diff --git a/extensions/sdkhooks/natives.cpp b/extensions/sdkhooks/natives.cpp index f1ac936d..ed3ee77e 100644 --- a/extensions/sdkhooks/natives.cpp +++ b/extensions/sdkhooks/natives.cpp @@ -34,10 +34,8 @@ #include "natives.h" #include -#if defined SH_DECL_MANUALEXTERN1 SH_DECL_MANUALEXTERN1(OnTakeDamage, int, CTakeDamageInfoHack &); SH_DECL_MANUALEXTERN3_void(Weapon_Drop, CBaseCombatWeapon *, const Vector *, const Vector *); -#endif cell_t Native_Hook(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { @@ -100,10 +98,6 @@ cell_t Native_Unhook(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) cell_t Native_TakeDamage(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { -// todo: fix code to not require this >.< -#if !defined SH_DECL_MANUALEXTERN1 - pContext->ThrowNativeError("SDKHooks_TakeDamage is not supported on this engine."); -#else CBaseEntity *pVictim = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[1]); if (!pVictim) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity index %d for victim", params[1]); @@ -177,17 +171,12 @@ cell_t Native_TakeDamage(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) CTakeDamageInfoHack info(pInflictor, pAttacker, flDamage, iDamageType, pWeapon, vecDamageForce, vecDamagePosition); SH_MCALL(pVictim, OnTakeDamage)((CTakeDamageInfoHack &)info); -#endif return 0; } cell_t Native_DropWeapon(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { -// todo: fix code to not require this >.< -#if !defined SH_DECL_MANUALEXTERN1 - pContext->ThrowNativeError("SDKHooks_DropWeapon is not supported on this engine."); -#else CBaseEntity *pPlayer = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[1]); if (!pPlayer) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]); @@ -255,7 +244,6 @@ cell_t Native_DropWeapon(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) } SH_MCALL(pPlayer, Weapon_Drop)((CBaseCombatWeapon *)pWeapon, &vecTarget, &vecVelocity); -#endif return 0; }