PushString(const char *string) { /* Push a reference to the NULL_STRING pubvar if NULL was passed. */ if (!string) { return PushNullString(); } if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_String) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_curparam > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } _Int_PushString((cell_t *)string, strlen(string)+1, SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, 0); m_curparam++; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushStringEx(char *buffer, size_t length, int sz_flags, int cp_flags) { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_String) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_curparam > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } _Int_PushString((cell_t *)buffer, length, sz_flags, cp_flags); m_curparam++; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushNullString() { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_String) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_String; } m_params[m_curparam++].isnull = true; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int CForward::PushNullVector() { if (m_curparam < m_numparams) { if (m_types[m_curparam] == Param_Any) { m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Array; } else if (m_types[m_curparam] != Param_Array) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAM); } } else { if (!m_varargs || m_numparams > SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return SetError(SP_ERROR_PARAMS_MAX); } m_params[m_curparam].pushedas = Param_Array; } m_params[m_curparam++].isnull = true; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } void CForward::Cancel() { if (!m_curparam) { return; } m_curparam = 0; m_errstate = SP_ERROR_NONE; } bool CForward::AddFunction(IPluginContext *pContext, funcid_t index) { IPluginFunction *pFunc = pContext->GetFunctionById(index); if (!pFunc) { return false; } return AddFunction(pFunc); } bool CForward::RemoveFunction(IPluginContext *pContext, funcid_t index) { IPluginFunction *pFunc = pContext->GetFunctionById(index); if (!pFunc) { return false; } return RemoveFunction(pFunc); } bool CForward::RemoveFunction(IPluginFunction *func) { ReentrantList<IPluginFunction *> *lst; if (func->IsRunnable()) lst = &m_functions; else lst = &m_paused; bool found = false; for (FuncIter iter(lst); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { if (*iter == func) { iter.remove(); found = true; break; } } /* Cancel a call, if any */ if (found || m_curparam) func->Cancel(); return found; } unsigned int CForward::RemoveFunctionsOfPlugin(IPlugin *plugin) { unsigned int removed = 0; for (FuncIter iter(m_functions); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { IPluginFunction *func = *iter; if (func->GetParentContext() == plugin->GetBaseContext()) { iter.remove(); removed++; } } return removed; } bool CForward::AddFunction(IPluginFunction *func) { if (m_curparam) return false; if (func->IsRunnable()) m_functions.push_back(func); else m_paused.push_back(func); return true; } bool CForward::IsFunctionRegistered(IPluginFunction *func) { ReentrantList<IPluginFunction *> *lst; if (func->IsRunnable()) lst = &m_functions; else lst = &m_paused; for (FuncIter iter(lst); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { if ((*iter) == func) return true; } return false; } const char *CForward::GetForwardName() { return m_name; } unsigned int CForward::GetFunctionCount() { return m_functions.size(); } ExecType CForward::GetExecType() { return m_ExecType; }