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212 lines
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#include <IForwardSys.h>
#include <IPluginSys.h>
namespace SourceMod
enum ResultType
Pl_Continue = 0, /* No result */
Pl_Handled = 1, /* Result was handled, stop at the end */
Pl_Stop = 2, /* Result was handled, stop now */
enum ExecType
ET_Ignore = 0, /* Ignore all return values, return 0 */
ET_Single = 1, /* Only return the first exec, ignore all others */
ET_Event = 2, /* Acts as an event with the ResultTypes above, no mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */
ET_Hook = 3, /* Acts as a hook with the ResultTypes above, mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */
* @brief Abstracts multiple function calling.
* NOTE: Parameters should be pushed in forward order, unlike
* the virtual machine/IPluginContext order.
class IForward : public IPluginFunction
* @brief Returns the name of the forward.
* @return Forward name.
virtual const char *GetForwardName() =0;
* @brief Pushes a cell onto the current call.
* @param cell Parameter value to push.
* @return True if successful, false if type or count mismatch.
virtual bool PushCell(cell_t cell) =0;
* @brief Pushes a float onto the current call.
* @param float Parameter value to push.
* @return True if successful, false if type or count mismatch.
virtual bool PushFloat(float number) =0;
* @brief Pushes an array of cells onto the current call, each cell individually.
* NOTE: This is essentially a crippled version of PushArray().
* @param array Array of cells.
* @param numcells Number of cells in array.
* @param each Whether or not to push as an array or individual cells.
* @return True if successful, false if too many cells were pushed.
virtual bool PushCells(cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells, bool each) =0;
* @brief Pushes an array of cells onto the current call.
* @param array Array to copy, NULL if no initial array should be copied.
* @param cells Number of cells to allocate and optionally read from the input array.
* @param phys_addr Optional return address for physical array.
* @param copyback Whether or not changes should be copied back to the input array.
* @return True if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool PushArray(cell_t *inarray, size_t cells, cell_t **phys_addr, bool copyback) =0;
* @brief Pushes a string onto the current call.
* @param string String to push.
* @return True if successful, false if type or count mismatch.
virtual bool PushString(const char *string) =0;
* @brief Executes the forward, resets the pushed parameter list, and performs any copybacks.
* @param result Pointer to store return value in (dependent on forward type).
* @param last_err Pointer to store number of successful executions in.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int Execute(cell_t *result, unsigned int *num_functions) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of functions in this forward.
* @return Number of functions in forward.
virtual unsigned int GetFunctionCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the method of multi-calling this forward has.
* @return ResultType of the forward.
virtual ResultType GetResultType() =0;
class IChangeableForward : public IForward
* @brief Removes a function from the call list.
* @param func Function to remove.
virtual void RemoveFunction(IPluginFunction *func) =0;
* @brief Removes all instances of a plugin from the call list.
* @param plugin Plugin to remove instances of.
* @return Number of functions removed therein.
virtual void RemoveFunctionsOfPlugin(IPlugin *plugin) =0;
* @brief Adds a function to the call list.
* @param func Function to add.
virtual void AddFunction(IPluginFunction *func) =0;
enum ParamType
Param_Any = 0,
Param_Cell = 1,
Param_Float = 2,
Param_String = 3,
Param_Array = 4,
Param_VarArgs = 5,
class IForwardManager : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName()
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion()
* @brief Creates a managed forward. This forward exists globally.
* The name used to create the forward is used as its public function in all target plugins.
* As new non-private plugins become loaded or unloaded, they will be automatically added
* or removed. This is ideal for global, static forwards that are never changed.
* @param name Name of public function to use in forward.
* @param et Execution type to be used.
* @param num_params Number of parameter this function will have.
* NOTE: For varargs, this should include the vararg parameter.
* @param types Array of type information about each parameter. If NULL, types
* are read off the vararg stream.
* @param ... If types is NULL, num_params ParamTypes should be pushed.
* @return A new IForward on success, NULL if type combination is impossible.
virtual IForward *CreateForward(const char *name, ExecType et, int num_params, ParamType *types, ...) =0;
* @brief Creates an unmanaged forward. This forward exists privately.
* Unlike managed forwards, no functions are ever added by the Manager.
* However, functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded.
* @param name Name of forward (unused except for lookup, can be NULL for anonymous).
* @param et Execution type to be used.
* @param num_params Number of parameter this function will have.
* NOTE: For varargs, this should include the vararg parameter.
* @param types Array of type information about each parameter. If NULL, types
* are read off the vararg stream.
* @param ... If types is NULL, num_params ParamTypes should be pushed.
* @return A new IChangeableForward on success, NULL if type combination is impossible.
virtual IChangeableForward *CreateForwardEx(const char *name,
ExecType et,
int num_params,
ParamType *types,
...) =0;
* @brief Finds a forward by name. Does not return anonymous forwards (named NULL or "").
* @param name Name of forward.
* @param ifchng Optionally store either NULL or an IChangeableForward pointer
* depending on type of forward.
* @return IForward pointer, or NULL if none found matching the name.
virtual IForward *FindForward(const char *name, IChangeableForward **ifchng) =0;