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// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
// =============================================================================
// SourceMod
// Copyright (C) 2004-2015 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
// =============================================================================
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
// details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program. If not, see <>.
// As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
// code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
// "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
// by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
// all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
// this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
// exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
// or <>.
* @file IPluginSys.h
* @brief Defines the interface for the Plugin System, which manages loaded plugins.
#include <IShareSys.h>
#include <IHandleSys.h>
#include <sp_vm_api.h>
/** Context user slot 3 is used Core for holding an IPluginContext pointer. */
namespace SourceMod
class IPlugin;
* @brief Encapsulates plugin public information exposed through "myinfo."
typedef struct sm_plugininfo_s
const char *name; /**< Plugin name */
const char *author; /**< Plugin author */
const char *description; /**< Plugin description */
const char *version; /**< Plugin version string */
const char *url; /**< Plugin URL */
} sm_plugininfo_t;
* @brief Describes the usability status of a plugin.
enum PluginStatus
2015-09-20 21:20:57 +02:00
// @brief The plugin is running normally.
// @brief The plugin is paused and no code may be executed until it
// is resumed.
// @brief The plugin encountered a fatal error, but it may be loaded
// again later.
// @brief The plugin loaded, but has not yet been linked into the
// dependency system. It may not have all its natives bound yet.
// @brief The plugin encountered a fatal, unrecoverable error.
// @brief The plugin successfully compiled, but we have not yet begun
// the loading and initialization process. This state should not be
// observable.
// @brief The plugin has not yet been compiled. This state should not
// be observable. Plugins in this state do not have a context or
// runtime.
// @brief The plugin could not be loaded. Either its file was missing
// or could not be recognized as a valid SourcePawn binary. Plugins
// in this state do not have a context or runtime.
2015-09-20 09:57:02 +02:00
// @brief The plugin was once in a state <= Created, but has since
// been destroyed. We have left its IPlugin instance around for
// informational purposes. Plugins in this state do not have a
// context or runtime.
* @brief Describes the object lifetime of a plugin.
enum PluginType
PluginType_Private_Unused, /**< Unused. */
PluginType_MapUpdated, /**< Plugin will never be unloaded unless for updates on mapchange */
PluginType_MapOnly_Unused, /**< Unused. */
PluginType_Global_Unused, /**< Unused. */
class IPhraseCollection;
* @brief Encapsulates a run-time plugin as maintained by SourceMod.
class IPlugin
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~IPlugin()
* @brief Always returns PluginType_MapUpdated.
virtual PluginType GetType() =0;
* @brief Returns the IPluginRuntime::GetDefaultContext() value.
* @return Pointer to an IPluginContext, or NULL if not loaded.
virtual SourcePawn::IPluginContext *GetBaseContext() =0;
* @brief Deprecated, returns NULL.
* @return NULL.
virtual sp_context_t *GetContext() =0;
* @brief Deprecated, returns NULL.
* @return NULL.
virtual void *GetPluginStructure() =0;
* @brief Returns information about the plugin by reference.
* @return Pointer to a sm_plugininfo_t object, NULL if plugin is not loaded.
virtual const sm_plugininfo_t *GetPublicInfo() =0;
* @brief Returns the plugin filename (relative to plugins dir).
virtual const char *GetFilename() =0;
* @brief Returns true if a plugin is in debug mode, false otherwise.
* On SourceMod 1.1 or higher, this always returns true for loaded plugins.
virtual bool IsDebugging() =0;
* @brief Returns the plugin status.
virtual PluginStatus GetStatus() =0;
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* @brief Sets whether the plugin is paused or not.
* @return True on successful state change, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetPauseState(bool paused) =0;
* @brief Returns the unique serial number of a plugin.
virtual unsigned int GetSerial() =0;
* @brief Returns a plugin's identity token.
virtual IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity() =0;
* @brief Sets a property on this plugin. This is used for per-plugin
* data from extensions or other parts of core. The property's value must
* be manually destructed when the plugin is destroyed.
* @param prop String containing name of the property.
* @param ptr Generic pointer to set.
* @return True on success, false if the property is already set.
virtual bool SetProperty(const char *prop, void *ptr) =0;
* @brief Gets a property from a plugin.
* @param prop String containing the property's name.
* @param ptr Optional pointer to the generic pointer.
* @param remove Optional boolean value; if true, property is removed
* (so it can be set again).
* @return True if the property existed, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetProperty(const char *prop, void **ptr, bool remove=false) =0;
* @brief Returns the runtime representing this plugin.
* @return IPluginRuntime pointer, or NULL if not loaded.
virtual SourcePawn::IPluginRuntime *GetRuntime() =0;
* @brief Returns the plugin's phrase collection.
* @return Plugin's phrase collection.
virtual IPhraseCollection *GetPhrases() =0;
* @brief Returns a plugin's handle.
* @return Plugin's handle.
virtual Handle_t GetMyHandle() =0;
* @brief Iterates over a list of plugins.
class IPluginIterator
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~IPluginIterator()
* @brief Returns true if there are more plugins in the iterator.
virtual bool MorePlugins() =0;
* @brief Returns the plugin at the current iterator position.
virtual IPlugin *GetPlugin() =0;
* @brief Advances to the next plugin in the iterator.
virtual void NextPlugin() =0;
* @brief Destroys the iterator object.
* Note: You may use 'delete' in lieu of this function.
virtual void Release() =0;
* @brief Listens for plugin-oriented events.
class IPluginsListener_V1
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// @brief This callback should not be used since plugins may be in
// an unusable state.
virtual void OnPluginCreated(IPlugin *plugin) final
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// @brief Called when a plugin's required dependencies and natives have
// been bound. Plugins at this phase may be in any state Failed or
// lower. This is invoked immediately before OnPluginStart, and sometime
// after OnPluginCreated.
virtual void OnPluginLoaded(IPlugin *plugin)
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// @brief Called when a plugin is paused or unpaused.
virtual void OnPluginPauseChange(IPlugin *plugin, bool paused)
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// @brief Called when a plugin is about to be unloaded. This is called for
// any plugin for which OnPluginLoaded was called, and is invoked
// immediately after OnPluginEnd(). The plugin may be in any state Failed
// or lower.
// This function must not cause the plugin to re-enter script code. If
// you wish to be notified of when a plugin is unloading, and to forbid
// future calls on that plugin, use OnPluginWillUnload and use a
// plugin property to block future calls.
virtual void OnPluginUnloaded(IPlugin *plugin)
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// @brief Called when a plugin is destroyed. This is called on all plugins for
// which OnPluginCreated was called. The plugin may be in any state.
virtual void OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin)
// @brief Listens for plugin-oriented events. Extends the V1 listener class.
class IPluginsListener : public IPluginsListener_V1
virtual unsigned int GetApiVersion() const {
// @brief Called when a plugin is about to be unloaded, before its
// OnPluginEnd callback is fired. This can be used to ensure that any
// asynchronous operations are flushed and no further operations can
// be started (via SetProperty).
// Like OnPluginUnloaded, this is only called for plugins which
// OnPluginLoaded was called.
virtual void OnPluginWillUnload(IPlugin *plugin)
static const unsigned int kMinPluginSysApiWithWillUnloadCallback = 8;
* @brief Manages the runtime loading and unloading of plugins.
class IPluginManager : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName()
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion()
* @brief Attempts to load a plugin.
* @param path Path and filename of plugin, relative to plugins folder.
* @param debug Deprecated, must be false.
* @param type Plugin type. Values other than PluginType_MapUpdated are ignored.
* @param error Buffer to hold any error message.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of error message buffer.
* @param wasloaded Stores if the plugin is already loaded.
* @return A new plugin pointer on success, false otherwise.
virtual IPlugin *LoadPlugin(const char *path,
bool debug,
PluginType type,
char error[],
size_t maxlength,
bool *wasloaded) =0;
* @brief Attempts to unload a plugin.
* @param plugin Pointer to the plugin handle.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool UnloadPlugin(IPlugin *plugin) =0;
* @brief Finds a plugin by its context.
* Note: This function should be considered O(1).
* @param ctx Pointer to an sp_context_t.
* @return Pointer to a matching IPlugin, or NULL if none found.
virtual IPlugin *FindPluginByContext(const sp_context_t *ctx) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of plugins (both failed and loaded).
* @return The number of internally cached plugins.
virtual unsigned int GetPluginCount() =0;
* @brief Returns a pointer that can be used to iterate through plugins.
* Note: This pointer must be freed using EITHER delete OR IPluginIterator::Release().
virtual IPluginIterator *GetPluginIterator() =0;
* @brief Adds a V1 plugin manager listener.
* @param listener Pointer to a listener.
virtual void AddPluginsListener_V1(IPluginsListener_V1 *listener) =0;
* @brief Removes a V1 plugin listener.
* @param listener Pointer to a listener.
virtual void RemovePluginsListener_V1(IPluginsListener_V1 *listener) =0;
* @brief Converts a Handle to an IPlugin if possible.
* @param handle Handle.
* @param err Error, set on failure (otherwise undefined).
* @return IPlugin pointer, or NULL on failure.
virtual IPlugin *PluginFromHandle(Handle_t handle, HandleError *err) =0;
* @brief Adds a plugin manager listener.
* @param listener Pointer to a listener.
virtual void AddPluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener) =0;
* @brief Removes a plugin listener.
* @param listener Pointer to a listener.
virtual void RemovePluginsListener(IPluginsListener *listener) =0;