#include <cstrike> #include <multicolors> #include <sourcemod> #include <zombiereloaded> #include "TeamManager.inc" #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "SpecialSettings", author = "Neon", description = "Special Settings", version = "1.0", url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/n3ontm" } Handle g_VoteMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_SettingsList = INVALID_HANDLE; ConVar g_cvHlxBonus; ConVar g_cvBhop; ConVar g_cvAA; bool g_bIsRevote = false; bool g_bEnabled = false; char g_sCurrentSettings[128]; public void OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_special_settings", Command_ForceVote, ADMFLAG_VOTE); RegAdminCmd("sm_ss", Command_ForceVote, ADMFLAG_VOTE); RegConsoleCmd("sm_currentsettings", Command_CurrentSettings, "Shows the Mode being played currently"); g_cvHlxBonus = FindConVar("hlx_difficulty_humans"); g_cvBhop = FindConVar("sv_enablebunnyhopping"); g_cvAA = FindConVar("sv_airaccelerate"); HookConVarChange(g_cvBhop, ConVarChanged_Bhop_AA); HookConVarChange(g_cvAA, ConVarChanged_Bhop_AA); } public void OnMapStart() { g_bEnabled = false; g_sCurrentSettings = ""; GenerateArray(); } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { if (!g_bEnabled) return; char sBuffer[512]; Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "Current Settings: %s", g_sCurrentSettings); Panel hNotifyPanel = new Panel(GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio)); hNotifyPanel.SetTitle("*** Special Settings have been enabled for this map! Check them below. ***"); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem(sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER); if (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "Sonaki") == 0) { hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Falldamage", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Pushnades instead of Firenades", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Pushnades cost 6k with Infinite Amount to Rebuy", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Rebuy for all other Weapons", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Less Ammo", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Jump Height 1.0", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Lower General Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Knifing Zombies deals a lot of Damage", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Higher Air Accelerate", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Bhop", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } else if (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "I3D") == 0) { hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Falldamage", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Rebuys at all", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Less Ammo", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Jump Height 1.0", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Burn-Time from Firenades", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Higher Nade Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Higher General Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Default Knife Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } else if (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "Hellz") == 0) { hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Unlimited Ammo", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Kevlar and Nade Rebuy", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("All other Weapons for Free and Infinite Amount to Rebuy", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Humans have 1 Freezenade", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Jump Height 1.0", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("A lot Shorter Burn-Time from Firenades", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Very Low General Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Default Knife Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Way Stronger Zombies (more Speed, HP and HP Regen)", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Tossing", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } else if (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "Plaguefest") == 0) { hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Falldamage", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("No Rebuys at all", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Less Ammo", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Jump Height 1.0", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Shorter Burn-Time from Firenades", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Slightly Higher General Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Default Knife Knockback", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } else if (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "GFLClan [default]") == 0) { hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("Normal GFL Settings", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("You can check these settings by typing: /currentsettings", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER); hNotifyPanel.DrawItem("1. Got it!", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); hNotifyPanel.SetKeys(1023); hNotifyPanel.Send(client, MenuHandler_NotifyPanel, 0); delete hNotifyPanel; } public void ConVarChanged_Bhop_AA(ConVar convar, char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { if ((g_cvBhop.BoolValue) && (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "Sonaki") == 0)) { ServerCommand("sv_enablebunnyhopping 0"); } if ((g_cvAA.IntValue != 1337) && (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "Sonaki") == 0)) { ServerCommand("sv_airaccelerate 1337"); } } public Action Command_ForceVote(int client, int args) { if (g_bEnabled) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[Special Settings] Special Settings is already enabled for the duration of this map!"); return Plugin_Handled; } GenerateArray(); CreateTimer(1.0, StartVote, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); CreateTimer(0.1, DisableFunMode, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[Special Settings] \x04", "\x01Initiated a Special Settings vote."); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" initiated a Special Settings vote.", client); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_CurrentSettings(int client, int args) { if (g_bEnabled) { OnClientPutInServer(client); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[Special Settings] {white}is currently not active!"); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action DisableFunMode(Handle timer) { ServerCommand("sm plugins unload disabled/FunMode"); } public void GenerateArray() { int iBlockSize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH); g_SettingsList = CreateArray(iBlockSize); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, "Sonaki"); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, "I3D"); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, "Hellz"); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, "Plaguefest"); int iArraySize = GetArraySize(g_SettingsList); for (int i = 0; i <= (iArraySize - 1); i++) { int iRandom = GetRandomInt(0, iArraySize - 1); char sTemp1[128]; GetArrayString(g_SettingsList, iRandom, sTemp1, sizeof(sTemp1)); char sTemp2[128]; GetArrayString(g_SettingsList, i, sTemp2, sizeof(sTemp2)); SetArrayString(g_SettingsList, i, sTemp1); SetArrayString(g_SettingsList, iRandom, sTemp2); } ShiftArrayUp(g_SettingsList, 0); SetArrayString(g_SettingsList, 0, "GFLClan [default]"); } public Action StartVote(Handle timer) { static int iCountDown = 5; PrintCenterTextAll("[Special Settings] Starting Vote in %ds", iCountDown); if (iCountDown-- <= 0) { iCountDown = 5; InitiateVote(); return Plugin_Stop; } return Plugin_Continue; } public void InitiateVote() { if(IsVoteInProgress()) { CPrintToChatAll("{green}[Special Settings] {white}Another vote is currently in progress, retrying again in 5s."); CreateTimer(1.0, StartVote, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); return; } Handle menuStyle = GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Default); g_VoteMenu = CreateMenuEx(menuStyle, Handler_SettingsVoteMenu, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem | MenuAction_VoteCancel); int iArraySize = GetArraySize(g_SettingsList); for (int i = 0; i <= (iArraySize - 1); i++) { char sBuffer[128]; GetArrayString(g_SettingsList, i, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, sBuffer, sBuffer); } SetMenuOptionFlags(g_VoteMenu, MENUFLAG_BUTTON_NOVOTE); SetMenuTitle(g_VoteMenu, "Server Setings for the current Map?"); SetVoteResultCallback(g_VoteMenu, Handler_SettingsVoteFinished); VoteMenuToAll(g_VoteMenu, 20); } public int Handler_SettingsVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2) { switch(action) { case MenuAction_End: delete menu; } } public int MenuHandler_NotifyPanel(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2) { switch(action) { case MenuAction_Select, MenuAction_Cancel: delete menu; } } public void Handler_SettingsVoteFinished(Handle menu, int num_votes, int num_clients, const int[][] client_info, int num_items, const int[][] item_info) { int highest_votes = item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES]; int required_percent = 60; int required_votes = RoundToCeil(float(num_votes) * float(required_percent) / 100); if ((highest_votes < required_votes) && (!g_bIsRevote)) { CPrintToChatAll("{green}[Special Settings] {white}A revote is needed!"); char sFirst[128]; char sSecond[128]; GetMenuItem(menu, item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], sFirst, sizeof(sFirst)); GetMenuItem(menu, item_info[1][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], sSecond, sizeof(sSecond)); ClearArray(g_SettingsList); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, sFirst); PushArrayString(g_SettingsList, sSecond); g_bIsRevote = true; CreateTimer(1.0, StartVote, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); return; } // No revote needed, continue as normal. g_bIsRevote = false; Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(menu, num_votes, num_clients, client_info, num_items, item_info); } public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu, int num_votes, int num_clients, const int[][] client_info, int num_items, const int[][] item_info) { char sWinner[128]; GetMenuItem(menu, item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], sWinner, sizeof(sWinner)); float fPercentage = float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES] * 100) / float(num_votes); CPrintToChatAll("{green}[Special Settings] {white}Vote Finished! Winner: {red}%s{white} with %d%% of %d votes!", sWinner, RoundToFloor(fPercentage), num_votes); bool bNeedRestart = false; if (strcmp(sWinner, "Sonaki") == 0) { ServerCommand("exec sonaki"); bNeedRestart = true; } else if (strcmp(sWinner, "I3D") == 0) { ServerCommand("exec i3d"); bNeedRestart = true; } else if (strcmp(sWinner, "Hellz") == 0) { ServerCommand("exec hellz"); bNeedRestart = true; } else if (strcmp(sWinner, "Plaguefest") == 0) { ServerCommand("exec plaguefest"); bNeedRestart = true; } else if ((strcmp(sWinner, "GFLClan [default]") == 0) && (strcmp(g_sCurrentSettings, "") != 0)) { ServerCommand("exec gfl"); bNeedRestart = true; } float fDelay = 3.0; if (bNeedRestart) { CS_TerminateRound(fDelay, CSRoundEnd_GameStart, false); CreateTimer(fDelay, Timer_IncreaseKB, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } CreateTimer(fDelay, Timer_FireOnClientPutInServer, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); g_sCurrentSettings = sWinner; g_bEnabled = true; } public Action Timer_IncreaseKB(Handle timer) { if (g_cvHlxBonus.IntValue == 1) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback 1.05"); } else if (g_cvHlxBonus.IntValue == 2) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback 1.1"); } else if (g_cvHlxBonus.IntValue == 3) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback 1.15"); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Timer_FireOnClientPutInServer(Handle hThis) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i)) continue; OnClientPutInServer(i); } return Plugin_Handled; }