2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <stdio.h>
2013-03-29 21:06:12 +01:00
#include <stdarg.h>
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
#include "PluginSys.h"
#include "ShareSys.h"
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
#include <ILibrarySys.h>
#include <ISourceMod.h>
#include <IHandleSys.h>
#include <IForwardSys.h>
#include <IPlayerHelpers.h>
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
#include "ExtensionSys.h"
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
#include "GameConfigs.h"
#include "common_logic.h"
#include "Translator.h"
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPluginManager g_PluginSys;
HandleType_t g_PluginType = 0;
IdentityType_t g_PluginIdent = 0;
CPlugin::CPlugin(const char *file)
static int MySerial = 0;
m_type = PluginType_Private;
m_status = Plugin_Uncompiled;
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
m_bSilentlyFailed = false;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
m_serial = ++MySerial;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
m_pRuntime = NULL;
2009-09-08 06:29:18 +02:00
m_errormsg[sizeof(m_errormsg) - 1] = '\0';
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(m_filename, sizeof(m_filename), "%s", file);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
m_handle = 0;
m_ident = NULL;
m_FakeNativesMissing = false;
m_LibraryMissing = false;
m_bGotAllLoaded = false;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
m_pPhrases = g_Translator.CreatePhraseCollection();
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
m_MaxClientsVar = NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (m_handle)
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = g_PluginSys.GetIdentity();
sec.pIdentity = sec.pOwner;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
handlesys->FreeHandle(m_handle, &sec);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (m_pRuntime != NULL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
delete m_pRuntime;
m_pRuntime = NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
for (size_t i=0; i<m_configs.size(); i++)
delete m_configs[i];
2008-05-10 11:23:55 +02:00
if (m_pPhrases != NULL)
m_pPhrases = NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPlugin::InitIdentity()
if (!m_handle)
m_ident = g_ShareSys.CreateIdentity(g_PluginIdent, this);
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
m_handle = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_PluginType, this, g_PluginSys.GetIdentity(), g_PluginSys.GetIdentity(), NULL);
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
m_pRuntime->GetDefaultContext()->SetKey(1, m_ident);
m_pRuntime->GetDefaultContext()->SetKey(2, (IPlugin *)this);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
unsigned int CPlugin::CalcMemUsage()
unsigned int base_size =
+ sizeof(IdentityToken_t)
+ (m_configs.size() * (sizeof(AutoConfig *) + sizeof(AutoConfig)))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
+ m_pProps.mem_usage();
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_configs.size(); i++)
base_size += m_configs[i]->autocfg.size();
base_size += m_configs[i]->folder.size();
for (List<String>::iterator i = m_Libraries.begin();
i != m_Libraries.end();
base_size += (*i).size();
for (List<String>::iterator i = m_RequiredLibs.begin();
i != m_RequiredLibs.end();
base_size += (*i).size();
return base_size;
Handle_t CPlugin::GetMyHandle()
return m_handle;
CPlugin *CPlugin::CreatePlugin(const char *file, char *error, size_t maxlength)
char fullpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "plugins/%s", file);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
FILE *fp = fopen(fullpath, "rb");
CPlugin *pPlugin = new CPlugin(file);
if (!fp)
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Unable to open file");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pPlugin->m_status = Plugin_BadLoad;
return pPlugin;
2008-07-31 23:08:00 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return pPlugin;
bool CPlugin::GetProperty(const char *prop, void **ptr, bool remove/* =false */)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
void **ptrpp = m_pProps.retrieve(prop);
bool exists = !!ptrpp;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
if (exists)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
*ptr = *ptrpp;
if (remove)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return exists;
bool CPlugin::SetProperty(const char *prop, void *ptr)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
return m_pProps.insert(prop, ptr);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPluginRuntime *CPlugin::GetRuntime()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
return m_pRuntime;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPlugin::SetErrorState(PluginStatus status, const char *error_fmt, ...)
PluginStatus old_status = m_status;
m_status = status;
if (old_status == Plugin_Running)
/* Tell everyone we're now paused */
g_PluginSys._SetPauseState(this, true);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, error_fmt);
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.FormatArgs(m_errormsg, sizeof(m_errormsg), error_fmt, ap);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (m_pRuntime != NULL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
bool CPlugin::UpdateInfo()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Now grab the info */
uint32_t idx;
IPluginContext *base = GetBaseContext();
int err = base->FindPubvarByName("myinfo", &idx);
memset(&m_info, 0, sizeof(m_info));
if (err == SP_ERROR_NONE)
struct sm_plugininfo_c_t
cell_t name;
cell_t description;
cell_t author;
cell_t version;
cell_t url;
sm_plugininfo_c_t *cinfo;
cell_t local_addr;
base->GetPubvarAddrs(idx, &local_addr, (cell_t **)&cinfo);
base->LocalToString(cinfo->name, (char **)&m_info.name);
base->LocalToString(cinfo->description, (char **)&m_info.description);
base->LocalToString(cinfo->author, (char **)&m_info.author);
base->LocalToString(cinfo->url, (char **)&m_info.url);
base->LocalToString(cinfo->version, (char **)&m_info.version);
m_info.author = m_info.author ? m_info.author : "";
m_info.description = m_info.description ? m_info.description : "";
m_info.name = m_info.name ? m_info.name : "";
m_info.url = m_info.url ? m_info.url : "";
m_info.version = m_info.version ? m_info.version : "";
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
if ((err = base->FindPubvarByName("__version", &idx)) == SP_ERROR_NONE)
struct __version_info
cell_t version;
cell_t filevers;
cell_t date;
cell_t time;
__version_info *info;
cell_t local_addr;
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
const char *pDate, *pTime, *pFileVers;
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
pDate = "";
pTime = "";
base->GetPubvarAddrs(idx, &local_addr, (cell_t **)&info);
m_FileVersion = info->version;
2009-03-01 22:39:25 +01:00
if (m_FileVersion >= 4)
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
base->LocalToString(info->date, (char **)&pDate);
base->LocalToString(info->time, (char **)&pTime);
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(m_DateTime, sizeof(m_DateTime), "%s %s", pDate, pTime);
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
2009-03-01 22:39:25 +01:00
if (m_FileVersion > 5)
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
base->LocalToString(info->filevers, (char **)&pFileVers);
SetErrorState(Plugin_Failed, "Newer SourceMod required (%s or higher)", pFileVers);
return false;
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
m_FileVersion = 0;
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if ((err = base->FindPubvarByName("MaxClients", &idx)) == SP_ERROR_NONE)
base->GetPubvarByIndex(idx, &m_MaxClientsVar);
return true;
void CPlugin::SyncMaxClients(int max_clients)
if (m_MaxClientsVar == NULL)
*m_MaxClientsVar->offs = max_clients;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPlugin::Call_OnPluginStart()
if (m_status != Plugin_Loaded)
m_status = Plugin_Running;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
cell_t result;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPluginFunction *pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("OnPluginStart");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (!pFunction)
int err;
if ((err=pFunction->Execute(&result)) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
SetErrorState(Plugin_Error, "Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)");
void CPlugin::Call_OnPluginEnd()
if (m_status > Plugin_Paused)
cell_t result;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPluginFunction *pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("OnPluginEnd");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (!pFunction)
void CPlugin::Call_OnAllPluginsLoaded()
if (m_status > Plugin_Paused)
if (m_bGotAllLoaded)
m_bGotAllLoaded = true;
cell_t result;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPluginFunction *pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("OnAllPluginsLoaded");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pFunction != NULL)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
if (smcore.IsMapRunning())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if ((pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("OnMapStart")) != NULL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
if (smcore.AreConfigsExecuted())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
APLRes CPlugin::Call_AskPluginLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (m_status != Plugin_Created)
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
return APLRes_Failure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
m_status = Plugin_Loaded;
int err;
cell_t result;
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
bool haveNewAPL = false;
IPluginFunction *pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("AskPluginLoad2");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
if (pFunction)
haveNewAPL = true;
else if (!(pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("AskPluginLoad")))
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
return APLRes_Success;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pFunction->PushCell(g_PluginSys.IsLateLoadTime() ? 1 : 0);
pFunction->PushStringEx(error, maxlength, 0, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK);
if ((err=pFunction->Execute(&result)) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
return APLRes_Failure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
if (haveNewAPL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
return (APLRes)result;
else if (result)
return APLRes_Success;
return APLRes_Failure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
void *CPlugin::GetPluginStructure()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
return NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
IPluginContext *CPlugin::GetBaseContext()
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (m_pRuntime == NULL)
return NULL;
return m_pRuntime->GetDefaultContext();
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
sp_context_t *CPlugin::GetContext()
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
return NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
const char *CPlugin::GetFilename()
return m_filename;
PluginType CPlugin::GetType()
return m_type;
const sm_plugininfo_t *CPlugin::GetPublicInfo()
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (GetStatus() >= Plugin_Created)
return NULL;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return &m_info;
unsigned int CPlugin::GetSerial()
return m_serial;
PluginStatus CPlugin::GetStatus()
return m_status;
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
bool CPlugin::IsSilentlyFailed()
return m_bSilentlyFailed;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
bool CPlugin::IsDebugging()
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (m_pRuntime == NULL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
2008-08-15 07:22:26 +02:00
return true;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
void CPlugin::SetSilentlyFailed(bool sf)
m_bSilentlyFailed = sf;
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
void CPlugin::LibraryActions(LibraryAction action)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
List<String>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_Libraries.begin();
iter != m_Libraries.end();
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
g_PluginSys.OnLibraryAction((*iter).c_str(), action);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
bool CPlugin::SetPauseState(bool paused)
if (paused && GetStatus() != Plugin_Running)
return false;
} else if (!paused && GetStatus() != Plugin_Paused) {
return false;
if (paused)
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPluginFunction *pFunction = m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName("OnPluginPauseChange");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pFunction)
cell_t result;
pFunction->PushCell(paused ? 1 : 0);
if (paused)
m_status = Plugin_Paused;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
} else {
m_status = Plugin_Running;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
g_PluginSys._SetPauseState(this, paused);
if (!paused)
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return true;
IdentityToken_t *CPlugin::GetIdentity()
return m_ident;
bool CPlugin::IsRunnable()
return (m_status <= Plugin_Paused) ? true : false;
time_t CPlugin::GetFileTimeStamp()
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, path, sizeof(path), "plugins/%s", m_filename);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
struct _stat s;
if (_stat(path, &s) != 0)
#elif defined PLATFORM_POSIX
struct stat s;
if (stat(path, &s) != 0)
return 0;
return s.st_mtime;
time_t CPlugin::GetTimeStamp()
return m_LastAccess;
void CPlugin::SetTimeStamp(time_t t)
m_LastAccess = t;
2008-05-10 11:23:55 +02:00
IPhraseCollection *CPlugin::GetPhrases()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-05-10 11:23:55 +02:00
return m_pPhrases;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPlugin::DependencyDropped(CPlugin *pOwner)
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (!m_pRuntime)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
List<String>::iterator reqlib_iter;
List<String>::iterator lib_iter;
for (lib_iter=pOwner->m_Libraries.begin(); lib_iter!=pOwner->m_Libraries.end(); lib_iter++)
for (reqlib_iter=m_RequiredLibs.begin(); reqlib_iter!=m_RequiredLibs.end(); reqlib_iter++)
if ((*reqlib_iter) == (*lib_iter))
m_LibraryMissing = true;
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
List<NativeEntry *>::iterator iter;
NativeEntry *pNative;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
sp_native_t *native;
uint32_t idx;
unsigned int unbound = 0;
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
for (iter = pOwner->m_Natives.begin();
iter != pOwner->m_Natives.end();
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pNative = (*iter);
/* Find this native! */
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (m_pRuntime->FindNativeByName(pNative->name, &idx) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Unbind it */
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
m_pRuntime->GetNativeByIndex(idx, &native);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
native->pfn = NULL;
native->status = SP_NATIVE_UNBOUND;
if (unbound)
m_FakeNativesMissing = true;
/* :IDEA: in the future, add native trapping? */
if (m_FakeNativesMissing || m_LibraryMissing)
SetErrorState(Plugin_Error, "Depends on plugin: %s", pOwner->GetFilename());
2013-03-29 21:10:51 +01:00
size_t CPlugin::GetConfigCount()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return (unsigned int)m_configs.size();
2013-03-29 21:10:51 +01:00
AutoConfig *CPlugin::GetConfig(size_t i)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (i >= GetConfigCount())
return NULL;
return m_configs[i];
void CPlugin::AddConfig(bool autoCreate, const char *cfg, const char *folder)
/* Do a check for duplicates to prevent double-execution */
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_configs.size(); i++)
if (m_configs[i]->autocfg.compare(cfg) == 0
&& m_configs[i]->folder.compare(folder) == 0
&& m_configs[i]->create == autoCreate)
AutoConfig *c = new AutoConfig;
c->autocfg = cfg;
c->folder = folder;
c->create = autoCreate;
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
void CPlugin::DropEverything()
CPlugin *pOther;
List<WeakNative>::iterator wk_iter;
/* Tell everyone that depends on us that we're about to drop */
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
for (List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter = m_Dependents.begin();
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
iter != m_Dependents.end();
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
pOther = static_cast<CPlugin *>(*iter);
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
/* Note: we don't care about things we depend on.
* The reason is that extensions have their own cleanup
* code for plugins. Although the "right" design would be
* to centralize that here, i'm omitting it for now. Thus,
* the code below to walk the plugins list will suffice.
/* Other plugins could be holding weak references that were
* added by us. We need to clean all of those up now.
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
for (List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter = g_PluginSys.m_plugins.begin();
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
iter != g_PluginSys.m_plugins.end();
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
/* Proceed with the rest of the necessities. */
bool CPlugin::AddFakeNative(IPluginFunction *pFunc, const char *name, SPVM_FAKENATIVE_FUNC func)
NativeEntry *pEntry;
if ((pEntry = g_ShareSys.AddFakeNative(pFunc, name, func)) == NULL)
return false;
return true;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::CPluginIterator(List<CPlugin *> *_mylist)
mylist = _mylist;
IPlugin *CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::GetPlugin()
return (*current);
bool CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::MorePlugins()
return (current != mylist->end());
void CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::NextPlugin()
void CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::Release()
void CPluginManager::CPluginIterator::Reset()
current = mylist->begin();
m_AllPluginsLoaded = false;
m_MyIdent = NULL;
m_LoadingLocked = false;
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
m_bBlockBadPlugins = true;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CStack<CPluginManager::CPluginIterator *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=m_iters.begin(); iter!=m_iters.end(); iter++)
delete (*iter);
void CPluginManager::Shutdown()
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
while ((iter = m_plugins.begin()) != m_plugins.end())
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
void CPluginManager::LoadAll(const char *config_path, const char *plugins_path)
LoadAll_FirstPass(config_path, plugins_path);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::LoadAll_FirstPass(const char *config, const char *basedir)
/* First read in the database of plugin settings */
m_AllPluginsLoaded = false;
LoadPluginsFromDir(basedir, NULL);
void CPluginManager::LoadPluginsFromDir(const char *basedir, const char *localpath)
char base_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
/* Form the current path to start reading from */
if (localpath == NULL)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(base_path, sizeof(base_path), "%s", basedir);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(base_path, sizeof(base_path), "%s/%s", basedir, localpath);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
IDirectory *dir = libsys->OpenDirectory(base_path);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (!dir)
char error[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->GetPlatformError(error, sizeof(error));
smcore.LogError("[SM] Failure reading from plugins path: %s", localpath);
smcore.LogError("[SM] Platform returned error: %s", error);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
while (dir->MoreFiles())
if (dir->IsEntryDirectory()
&& (strcmp(dir->GetEntryName(), ".") != 0)
&& (strcmp(dir->GetEntryName(), "..") != 0)
&& (strcmp(dir->GetEntryName(), "disabled") != 0)
&& (strcmp(dir->GetEntryName(), "optional") != 0))
char new_local[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (localpath == NULL)
/* If no path yet, don't add a former slash */
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(new_local, sizeof(new_local), "%s", dir->GetEntryName());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(new_local, sizeof(new_local), "%s/%s", localpath, dir->GetEntryName());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
LoadPluginsFromDir(basedir, new_local);
} else if (dir->IsEntryFile()) {
const char *name = dir->GetEntryName();
size_t len = strlen(name);
if (len >= 4
&& strcmp(&name[len-4], ".smx") == 0)
/* If the filename matches, load the plugin */
char plugin[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (localpath == NULL)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(plugin, sizeof(plugin), "%s", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(plugin, sizeof(plugin), "%s/%s", localpath, name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
LoadRes CPluginManager::_LoadPlugin(CPlugin **_plugin, const char *path, bool debug, PluginType type, char error[], size_t maxlength)
if (m_LoadingLocked)
return LoadRes_NeverLoad;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
int err;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
* Does this plugin already exist?
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin **pluginpp = m_LoadLookup.retrieve(path);
if (pluginpp && *pluginpp)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin *pPlugin = *pluginpp;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Check to see if we should try reloading it */
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_BadLoad
|| pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Error
2013-02-17 00:15:22 +01:00
|| pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Failed)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (_plugin)
*_plugin = pPlugin;
return LoadRes_AlreadyLoaded;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin *pPlugin = CPlugin::CreatePlugin(path, error, maxlength);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
assert(pPlugin != NULL);
pPlugin->m_type = PluginType_MapUpdated;
ICompilation *co = NULL;
if (pPlugin->m_status == Plugin_Uncompiled)
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
co = g_pSourcePawn2->StartCompilation();
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Do the actual compiling */
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (co != NULL)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
char fullpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "plugins/%s", pPlugin->m_filename);
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
pPlugin->m_pRuntime = g_pSourcePawn2->LoadPlugin(co, fullpath, &err);
if (pPlugin->m_pRuntime == NULL)
2012-05-27 02:51:03 +02:00
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2012-05-27 02:51:03 +02:00
"Unable to load plugin (error %d: %s)",
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
pPlugin->m_status = Plugin_BadLoad;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (pPlugin->UpdateInfo())
pPlugin->m_status = Plugin_Created;
2012-05-27 02:51:03 +02:00
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "%s", pPlugin->m_errormsg);
2012-05-27 02:51:03 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Created)
unsigned char *pCodeHash = pPlugin->m_pRuntime->GetCodeHash();
char codeHashBuf[40];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(codeHashBuf, 40, "plugin_");
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(codeHashBuf + 7 + (i * 2), 3, "%02x", pCodeHash[i]);
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
const char *bulletinUrl = g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue(codeHashBuf);
if (bulletinUrl != NULL)
if (m_bBlockBadPlugins)
if (error)
if (bulletinUrl[0] != '\0')
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Known malware detected and blocked. See %s for more info", bulletinUrl);
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Possible malware or illegal plugin detected and blocked");
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
pPlugin->m_status = Plugin_BadLoad;
} else {
if (bulletinUrl[0] != '\0')
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Log("%s: Known malware detected. See %s for more info, blocking disabled in core.cfg", pPlugin->GetFilename(), bulletinUrl);
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Log("%s: Possible malware or illegal plugin detected, blocking disabled in core.cfg", pPlugin->GetFilename());
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
LoadRes loadFailure = LoadRes_Failure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Get the status */
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Created)
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
/* First native pass - add anything from Core */
g_ShareSys.BindNativesToPlugin(pPlugin, true);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
APLRes result = pPlugin->Call_AskPluginLoad(error, maxlength);
switch (result)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
case APLRes_Success:
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Autoload any modules */
LoadOrRequireExtensions(pPlugin, 1, error, maxlength);
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
case APLRes_Failure:
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pPlugin->SetErrorState(Plugin_Failed, "%s", error);
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
loadFailure = LoadRes_Failure;
case APLRes_SilentFailure:
pPlugin->SetErrorState(Plugin_Failed, "%s", error);
loadFailure = LoadRes_SilentFailure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Save the time stamp */
time_t t = pPlugin->GetFileTimeStamp();
if (_plugin)
*_plugin = pPlugin;
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
return (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Loaded) ? LoadRes_Successful : loadFailure;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
IPlugin *CPluginManager::LoadPlugin(const char *path, bool debug, PluginType type, char error[], size_t maxlength, bool *wasloaded)
CPlugin *pl;
LoadRes res;
*wasloaded = false;
2008-08-15 07:22:26 +02:00
if ((res=_LoadPlugin(&pl, path, true, type, error, maxlength)) == LoadRes_Failure)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
delete pl;
return NULL;
if (res == LoadRes_AlreadyLoaded)
*wasloaded = true;
return pl;
if (res == LoadRes_NeverLoad)
2009-10-02 12:33:59 +02:00
if (error)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-10-02 12:33:59 +02:00
if (m_LoadingLocked)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "There is a global plugin loading lock in effect");
2009-10-02 12:33:59 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "This plugin is blocked from loading (see plugin_settings.cfg)");
2009-10-02 12:33:59 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return NULL;
/* Run second pass if we need to */
if (IsLateLoadTime() && pl->GetStatus() == Plugin_Loaded)
if (!RunSecondPass(pl, error, maxlength))
return NULL;
return pl;
void CPluginManager::LoadAutoPlugin(const char *plugin)
CPlugin *pl = NULL;
LoadRes res;
char error[255] = "Unknown error";
if ((res=_LoadPlugin(&pl, plugin, false, PluginType_MapUpdated, error, sizeof(error))) == LoadRes_Failure)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.LogError("[SM] Failed to load plugin \"%s\": %s.", plugin, error);
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2009-12-20 03:19:28 +01:00
pl->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Created ? Plugin_BadLoad : pl->GetStatus(),
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
if (res == LoadRes_Successful || res == LoadRes_Failure || res == LoadRes_SilentFailure)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::AddPlugin(CPlugin *pPlugin)
List<IPluginsListener *>::iterator iter;
IPluginsListener *pListener;
for (iter=m_listeners.begin(); iter!=m_listeners.end(); iter++)
pListener = (*iter);
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
m_LoadLookup.insert(pPlugin->m_filename, pPlugin);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::LoadAll_SecondPass()
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
CPlugin *pPlugin;
char error[256];
for (iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end(); iter++)
pPlugin = (*iter);
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Loaded)
error[0] = '\0';
if (!RunSecondPass(pPlugin, error, sizeof(error)))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.LogError("[SM] Unable to load plugin \"%s\": %s", pPlugin->GetFilename(), error);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pPlugin->SetErrorState(Plugin_Failed, "%s", error);
m_AllPluginsLoaded = true;
bool CPluginManager::FindOrRequirePluginDeps(CPlugin *pPlugin, char *error, size_t maxlength)
struct _pl
cell_t name;
cell_t file;
cell_t required;
} *pl;
IPluginContext *pBase = pPlugin->GetBaseContext();
uint32_t num = pBase->GetPubVarsNum();
sp_pubvar_t *pubvar;
char *name, *file;
char pathfile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
for (uint32_t i=0; i<num; i++)
if (pBase->GetPubvarByIndex(i, &pubvar) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (strncmp(pubvar->name, "__pl_", 5) == 0)
pl = (_pl *)pubvar->offs;
if (pBase->LocalToString(pl->file, &file) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (pBase->LocalToString(pl->name, &name) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->GetFileFromPath(pathfile, sizeof(pathfile), pPlugin->GetFilename());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (strcmp(pathfile, file) == 0)
if (pl->required == false)
IPluginFunction *pFunc;
char buffer[64];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "__pl_%s_SetNTVOptional", &pubvar->name[5]);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if ((pFunc=pBase->GetFunctionByName(buffer)))
cell_t res;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (pPlugin->GetBaseContext()->GetLastNativeError() != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Fatal error during initializing plugin load");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
/* Check that we aren't registering the same library twice */
if (pPlugin->m_RequiredLibs.find(name) == pPlugin->m_RequiredLibs.end())
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
CPlugin *pl;
bool found = false;
for (iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end(); iter++)
pl = (*iter);
if (pl->m_Libraries.find(name) != pl->m_Libraries.end())
found = true;
if (!found)
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Could not find required plugin \"%s\"", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
return true;
bool CPluginManager::LoadOrRequireExtensions(CPlugin *pPlugin, unsigned int pass, char *error, size_t maxlength)
/* Find any extensions this plugin needs */
struct _ext
cell_t name;
cell_t file;
cell_t autoload;
cell_t required;
} *ext;
IPluginContext *pBase = pPlugin->GetBaseContext();
uint32_t num = pBase->GetPubVarsNum();
sp_pubvar_t *pubvar;
IExtension *pExt;
char *file, *name;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<num; i++)
if (pBase->GetPubvarByIndex(i, &pubvar) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (strncmp(pubvar->name, "__ext_", 6) == 0)
ext = (_ext *)pubvar->offs;
if (pBase->LocalToString(ext->file, &file) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (pBase->LocalToString(ext->name, &name) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (pass == 1)
/* Attempt to auto-load if necessary */
if (ext->autoload)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "%s", file);
2011-10-12 04:51:24 +02:00
bool bErrorOnMissing = ext->required ? true : false;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (pass == 2)
/* Is this required? */
if (ext->required)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
libsys->PathFormat(path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "%s", file);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if ((pExt = g_Extensions.FindExtensionByFile(path)) == NULL)
pExt = g_Extensions.FindExtensionByName(name);
/* :TODO: should we bind to unloaded extensions?
* Currently the extension manager will ignore this.
if (!pExt || !pExt->IsRunning(NULL, 0))
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Required extension \"%s\" file(\"%s\") not running", name, file);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
g_Extensions.BindChildPlugin(pExt, pPlugin);
IPluginFunction *pFunc;
char buffer[64];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "__ext_%s_SetNTVOptional", &pubvar->name[6]);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if ((pFunc = pBase->GetFunctionByName(buffer)) != NULL)
cell_t res;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (pPlugin->GetBaseContext()->GetLastNativeError() != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Fatal error during plugin initialization (ext req)");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
return true;
bool CPluginManager::RunSecondPass(CPlugin *pPlugin, char *error, size_t maxlength)
/* Second pass for extension requirements */
if (!LoadOrRequireExtensions(pPlugin, 2, error, maxlength))
return false;
if (!FindOrRequirePluginDeps(pPlugin, error, maxlength))
return false;
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
/* Run another binding pass */
g_ShareSys.BindNativesToPlugin(pPlugin, false);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
/* Find any unbound natives. Right now, these are not allowed. */
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
IPluginContext *pContext = pPlugin->GetBaseContext();
uint32_t num = pContext->GetNativesNum();
sp_native_t *native;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<num; i++)
if (pContext->GetNativeByIndex(i, &native) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
if (native->status == SP_NATIVE_UNBOUND
&& native->name[0] != '@'
&& !(native->flags & SP_NTVFLAG_OPTIONAL))
if (error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Native \"%s\" was not found", native->name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
/* Finish by telling all listeners */
List<IPluginsListener *>::iterator iter;
IPluginsListener *pListener;
for (iter=m_listeners.begin(); iter!=m_listeners.end(); iter++)
pListener = (*iter);
/* Tell this plugin to finish initializing itself */
/* Now, if we have fake natives, go through all plugins that might need rebinding */
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Paused && pPlugin->m_Natives.size())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
List<CPlugin *>::iterator pl_iter;
CPlugin *pOther;
for (pl_iter = m_plugins.begin();
pl_iter != m_plugins.end();
pOther = (*pl_iter);
if ((pOther->GetStatus() == Plugin_Error
&& (pOther->m_FakeNativesMissing || pOther->m_LibraryMissing))
|| pOther->m_FakeNativesMissing)
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
else if ((pOther->GetStatus() == Plugin_Running
|| pOther->GetStatus() == Plugin_Paused)
&& pOther != pPlugin)
List<NativeEntry *>::iterator nv_iter;
for (nv_iter = pPlugin->m_Natives.begin();
nv_iter != pPlugin->m_Natives.end();
g_ShareSys.BindNativeToPlugin(pOther, (*nv_iter));
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Go through our libraries and tell other plugins they're added */
List<String>::iterator s_iter;
for (s_iter = pPlugin->m_Libraries.begin();
s_iter != pPlugin->m_Libraries.end();
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
OnLibraryAction((*s_iter).c_str(), LibraryAction_Added);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-05-10 11:23:55 +02:00
/* :TODO: optimize? does this even matter? */
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return true;
void CPluginManager::TryRefreshDependencies(CPlugin *pPlugin)
assert(pPlugin->GetBaseContext() != NULL);
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
g_ShareSys.BindNativesToPlugin(pPlugin, false);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
List<String>::iterator lib_iter;
List<String>::iterator req_iter;
List<CPlugin *>::iterator pl_iter;
CPlugin *pl;
for (req_iter=pPlugin->m_RequiredLibs.begin(); req_iter!=pPlugin->m_RequiredLibs.end(); req_iter++)
bool found = false;
for (pl_iter=m_plugins.begin(); pl_iter!=m_plugins.end(); pl_iter++)
pl = (*pl_iter);
for (lib_iter=pl->m_Libraries.begin(); lib_iter!=pl->m_Libraries.end(); lib_iter++)
if ((*req_iter) == (*lib_iter))
found = true;
if (!found)
pPlugin->SetErrorState(Plugin_Error, "Library not found: %s", (*req_iter).c_str());
/* Find any unbound natives
* Right now, these are not allowed
IPluginContext *pContext = pPlugin->GetBaseContext();
uint32_t num = pContext->GetNativesNum();
sp_native_t *native;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<num; i++)
if (pContext->GetNativeByIndex(i, &native) != SP_ERROR_NONE)
2012-05-27 02:50:57 +02:00
if (native->status == SP_NATIVE_UNBOUND
&& native->name[0] != '@'
&& !(native->flags & SP_NTVFLAG_OPTIONAL))
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pPlugin->SetErrorState(Plugin_Error, "Native not found: %s", native->name);
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() == Plugin_Error)
/* If we got here, all natives are okay again! */
pPlugin->m_status = Plugin_Running;
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
if (pPlugin->m_pRuntime->IsPaused())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
_SetPauseState(pPlugin, false);
bool CPluginManager::UnloadPlugin(IPlugin *plugin)
CPlugin *pPlugin = (CPlugin *)plugin;
/* This prevents removal during insertion or anything else weird */
if (m_plugins.find(pPlugin) == m_plugins.end())
return false;
IPluginContext *pContext = plugin->GetBaseContext();
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (pContext != NULL && pContext->IsInExec())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char buffer[255];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "sm plugins unload %s\n", plugin->GetFilename());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
/* Remove us from the lookup table and linked list */
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Go through our libraries and tell other plugins they're gone */
List<String>::iterator s_iter;
for (s_iter = pPlugin->m_Libraries.begin();
s_iter != pPlugin->m_Libraries.end();
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
OnLibraryAction((*s_iter).c_str(), LibraryAction_Removed);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
List<IPluginsListener *>::iterator iter;
IPluginsListener *pListener;
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Error)
2012-12-14 21:05:18 +01:00
/* Notify plugin */
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Notify listeners of unloading */
for (iter=m_listeners.begin(); iter!=m_listeners.end(); iter++)
pListener = (*iter);
2008-05-26 09:51:11 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
for (iter=m_listeners.begin(); iter!=m_listeners.end(); iter++)
/* Notify listeners of destruction */
pListener = (*iter);
/* Tell the plugin to delete itself */
delete pPlugin;
return true;
IPlugin *CPluginManager::FindPluginByContext(const sp_context_t *ctx)
2008-07-11 10:18:43 +02:00
IPlugin *pPlugin;
IPluginContext *pContext;
pContext = reinterpret_cast<IPluginContext *>(const_cast<sp_context_t *>(ctx));
if (pContext->GetKey(2, (void **)&pPlugin))
return pPlugin;
return NULL;
CPlugin *CPluginManager::GetPluginByCtx(const sp_context_t *ctx)
return (CPlugin *)FindPluginByContext(ctx);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
unsigned int CPluginManager::GetPluginCount()
return m_plugins.size();
void CPluginManager::AddPluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener)
void CPluginManager::RemovePluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener)
IPluginIterator *CPluginManager::GetPluginIterator()
if (m_iters.empty())
return new CPluginIterator(&m_plugins);
} else {
CPluginIterator *iter = m_iters.front();
return iter;
void CPluginManager::ReleaseIterator(CPluginIterator *iter)
bool CPluginManager::TestAliasMatch(const char *alias, const char *localpath)
/* As an optimization, we do not call strlen, but compute the length in the first pass */
size_t alias_len = 0;
size_t local_len = 0;
const char *ptr = alias;
unsigned int alias_explicit_paths = 0;
unsigned int alias_path_end = 0;
while (*ptr != '\0')
if (*ptr == '\\' || *ptr == '/')
alias_path_end = alias_len;
if (alias_explicit_paths && alias_path_end == alias_len - 1)
/* Trailing slash is totally invalid here */
return false;
ptr = localpath;
unsigned int local_explicit_paths = 0;
unsigned int local_path_end = 0;
while (*ptr != '\0')
if (*ptr == '\\' || *ptr == '/')
local_path_end = local_len;
/* If the alias has more explicit paths than the real path,
* no match will be possible.
if (alias_explicit_paths > local_explicit_paths)
return false;
if (alias_explicit_paths)
/* We need to find if the paths match now. For example, these should all match:
* csdm csdm
* csdm optional/csdm
* csdm/ban optional/crab/csdm/ban
const char *aliasptr = alias;
const char *localptr = localpath;
bool match = true;
if (*aliasptr != *localptr)
/* We have to knock one path off */
if (alias_explicit_paths > local_explicit_paths)
/* Skip out if we're gonna have an impossible match */
return false;
/* Eat up localptr tokens until we get a result */
while (((localptr - localpath) < (int)local_path_end)
&& *localptr != '/'
&& *localptr != '\\')
/* Check if we hit the end of our searchable area.
* This probably isn't possible because of the path
* count check, but it's a good idea anyway.
if ((localptr - localpath) >= (int)local_path_end)
return false;
} else {
/* Consume the slash token */
/* Reset the alias pointer so we can continue consuming */
aliasptr = alias;
match = false;
/* Note:
* This is safe because if localptr terminates early, aliasptr will too
/* We should never reach the end of the string because of this check. */
bool aliasend = (aliasptr - alias) > (int)alias_path_end;
bool localend = (localptr - localpath) > (int)local_path_end;
if (aliasend || localend)
if (aliasend && localend)
/* we matched, and we can break out now */
match = true;
/* Otherwise, we've hit the end somehow and rest won't match up. Break out. */
match = false;
/* If we got here, it's safe to compare the next two tokens */
if (*localptr != *aliasptr)
match = false;
} while (true);
} while (!match);
/* If we got here, it's time to compare filenames */
const char *aliasptr = alias;
const char *localptr = localpath;
if (alias_explicit_paths)
aliasptr = &alias[alias_path_end + 1];
if (local_explicit_paths)
localptr = &localpath[local_path_end + 1];
while (true)
if (*aliasptr == '*')
/* First, see if this is the last character */
if ((unsigned)(aliasptr - alias) == alias_len - 1)
/* If so, there's no need to match anything else */
return true;
/* Otherwise, we need to search for an appropriate matching sequence in local.
* Note that we only need to search up to the next asterisk.
bool match = true;
const char *local_orig = localptr;
match = true;
while (*aliasptr != '\0' && *aliasptr != '*')
/* Since aliasptr is never '\0', localptr hitting the end will fail */
if (*aliasptr != *localptr)
match = false;
if (!match)
/* If we didn't get a match, we need to advance the search stream.
* This will let us skip tokens while still searching for another match.
localptr = ++local_orig;
/* Make sure we don't go out of bounds */
if (*localptr == '\0')
} while (!match);
if (!match)
return false;
} else {
/* If we got a match, move on to the next token */
} else if (*aliasptr == '\0') {
if (*localptr == '\0'
strcmp(localptr, ".smx") == 0)
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (*aliasptr != *localptr) {
return false;
return true;
bool CPluginManager::IsLateLoadTime() const
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
return (m_AllPluginsLoaded || !smcore.IsMapLoading());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized()
m_MyIdent = g_ShareSys.CreateCoreIdentity();
HandleAccess sec;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
handlesys->InitAccessDefaults(NULL, &sec);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
sec.access[HandleAccess_Delete] = HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY;
sec.access[HandleAccess_Clone] = HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
g_PluginType = handlesys->CreateType("Plugin", this, 0, NULL, &sec, m_MyIdent, NULL);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
g_PluginIdent = g_ShareSys.CreateIdentType("PLUGIN");
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->AddRootConsoleCommand("plugins", "Manage Plugins", this);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
g_ShareSys.AddInterface(NULL, GetOldAPI());
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
m_pOnLibraryAdded = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnLibraryAdded", ET_Ignore, 1, NULL, Param_String);
m_pOnLibraryRemoved = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnLibraryRemoved", ET_Ignore, 1, NULL, Param_String);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::OnSourceModShutdown()
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->RemoveRootConsoleCommand("plugins", this);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
handlesys->RemoveType(g_PluginType, m_MyIdent);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
ConfigResult CPluginManager::OnSourceModConfigChanged(const char *key,
const char *value,
ConfigSource source,
char *error,
size_t maxlength)
if (strcmp(key, "BlockBadPlugins") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0)
m_bBlockBadPlugins = true;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "no") == 0) {
m_bBlockBadPlugins = false;
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(error, maxlength, "Invalid value: must be \"yes\" or \"no\"");
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
return ConfigResult_Reject;
return ConfigResult_Accept;
return ConfigResult_Ignore;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object)
/* We don't care about the internal object, actually */
bool CPluginManager::GetHandleApproxSize(HandleType_t type, void *object, unsigned int *pSize)
*pSize = ((CPlugin *)object)->CalcMemUsage();
return true;
IPlugin *CPluginManager::PluginFromHandle(Handle_t handle, HandleError *err)
IPlugin *pPlugin;
HandleError _err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = m_MyIdent;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
if ((_err=handlesys->ReadHandle(handle, g_PluginType, &sec, (void **)&pPlugin)) != HandleError_None)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
pPlugin = NULL;
if (err)
*err = _err;
return pPlugin;
CPlugin *CPluginManager::GetPluginByOrder(int num)
if (num < 1 || num > (int)GetPluginCount())
return NULL;
CPlugin *pl;
int id = 1;
2008-06-11 10:28:34 +02:00
SourceHook::List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end() && id < num; iter++, id++) {}
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-11 10:28:34 +02:00
pl = *iter;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return pl;
const char *CPluginManager::GetStatusText(PluginStatus st)
switch (st)
case Plugin_Running:
return "Running";
case Plugin_Paused:
return "Paused";
case Plugin_Error:
return "Error";
case Plugin_Uncompiled:
return "Uncompiled";
case Plugin_BadLoad:
return "Bad Load";
case Plugin_Failed:
return "Failed";
return "-";
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
static inline bool IS_STR_FILLED(const char *text)
return text[0] != '\0';
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
void CPluginManager::OnRootConsoleCommand(const char *cmdname, const CCommand &command)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
int argcount = smcore.Argc(command);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (argcount >= 3)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *cmd = smcore.Arg(command, 2);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0)
char buffer[256];
unsigned int id = 1;
int plnum = GetPluginCount();
if (!plnum)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] No plugins loaded");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Listing %d plugin%s:", GetPluginCount(), (plnum > 1) ? "s" : "");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
CPlugin *pl;
SourceHook::List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
SourceHook::List<CPlugin *> m_FailList;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-11 10:28:34 +02:00
for (iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end(); iter++, id++)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
pl = (*iter);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
assert(pl->GetStatus() != Plugin_Created);
int len = 0;
const sm_plugininfo_t *info = pl->GetPublicInfo();
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
if (pl->GetStatus() != Plugin_Running && !pl->IsSilentlyFailed())
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
len += smcore.Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " %02d <%s>", id, GetStatusText(pl->GetStatus()));
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Error)
/* Plugin has failed to load. */
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
len += smcore.Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " %02d", id);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() < Plugin_Created)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2009-03-19 03:20:40 +01:00
if (pl->IsSilentlyFailed())
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
len += smcore.Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " Disabled:");
len += smcore.Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " \"%s\"", (IS_STR_FILLED(info->name)) ? info->name : pl->GetFilename());
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->version))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
len += smcore.Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " (%s)", info->version);
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->author))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " by %s", info->author);
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " %s", pl->m_filename);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("%s", buffer);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (!m_FailList.empty())
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("Load Errors:");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
SourceHook::List<CPlugin *>::iterator _iter;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPlugin *pl;
for (_iter=m_FailList.begin(); _iter!=m_FailList.end(); _iter++)
pl = (CPlugin *)*_iter;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("%s: %s",(IS_STR_FILLED(pl->GetPublicInfo()->name)) ? pl->GetPublicInfo()->name : pl->GetFilename(), pl->m_errormsg);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "load") == 0)
if (argcount < 4)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm plugins load <file>");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char error[128];
bool wasloaded;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *filename = smcore.Arg(command, 3);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char pluginfile[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *ext = libsys->GetFileExtension(filename) ? "" : ".smx";
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_None, pluginfile, sizeof(pluginfile), "%s%s", filename, ext);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
IPlugin *pl = LoadPlugin(pluginfile, false, PluginType_MapUpdated, error, sizeof(error), &wasloaded);
if (wasloaded)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s is already loaded.", pluginfile);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pl)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Loaded plugin %s successfully.", pluginfile);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s failed to load: %s.", pluginfile, error);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "unload") == 0)
if (argcount < 4)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm plugins unload <#|file>");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPlugin *pl;
char *end;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *arg = smcore.Arg(command, 3);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
int id = strtol(arg, &end, 10);
if (*end == '\0')
pl = GetPluginByOrder(id);
if (!pl)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin index %d not found.", id);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char pluginfile[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *ext = libsys->GetFileExtension(arg) ? "" : ".smx";
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_None, pluginfile, sizeof(pluginfile), "%s%s", arg, ext);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin **pluginpp = m_LoadLookup.retrieve(pluginfile);
if (!pluginpp || !*pluginpp)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s is not loaded.", pluginfile);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
pl = *pluginpp;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() < Plugin_Created)
const sm_plugininfo_t *info = pl->GetPublicInfo();
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(name, sizeof(name), (IS_STR_FILLED(info->name)) ? info->name : pl->GetFilename());
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", pl->GetFilename());
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (UnloadPlugin(pl))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s unloaded successfully.", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Failed to unload plugin %s.", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "unload_all") == 0)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] All plugins have been unloaded.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "load_lock") == 0)
if (m_LoadingLocked)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] There is already a loading lock in effect.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
m_LoadingLocked = true;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Loading is now locked; no plugins will be loaded or re-loaded.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "load_unlock") == 0)
if (m_LoadingLocked)
m_LoadingLocked = false;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] The loading lock is no longer in effect.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] There was no loading lock in effect.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "info") == 0)
if (argcount < 4)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm plugins info <#>");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPlugin *pl;
char *end;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *arg = smcore.Arg(command, 3);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
int id = strtol(arg, &end, 10);
if (*end == '\0')
pl = GetPluginByOrder(id);
if (!pl)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin index %d not found.", id);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char pluginfile[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *ext = libsys->GetFileExtension(arg) ? "" : ".smx";
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_None, pluginfile, sizeof(pluginfile), "%s%s", arg, ext);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin **pluginpp = m_LoadLookup.retrieve(pluginfile);
if (!pluginpp || !*pluginpp)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s is not loaded.", pluginfile);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
pl = *pluginpp;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
const sm_plugininfo_t *info = pl->GetPublicInfo();
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Filename: %s", pl->GetFilename());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Error)
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->name))
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->description))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Title: %s (%s)", info->name, info->description);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
} else {
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Title: %s", info->name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->author))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Author: %s", info->author);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->version))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Version: %s", info->version);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->url))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" URL: %s", info->url);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() == Plugin_Error)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Error: %s", pl->m_errormsg);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() == Plugin_Running)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Status: running");
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Status: not running");
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
const char *typestr = "";
switch (pl->GetType())
case PluginType_MapUpdated:
typestr = "Map Change if Updated";
case PluginType_MapOnly:
typestr = "Map Change";
case PluginType_Private:
case PluginType_Global:
typestr = "Never";
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Reloads: %s", typestr);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
if (pl->m_FileVersion >= 3)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Timestamp: %s", pl->m_DateTime);
2008-06-02 07:03:27 +02:00
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
unsigned char *pCodeHash = pl->m_pRuntime->GetCodeHash();
unsigned char *pDataHash = pl->m_pRuntime->GetDataHash();
char combinedHash[33];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
smcore.Format(combinedHash + (i * 2), 3, "%02x", pCodeHash[i] ^ pDataHash[i]);
2012-08-09 02:54:43 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Hash: %s", combinedHash);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" Load error: %s", pl->m_errormsg);
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
if (pl->GetStatus() < Plugin_Created)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" File info: (title \"%s\") (version \"%s\")",
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
info->name ? info->name : "<none>",
info->version ? info->version : "<none>");
if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->url))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint(" File URL: %s", info->url);
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "refresh") == 0)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] The plugin list has been refreshed and reloaded.");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
else if (strcmp(cmd, "reload") == 0)
if (argcount < 4)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm plugins reload <#|file>");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
CPlugin *pl;
char *end;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *arg = smcore.Arg(command, 3);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
int id = strtol(arg, &end, 10);
if (*end == '\0')
pl = GetPluginByOrder(id);
if (!pl)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin index %d not found.", id);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
char pluginfile[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *ext = libsys->GetFileExtension(arg) ? "" : ".smx";
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_None, pluginfile, sizeof(pluginfile), "%s%s", arg, ext);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin **pluginpp = m_LoadLookup.retrieve(pluginfile);
if (!pluginpp || !*pluginpp)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s is not loaded.", pluginfile);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
pl = *pluginpp;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
const sm_plugininfo_t *info = pl->GetPublicInfo();
2009-12-20 03:25:56 +01:00
if (pl->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Paused)
2009-12-20 03:19:28 +01:00
strcpy(name, (IS_STR_FILLED(info->name)) ? info->name : pl->GetFilename());
strcpy(name, pl->GetFilename());
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
if (ReloadPlugin(pl))
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin %s reloaded successfully.", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("[SM] Failed to reload plugin %s.", name);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* Draw the main menu */
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
rootmenu->ConsolePrint("SourceMod Plugins Menu:");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("info", "Information about a plugin");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("list", "Show loaded plugins");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("load", "Load a plugin");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("load_lock", "Prevents any more plugins from being loaded");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("load_unlock", "Re-enables plugin loading");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("refresh", "Reloads/refreshes all plugins in the plugins folder");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("reload", "Reloads a plugin");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("unload", "Unload a plugin");
rootmenu->DrawGenericOption("unload_all", "Unloads all plugins");
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
bool CPluginManager::ReloadPlugin(CPlugin *pl)
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
char filename[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
2008-08-15 07:22:26 +02:00
bool wasloaded;
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
PluginType ptype;
IPlugin *newpl;
int id = 1;
strcpy(filename, pl->m_filename);
ptype = pl->GetType();
for (iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end(); iter++, id++)
if ((*iter) == pl)
if (!UnloadPlugin(pl))
return false;
2008-08-15 07:22:26 +02:00
if (!(newpl=LoadPlugin(filename, true, ptype, NULL, 0, &wasloaded)))
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return false;
for (iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end(); iter++)
if ((*iter) == (CPlugin *)newpl)
int i;
for (i=1, iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end() && i<id; iter++, i++)
m_plugins.insert(iter, (CPlugin *)newpl);
return true;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
void CPluginManager::RefreshAll()
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
/* If we're in a load lock, just skip this whole bit. */
if (m_LoadingLocked)
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
List<CPlugin *> tmp_list = m_plugins;
CPlugin *pl;
time_t t;
for (iter=tmp_list.begin(); iter!=tmp_list.end(); iter++)
pl = (*iter);
if (pl->GetType() == PluginType_MapOnly)
UnloadPlugin((IPlugin *)pl);
else if (pl->GetType() == PluginType_MapUpdated)
t = pl->GetFileTimeStamp();
if (!t || t > pl->GetTimeStamp())
UnloadPlugin((IPlugin *)pl);
void CPluginManager::_SetPauseState(CPlugin *pl, bool paused)
List<IPluginsListener *>::iterator iter;
IPluginsListener *pListener;
for (iter=m_listeners.begin(); iter!=m_listeners.end(); iter++)
pListener = (*iter);
pListener->OnPluginPauseChange(pl, paused);
void CPluginManager::AddFunctionsToForward(const char *name, IChangeableForward *pForward)
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
CPlugin *pPlugin;
IPluginFunction *pFunction;
for (iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end(); iter++)
pPlugin = (*iter);
if (pPlugin->GetStatus() <= Plugin_Paused)
pFunction = pPlugin->GetBaseContext()->GetFunctionByName(name);
if (pFunction)
CPlugin *CPluginManager::GetPluginFromIdentity(IdentityToken_t *pToken)
if (pToken->type != g_PluginIdent)
return NULL;
return (CPlugin *)(pToken->ptr);
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
void CPluginManager::OnLibraryAction(const char *lib, LibraryAction action)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
switch (action)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2012-12-14 21:15:12 +01:00
case LibraryAction_Removed:
case LibraryAction_Added:
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
bool CPluginManager::LibraryExists(const char *lib)
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=m_plugins.begin();
CPlugin *pl = (*iter);
if (pl->GetStatus() != Plugin_Running)
List<String>::iterator s_iter;
for (s_iter = pl->m_Libraries.begin();
s_iter != pl->m_Libraries.end();
if ((*s_iter).compare(lib) == 0)
return true;
return false;
void CPluginManager::AllPluginsLoaded()
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
CPlugin *pl;
for (iter=m_plugins.begin(); iter!=m_plugins.end(); iter++)
pl = (*iter);
void CPluginManager::UnloadAll()
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
while ( (iter = m_plugins.begin()) != m_plugins.end() )
int CPluginManager::GetOrderOfPlugin(IPlugin *pl)
int id = 1;
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end(); iter++, id++)
if ((*iter) == pl)
return id;
return -1;
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
SMPlugin *CPluginManager::FindPluginByConsoleArg(const char *arg)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
int id;
char *end;
CPlugin *pl;
id = strtol(arg, &end, 10);
if (*end == '\0')
pl = GetPluginByOrder(id);
if (!pl)
return NULL;
char pluginfile[256];
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
const char *ext = libsys->GetFileExtension(arg) ? "" : ".smx";
smcore.Format(pluginfile, sizeof(pluginfile), "%s%s", arg, ext);
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
CPlugin **pluginpp = m_LoadLookup.retrieve(pluginfile);
if (!pluginpp || !*pluginpp)
2008-03-30 09:00:22 +02:00
return NULL;
return pl;
2008-10-06 00:20:17 +02:00
void CPluginManager::OnSourceModMaxPlayersChanged(int newvalue)
void CPluginManager::SyncMaxClients(int max_clients)
List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end(); iter++)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-31 22:30:22 +02:00
const CVector<SMPlugin *> *CPluginManager::ListPlugins()
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-31 22:30:22 +02:00
CVector<SMPlugin *> *list = new CVector<SMPlugin *>();
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-31 22:30:22 +02:00
for (List<CPlugin *>::iterator iter = m_plugins.begin(); iter != m_plugins.end(); iter++)
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2013-03-31 22:30:22 +02:00
return list;
void CPluginManager::FreePluginList(const CVector<SMPlugin *> *list)
delete const_cast<CVector<SMPlugin *> *>(list);
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
class OldPluginAPI : public IPluginManager
IPlugin *LoadPlugin(const char *path,
bool debug,
PluginType type,
char error[],
size_t maxlength,
bool *wasloaded)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
return g_PluginSys.LoadPlugin(path, debug, type, error, maxlength, wasloaded);
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
bool UnloadPlugin(IPlugin *plugin)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
return g_PluginSys.UnloadPlugin(plugin);
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
IPlugin *FindPluginByContext(const sp_context_t *ctx)
return g_PluginSys.FindPluginByContext(ctx);
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
unsigned int GetPluginCount()
return g_PluginSys.GetPluginCount();
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
IPluginIterator *GetPluginIterator()
return g_PluginSys.GetPluginIterator();
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
void AddPluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
void RemovePluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
IPlugin *PluginFromHandle(Handle_t handle, HandleError *err)
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
return g_PluginSys.PluginFromHandle(handle, err);
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00
2013-03-29 19:37:29 +01:00
static OldPluginAPI sOldPluginAPI;
IPluginManager *CPluginManager::GetOldAPI()
return &sOldPluginAPI;
2009-02-01 08:33:31 +01:00