Merge pull request #188 from alliedmodders/tr-stack

Port adt_stack to transitional syntax.
This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2014-11-15 12:47:21 -08:00
commit 758a7c955c
3 changed files with 192 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "common_logic.h"
#include "CellArray.h"
#include "handle_helpers.h"
HandleType_t htCellStack;
@ -293,6 +294,79 @@ static cell_t IsStackEmpty(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
return 0;
static cell_t ArrayStack_Pop(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
OpenHandle<CellArray> array(pContext, params[1], htCellStack);
if (!array.Ok())
return 0;
if (array->size() == 0)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("stack is empty");
cell_t *blk = array->at(array->size() - 1);
cell_t idx = (size_t)params[2];
cell_t rval;
if (params[3] == 0) {
if (idx >= array->blocksize())
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid block %d (blocksize: %d)", idx, array->blocksize());
rval = blk[idx];
} else {
if (idx >= array->blocksize() * 4)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid byte %d (blocksize: %d bytes)", idx, array->blocksize() * 4);
rval = (cell_t)*((char *)blk + idx);
array->remove(array->size() - 1);
return rval;
static cell_t ArrayStack_PopString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
OpenHandle<CellArray> array(pContext, params[1], htCellStack);
if (!array.Ok())
return 0;
if (array->size() == 0)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("stack is empty");
size_t idx = array->size() - 1;
cell_t *blk = array->at(idx);
cell_t *pWritten;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[4], &pWritten);
size_t numWritten;
pContext->StringToLocalUTF8(params[2], params[3], (char *)blk, &numWritten);
*pWritten = (cell_t)numWritten;
return 1;
static cell_t ArrayStack_PopArray(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
OpenHandle<CellArray> array(pContext, params[1], htCellStack);
if (!array.Ok())
return 0;
if (array->size() == 0)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("stack is empty");
cell_t *addr;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &addr);
size_t idx = array->size() - 1;
cell_t *blk = array->at(idx);
size_t indexes = array->blocksize();
if (params[3] != -1 && (size_t)params[3] <= array->blocksize())
indexes = params[3];
memcpy(addr, blk, sizeof(cell_t) * indexes);
return 0;
{"CreateStack", CreateStack},
@ -303,5 +377,16 @@ REGISTER_NATIVES(cellStackNatives)
{"PushStackArray", PushStackArray},
{"PushStackCell", PushStackCell},
{"PushStackString", PushStackString},
// Transitional syntax support.
{"ArrayStack.ArrayStack", CreateStack},
{"ArrayStack.Pop", ArrayStack_Pop},
{"ArrayStack.PopString", ArrayStack_PopString},
{"ArrayStack.PopArray", ArrayStack_PopArray},
{"ArrayStack.Push", PushStackCell},
{"ArrayStack.PushString", PushStackString},
{"ArrayStack.PushArray", PushStackArray},
{"ArrayStack.Empty.get", IsStackEmpty},

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* SourceMod (C)2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
@ -35,6 +35,82 @@
#define _adt_stack_included
methodmap ArrayStack < Handle
// Creates a stack structure. A stack is a LIFO (last in, first out)
// vector (array) of items. It has O(1) insertion and O(1) removal.
// Stacks have two operations: Push (adding an item) and Pop (removes
// items in reverse-push order).
// The contents of the stack are uniform; i.e. storing a string and then
// retrieving it as an integer is NOT the same as StringToInt()!
// The "blocksize" determines how many cells each slot has; it cannot
// be changed after creation.
// @param blocksize The number of cells each entry in the stack can
// hold. For example, 32 cells is equivalent to:
// new Array[X][32]
public native ArrayStack(int blocksize=1);
// Pushes a value onto the end of the stack, adding a new index.
// This may safely be used even if the stack has a blocksize
// greater than 1.
// @param value Value to push.
public native void Push(any value);
// Pushes a copy of a string onto the end of a stack, truncating it if it
// is too big.
// @param value String to push.
public native void PushString(const char[] value);
// Pushes a copy of an array of cells onto the end of a stack. The cells
// are pushed as a block (i.e. the entire array takes up one stack slot),
// rather than pushing each cell individually.
// @param stack Stack Handle.
// @param values Block of values to copy.
// @param size If not set, the number of elements copied from the array
// will be equal to the blocksize. If set higher than the
// blocksize, the operation will be truncated.
public native void PushArray(const any[] values, int size=-1);
// Pops a cell value from a stack.
// @param block Optionally specify which block to read from
// (useful if the blocksize > 0).
// @param asChar Optionally read as a byte instead of a cell.
// @return True on success, false if the stack is empty.
// @error The stack is empty.
public native any Pop(int block=0, bool asChar=false);
// Pops a string value from a stack.
// @param buffer Buffer to store string.
// @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer.
// @oaram written Number of characters written to buffer, not including
// the null terminator.
// @error The stack is empty.
public native void PopString(char[] buffer, int maxlength, int &written = 0);
// Pops an array of cells from a stack.
// @param buffer Buffer to store the array in.
// @param size If not set, assumes the buffer size is equal to the
// blocksize. Otherwise, the size passed is used.
// @error The stack is empty.
public native void PopArray(any[] buffer, int size=-1);
// Returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise.
property bool Empty {
public native get();
* Creates a stack structure. A stack is a LIFO (last in, first out)
* vector (array) of items. It has O(1) insertion and O(1) removal.
@ -53,7 +129,7 @@
* new Array[X][32]
* @return New stack Handle.
native Handle:CreateStack(blocksize=1);
native ArrayStack CreateStack(int blocksize=1);
* Pushes a value onto the end of the stack, adding a new index.
@ -63,24 +139,22 @@ native Handle:CreateStack(blocksize=1);
* @param stack Stack Handle.
* @param value Value to push.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or out of memory.
native PushStackCell(Handle:stack, any:value);
native void PushStackCell(Handle stack, any value);
* Pushes a string onto the end of a stack, truncating it if it is
* Pushes a copy of a string onto the end of a stack, truncating it if it is
* too big.
* @param stack Stack Handle.
* @param value String to push.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or out of memory.
native PushStackString(Handle:stack, const String:value[]);
native void PushStackString(Handle stack, const char[] value);
* Pushes an array of cells onto the end of a stack. The cells
* Pushes a copy of an array of cells onto the end of a stack. The cells
* are pushed as a block (i.e. the entire array takes up one stack slot),
* rather than pushing each cell individually.
@ -89,10 +163,9 @@ native PushStackString(Handle:stack, const String:value[]);
* @param size If not set, the number of elements copied from the array
* will be equal to the blocksize. If set higher than the
* blocksize, the operation will be truncated.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or out of memory.
native PushStackArray(Handle:stack, const any:values[], size=-1);
native void PushStackArray(Handle stack, const any[] values, int size=-1);
* Pops a cell value from a stack.
@ -105,7 +178,7 @@ native PushStackArray(Handle:stack, const any:values[], size=-1);
* @return True on success, false if the stack is empty.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:PopStackCell(Handle:stack, &any:value, block=0, bool:asChar=false);
native bool PopStackCell(Handle stack, any &value, int block=0, bool asChar=false);
* Pops a string value from a stack.
@ -116,7 +189,7 @@ native bool:PopStackCell(Handle:stack, &any:value, block=0, bool:asChar=false);
* @return True on success, false if the stack is empty.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:PopStackString(Handle:stack, String:buffer[], maxlength, &written=0);
native bool PopStackString(Handle stack, char[] buffer, int maxlength, int &written=0);
* Pops an array of cells from a stack.
@ -128,7 +201,7 @@ native bool:PopStackString(Handle:stack, String:buffer[], maxlength, &written=0)
* @return True on success, false if the stack is empty.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:PopStackArray(Handle:stack, any:buffer[], size=-1);
native bool PopStackArray(Handle stack, any[] buffer, int size=-1);
* Checks if a stack is empty.
@ -137,7 +210,7 @@ native bool:PopStackArray(Handle:stack, any:buffer[], size=-1);
* @return True if empty, false if not empty.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native bool:IsStackEmpty(Handle:stack);
native bool IsStackEmpty(Handle stack);
* Pops a value off a stack, ignoring it completely.
@ -146,9 +219,8 @@ native bool:IsStackEmpty(Handle:stack);
* @return True if something was popped, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid Handle.
stock PopStack(Handle:stack)
stock bool PopStack(Handle stack)
new value;
return PopStackCell(stack, value);

View File

@ -16,38 +16,36 @@ public OnPluginStart()
public Action:Test_Stack(args)
new Handle:stack;
new test[20]
decl String:buffer[42];
int test[20];
char buffer[42];
test[0] = 5
test[1] = 7
stack = CreateStack(30);
PushStackCell(stack, 50);
PushStackArray(stack, test, 2);
PushStackArray(stack, test, 2);
PushStackString(stack, "space craaab");
PushStackCell(stack, 12);
ArrayStack stack = ArrayStack(30);
stack.PushArray(test, 2);
stack.PushArray(test, 2);
stack.PushString("space craaab");
PrintToServer("empty? %d", IsStackEmpty(stack));
PrintToServer("empty? %d", stack.Empty);
PopStackString(stack, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
stack.PopString(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
PrintToServer("popped: \"%s\"", buffer);
test[0] = 0
test[1] = 0
PrintToServer("values: %d, %d", test[0], test[1]);
PopStackArray(stack, test, 2);
stack.PopArray(test, 2);
PrintToServer("popped: %d, %d", test[0], test[1]);
PopStackCell(stack, test[0], 1);
test[0] = stack.Pop(1);
PrintToServer("popped: x, %d", test[0]);
PopStackCell(stack, test[0]);
test[0] = stack.Pop();
PrintToServer("popped: %d", test[0]);
PrintToServer("empty? %d", IsStackEmpty(stack));
PrintToServer("empty? %d", stack.Empty);
delete stack;
return Plugin_Handled;