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// SourceMod Configuration File
// This file is automatically executed by SourceMod every mapchange.
// Specifies how admin activity should be relayed to users. Add up the values
// below to get the functionality you want.
// 1: Show admin activity to non-admins anonymously.
// 2: If 1 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 4: Show admin activity to admins anonymously.
// 8: If 4 is specified, admin names will be shown.
// 16: Always show admin names to root users.
// --
// Default: 13 (1+4+8)
sm_show_activity 13
// Specifies whether menu sounds are enabled for menus created by SourceMod.
// Menu sounds can be further configured in addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_menu_sounds 1
// Specifies how long of a delay, in seconds, should be used in between votes
// that are "public" or can be spammed. Whether or not this delay is obeyed
// is dependent on the menu/command.
// --
// Default: 30
sm_vote_delay 30
// Default datetime formatting rules when displaying to clients.
// For full options, see:
// --
// Default: %m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S
// 12 hour format: %m/%d/%Y - %I:%M:%S %p
sm_datetime_format "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"
// Sets how SourceMod should check immunity levels when administrators target
// each other.
// 0: Ignore immunity levels (except for specific group immunities).
// 1: Protect from admins of lower access only.
// 2: Protect from admins of equal to or lower access.
// 3: Same as 2, except admins with no immunity can affect each other.
// --
// Default: 1
sm_immunity_mode 1
// Sets how many seconds SourceMod should adjust time values for incorrect
// server clocks. This can be positive or negative and will affect every
// system time in SourceMod, including logging stamps.
// --
// Default: 0
sm_time_adjustment 0
// Specifies the amount of time that is allowed between chat messages. This
// includes the say and say_team commands. If a client sends a message faster
// than this time, they receive a flood token. When the client has accumulated
// 3 or more tokens, a warning message is shown instead of the chat message.
// --
// Requires: antiflood.smx
// Default: 0.75
sm_flood_time 0.75
// Specifies how the reserved slots plugin operates. Valid values are:
// 0 : Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
// 1 : If someone with reserve access joins into a reserved slot, the player with the highest latency and
// no reserved slot access (spectator players are selected first) is kicked to make room. Thus, the reserved
// slots always remains free. The only situation where the reserved slot(s) can become properly occupied is
// if the server is full with reserve slot access clients.
// 2 : The same as sm_reserve_type 1 except once a certain number of admins have been reached, the reserve slot
// stops kicking people and anyone can join to fill the server. You can use this to simulate having a large
// number of reserved slots with sm_reserve_type 0 but with only need to have 1 slot unavailable when there are
// less admins connected.
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserve_type 0
// Specifies the number of reserved player slots. Users with the reservation
// admin flag set will be able to join the server when there are no public slots
// remaining. If someone does not have this flag, they will be kicked.
// (Public slots are defined as: maxplayers - number of reserved slots)
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_reserved_slots 0
// Specifies whether or not reserved slots will be hidden (subtracted from max
// slot count). Valid values are 0 (Visible) or 1 (Hidden).
// --
// Requires: reservedslots.smx
// Default: 0
sm_hide_slots 0
// Specifies whether or not non-admins can send messages to admins using
// say_team @<message>. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basechat.smx
// Default: 1
sm_chat_mode 1
// Specifies whether or not "timeleft" will automatically be triggered every
// x seconds. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) to 1800 seconds.
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_timeleft_interval 0
// Specifies whether or not chat triggers are broadcast to the server or just
// the player who requested the info trigger. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or
// 1 (Enabled)
// --
// Requires: basetriggers.smx
// Default: 0
sm_trigger_show 0
// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// "hint" box (near the bottom of the screen in most games).
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_hintbox 0
// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// chat area. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_chat 0
// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress in the server console.
// Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_console 0
// Specifies whether or not to display vote progress to clients in the
// client console. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).
// --
// Default: 0
sm_vote_progress_client_console 0