Added --sdks option to configure script to specify which SDKs to build againt (bug 5630, r+a=dvander).

Valid arguments are "all", "present", or a comma delimited list of engine names.

The "all" option will try to build against all supported SDKs. (This is the default.)
The "present" option will only attempt to build against SDKs that exist on the system.

Examples: --sdks=css,csgo,ep2v --sdks=l4d -s present
This commit is contained in:
Scott Ehlert 2013-03-13 22:02:40 -05:00
parent 9412f687cb
commit 0ddc675472
2 changed files with 73 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -10,29 +10,41 @@ class SM:
#Build SDK info
self.possibleSdks = { }
self.possibleSdks['ep1'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK', 'ext': '1.ep1', 'def': '1',
'name': 'EPISODEONE', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux']}
'name': 'EPISODEONE', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk'}
self.possibleSdks['ep2'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKOB', 'ext': '2.ep2', 'def': '3',
'name': 'ORANGEBOX', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux']}
'name': 'ORANGEBOX', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-ob'}
self.possibleSdks['css'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKCSS', 'ext': '2.css', 'def': '6',
'name': 'CSS', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin']}
'name': 'CSS', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-css'}
self.possibleSdks['ep2v'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKOBVALVE', 'ext': '2.ep2v', 'def': '7',
'name': 'ORANGEBOXVALVE', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin']}
'name': 'ORANGEBOXVALVE', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-ob-valve'}
self.possibleSdks['l4d'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKL4D', 'ext': '2.l4d', 'def': '8',
'name': 'LEFT4DEAD', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin']}
'name': 'LEFT4DEAD', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-l4d'}
self.possibleSdks['l4d2'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKL4D2', 'ext': '2.l4d2', 'def': '9',
'name': 'LEFT4DEAD2', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin']}
'name': 'LEFT4DEAD2', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-l4d2'}
self.possibleSdks['darkm'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK-DARKM', 'ext': '2.darkm', 'def': '2',
'name': 'DARKMESSIAH', 'platform': ['windows']}
'name': 'DARKMESSIAH', 'platform': ['windows'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-darkm'}
self.possibleSdks['swarm'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK-SWARM', 'ext': '2.swarm', 'def': '10',
'name': 'ALIENSWARM', 'platform': ['windows']}
'name': 'ALIENSWARM', 'platform': ['windows'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-swarm'}
self.possibleSdks['bgt'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK-BGT', 'ext': '2.bgt', 'def': '4',
'name': 'BLOODYGOODTIME', 'platform': ['windows']}
'name': 'BLOODYGOODTIME', 'platform': ['windows'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-bgt'}
self.possibleSdks['eye'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK-EYE', 'ext': '2.eye', 'def': '5',
'name': 'EYE', 'platform': ['windows']}
'name': 'EYE', 'platform': ['windows'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-eye'}
self.possibleSdks['csgo'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDKCSGO', 'ext': '2.csgo', 'def': '12',
'name': 'CSGO', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin']}
'name': 'CSGO', 'platform': ['windows', 'linux', 'darwin'],
'dir': 'hl2sdk-csgo'}
# self.possibleSdks['portal2'] = {'sdk': 'HL2SDK-PORTAL2', 'ext': '2.portal2', 'def': '11',
# 'name': 'PORTAL2', 'platform': ['windows']}
# 'name': 'PORTAL2', 'platform': ['windows'],
# 'dir': 'hl2sdk-portal'}
self.sdkInfo = { }
@ -40,59 +52,38 @@ class SM:
#Detect compilers
#Detect variables
envvars = { 'MMSOURCE19': 'mmsource-1.9',
'HL2SDKCSS': 'hl2sdk-css',
'HL2SDKOBVALVE': 'hl2sdk-ob-valve',
'HL2SDKL4D': 'hl2sdk-l4d',
'HL2SDKL4D2': 'hl2sdk-l4d2',
'HL2SDKCSGO': 'hl2sdk-csgo',
'MYSQL5': 'mysql-5.0'
#Required paths
envvars = { 'MMSOURCE19': 'mmsource-1.9', 'MYSQL5': 'mysql-5.0' }
#Look for Metamod:Source and MySQL directories
for env in envvars:
path = self.ResolveEnvPath(env, envvars[env])
if path == None:
raise Exception('Could not find a valid path for {0}'.format(env))
AMBuild.cache.CacheVariable(env, path)
#Look for SDK directories
for sdk in self.possibleSdks:
#Get list of SDKs to build against or 'all' or 'present'
sdkList = AMBuild.options.sdks.split(',')
#Build against all supported SDKs?
useAll = sdkList[0] == 'all'
#Build against supported SDKs that exist?
usePresent = sdkList[0] == 'present'
if['platform'] != 'darwin':
envvars['HL2SDK'] = 'hl2sdk'
envvars['HL2SDKOB'] = 'hl2sdk-ob'
#Dark Messiah is Windows-only
if['platform'] == 'windows':
envvars['HL2SDK-DARKM'] = 'hl2sdk-darkm'
envvars['HL2SDK-SWARM'] = 'hl2sdk-swarm'
envvars['HL2SDK-BGT'] = 'hl2sdk-bgt'
envvars['HL2SDK-EYE'] = 'hl2sdk-eye'
# Finds if a dict with `key` set to `value` is present on the dict of dicts `dictionary`
def findDictByKey(dictionary, key, value):
for index in dictionary:
elem = dictionary[index]
if elem[key] == value:
return (elem, index)
return None
for i in envvars:
if i in os.environ:
path = os.environ[i]
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise Exception('Path for {0} was not found: {1}'.format(i, path))
elif i.startswith('HL2SDK'):
(info, sdk) = findDictByKey(self.possibleSdks, 'sdk', i)
info = self.possibleSdks[sdk]
if['platform'] in info['platform']:
env = info['sdk']
dir = info['dir']
sdkPath = self.ResolveEnvPath(env, dir)
if sdkPath == None:
if useAll or sdk in sdkList:
raise Exception('Could not find a valid path for {0}'.format(env))
if useAll or usePresent or sdk in sdkList:
self.sdkInfo[sdk] = info
head = os.getcwd()
oldhead = None
while head != None and head != oldhead:
path = os.path.join(head, envvars[i])
if os.path.isdir(path):
oldhead = head
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
if i.startswith('HL2SDK'):
if head != None and head != oldhead:
(info, sdk) = findDictByKey(self.possibleSdks, 'sdk', i)
self.sdkInfo[sdk] = info
elif head == None or head == oldhead:
raise Exception('Could not find a valid path for {0}'.format(i))
AMBuild.cache.CacheVariable(i, path)
AMBuild.cache.CacheVariable(env, sdkPath)
if len(self.sdkInfo) < 1:
raise Exception('At least one SDK must be available.')
@ -402,6 +393,22 @@ class SM:
compiler['POSTLINKFLAGS'][0:0] = ['libvstdlib.dylib']
return compiler
def ResolveEnvPath(self, env, defaultDir):
if env in os.environ:
path = os.environ[env]
if os.path.isdir(path):
return path
head = os.getcwd()
oldhead = None
while head != None and head != oldhead:
path = os.path.join(head, defaultDir)
if os.path.isdir(path):
return path
oldhead = head
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
return None
sm = SM()
globals = {

View File

@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ run.options.add_option('--enable-debug', action='store_const', const='1', dest='
help='Enable debugging symbols')
run.options.add_option('--enable-optimize', action='store_const', const='1', dest='opt',
help='Enable optimization')
run.options.add_option('-s', '--sdks', default='all', dest='sdks',
help='Build against specified SDKs; valid args are "all", "present", or '
'comma-delimited list of engine names (default: %default)')