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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <IShareSys.h>
#include <IHandleSys.h>
#include <string.h>
* @file IDBDriver.h
* @brief Defines interfaces for interacting with relational databases.
namespace SourceMod
* @brief Describes a database field value.
enum DBResult
DBVal_Error = 0, /**< Column number/field is invalid */
DBVal_TypeMismatch = 1, /**< You cannot retrieve this data with this type */
DBVal_Null = 2, /**< Field has no data (NULL) */
DBVal_Data = 3, /**< Field has data */
* @brief Describes a primitive database type.
enum DBType
DBType_Unknown = 0, /**< Type could not be inferred */
DBType_String, /**< NULL-terminated string (variable length) */
DBType_Blob, /**< Raw binary data (variable length) */
DBType_Integer, /**< 4-byte signed integer */
DBType_Float, /**< 4-byte floating point */
DBType_NULL, /**< NULL (no data) */
/* --------- */
DBTypes_TOTAL, /**< Total number of database types known */
* @brief Represents a one database result row.
* Note that type mismatches will only occur when type safety is being
* enforced. So far this is only the case for prepared statements in
* MySQL and SQLite.
* Also, it is worth noting that retrieving as raw data will never cause a
* type mismatch.
class IResultRow
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a string.
* For NULL values, the resulting string pointer will be non-NULL but
* empty. The pointer returned will become invalid after advancing to
* the next row.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pString Pointer to store a pointer to the string.
* @param length Optional pointer to store the string length.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetString(unsigned int columnId, const char **pString, size_t *length) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a string, using a
* user-supplied buffer. If the field is NULL, an empty string
* will be copied.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param buffer Buffer to store string in.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param written Optional pointer to store the number of bytes
* written, excluding the null terminator.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult CopyString(unsigned int columnId,
char *buffer,
size_t maxlength,
size_t *written) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a float.
* For NULL entries, the returned float value will be 0.0.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pFloat Pointer to a floating point number to set.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetFloat(unsigned int columnId, float *pFloat) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as an integer.
* For NULL entries, the returned integer value will be 0.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pInt Pointer to an integer number to set.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetInt(unsigned int columnId, int *pInt) =0;
* @brief Returns whether or not a field is NULL.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return True if field is NULL, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsNull(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Returns the size of a field (text/raw/blob) in bytes.
* For strings, this returned size will not include the null
* terminator.
* When used on fields that are not of variable length,
* the size returned will be the number of bytes required
* to store the internal data. Note that the data size
* will correspond to the ACTUAL data type, not the
* COLUMN type.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return Number of bytes required to store
* the data, or 0 on failure.
virtual size_t GetDataSize(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Retrieves field data as a raw bitstream. The pointer returned
* will become invalid after advancing to the next row.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pData Pointer to store the raw bit stream. If the
* data is NULL, a NULL pointer will be returned.
* @param length Pointer to store the data length.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetBlob(unsigned int columnId, const void **pData, size_t *length) =0;
* @brief Copies field data as a raw bitstream.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param buffer Pointer to copy the data to. If the data is
* NULL, no data will be copied.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param written Optional pointer to store the number of bytes
* written.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult CopyBlob(unsigned int columnId, void *buffer, size_t maxlength, size_t *written) =0;
* @brief Describes a set of database results.
class IResultSet
* @brief Returns the number of rows in the set.
* @return Number of rows in the set.
virtual unsigned int GetRowCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the number of fields in the set.
* @return Number of fields in the set.
virtual unsigned int GetFieldCount() =0;
* @brief Converts a column number to a column name.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return Pointer to column name, or NULL if not found.
virtual const char *FieldNumToName(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Converts a column name to a column id.
* @param name Column name (case sensitive).
* @param columnId Pointer to store the column id. If the
* name is not found, the value will be
* undefined.
* @return True on success, false if not found.
virtual bool FieldNameToNum(const char *name, unsigned int *columnId) =0;
* @brief Returns if there is still data in the result set.
* @return False if there is more data to be read,
* true, otherwise.
virtual bool MoreRows() =0;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current row and advances
* the internal row pointer/counter to the next row available.
* @return IResultRow pointer to the current row,
* or NULL if there is no more data.
virtual IResultRow *FetchRow() =0;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current row.
* @return IResultRow pointer to the current row,
* or NULL if the current row is invalid.
virtual IResultRow *CurrentRow() =0;
* @brief Rewinds back to the beginning of the row iteration.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Rewind() =0;
* @brief Returns a field's type as it should be interpreted
* by the user.
* @param field Field number (starting from 0).
* @return A DBType value.
virtual DBType GetFieldType(unsigned int field) =0;
* @brief Returns a field's type as it will be interpreted
* by the GetDataSize() function. For example, MySQL
* for non-prepared queries will store all results as
* strings internally.
* @param field Field number (starting from 0).
* @return A DBType value.
virtual DBType GetFieldDataType(unsigned int field) =0;
class IDBDriver;
class IQuery
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current result set, if any.
* @return An IResultSet pointer on success,
* NULL if no result set exists.
virtual IResultSet *GetResultSet() =0;
* @brief Advances to the next result set if one exists. This
* is for checking for MORE result sets, and should not be used
* on the first result set.
* Multiple results only happen in certain cases, such as CALLing
* stored procedure that have a SELECTs, where MySQL will return
* both the CALL status and one or more SELECT result sets. If
* you do not process these results, they will be automatically
* processed for you. However, the behaviour of creating a new
* query from the same connection while results are left
* unprocessed is undefined, and may result in a dropped
* connection. Therefore, process all extra results or destroy the
* IQuery pointer before starting a new query.
* Again, this only happens in very specific cases, so there is
* no need to call this for normal queries.
* After calling this function, GetResultSet() must be called
* again to return the result set. The previous result set
* is automatically destroyed and will be unusable.
* @return True if another result set is
* available, false otherwise.
virtual bool FetchMoreResults() =0;
* @brief Frees resources created by this query.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
class IPreparedQuery : public IQuery
* @brief Binds an integer parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param num Number to bind as a value.
* @param signd True to write as signed, false to write as
* unsigned.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamInt(unsigned int param, int num, bool signd=true) =0;
* @brief Binds a float parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param f Float to bind as a value.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamFloat(unsigned int param, float f) =0;
* @brief Binds an SQL NULL type as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamNull(unsigned int param) =0;
* @brief Binds a string as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param text Pointer to a null-terminated string.
* @param copy If true, the pointer is assumed to be
* volatile and a temporary copy may be
* made for safety.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamString(unsigned int param, const char *text, bool copy) =0;
* @brief Binds a blob of raw data as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param data Pointer to a blob of memory.
* @param length Number of bytes to copy.
* @param copy If true, the pointer is assumed to be
* volatile and a temporary copy may be
* made for safety.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamBlob(unsigned int param,
const void *data,
size_t length,
bool copy) =0;
* @brief Executes the query with the currently bound parameters.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Execute() =0;
* @brief Returns the last error message from this statement.
* @param errCode Optional pointer to store the driver-specific
* error code.
* @return Error message string.
virtual const char *GetError(int *errCode=NULL) =0;
* @brief Number of rows affected by the last execute.
* @return Number of rows affected by the last execute.
virtual unsigned int GetAffectedRows() =0;
* @brief Retrieves the last insert ID on this database connection.
* @return Row insertion ID of the last execute, if any.
virtual unsigned int GetInsertID() =0;
class IDBDriver;
* @brief Encapsulates a database connection.
class IDatabase
* @brief Disconnects the database and frees its associated memory.
* Note that the actual object will not be freed until all open
* references have been closed.
* It is guaranteed that an IDatabase pointer won't be destroyed until
* all open IQuery or IPreparedQuery pointers are closed.
* This function is thread safe.
* @return True if object was destroyed, false if
* references are remaining.
virtual bool Close() =0;
* @brief Error code and string returned by the last operation on this
* connection.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param errorCode Optional pointer to retrieve an error code.
* @return Error string pointer (empty if none).
virtual const char *GetError(int *errorCode=NULL) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a query in one step, and discards
* any return data.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool DoSimpleQuery(const char *query) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a query in one step, and returns
* the resultant data set.
* Note: If a query contains more than one result set, each
* result set must be processed before a new query is started.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return IQuery pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IQuery *DoQuery(const char *query) =0;
* @brief Prepares a query statement for multiple executions and/or
* binding marked parameters (? in MySQL/sqLite, $n in PostgreSQL).
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @param error Error buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the error buffer.
* @param errCode Optional pointer to store a driver-specific error code.
* @return IPreparedQuery pointer on success, NULL
* otherwise.
virtual IPreparedQuery *PrepareQuery(const char *query, char *error, size_t maxlength, int *errCode=NULL) =0;
* Quotes a string for insertion into a query.
* @param str Source string.
* @param buffer Buffer to store new string (should not overlap source string).
* @param maxlen Maximum length of the output buffer.
* @param newSize Pointer to store the output size.
* @return True on success, false if the output buffer is not big enough.
* If not big enough, the required buffer size is passed through
* newSize.
virtual bool QuoteString(const char *str, char buffer[], size_t maxlen, size_t *newSize) =0;
* @brief Number of rows affected by the last execute.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @return Number of rows affected by the last execute.
virtual unsigned int GetAffectedRows() =0;
* @brief Retrieves the last insert ID on this database connection.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @return Row insertion ID of the last execute, if any.
virtual unsigned int GetInsertID() =0;
* @brief Locks the database for an atomic query+retrieval operation.
* @return True on success, false if not supported.
virtual bool LockForFullAtomicOperation() =0;
* @brief Unlocks a locked atomic fetch.
virtual void UnlockFromFullAtomicOperation() =0;
* @brief Increases the reference count on the database.
* This function is thread safe.
virtual void IncReferenceCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the parent driver.
* This function is thread safe.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver() =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a binary query in one step, and discards
* any return data.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @param length Length of query string.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool DoSimpleQueryEx(const char *query, size_t len) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a binary query in one step, and returns
* the resultant data set.
* Note: If a query contains more than one result set, each
* result set must be processed before a new query is started.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return IQuery pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IQuery *DoQueryEx(const char *query, size_t len) =0;
* @brief Retrieves the number of affected rows from the last execute of
* the given query
* Note: This can only accept queries from this driver.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query IQuery object from this driver
* @return Rows affected from last execution of this query,
* if applicable.
virtual unsigned int GetAffectedRowsForQuery(IQuery *query) =0;
* @brief Retrieves the last insert id of the given query
* Note: This can only accept queries from this driver.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query IQuery object from this driver
* @return Insert Id from the last execution of this query,
* if applicable.
virtual unsigned int GetInsertIDForQuery(IQuery *query) =0;
* @brief Sets the character set of the current connection
* @param characterset The characterset to switch to. e.g. "utf8".
virtual bool SetCharacterSet(const char *characterset) =0;
* @brief Wrapper around IncReferenceCount(), for ke::Ref.
void AddRef() {
* @brief Wrapper around Close(), for ke::Ref.
void Release() {
* @brief Describes database connection info.
struct DatabaseInfo
port = 0;
maxTimeout = 0;
unsigned int dbiVersion; /**< DBI Version for backwards compatibility */
const char *host; /**< Host string */
const char *database; /**< Database name string */
const char *user; /**< User to authenticate as */
const char *pass; /**< Password to authenticate with */
const char *driver; /**< Driver to use */
unsigned int port; /**< Port to use, 0=default */
unsigned int maxTimeout; /**< Maximum timeout, 0=default */
* @brief Describes an SQL driver.
class IDBDriver
virtual unsigned int GetDBIVersion()
* @brief Initiates a database connection.
* Note: Persistent connections should never be created from a thread.
* @param info Database connection info pointer.
* @param persistent If true, a previous persistent connection will
* be re-used if possible.
* @param error Buffer to store error message.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the error buffer.
* @return A new IDatabase pointer, or NULL on failure.
virtual IDatabase *Connect(const DatabaseInfo *info, bool persistent, char *error, size_t maxlength) =0;
* @brief Returns a case insensitive database identifier string.
* @return String containing an identifier.
virtual const char *GetIdentifier() =0;
* @brief Returns a case sensitive implementation name.
* @return String containing an implementation name.
virtual const char *GetProductName() =0;
* @brief Retrieves a Handle_t handle of the IDBDriver type.
* @return A Handle_t handle.
virtual Handle_t GetHandle() =0;
* @brief Returns the driver's controlling identity (must be the same
* as from IExtension::GetIdentity).
* @return An IdentityToken_t identity.
virtual IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity() =0;
* @brief Returns whether the driver is thread safe.
* @return True if thread safe, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsThreadSafe() =0;
* @brief Initializes thread safety for the calling thread.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool InitializeThreadSafety() =0;
* @brief Shuts down thread safety for the calling thread.
virtual void ShutdownThreadSafety() =0;
* @brief Priority queue level.
enum PrioQueueLevel
PrioQueue_High, /**< High priority */
PrioQueue_Normal, /**< Normal priority */
PrioQueue_Low /**< Low priority */
* Specification for a threaded database operation.
class IDBThreadOperation
* @brief Must return the driver this operation is using, or
* NULL if not using any driver. This is not never inside
* the thread.
* @return IDBDriver pointer.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver() =0;
* @brief Must return the object owning this threaded operation.
* This is never called inside the thread.
* @return IdentityToken_t pointer.
virtual IdentityToken_t *GetOwner() =0;
* @brief Called inside the thread; this is where any blocking
* or threaded operations must occur.
virtual void RunThreadPart() =0;
* @brief Called in a server frame after the thread operation
* has completed. This is the non-threaded completion callback,
* which although optional, is useful for pumping results back
* to normal game API.
virtual void RunThinkPart() =0;
* @brief If RunThinkPart() is not called, this will be called
* instead. Note that RunThreadPart() is ALWAYS called regardless,
* and this is only called when Core requests that the operation
* be scrapped (for example, the database driver might be unloading).
virtual void CancelThinkPart() =0;
* @brief Called when the operation is finalized and any resources
* can be released.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
* @brief Database-related Handle types.
enum DBHandleType
DBHandle_Driver = 0, /**< Driver Handle */
DBHandle_Database = 1, /**< Database Handle */
* @brief Describes the DBI manager.
class IDBManager : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() =0;
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() =0;
* @brief Adds a driver to the DBI system. Not thread safe.
* @param pDriver Database driver.
virtual void AddDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) =0;
* @brief Removes a driver from the DBI system. Not thread safe.
* @param pDriver Database driver.
virtual void RemoveDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) =0;
* @brief Searches for database info by name. Both the return pointer
* and all pointers contained therein should be considered volatile.
* @param name Named database info.
* @return DatabaseInfo pointer.
virtual const DatabaseInfo *FindDatabaseConf(const char *name) =0;
* @brief Tries to connect to a named database. Not thread safe.
* @param name Named database info.
* @param pdr Pointer to store the IDBDriver pointer in.
* If driver is not found, NULL will be stored.
* @param pdb Pointer to store the IDatabase pointer in.
* If connection fails, NULL will be stored.
* @param persistent If true, the dbmanager will attempt to PConnect
* instead of connect.
* @param error Error buffer to store a driver's error message.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the error buffer.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Connect(const char *name,
IDBDriver **pdr,
IDatabase **pdb,
bool persistent,
char *error,
size_t maxlength) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of drivers loaded. Not thread safe.
* @return Number of drivers loaded.
virtual unsigned int GetDriverCount() =0;
* @brief Returns a driver by index. Not thread safe.
* @param index Driver index, starting from 0.
* @return IDBDriver pointer for the given index.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver(unsigned int index) =0;
* @brief Creates a Handle_t of the IDBDriver type. Not thread safe.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param ptr A pointer corrresponding to a DBHandleType
* object.
* @param pToken Identity pointer of the owning identity.
* @return A new Handle_t handle, or 0 on failure.
virtual Handle_t CreateHandle(DBHandleType type, void *ptr, IdentityToken_t *pToken) =0;
* @brief Reads an IDBDriver pointer from an IDBDriver handle. Not
* thread safe.
* @param hndl Handle_t handle to read.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param ptr Pointer to store the object pointer.
* @return HandleError value.
virtual HandleError ReadHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType type, void **ptr) =0;
* @brief Releases an IDBDriver handle.
* @param hndl Handle_t handle to release.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param token Identity pointer of the owning identity.
* @return HandleError value.
virtual HandleError ReleaseHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType type, IdentityToken_t *token) =0;
* @brief Given a driver name, attempts to find it. If it is not found, SourceMod
* will attempt to load it. This function is not thread safe.
* @param driver Driver identifier name.
* @return IDBDriver pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IDBDriver *FindOrLoadDriver(const char *driver) =0;
* @brief Returns the default driver, or NULL if none is set. This
* function is not thread safe.
* @return IDBDriver pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDefaultDriver() =0;
* @brief Adds a threaded database operation to the priority queue.
* This function is not thread safe.
* @param op Instance of an IDBThreadOperation.
* @param prio Priority level to run at.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
virtual bool AddToThreadQueue(IDBThreadOperation *op, PrioQueueLevel prio) =0;
* @brief Adds a dependency from one extension to the owner of a driver.
* @param myself Extension that is using the IDBDriver.
* @param driver Driver that is being used.
virtual void AddDependency(IExtension *myself, IDBDriver *driver) =0;