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#include <sourcemod>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdktools>
stock GET_ARG_INT( arg, maxSize=64 )
decl String:tempvar[maxSize];
GetCmdArg( arg, tempvar, maxSize );
return StringToInt( tempvar );
public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd( "get_mvps", get_mvps );
RegConsoleCmd( "set_mvps", set_mvps );
RegConsoleCmd( "get_score", get_score );
RegConsoleCmd( "set_score", set_score );
RegConsoleCmd( "get_assists", get_assists );
RegConsoleCmd( "set_assists", set_assists );
RegConsoleCmd( "get_clantag", get_clantag );
RegConsoleCmd( "set_clantag", set_clantag );
RegConsoleCmd( "get_teamscore", get_teamscore );
RegConsoleCmd( "set_teamscore", set_teamscore );
public Action:get_mvps( client, argc )
ReplyToCommand( client, "Your MVP count is %d", CS_GetMVPCount( client ) );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:set_mvps( client, argc )
new count = GET_ARG_INT( 1 );
CS_SetMVPCount( client, count );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Set your MVP count to %d", count );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:get_score( client, argc )
if( GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO )
ReplyToCommand( client, "This command is only intended for CS:GO" );
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand( client, "Your contribution score is %d", CS_GetClientContributionScore( client ) );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:set_score( client, argc )
if( GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO )
ReplyToCommand( client, "This command is only intended for CS:GO" );
return Plugin_Handled;
new count = GET_ARG_INT( 1 );
CS_SetClientContributionScore( client, count );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Set your contribution score to %d", count );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:get_assists( client, argc )
if( GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO )
ReplyToCommand( client, "This command is only intended for CS:GO" );
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand( client, "Your assist count is %d", CS_GetClientAssists( client ) );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:set_assists( client, argc )
if( GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO )
ReplyToCommand( client, "This command is only intended for CS:GO" );
return Plugin_Handled;
new count = GET_ARG_INT( 1 );
CS_SetClientAssists( client, count );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Set your assist count to %d", count );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:get_clantag( client, argc )
decl String:tag[64];
CS_GetClientClanTag( client, tag, sizeof(tag) );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Your clan tag is: %s", tag );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:set_clantag( client, argc )
decl String:tag[64];
GetCmdArg( 1, tag, sizeof(tag) );
CS_SetClientClanTag( client, tag );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Set your clan tag to: %s", tag );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:get_teamscore( client, argc )
new tscore = CS_GetTeamScore( CS_TEAM_T );
new ctscore = CS_GetTeamScore( CS_TEAM_CT );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Team Scores: T = %d, CT = %d", tscore, ctscore );
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:set_teamscore( client, argc )
new team = GET_ARG_INT( 1 );
new score = GET_ARG_INT( 2 );
if ( team != CS_TEAM_T && team != CS_TEAM_CT )
ReplyToCommand( client, "Team number must be %d or %d", CS_TEAM_T, CS_TEAM_CT );
return Plugin_Handled;
CS_SetTeamScore( team, score );
SetTeamScore( team, score );
ReplyToCommand( client, "Score for team %d has been set to %d", team, score );
return Plugin_Handled;