Add transitional API for maps (aka tries).

This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2014-06-22 22:32:08 -07:00
parent d7b66c2515
commit 4ee04b8a7b
2 changed files with 65 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
* @return New Map Handle, which must be freed via CloseHandle().
native Handle:CreateTrie();
native AdtMap:CreateTrie();
* Sets a value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
@ -155,6 +155,22 @@ native ClearTrie(Handle:map);
native GetTrieSize(Handle:map);
/* Object-oriented wrapper for maps. */
methodmap AdtMap < Handle {
public AdtMap() = CreateTrie;
public SetValue() = SetTrieValue;
public SetArray() = SetTrieArray;
public SetString() = SetTrieString;
public GetValue() = GetTrieValue;
public GetArray() = GetTrieArray;
public GetString() = GetTrieString;
public Remove() = RemoveFromTrie;
public Clear() = ClearTrie;
property int Size {
public get() = GetTrieSize;
* Creates a snapshot of all keys in the map. If the map is changed after this
* call, the changes are not reflected in the snapshot. Keys are not sorted.

View File

@ -12,127 +12,127 @@ public Plugin:myinfo =
public OnPluginStart()
RegServerCmd("test_tries", RunTests);
RegServerCmd("test_maps", RunTests);
public Action:RunTests(argc)
new Handle:trie = CreateTrie();
new AdtMap:map = AdtMap();
for (new i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
new String:buffer[24];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", i);
if (!SetTrieValue(trie, buffer, i))
ThrowError("set trie to %d failed", i);
if (!map.SetValue(buffer, i))
ThrowError("set map to %d failed", i);
new value;
if (!GetTrieValue(trie, buffer, value))
ThrowError("get trie %d", i);
if (!map.GetValue(buffer, value))
ThrowError("get map %d", i);
if (value != i)
ThrowError("get trie %d == %d", i, i);
ThrowError("get map %d == %d", i, i);
// Setting 17 without replace should fail.
new value;
if (SetTrieValue(trie, "17", 999, false))
ThrowError("set trie 17 should fail");
if (!GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value) || value != 17)
if (SetTrieValue(map, "17", 999, false))
ThrowError("set map 17 should fail");
if (!map.GetValue("17", value) || value != 17)
ThrowError("value at 17 not correct");
if (!SetTrieValue(trie, "17", 999))
ThrowError("set trie 17 = 999 should succeed");
if (!GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value) || value != 999)
if (!SetTrieValue(map, "17", 999))
ThrowError("set map 17 = 999 should succeed");
if (!map.GetValue("17", value) || value != 999)
ThrowError("value at 17 not correct");
// Check size is 64.
if (GetTrieSize(trie) != 64)
ThrowError("trie size not 64");
if (map.Size != 64)
ThrowError("map size not 64");
// Check "cat" is not found.
new array[64];
new String:string[64];
if (GetTrieValue(trie, "cat", value) ||
GetTrieArray(trie, "cat", array, sizeof(array)) ||
GetTrieString(trie, "cat", string, sizeof(string)))
if (map.GetValue("cat", value) ||
map.GetArray("cat", array, sizeof(array)) ||
map.GetString("cat", string, sizeof(string)))
ThrowError("trie should not have a cat");
ThrowError("map should not have a cat");
// Check that "17" is not a string or array.
if (GetTrieArray(trie, "17", array, sizeof(array)) ||
GetTrieString(trie, "17", string, sizeof(string)))
if (map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)) ||
map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string)))
ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string");
// Strings.
if (!SetTrieString(trie, "17", "hellokitty"))
if (!map.SetString("17", "hellokitty"))
ThrowError("17 should be string");
if (!GetTrieString(trie, "17", string, sizeof(string)) ||
if (!map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string)) ||
strcmp(string, "hellokitty") != 0)
ThrowError("17 should be hellokitty");
if (GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value) ||
GetTrieArray(trie, "17", array, sizeof(array)))
if (map.GetValue("17", value) ||
map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)))
ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string");
// Arrays.
new data[5] = { 93, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (!SetTrieArray(trie, "17", data, 5))
if (!map.SetArray("17", data, 5))
ThrowError("17 should be string");
if (!GetTrieArray(trie, "17", array, sizeof(array)))
if (!map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)))
ThrowError("17 should be hellokitty");
for (new i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (data[i] != array[i])
ThrowError("17 slot %d should be %d, got %d", i, data[i], array[i]);
if (GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value) ||
GetTrieString(trie, "17", string, sizeof(string)))
if (map.GetValue("17", value) ||
map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string)))
ThrowError("entry 17 should not be an array or string");
if (!SetTrieArray(trie, "17", data, 1))
if (!map.SetArray("17", data, 1))
ThrowError("couldn't set 17 to 1-entry array");
// Check that we fixed an old bug where 1-entry arrays where cells
if (!GetTrieArray(trie, "17", array, sizeof(array), value))
if (!map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array), value))
ThrowError("couldn't fetch 1-entry array");
if (value != 1)
ThrowError("array size mismatch (%d, expected %d)", value, 1);
// Check that we maintained backward compatibility.
if (!GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value))
if (!map.GetValue("17", value))
ThrowError("backwards compatibility failed");
if (value != data[0])
ThrowError("wrong value (%d, expected %d)", value, data[0]);
// Remove "17".
if (!RemoveFromTrie(trie, "17"))
if (!map.Remove("17"))
ThrowError("17 should have been removed");
if (RemoveFromTrie(trie, "17"))
if (map.Remove("17"))
ThrowError("17 should not exist");
if (GetTrieValue(trie, "17", value) ||
GetTrieArray(trie, "17", array, sizeof(array)) ||
GetTrieString(trie, "17", string, sizeof(string)))
if (map.GetValue("17", value) ||
map.GetArray("17", array, sizeof(array)) ||
map.GetString("17", string, sizeof(string)))
ThrowError("trie should not have a 17");
ThrowError("map should not have a 17");
if (GetTrieSize(trie))
if (map.Size)
ThrowError("size should be 0");
SetTrieString(trie, "adventure", "time!");
SetTrieString(trie, "butterflies", "bees");
SetTrieString(trie, "egg", "egg");
map.SetString("adventure", "time!");
map.SetString("butterflies", "bees");
map.SetString("egg", "egg");
new Handle:keys = CreateTrieSnapshot(trie);
new Handle:keys = CreateTrieSnapshot(map);
if (TrieSnapshotLength(keys) != 3)
ThrowError("trie snapshot length should be 3");
ThrowError("map snapshot length should be 3");
new bool:found[3];
for (new i = 0; i < TrieSnapshotLength(keys); i++) {
@ -153,10 +153,11 @@ public Action:RunTests(argc)
if (!found[0] || !found[1] || !found[2])
ThrowError("did not find all keys");
delete keys;
PrintToServer("All tests passed!");
delete map;
return Plugin_Handled;