139 lines
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139 lines
1.9 KiB
"Unable to find cvar"
"cze" "Nelze nalezt cvar: {1}"
"No access to cvar"
"cze" "Nemate pristup k tomuto cvaru."
"Value of cvar"
"cze" "Hodnota cvaru \"{1}\" je: \"{2}\""
"Cvar changed"
"cze" "Zmenil cvar \"{1}\" na \"{2}\"."
"Config not found"
"cze" "Konfiguracni soubor \"{1}\" nebyl nalezen."
"Executed config"
"cze" "Spustil konfiguracni soubor \"{1}\"."
"Permabanned player"
"cze" "Permanentne zabanoval hrace \"{1}\"."
"Permabanned player reason"
"cze" "Permanentne zabanoval hrace \"{1}\" (Duvod: {2})."
"Banned player"
"cze" "Zabanoval hrace \"{1}\" na {2} minut."
"Banned player reason"
"cze" "Zabanoval hrace \"{1}\" na {2} minut (duvod: {3})."
"Removed bans matching"
"cze" "Byly odstraneny bany splnujici filtr: {1}"
"Ban added"
"cze" "Ban byl pridan."
"Admin cache refreshed"
"cze" "Cache adminu byla obnovena."
"Identify player"
"cze" "Identifikovat hrace"
"Choose Map"
"cze" "Vyberte mapu"
"Exec CFG"
"cze" "Spustit CFG"
"Admin logged in as"
"cze" "\"{1}\" je prihlasen jako \"{2}\" s pristupem: {3}"
"Admin logged in anon"
"cze" "\"{1}\" ma pristup: {2}"
"Player is not an admin"
"cze" "Hrac \"{1}\" neni admin."
"Player is an admin"
"cze" " Hrac \"{1}\" je admin."
"cze" "Uzivatelske jmeno"
"Kicked target"
"cze" "Vyhodil hrace {1}."
"Admin access"
"cze" "Administratorsky pristup"
"Cvar is now protected"
"cze" "Cvar {1} je nyni chranen."
"Kicked target reason"
"cze" "Vyhodil hrace {1} (Duvod: {2})"
"Please select a map"
"cze" "Prosim zvolte mapu"
"Choose Config"
"cze" "Vyberte konfiguraci"