Added filetest.sp to testsuite.

This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2008-11-29 22:44:11 -06:00
parent 7ff0129f36
commit 3cf30f5e62

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#include <sourcemod>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "File test",
author = "AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Tests file functions",
version = "",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
RegServerCmd("test_fread1", Test_ReadBinStr);
Handle:OpenFile2(const String:path[], const String:mode[])
new Handle:file = OpenFile(path, mode);
if (file == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToServer("Failed to open file %s for %s", path, mode);
PrintToServer("Opened file handle %x: %s", file, path);
return file;
public Action:Test_ReadBinStr(args)
new items[] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 92, 193, 26, 0, 84, 248, 2};
new Handle:of = OpenFile2("smbintest", "wb");
return Plugin_Handled;
WriteFile(of, items, sizeof(items), 1);
new Handle:inf = OpenFile2("smbintest", "rb");
new String:buffer[sizeof(items)];
ReadFileString(inf, buffer, sizeof(items), sizeof(items));
FileSeek(inf, 0, SEEK_SET);
new items2[sizeof(items)];
ReadFile(inf, items2, sizeof(items), 1);
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(items); i++)
if (buffer[i] != items[i])
PrintToServer("FAILED ON INDEX %d: %d != %d", i, buffer[i], items[i]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (items2[i] != items[i])
PrintToServer("FAILED ON INDEX %d: %d != %d", i, items2[i], items[i]);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToServer("Test passed!");
return Plugin_Handled;