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#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <entitylump>
#pragma newdecls required
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.0.0"
public Plugin myinfo = {
name = "Entity Lump Core Native Test",
author = "nosoop",
description = "A port of the Level KeyValues entity test to the Entity Lump implementation in core SourceMod",
#define OUTPUT_NAME "OnCapTeam2"
public void OnMapInit() {
// set every area_time_to_cap value to 30
for (int i, n = EntityLump.Length(); i < n; i++) {
EntityLumpEntry entry = EntityLump.Get(i);
int ttc = entry.FindKey("area_time_to_cap");
if (ttc != -1) {
entry.Update(ttc, NULL_STRING, "30");
PrintToServer("Set time to cap for item %d to 30", i);
delete entry;
public void OnMapStart() {
int captureArea = FindEntityByClassname(-1, "trigger_capture_area");
if (!IsValidEntity(captureArea)) {
LogMessage("---- %s", "No capture area");
int hammerid = GetEntProp(captureArea, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID");
EntityLumpEntry entry = FindEntityLumpEntryByHammerID(hammerid);
if (!entry) {
LogMessage("---- %s", "Found a trigger_capture_area with keys:");
for (int i, n = entry.Length; i < n; i++) {
char keyBuffer[128], valueBuffer[128];
entry.Get(i, keyBuffer, sizeof(keyBuffer), valueBuffer, sizeof(valueBuffer));
LogMessage("%s -> %s", keyBuffer, valueBuffer);
LogMessage("---- %s", "List of " ... OUTPUT_NAME ... " outputs:");
char outputString[256];
for (int k = -1; (k = entry.GetNextKey(OUTPUT_NAME, outputString, sizeof(outputString), k)) != -1;) {
char targetName[32], inputName[64], variantValue[32];
float delay;
int nFireCount;
ParseEntityOutputString(outputString, targetName, sizeof(targetName),
inputName, sizeof(inputName), variantValue, sizeof(variantValue),
delay, nFireCount);
LogMessage("target %s -> input %s (value %s, delay %.2f, refire %d)",
targetName, inputName, variantValue, delay, nFireCount);
delete entry;
* Returns the first EntityLumpEntry with a matching hammerid.
EntityLumpEntry FindEntityLumpEntryByHammerID(int hammerid) {
for (int i, n = EntityLump.Length(); i < n; i++) {
EntityLumpEntry entry = EntityLump.Get(i);
char value[32];
if (entry.GetNextKey("hammerid", value, sizeof(value)) != -1
&& StringToInt(value) == hammerid) {
return entry;
delete entry;
return null;
* Parses an entity's output value (as formatted in the entity string).
* Refer to for the format.
* @return True if the output string was successfully parsed, false if not.
stock bool ParseEntityOutputString(const char[] output, char[] targetName, int targetNameLength,
char[] inputName, int inputNameLength, char[] variantValue, int variantValueLength,
float &delay, int &nFireCount) {
int delimiter;
char buffer[32];
// validate that we have something resembling an output string (four commas)
int i, c, nDelim;
while ((c = FindCharInString(output[i], ',')) != -1) {
i += c + 1;
if (nDelim < 4) {
return false;
delimiter = SplitString(output, ",", targetName, targetNameLength);
delimiter += SplitString(output[delimiter], ",", inputName, inputNameLength);
delimiter += SplitString(output[delimiter], ",", variantValue, variantValueLength);
delimiter += SplitString(output[delimiter], ",", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
delay = StringToFloat(buffer);
nFireCount = StringToInt(output[delimiter]);
return true;