/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod SDKTools Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <sh_string.h> #include "extension.h" #include "vcallbuilder.h" #include "vnatives.h" #include "vhelpers.h" #include "vglobals.h" #include "CellRecipientFilter.h" List<ValveCall *> g_RegCalls; List<ICallWrapper *> g_CallWraps; inline void InitPass(ValvePassInfo &info, ValveType vtype, PassType type, unsigned int flags, unsigned int decflags=0) { info.decflags = decflags; info.encflags = 0; info.flags = flags; info.type = type; info.vtype = vtype; } #define START_CALL() \ unsigned char *vptr = pCall->stk_get(); #define FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(vret) \ pCall->call->Execute(vptr, vret); \ pCall->stk_put(vptr); #define ENCODE_VALVE_PARAM(num, which, vnum) \ if (EncodeValveParam(pContext, \ params[num], \ pCall, \ &pCall->which[vnum], \ vptr) \ == Data_Fail) \ { \ return 0; \ } #define DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(num, which, vnum) \ if (DecodeValveParam(pContext, \ params[num], \ pCall, \ &pCall->which[vnum], \ vptr) \ == Data_Fail) \ { \ return 0; \ } bool CreateBaseCall(const char *name, ValveCallType vcalltype, const ValvePassInfo *retinfo, const ValvePassInfo params[], unsigned int numParams, ValveCall **vaddr) { int offset; ValveCall *call; if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset(name, &offset)) { call = CreateValveVCall(offset, vcalltype, retinfo, params, numParams); if (call) { g_RegCalls.push_back(call); } *vaddr = call; return true; } else { void *addr; if (g_pGameConf->GetMemSig(name, &addr)) { call = CreateValveCall(addr, vcalltype, retinfo, params, numParams); if (call) { g_RegCalls.push_back(call); } *vaddr = call; return true; } } return false; } static cell_t RemovePlayerItem(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[2]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_CBaseEntity, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_Bool, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("RemovePlayerItem", ValveCall_Player, &pass[1], pass, 1, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"RemovePlayerItem\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"RemovePlayerItem\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } bool ret; START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 0); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(&ret); return ret ? 1 : 0; } static cell_t GiveNamedItem(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[3]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_String, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_POD, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[2], Valve_CBaseEntity, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("GiveNamedItem", ValveCall_Player, &pass[2], pass, 2, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"GiveNamedItem\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"GiveNamedItem\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(3, vparams, 1); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(&pEntity); if (pEntity == NULL) { return -1; } edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pEntity); if (!pEdict) { return -1; } return engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict); } static cell_t GetPlayerWeaponSlot(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[2]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_POD, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_CBaseEntity, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("Weapon_GetSlot", ValveCall_Player, &pass[1], pass, 1, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Weapon_GetSlot\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Weapon_GetSlot\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } CBaseEntity *pEntity; START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 0); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(&pEntity); if (pEntity == NULL) { return -1; } edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pEntity); if (!pEdict) { return -1; } return engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict); } static cell_t IgniteEntity(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[4]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_Float, PassType_Float, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_Bool, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[2], Valve_Float, PassType_Float, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[3], Valve_Bool, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("Ignite", ValveCall_Entity, NULL, pass, 4, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Ignite\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Ignite\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(3, vparams, 1); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(4, vparams, 2); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(5, vparams, 3); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(NULL); return 1; } static cell_t ExtinguishEntity(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { if (!CreateBaseCall("Extinguish", ValveCall_Entity, NULL, NULL, 0, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Extinguish\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Extinguish\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(NULL); return 1; } static cell_t TeleportEntity(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[3]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_Vector, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_QAngle, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL); InitPass(pass[2], Valve_Vector, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL); if (!CreateBaseCall("Teleport", ValveCall_Entity, NULL, pass, 3, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Teleport\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"Teleport\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(3, vparams, 1); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(4, vparams, 2); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(NULL); return 1; } static cell_t ForcePlayerSuicide(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { if (!CreateBaseCall("CommitSuicide", ValveCall_Player, NULL, NULL, 0, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"CommitSuicide\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"CommitSuicide\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(NULL); return 1; } static cell_t SetClientViewEntity(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(params[1]); if (player == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]); } if (!player->IsInGame()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", params[1]); } edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(params[2]); if (!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Entity %d is not valid", params[2]); } engine->SetView(player->GetEdict(), pEdict); return 1; } static String *g_lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES] = {NULL}; static cell_t SetLightStyle(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { int style = params[1]; if (style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Light style %d is invalid (range: 0-%d)", style, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES - 1); } if (g_lightstyle[style] == NULL) { /* We allocate and never free this because the Engine wants to hold onto it :\ * in theory we could hook light style and know whether we're supposed to free * this or not on shutdown, but for ~4K of memory MAX, it doesn't seem worth it yet. * So, it's a :TODO:! */ g_lightstyle[style] = new String(); } char *str; pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &str); g_lightstyle[style]->assign(str); engine->LightStyle(style, g_lightstyle[style]->c_str()); return 1; } static cell_t SlapPlayer(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static bool s_slap_supported = false; static bool s_slap_setup = false; static ICallWrapper *s_teleport = NULL; static int s_health_offs = 0; static int s_sound_count = 0; static int s_frag_offs = 0; if (!s_slap_setup) { int tries = 0; s_slap_setup = true; if (IsTeleportSupported()) { tries++; } if (IsGetVelocitySupported()) { tries++; } /* Setup health */ if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("m_iHealth", &s_health_offs) && s_health_offs) { tries++; } if (tries == 3) { s_slap_supported = true; const char *key; if ((key = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("SlapSoundCount")) != NULL) { s_sound_count = atoi(key); } } } if (!s_slap_supported) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("This function is not supported on this mod"); } /* First check if the client is valid */ int client = params[1]; IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); if (!player) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not valid", client); } else if (!player->IsInGame()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", client); } edict_t *pEdict = player->GetEdict(); CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEdict->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); /* See if we should be taking away health */ bool should_slay = false; if (params[2]) { int *health = (int *)((char *)pEntity + s_health_offs); if (*health - params[2] <= 0) { *health = 1; should_slay = true; } else { *health -= params[2]; } } /* Teleport in a random direction - thank you, Mani!*/ Vector velocity; GetVelocity(pEntity, &velocity, NULL); velocity.x += ((rand() % 180) + 50) * (((rand() % 2) == 1) ? -1 : 1); velocity.y += ((rand() % 180) + 50) * (((rand() % 2) == 1) ? -1 : 1); velocity.z += rand() % 200 + 100; Teleport(pEntity, NULL, NULL, &velocity); /* Play a random sound */ if (params[3] && s_sound_count > 0) { char name[48]; const char *sound_name; cell_t player_list[256], total_players = 0; int maxClients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); int r = (rand() % s_sound_count) + 1; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "SlapSound%d", r); if ((sound_name = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue(name)) != NULL) { IGamePlayer *other; for (int i=1; i<=maxClients; i++) { other = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i); if (other->IsInGame()) { player_list[total_players++] = i; } } const Vector & pos = pEdict->GetCollideable()->GetCollisionOrigin(); CellRecipientFilter rf; rf.SetToReliable(true); rf.Initialize(player_list, total_players); engsound->EmitSound(rf, client, CHAN_AUTO, sound_name, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM, &pos); } } if (!s_frag_offs) { const char *frag_prop = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("m_iFrags"); if (frag_prop) { datamap_t *pMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(pEntity); typedescription_t *pType = gamehelpers->FindInDataMap(pMap, frag_prop); if (pType != NULL) { s_frag_offs = pType->fieldOffset[TD_OFFSET_NORMAL]; } } if (!s_frag_offs) { s_frag_offs = -1; } } int old_frags = 0; if (s_frag_offs > 0) { old_frags = *(int *)((char *)pEntity + s_frag_offs); } /* Force suicide */ if (should_slay) { pluginhelpers->ClientCommand(pEdict, "kill\n"); } if (s_frag_offs > 0) { *(int *)((char *)pEntity + s_frag_offs) = old_frags; } return 1; } static cell_t GetClientEyePosition(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(params[1]); if (player == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]); } if (!player->IsInGame()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", params[1]); } Vector pos; serverClients->ClientEarPosition(player->GetEdict(), &pos); cell_t *addr; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &addr); addr[0] = sp_ftoc(pos.x); addr[1] = sp_ftoc(pos.y); addr[2] = sp_ftoc(pos.z); return 1; } static cell_t GetClientEyeAngles(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo retinfo[1]; InitPass(retinfo[0], Valve_POD, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("EyeAngles", ValveCall_Player, retinfo, NULL, 0, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"EyeAngles\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"EyeAngles\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } QAngle *ang; START_CALL(); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, thisinfo, 0); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(&ang); cell_t *addr; pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &addr); addr[0] = sp_ftoc(ang->x); addr[1] = sp_ftoc(ang->y); addr[2] = sp_ftoc(ang->z); return 1; } static cell_t FindEntityByClassname(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { static ValveCall *pCall = NULL; if (!pCall) { ValvePassInfo pass[3]; InitPass(pass[0], Valve_CBaseEntity, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWNULL|VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWWORLD); InitPass(pass[1], Valve_String, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); InitPass(pass[2], Valve_CBaseEntity, PassType_Basic, PASSFLAG_BYVAL); if (!CreateBaseCall("FindEntityByClassname", ValveCall_EntityList, &pass[2], pass, 2, &pCall)) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"FindEntityByClassname\" not supported by this mod"); } else if (!pCall) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"FindEntityByClassname\" wrapper failed to initialized"); } } CBaseEntity *pEntity; START_CALL(); *(void **)vptr = g_EntList; DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(1, vparams, 0); DECODE_VALVE_PARAM(2, vparams, 1); FINISH_CALL_SIMPLE(&pEntity); if (pEntity == NULL) { return -1; } edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pEntity); if (!pEdict) { return -1; } return engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict); } static cell_t IsPlayerAlive(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(params[1]); if (player == NULL) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]); } else if (!player->IsInGame()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", params[1]); } edict_t *pEdict = player->GetEdict(); CBaseEntity *pEntity = pEdict->GetUnknown()->GetBaseEntity(); static int lifeState_off = 0; static bool lifeState_setup = false; if (!lifeState_setup) { lifeState_setup = true; g_pGameConf->GetOffset("m_lifeState", &lifeState_off); } if (!lifeState_off) { IPlayerInfo *info = playerinfomngr->GetPlayerInfo(pEdict); if (info) { return info->IsDead() ? 0 : 1; } return pContext->ThrowNativeError("\"IsPlayerAlive\" not supported by this mod"); } return (*((uint8_t *)pEntity + lifeState_off) == LIFE_ALIVE) ? 1: 0; } sp_nativeinfo_t g_Natives[] = { {"ExtinguishPlayer", ExtinguishEntity}, {"ExtinguishEntity", ExtinguishEntity}, {"ForcePlayerSuicide", ForcePlayerSuicide}, {"GivePlayerItem", GiveNamedItem}, {"GetPlayerWeaponSlot", GetPlayerWeaponSlot}, {"IgnitePlayer", IgniteEntity}, {"IgniteEntity", IgniteEntity}, {"RemovePlayerItem", RemovePlayerItem}, {"TeleportPlayer", TeleportEntity}, {"TeleportEntity", TeleportEntity}, {"SetClientViewEntity", SetClientViewEntity}, {"SetLightStyle", SetLightStyle}, {"SlapPlayer", SlapPlayer}, {"GetClientEyePosition", GetClientEyePosition}, {"GetClientEyeAngles", GetClientEyeAngles}, {"FindEntityByClassname", FindEntityByClassname}, {"IsPlayerAlive", IsPlayerAlive}, {NULL, NULL}, };