#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <outputinfo> #pragma newdecls required StringMap g_PlayerLevels; KeyValues g_Config; KeyValues g_PropAltNames; #define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.0" public Plugin myinfo = { name = "SaveLevel", author = "BotoX", description = "Saves players level on maps when they disconnect and restore them on connect.", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); g_PropAltNames = new KeyValues("PropAltNames"); g_PropAltNames.SetString("m_iName", "targetname"); RegAdminCmd("sm_level", Command_Level, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Set a players map level."); } public void OnPluginEnd() { if(g_Config) delete g_Config; if(g_PlayerLevels) delete g_PlayerLevels; delete g_PropAltNames; } public void OnMapStart() { if(g_Config) delete g_Config; if(g_PlayerLevels) delete g_PlayerLevels; char sMapName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentMap(sMapName, sizeof(sMapName)); char sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), "configs/savelevel/%s.cfg", sMapName); if(!FileExists(sConfigFile)) { LogMessage("Could not find mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile); return; } LogMessage("Found mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile); g_Config = new KeyValues("levels"); if(!g_Config.ImportFromFile(sConfigFile)) { delete g_Config; LogMessage("ImportFromFile() failed!"); return; } g_Config.Rewind(); if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey()) { delete g_Config; LogMessage("GotoFirstSubKey() failed!"); return; } g_PlayerLevels = new StringMap(); } public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { if(!g_Config) return; char sSteamID[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID)); static char sTargets[128]; if(g_PlayerLevels.GetString(sSteamID, sTargets, sizeof(sTargets))) { g_PlayerLevels.Remove(sSteamID); char sNames[128]; static char asTargets[4][32]; int Split = ExplodeString(sTargets, ";", asTargets, sizeof(asTargets), sizeof(asTargets[])); int Found = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Split; i++) { static char sName[32]; if(RestoreLevel(client, asTargets[i], sName, sizeof(sName))) { if(Found) StrCat(sNames, sizeof(sNames), ", "); Found++; StrCat(sNames, sizeof(sNames), sName); } } if(Found) PrintToChatAll("\x03[SaveLevel]\x01 \x04%N\x01 has been restored to: \x04%s", client, sNames); } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { if(!g_Config || !g_PlayerLevels || !IsClientInGame(client)) return; char sTargets[128]; if(GetLevel(client, sTargets, sizeof(sTargets))) { char sSteamID[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID)); g_PlayerLevels.SetString(sSteamID, sTargets, true); } } bool RestoreLevel(int client, const char[] sTarget, char[] sName = NULL_STRING, int NameLen = 0) { g_Config.Rewind(); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey(sTarget)) return false; if(NameLen) g_Config.GetString("name", sName, NameLen); static char sKey[32]; static char sValue[1024]; if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("restore")) return false; if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) return false; do { g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey)); g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue)); if(StrEqual(sKey, "AddOutput", false)) { SetVariantString(sValue); AcceptEntityInput(client, sKey, client, client); } else if(StrEqual(sKey, "DeleteOutput", false)) { int Index; // Output (e.g. m_OnUser1) int Target = FindCharInString(sValue, ' '); if(Target == -1) { while((Index = FindOutput(client, sValue, 0)) != -1) DeleteOutput(client, sValue, Index); continue; } sValue[Target] = 0; Target++; while(IsCharSpace(sValue[Target])) Target++; // Target (e.g. leveling_counter) int Input = FindCharInString(sValue[Target], ','); if(Input == -1) { while((Index = FindOutput(client, sValue, 0, sValue[Target])) != -1) DeleteOutput(client, sValue, Index); continue; } sValue[Input] = 0; Input++; // Input (e.g. add) int Parameter = Input + FindCharInString(sValue[Input], ','); if(Input == -1) { while((Index = FindOutput(client, sValue, 0, sValue[Target], sValue[Input])) != -1) DeleteOutput(client, sValue, Index); continue; } sValue[Parameter] = 0; Parameter++; // Parameter (e.g. 1) while((Index = FindOutput(client, sValue, 0, sValue[Target], sValue[Input], sValue[Parameter])) != -1) DeleteOutput(client, sValue, Index); } else { PropFieldType Type; int NumBits; int Offset = FindDataMapInfo(client, sKey, Type, NumBits); if(Offset != -1) { if(Type == PropField_Integer) { int Value = StringToInt(sValue); SetEntData(client, Offset, Value, NumBits / 8, false); } else if(Type == PropField_Float) { float Value = StringToFloat(sValue); SetEntDataFloat(client, Offset, Value, false); } else if(Type == PropField_String) { SetEntDataString(client, Offset, sValue, strlen(sValue) + 1, false); } else if(Type == PropField_String_T) { static char sAltKey[32]; g_PropAltNames.GetString(sKey, sAltKey, sizeof(sAltKey), NULL_STRING); if(sAltKey[0]) DispatchKeyValue(client, sAltKey, sValue); } } } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.Rewind(); return true; } bool GetLevel(int client, char[] sTargets, int TargetsLen, char[] sNames = NULL_STRING, int NamesLen = 0) { if(!g_Config || !g_PlayerLevels || !IsClientInGame(client)) return false; g_Config.Rewind(); g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(); static char sTarget[32]; static char sName[32]; static char sKey[32]; static char sValue[1024]; static char sOutput[1024]; bool Found = false; do { g_Config.GetSectionName(sTarget, sizeof(sTarget)); g_Config.GetString("name", sName, sizeof(sName)); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("match")) continue; int Matches = 0; int ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1); int MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1); int MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1); if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) continue; do { static char sSection[32]; g_Config.GetSectionName(sSection, sizeof(sSection)); if(StrEqual(sSection, "outputs")) { int _Matches = 0; int _ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1); int _MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1); int _MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1); if(g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { do { g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey)); g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue)); int Count = GetOutputCount(client, sKey); for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { GetOutputFormatted(client, sKey, i, sOutput, sizeof(sOutput)); sOutput[FindCharInString(sOutput, ',', true)] = 0; sOutput[FindCharInString(sOutput, ',', true)] = 0; if(StrEqual(sValue, sOutput)) _Matches++; } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); } g_Config.GoBack(); Matches += CalcMatches(_Matches, _ExactMatches, _MinMatches, _MaxMatches); } else if(StrEqual(sSection, "props")) { int _Matches = 0; int _ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1); int _MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1); int _MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1); if(g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { do { g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey)); g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue)); GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, sKey, sOutput, sizeof(sOutput)); if(StrEqual(sValue, sOutput)) _Matches++; } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); } g_Config.GoBack(); Matches += CalcMatches(_Matches, _ExactMatches, _MinMatches, _MaxMatches); } else if(StrEqual(sSection, "math")) { if(g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { do { g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey)); g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue)); int Target = 0; int Input; int Parameter; Input = FindCharInString(sValue[Target], ','); sValue[Input] = 0; Input++; Parameter = Input + FindCharInString(sValue[Input], ','); sValue[Parameter] = 0; Parameter++; int Value = 0; int Count = GetOutputCount(client, sKey); for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { int _Target = 0; int _Input; int _Parameter; _Input = GetOutputTarget(client, sKey, i, sOutput[_Target], sizeof(sOutput) - _Target); sOutput[_Input] = 0; _Input++; _Parameter = _Input + GetOutputTargetInput(client, sKey, i, sOutput[_Input], sizeof(sOutput) - _Input); sOutput[_Parameter] = 0; _Parameter++; GetOutputParameter(client, sKey, i, sOutput[_Parameter], sizeof(sOutput) - _Parameter); if(!StrEqual(sOutput[_Target], sValue[Target])) continue; int _Value = StringToInt(sOutput[_Parameter]); if(StrEqual(sOutput[_Input], "add", false)) Value += _Value; else if(StrEqual(sOutput[_Input], "subtract", false)) Value -= _Value; } int Result = StringToInt(sValue[Parameter]); if(StrEqual(sValue[Input], "subtract", false)) Result *= -1; if(Value == Result) Matches += 1; } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); } g_Config.GoBack(); } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); if(CalcMatches(Matches, ExactMatches, MinMatches, MaxMatches)) { if(Found) { if(TargetsLen) StrCat(sTargets, TargetsLen, ";"); if(NamesLen) StrCat(sNames, NamesLen, ", "); } Found = true; if(TargetsLen) StrCat(sTargets, TargetsLen, sTarget); if(NamesLen) StrCat(sNames, NamesLen, sName); } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey()); g_Config.Rewind(); if(!Found) return false; return true; } public Action Command_Level(int client, int args) { if(!g_Config) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map is not supported."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 2) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_level <target> <level>"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sTarget[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS]; int iTargetCount; bool bIsML; GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget)); if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sTarget, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, 0, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } char sLevel[32]; GetCmdArg(2, sLevel, sizeof(sLevel)); int Level; if(!StringToIntEx(sLevel, Level)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Level has to be a number."); return Plugin_Handled; } IntToString(Level, sLevel, sizeof(sLevel)); g_Config.Rewind(); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("0")) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Setting levels on the current map is not supported."); return Plugin_Handled; } g_Config.GoBack(); if(Level && !g_Config.JumpToKey(sLevel)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Level %s could not be found.", sLevel); return Plugin_Handled; } g_Config.Rewind(); char sPrevNames[128]; if(iTargetCount == 1) GetLevel(iTargets[0], sPrevNames, 0, sPrevNames, sizeof(sPrevNames)); char sName[32]; for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++) { // Reset level first if(Level) { if(!RestoreLevel(iTargets[i], "0")) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Failed resetting level on %L.", iTargets[i]); return Plugin_Handled; } } if(!RestoreLevel(iTargets[i], sLevel, sName, sizeof(sName))) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Failed setting level to %s on %L.", sLevel, iTargets[i]); return Plugin_Handled; } LogAction(client, iTargets[i], "Set %L to %s", iTargets[i], sName); } if(sPrevNames[0]) ShowActivity2(client, "\x03[SaveLevel]\x01 ", "Set \x04%s\x01 from \x04%s\x01 to \x04%s\x01", sTargetName, sPrevNames, sName); else ShowActivity2(client, "\x03[SaveLevel]\x01 ", "Set \x04%s\x01 to \x04%s\x01", sTargetName, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } stock int CalcMatches(int Matches, int ExactMatches, int MinMatches, int MaxMatches) { int Value = 0; if((ExactMatches == -1 && MinMatches == -1 && MaxMatches == -1 && Matches) || Matches == ExactMatches || (MinMatches != -1 && MaxMatches == -1 && Matches >= MinMatches) || (MaxMatches != -1 && MinMatches == -1 && Matches <= MaxMatches) || (MinMatches != -1 && MaxMatches != -1 && Matches >= MinMatches && Matches <= MaxMatches)) { Value++; } return Value; }