#include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "decompiler.h" #include "code_analyzer.h" #include "platform_util.h" struct Block; #define PCM_BRANCH_TARGET (1<<0) #define PCM_OPCODE (1<<1) #define PCM_HAS_BLOCK (1<<2) #define PCM_NUM_BITS 3 #define NEXT_OP(cip, op) cip += (dc->opdef[op].params + 1) * sizeof(cell_t) struct Edge { Edge *next; Block *target; uint32_t ip; }; struct Block { cell_t ip_start; cell_t ip_end; Edge *edge_list; Edge *final_edge; Block *next_in_table; }; struct ControlFlowGraph { int err; unsigned int max_blocks; unsigned int max_edges; unsigned int used_blocks; unsigned int used_edges; Block *blocks; Edge *edges; Block *entry; FunctionInfo *func; }; DefineNode::DefineNode(BaseNode *o, const char *fmt, ...) : BaseNode(_OP_DEFINE), other(o) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); Sp_FormatArgs(name, sizeof(name), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static FunctionInfo *sp_InferFuncPrototype(sp_decomp_t *dc, uint32_t code_addr, bool is_public) { sp_tag_t *pTag; sp_file_t *plugin; FunctionInfo *info; sp_fdbg_symbol_t *sym; plugin = dc->plugin; info = new FunctionInfo; memset(info, 0, sizeof(FunctionInfo)); info->code_addr = code_addr; if ((sym = Sp_FindFunctionSym(plugin, code_addr)) != NULL) { Sp_Format(info->name, sizeof(info->name), "%s", plugin->debug.stringbase + sym->name); if (sym->tagid != 0) { info->tag = Sp_FindTag(plugin, sym->tagid); } } else { Sp_Format(info->name, sizeof(info->name), "function_%x", code_addr); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_publics; i++) { if (plugin->publics[i].code_offs == code_addr) { Sp_Format(info->name, sizeof(info->name), "%s", plugin->publics[i].name); break; } } } info->sym = sym; info->is_public = is_public; /* Search for all locals */ { uint32_t i; uint8_t *cursor; cursor = (uint8_t *)plugin->debug.symbols; for (i = 0; i < plugin->debug.syms_num; i++) { sym = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)cursor; if (sym->ident == SP_SYM_VARIABLE || sym->ident == SP_SYM_REFARRAY || sym->ident == SP_SYM_REFERENCE || sym->ident == SP_SYM_ARRAY) { if (code_addr >= sym->codestart && code_addr < sym->codeend && sym->addr >= 0xC && (sym->addr & 0x3) == 0 && ((sym->addr - 0xC) >> 2) < SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS && sym->vclass == 1) { unsigned int num; num = (sym->addr - 0xC) >> 2; info->known_args[num].sym = sym; if (num + 1 > info->num_known_args) { info->num_known_args = num + 1; } } } cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t); if (sym->dimcount > 0) { cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t) * sym->dimcount; } } } /* Map all arguments into place. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < info->num_known_args; i++) { if ((sym = info->known_args[i].sym) == NULL) { continue; } if (sym->tagid != 0 && (pTag = Sp_FindTag(plugin, sym->tagid)) != NULL) { info->known_args[i].tag = pTag; } info->known_args[i].name = plugin->debug.stringbase + sym->name; info->known_args[i].dimcount = sym->dimcount; if (sym->dimcount > 0) { info->known_args[i].dims = (sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *)((char *)sym + sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t)); } } return info; } static FunctionInfo *sp_GetFuncPrototype(sp_decomp_t *dc, uint32_t code_addr, bool known, bool is_public = false); static FunctionInfo *sp_GetFuncPrototype(sp_decomp_t *dc, uint32_t code_addr, bool known, bool is_public) { FunctionInfo *func; func = dc->funcs; while (func != NULL) { if (func->code_addr == code_addr) { return func; } func = func->next; } /* See if this is public. */ if (!known) { is_public = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dc->plugin->num_publics; i++) { if (dc->plugin->publics[i].code_offs == code_addr) { is_public = true; break; } } } func = sp_InferFuncPrototype(dc, code_addr, is_public); func->next = dc->funcs; dc->funcs = func; return func; } static void sp_CacheLocals(sp_decomp_t *dc, FunctionInfo *info) { sp_file_t *plugin; sp_fdbg_symbol_t *sym; plugin = dc->plugin; /* Search for all locals */ { uint32_t i; uint8_t *cursor; cursor = (uint8_t *)plugin->debug.symbols; for (i = 0; i < plugin->debug.syms_num; i++) { sym = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)cursor; if ((sym->codestart >= info->code_addr && sym->codestart < info->code_end) && (sym->codeend <= info->code_end && sym->codeend >= info->code_addr) && sym->vclass == 1) { info->num_known_vars++; } cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t); if (sym->dimcount > 0) { cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t) * sym->dimcount; } } } /* Map all locals into place. */ if (info->num_known_vars) { uint32_t i, num; uint8_t *cursor; num = 0; info->known_vars = new FuncVar[info->num_known_vars]; memset(info->known_vars, 0, sizeof(FuncVar) * info->num_known_vars); cursor = (uint8_t *)plugin->debug.symbols; for (i = 0; i < plugin->debug.syms_num; i++) { sym = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)cursor; if (sym->ident == SP_SYM_VARIABLE || sym->ident == SP_SYM_REFARRAY || sym->ident == SP_SYM_REFERENCE || sym->ident == SP_SYM_ARRAY) { /* Detect all function variables. */ if ((sym->codestart >= info->code_addr && sym->codestart < info->code_end) && (sym->codeend <= info->code_end && sym->codeend >= info->code_addr) && sym->vclass == 1) { assert(num < info->num_known_vars); info->known_vars[num].sym = sym; info->known_vars[num].name = plugin->debug.stringbase + sym->name; info->known_vars[num].tag = (sym->tagid == 0) ? NULL : Sp_FindTag(plugin, sym->tagid); info->known_vars[num].dimcount = sym->dimcount; info->known_vars[num].dims = (sym->dimcount == 0) ? NULL : (sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *)(cursor + sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t)); num++; } } cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t); if (sym->dimcount > 0) { cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t) * sym->dimcount; } } assert(num == info->num_known_vars); } } static void sp_PrintFunctionPrototype(PrintBuffer *printer, sp_decomp_t *dc, FunctionInfo *func) { FuncVar *var; if (func->is_public) { printer->Append("public "); } if (func->tag != NULL) { printer->Append("%s:", func->tag->name); } printer->Append("%s(", func->name); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < func->num_known_args; i++) { var = &func->known_args[i]; if (var->sym == NULL) { printer->Append("unknown_arg_%d%s, ", i, i == func->num_known_args - 1 ? "" : ","); continue; } if (var->sym->ident == SP_SYM_REFERENCE) { printer->Append("&"); } if (var->tag != NULL) { printer->Append("%s:", var->tag->name); } printer->Append("%s", var->name); if (var->sym->dimcount > 0) { sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *dims = (sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *)((char *)var->sym + sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t)); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < var->sym->dimcount; j++) { if (dims[j].size == 0) { printer->Append("[]"); } else { printer->Append("[%d]", dims[j].size); } } } if (i != func->num_known_args - 1) { printer->Append(", "); } } printer->Append(")"); } void sp_DebugExprTree(PrintBuffer *buffer, BaseNode *node, bool is_stmt=false) { switch (node->op) { case _OP_DEFINE: { DefineNode *def = (DefineNode *)node; buffer->Append("new %s = ", def->name); sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, def->other, is_stmt); break; } case OP_CALL: { CallNode *call = (CallNode *)node; buffer->Append("%s(", call->func->name); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < call->argc; i++) { sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, call->args[i], false); } buffer->Append(")"); break; } case _OP_USE: { UseNode *unode = (UseNode *)node; buffer->Append("%s", unode->def->name); break; } case _OP_VAR: { VarNode *var_node = (VarNode *)node; buffer->Append("%s", var_node->var->name); break; } case _OP_NEW: { DeclNode *d_node = (DeclNode *)node; if (d_node->expr == NULL) { buffer->Append("decl "); sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, d_node->var, true); } else { buffer->Append("new "); sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, d_node->var, true); buffer->Append(" = "); sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, d_node->expr, true); } break; } case _OP_STMT: case OP_RETN: { StmtNode *u_node = (StmtNode *)node; while (u_node != NULL) { buffer->Append("\t"); if (u_node->op == OP_RETN) { buffer->Append("return "); } sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, u_node->node, true); buffer->Append(";\n"); u_node = u_node->next; } break; } case _OP_CONST: { ConstNode *c_node = (ConstNode *)node; buffer->Append("%d", c_node->val); break; } case OP_ADD: case OP_ADD_C: case OP_SMUL: case OP_SMUL_C: case OP_SDIV: case OP_SUB_ALT: case _OP_STORE: case _OP_MODULO: { BinOpNode *bin_node = (BinOpNode *)node; if (!is_stmt) { buffer->Append("("); } sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, bin_node->left); switch (node->op) { case OP_ADD: case OP_ADD_C: { buffer->Append(" + "); break; } case OP_SMUL: case OP_SMUL_C: { buffer->Append(" * "); break; } case _OP_STORE: { buffer->Append(" = "); break; } case OP_SUB_ALT: { buffer->Append(" - "); break; } case OP_SDIV: { buffer->Append(" / "); break; } case _OP_MODULO: { buffer->Append(" % "); break; } } sp_DebugExprTree(buffer, bin_node->right, node->op == _OP_STORE); if (!is_stmt) { buffer->Append(")"); } break; } } } void sp_DebugPrint(FunctionInfo *info, sp_decomp_t *dc, BaseNode *node) { PrintBuffer buffer; sp_PrintFunctionPrototype(&buffer, dc, info); buffer.Append("\n{\n"); sp_DebugExprTree(&buffer, node, true); buffer.Append("}\n"); buffer.Dump(stdout); } #define PCODE_VAL(pcode, offs) *(cell_t *)((char *)(pcode)+(offs)) #define PCODE_PARAM(pcode, offs, num) *(cell_t *)((char *)(pcode)+(offs)+((num)*sizeof(cell_t))) FuncVar *sp_FindGraphVar(FunctionInfo *func, ucell_t cip, cell_t sp, cell_t stack) { if (stack >= 0xC) { if ((stack & 0x3) != 0) { return NULL; } stack -= 0xC; stack >>= 2; if (stack >= SP_MAX_EXEC_PARAMS) { return NULL; } if (func->known_args[stack].sym == NULL) { return NULL; } return &func->known_args[stack]; } else if (stack < 0) { FuncVar *var; if (stack < sp) { return NULL; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < func->num_known_vars; i++) { var = &func->known_vars[i]; if (cip >= var->sym->codestart && cip <= var->sym->codeend && stack == var->sym->addr) { return var; } } return NULL; } else { return NULL; } } #define CHECK_VALUE(v) \ assert(v != NULL); \ if (v == NULL) { \ err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; \ goto return_error; \ } void *operator new(size_t size, ControlFlowGraph *graph) { return malloc(size); } void *operator new[](size_t size, ControlFlowGraph *graph) { return malloc(size); } void operator delete(void *mem, ControlFlowGraph *graph) { free(mem); } void operator delete[](void *mem, ControlFlowGraph *graph) { free(mem); } #define MAX_STACK_ENTRIES 256 struct StackEntry { StackEntry() { } StackEntry(cell_t d, BaseNode *e) : depth(d), expr(e) { } cell_t depth; BaseNode *expr; }; int sp_AnalyzeGraph(sp_decomp_t *dc, ControlFlowGraph *graph) { int err; cell_t sp; Block *block; cell_t *pcode; cell_t cip, cip_end; StmtNode *root, *rtemp; StmtNode *root_tail; BaseNode *pri, *alt; FunctionInfo *func, *tfunc; cell_t p1, p2, op; FuncVar *v1, *v2; unsigned int callnumber = 0; unsigned int stack_entries = 0; StackEntry eval_stack[MAX_STACK_ENTRIES]; /* Init everything. * Stack pointer starts off at 0. */ sp = 0; pri = NULL; alt = NULL; root = NULL; func = graph->func; block = graph->entry; pcode = (cell_t *)dc->plugin->pcode; cip = block->ip_start; cip_end = block->ip_end; root_tail = root = new (graph) StmtNode(_OP_STMT, NULL, NULL); while (cip < cip_end) { op = PCODE_VAL(pcode, cip); switch (op) { case OP_PROC: case OP_BREAK: { break; } case OP_CALL: case OP_SYSREQ_N: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); if (op == OP_CALL) { tfunc = sp_GetFuncPrototype(dc, p1, false); } else if (op == OP_SYSREQ_N) { assert(dc->natives); assert(uint32_t(p1) < dc->plugin->num_natives); tfunc = &dc->natives[p1]; } CHECK_VALUE(tfunc); /* Sanity checks, :TODO: runtime checks later. */ assert(stack_entries >= 1); if (op == OP_SYSREQ_N) { p2 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 2); } else { /* Try to read the value off the stack. */ ConstNode *cnode; cnode = (ConstNode *)eval_stack[stack_entries-1].expr; /* Sanity checks, :TODO: runtime checks later. */ assert(cnode->op == _OP_CONST); assert(cnode->val >= 0); assert(uint32_t(cnode->val) == tfunc->num_known_args); p2 = cnode->val; stack_entries--; } assert(uint32_t(p2) <= stack_entries); /* Build arg SSA */ BaseNode **nodes = new (graph) BaseNode *[p2]; for (cell_t argno = 0; argno < p2; argno++, stack_entries--) { nodes[argno] = eval_stack[stack_entries-1].expr; } /* Get rid of any args we pushed. */ sp += p2 * sizeof(cell_t); if (op == OP_CALL) { sp += sizeof(cell_t); } assert(sp <= 0); /* Build function call SSA */ pri = new (graph) CallNode(tfunc, nodes, p2); pri = new (graph) DefineNode(pri, "call%03x", ++callnumber); rtemp = new (graph) StmtNode(_OP_STMT, pri, NULL); root_tail->next = rtemp; root_tail = rtemp; pri = new (graph) UseNode((DefineNode *)pri); break; } case OP_CONST_PRI: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); pri = new (graph) ConstNode(p1); break; } case OP_PUSH_C: case OP_PUSH2_C: case OP_PUSH3_C: case OP_PUSH5_C: { for (int N = 1; N <= dc->opdef[op].params; N++) { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, N); /* Adjust stack pointer. */ sp -= sizeof(cell_t); if ((v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, sp)) == NULL) { /* Add a new stack entry. */ assert(stack_entries < MAX_STACK_ENTRIES); eval_stack[stack_entries++] = StackEntry(sp, new ConstNode(p1)); } else { assert(v1->new_stmt == NULL); if (v1->new_stmt == NULL) { v1->new_stmt = new (graph) DeclNode( new (graph) VarNode(v1), new (graph) ConstNode(p1)); rtemp = new (graph) StmtNode( _OP_STMT, v1->new_stmt, NULL); root_tail->next = rtemp; root_tail = rtemp; } } } break; } case OP_PUSH_S: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p1); CHECK_VALUE(v1); /* Adjust stack pointer. */ sp -= sizeof(cell_t); /* Right now, don't allow aliasing or overflows. */ assert(sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, sp) == NULL); assert(stack_entries < MAX_STACK_ENTRIES); /* Add a new stack entry. */ eval_stack[stack_entries++] = StackEntry(sp, new (graph) VarNode(v1)); break; } case OP_PUSH_PRI: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); /* Adjust stack pointer. */ sp -= sizeof(cell_t); /* Right now, don't allow aliasing or overflows. */ assert(sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, sp) == NULL); assert(stack_entries < MAX_STACK_ENTRIES); /* Add a new stack entry. */ eval_stack[stack_entries++] = StackEntry(sp, pri); break; } case OP_POP_ALT: { assert(stack_entries > 0); assert(eval_stack[stack_entries - 1].depth == sp); alt = eval_stack[--stack_entries].expr; sp += sizeof(cell_t); assert(sp <= 0); break; } case OP_STACK: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); sp += p1; assert(sp <= 0); if (p1 < 0) { /* Find if we should track a new variable declaration. */ v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, sp); CHECK_VALUE(v1); assert(v1->new_stmt == NULL); if (v1->new_stmt == NULL) { v1->new_stmt = new (graph) DeclNode( new (graph) VarNode(v1), NULL); rtemp = new (graph) StmtNode( _OP_STMT, v1->new_stmt, NULL); root_tail->next = rtemp; root_tail = rtemp; } assert(abs(p1) >> 2 == 1); } else { /* Erase anything left over on the evaluation stack. */ while (stack_entries > 0 && eval_stack[stack_entries - 1].depth < sp) { assert(0); stack_entries--; } } break; } case OP_ZERO_PRI: { pri = new (graph) ConstNode(0); break; } case OP_MOVE_ALT: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); alt = pri; break; } case OP_LOAD_S_PRI: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p1); CHECK_VALUE(v1); pri = new (graph) VarNode(v1); break; } case OP_LOAD_S_ALT: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p1); CHECK_VALUE(v1); alt = new (graph) VarNode(v1); break; } case OP_STOR_S_PRI: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p1); CHECK_VALUE(v1); CHECK_VALUE(pri); rtemp = new (graph) StmtNode( _OP_STMT, new (graph) BinOpNode(_OP_STORE, new (graph) VarNode(v1), pri), NULL); root_tail->next = rtemp; root_tail = rtemp; /** * We create a varnode to simulate a load here. * This helps accidental duplication of the expression tree. */ pri = new (graph) VarNode(v1); break; } case OP_LOAD_S_BOTH: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); p2 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 2); v1 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p1); v2 = sp_FindGraphVar(func, cip, sp, p2); CHECK_VALUE(v1); CHECK_VALUE(v2); pri = new (graph) VarNode(v1); alt = new (graph) VarNode(v2); break; } case OP_ADD: case OP_SMUL: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); CHECK_VALUE(alt); pri = new (graph) BinOpNode(op, pri, alt); break; } case OP_SUB_ALT: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); CHECK_VALUE(alt); pri = new (graph) BinOpNode(op, alt, pri); break; } case OP_SDIV: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); CHECK_VALUE(alt); pri = new (graph) BinOpNode(OP_SDIV, pri, alt); alt = new (graph) BinOpNode(_OP_MODULO, pri, alt); break; } case OP_SDIV_ALT: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); CHECK_VALUE(alt); pri = new (graph) BinOpNode(OP_SDIV, alt, pri); alt = new (graph) BinOpNode(_OP_MODULO, alt, pri); break; } case OP_ADD_C: case OP_SMUL_C: { p1 = PCODE_PARAM(pcode, cip, 1); CHECK_VALUE(pri); pri = new (graph) BinOpNode(op, pri, new (graph) ConstNode(p1)); break; } case OP_RETN: { CHECK_VALUE(pri); rtemp = new (graph) StmtNode(op, pri, NULL); root_tail->next = rtemp; root_tail = rtemp; break; } default: { assert(0); break; } } NEXT_OP(cip, op); } sp_DebugPrint(graph->func, dc, root->next); return SP_ERROR_NONE; return_error: return err; } #undef CHECK_FUNCVAR inline Block *sp_BlockFromMap(sp_decomp_t *dc, ControlFlowGraph *graph, cell_t cip) { cell_t val; assert(PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip) & PCM_HAS_BLOCK); val = PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip); val >>= PCM_NUM_BITS; assert(val >= 0 && val < (cell_t)graph->used_blocks); return &graph->blocks[val]; } void sp_InsertBlock(sp_decomp_t *dc, unsigned int index, cell_t cip) { cell_t val; val = PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip); assert(!(val & PCM_HAS_BLOCK)); assert(index < 0x20000000); val |= PCM_HAS_BLOCK; val |= index << 3; PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip) = val; } static Block *sp_BuildBlocks(sp_decomp_t *dc, ControlFlowGraph *graph, cell_t cip) { cell_t op; bool is_branch; cell_t target; Block *block; Edge *edge_tail; Block *outgoing; cell_t cip_end; cell_t *pcode; target = 0; cip_end = graph->func->code_end; pcode = (cell_t *)dc->plugin->pcode; if (PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip) & PCM_HAS_BLOCK) { return sp_BlockFromMap(dc, graph, cip); } /* We can't add a new block if we hit our limit. */ assert(graph->used_blocks < graph->max_blocks); if (graph->used_blocks >= graph->max_blocks) { return NULL; } edge_tail = NULL; /* Reserve a new block. */ block = &graph->blocks[graph->used_blocks++]; block->ip_start = cip; /* Enter us into the map. */ sp_InsertBlock(dc, graph->used_blocks - 1, cip); /* Walk the code. */ while (cip < cip_end) { /* Check whether this is the start of a new block. */ if (cip != block->ip_start && (PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip) & PCM_BRANCH_TARGET)) { block->ip_end = cip; if ((outgoing = sp_BuildBlocks(dc, graph, cip)) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* :TODO: add edge */ return block; } is_branch = false; op = PCODE_VAL(pcode, cip); NEXT_OP(cip, op); if (is_branch) { /* Check that branch offsets go to valid instructions. */ if (!(PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, target) & PCM_OPCODE)) { graph->err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; return NULL; } /* Get our target block. */ if ((outgoing = sp_BuildBlocks(dc, graph, target)) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* :TODO: add edge */ } else if (op == OP_RETN /* :TODO: || op == OP_RET*/) { block->ip_end = cip; return block; } } graph->err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; return NULL; } int Sp_DecompFunction(sp_decomp_t *dc, uint32_t code_addr, bool is_public) { int err; cell_t op; ucell_t cip; cell_t *pcode; ucell_t cip_end; sp_file_t *plugin; FunctionInfo *func; ControlFlowGraph graph; func = NULL; plugin = dc->plugin; memset(&graph, 0, sizeof(graph)); if (code_addr >= plugin->pcode_size) { err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; goto return_error; } pcode = (cell_t *)plugin->pcode; if (PCODE_VAL(pcode, code_addr) != OP_PROC) { err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; goto return_error; } cip = code_addr + sizeof(cell_t); /* See if we have an existing function stored. */ func = sp_GetFuncPrototype(dc, code_addr, true, is_public); while (cip < plugin->pcode_size) { op = PCODE_VAL(pcode, cip); if (op >= OP_TOTAL || op < 0) { err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; } if (dc->opdef[op].name == NULL) { err = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; } if (op == OP_PROC) { break; } NEXT_OP(cip, op); } cip_end = cip; func->code_end = cip_end; /* Now we can cache all local vars. */ sp_CacheLocals(dc, func); /** * Make the entry point as the first block. * It needs to be flagged as well so it doesn't get double counted. */ memset(&PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, code_addr), 0, cip_end - code_addr); graph.max_blocks = 1; graph.func = func; PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, code_addr) |= PCM_BRANCH_TARGET; /* Walk the code. */ { cell_t target; bool is_branch; target = 0; cip = code_addr; while (cip < cip_end) { /* Get opcode */ op = PCODE_VAL(pcode, cip); /* Mark as not a branch */ is_branch = false; /* Make sure we know this is a valid target */ PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, cip) |= PCM_OPCODE; if (is_branch) { /** * Keep track of where branches are and how many blocks we need. */ if (!(PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, target) & PCM_BRANCH_TARGET)) { PCODE_VAL(dc->pcode_map, target) |= PCM_BRANCH_TARGET; graph.max_blocks++; /** * If we're creating a new block, estimate that we need to create a new edge * as well. */ graph.max_edges++; } /** * In this algorithm, jumps do not terminate a block unless they are unconditional. * This reduces the number of blocks and edges. * * A property of this is that jumps are edges, so the number of edges is identical * to the number of jumps. */ graph.max_edges++; } NEXT_OP(cip, op); } } /* Initialize memory needed for the graph. */ graph.blocks = new Block[graph.max_blocks]; memset(graph.blocks, 0, sizeof(Block) * graph.max_blocks); if (graph.max_edges != 0) { graph.edges = new Edge[graph.max_edges]; memset(graph.edges, 0, sizeof(Edge) * graph.max_edges); } if ((graph.entry = sp_BuildBlocks(dc, &graph, code_addr)) == NULL) { if ((err = graph.err) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { err = SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } goto return_error; } if ((err = sp_AnalyzeGraph(dc, &graph)) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { goto return_error; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; return_error: return err; }