/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_UNGEN_OPCODES_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_UNGEN_OPCODES_H_ inline void WriteOp_UMul(JitWriter *jit) { //mov ecx, edx //mul edx //mov edx, ecx IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mul_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, AMX_REG_TMP, MOD_REG); } inline void WriteOp_Less(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx ; PRI < ALT ? (unsigned) //mov eax, 0 //setb al IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, 0); IA32_SetCC_Rm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, CC_B); } inline void WriteOp_Leq(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx ; PRI <= ALT ? (unsigned) //mov eax, 0 //setbe al IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, 0); IA32_SetCC_Rm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, CC_BE); } inline void WriteOp_Grtr(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx ; PRI > ALT ? (unsigned) //mov eax, 0 //seta al IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, 0); IA32_SetCC_Rm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, CC_A); } inline void WriteOp_Geq(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx ; PRI >= ALT ? (unsigned) //mov eax, 0 //setae al IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, 0); IA32_SetCC_Rm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, CC_AE); } inline void WriteOp_Align_Pri(JitWriter *jit) { //xor eax, <cellsize - val> cell_t val = sizeof(cell_t) - jit->read_cell(); if (val <= SCHAR_MAX && val >= SCHAR_MIN) { IA32_Xor_Rm_Imm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, MOD_REG, (jit_int8_t)val); } else { IA32_Xor_Eax_Imm32(jit, val); } } inline void WriteOp_Align_Alt(JitWriter *jit) { //xor edx, <cellsize - val> cell_t val = sizeof(cell_t) - jit->read_cell(); if (val <= SCHAR_MAX && val >= SCHAR_MIN) { IA32_Xor_Rm_Imm8(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG, (jit_int8_t)val); } else { IA32_Xor_Rm_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG, val); } } inline void WriteOp_Cmps(JitWriter *jit) { //push edi //push esi //lea esi, [ebp+edx] //lea edi, [ebp+eax] //mov ecx, <val> unsigned int val = jit->read_cell(); IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_EDI); IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_ESI); IA32_Lea_Reg_DispEBPRegMult(jit, REG_ESI, AMX_REG_DAT, AMX_REG_ALT, NOSCALE); IA32_Lea_Reg_DispEBPRegMult(jit, REG_EDI, AMX_REG_DAT, AMX_REG_PRI, NOSCALE); IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, REG_ECX, val); //xor eax, eax //repe cmpsb //je :cmps1 IA32_Xor_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_PRI, MOD_REG); IA32_Rep(jit); IA32_Cmpsb(jit); jitoffs_t jmp = IA32_Jump_Cond_Imm8(jit, CC_E, 0); //sbb eax, eax //sbb eax, -1 IA32_Sbb_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_PRI, MOD_REG); IA32_Sbb_Rm_Imm8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, -1, MOD_REG); //:cmps1 //pop esi //pop edi IA32_Send_Jump8_Here(jit, jmp); IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_ESI); IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_EDI); } inline void WriteOp_Lctrl(JitWriter *jit) { cell_t val = jit->read_cell(); switch (val) { case 0: { //mov ecx, [esi+ctx] //mov eax, [ecx+ctx.codebase] IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_INFO_CONTEXT); IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_TMP, offsetof(sp_context_t, codebase)); break; } case 1: { //mov eax, ebp IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_DAT, MOD_REG); break; } case 2: { //mov eax, [esi+hea] IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_INFO_HEAP); break; } case 3: { //mov ecx, [esi+ctx] //mov eax, [ecx+ctx.memory] IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_INFO_CONTEXT); IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_TMP, offsetof(sp_context_t, memory)); break; } case 4: { //mov eax, edi //sub eax, ebp - unrelocate IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_STK, MOD_REG); IA32_Sub_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_DAT, MOD_REG); break; } case 5: { //mov eax, [esi+frm] IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_INFO, MOD_MEM_REG); break; } case 6: { //mov eax, [cip] jitoffs_t imm32 = IA32_Mov_Reg_Imm32(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, 0); jitoffs_t save = jit->get_outputpos(); jit->set_outputpos(imm32); jit->write_int32((uint32_t)(jit->outbase + save)); jit->set_outputpos(save); break; } } } inline void WriteOp_Sctrl(JitWriter *jit) { cell_t val = jit->read_cell(); switch (val) { case 2: { //mov [esi+hea], eax IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg_Disp8(jit, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_INFO_HEAP); break; } case 4: { //lea edi, [ebp+eax] IA32_Lea_Reg_DispEBPRegMult(jit, AMX_REG_STK, AMX_REG_DAT, AMX_REG_PRI, NOSCALE); break; } case 5: { //lea ebx, [ebp+eax] - overwrite frm //mov [esi+frm], eax - overwrite stacked frame IA32_Lea_Reg_DispEBPRegMult(jit, AMX_REG_FRM, AMX_REG_DAT, AMX_REG_PRI, NOSCALE); IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg(jit, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_REG_PRI, MOD_MEM_REG); break; } case 6: { IA32_Jump_Reg(jit, AMX_REG_PRI); break; } } } inline void WriteOp_UDiv(JitWriter *jit) { //mov ecx, edx //xor edx, edx //div ecx IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Xor_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); Write_Check_DivZero(jit, AMX_REG_TMP); IA32_Div_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, MOD_REG); } inline void WriteOp_UDiv_Alt(JitWriter *jit) { //mov ecx, eax //mov eax, edx //xor edx, edx //div ecx IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, AMX_REG_PRI, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Xor_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_ALT, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); Write_Check_DivZero(jit, AMX_REG_TMP); IA32_Div_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_TMP, MOD_REG); } inline void WriteOp_Ret(JitWriter *jit) { //mov ebx, [edi] - get old FRM //add edi, 4 - pop stack //mov [esi+frm], ebx - restore //add ebx, ebp - relocate //ret IA32_Mov_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_FRM, AMX_REG_STK, MOD_MEM_REG); IA32_Add_Rm_Imm8(jit, AMX_REG_STK, 4, MOD_REG); IA32_Mov_Rm_Reg(jit, AMX_REG_INFO, AMX_REG_FRM, MOD_MEM_REG); IA32_Add_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_FRM, AMX_REG_DAT, MOD_REG); IA32_Return(jit); } inline void WriteOp_JRel(JitWriter *jit) { //jmp <offs> ;relative jump cell_t cip_offs = jit->read_cell(); /* Note that since code size calculation has to be done in the same * phase as building relocation information, we cannot know the jump size * beforehand. Thus, we always write full 32bit jumps for safety. */ jitoffs_t jmp = IA32_Jump_Imm32(jit, 0); IA32_Write_Jump32(jit, jmp, RelocLookup(jit, cip_offs)); } inline void WriteOp_Jless(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx //jb <target> cell_t target = jit->read_cell(); IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Jump_Cond_Imm32(jit, CC_B, RelocLookup(jit, target, false)); } inline void WriteOp_Jleq(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx //jbe <target> cell_t target = jit->read_cell(); IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Jump_Cond_Imm32(jit, CC_BE, RelocLookup(jit, target, false)); } inline void WriteOp_Jgrtr(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx //ja <target> cell_t target = jit->read_cell(); IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Jump_Cond_Imm32(jit, CC_A, RelocLookup(jit, target, false)); } inline void WriteOp_Jgeq(JitWriter *jit) { //cmp eax, edx //jae <target> cell_t target = jit->read_cell(); IA32_Cmp_Reg_Rm(jit, AMX_REG_PRI, AMX_REG_ALT, MOD_REG); IA32_Jump_Cond_Imm32(jit, CC_AE, RelocLookup(jit, target, false)); } #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEPAWN_JIT_X86_UNGEN_OPCODES_H_