#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct memfile_s
	char *name;
	char *base;
	long offs;
	long usedoffs;
	size_t size;
	int _static;
} memfile_t;

 * Creates a new memory file
 * init is the initial size in bytes
memfile_t *memfile_creat(const char *name, size_t init);

 * Frees the memory associated.
void memfile_destroy(memfile_t *mf);

 * Seeks to a given offset (always from start)
void memfile_seek(memfile_t *mf, long seek);

 * Writes to a memory buffer (expands as necessary).
 * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int memfile_write(memfile_t *mf, const void *buffer, size_t size);

 * Reads a number of bytes from a memory buffer.
 * Returns the number of bytes read until the end was hit.
size_t memfile_read(memfile_t *mf, void *buffer, size_t maxsize);

 * Returns the current position from the start.
long memfile_tell(memfile_t *mf);

 * Resets all the states of the memory buffer.
 * (does not actually free or zero memory)
void memfile_reset(memfile_t *mf);