/* Zombie:Reloaded additional native tools
* Copyright © 2013, FrozDark
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).

 * Gets client class section name in the config
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param buffer		Buffer to store the class section name in.
 * @param maxlen		Max length to store.
 * @return				Number of bytes written to the buffer.
 * @error				If the client is not in game or invalid.
native ZRT_GetClientClassSectionName(client, String:buffer[], maxlen);

 * Gets attribute string of the player's class
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param attrib		Attribute name.
 * @param buffer		Buffer to store the attribute string in.
 * @param maxlen		Max length to store.
 * @param defvalue		Optional default value to use if the attribute is not found.
 * @return				Number of bytes written to the buffer.
 * @error				If the client is not in game or invalid.
native ZRT_GetClientAttributeString(client, const String:attrib[], String:buffer[], maxlen, const String:defvalue[] = "");

 * Gets attribute numeric value of the player's class
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param attrib		Attribute name.
 * @param defvalue		Optional default value to use if the attribute is not found.
 * @return				Retrieves the numeric value.
 * @error				If the client is not in game or invalid.
native ZRT_GetClientAttributeValue(client, const String:attrib[], defvalue = 0);

 * Gets attribute floating value of the player's class
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param attrib		Attribute name.
 * @param defvalue		Optional default value to use if the attribute is not found.
 * @return				Retrieves the floating value.
 * @error				If the client is not in game or invalid.
native Float:ZRT_GetClientAttributeValueFloat(client, const String:attrib[], Float:defvalue = 0.0);

 * Whether the player has attribute
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @param attrib		Attribute name.
 * @return				True on success, false otherwise.
 * @error				If the client is not in game or invalid.
native bool:ZRT_PlayerHasAttribute(client, const String:attrib[]);

 * Whether the round is active
 * @noparams
 * @return				True on round active, false otherwise
 * @noerror
native bool:ZRT_IsRoundActive();

**  Don't edit below this line!  **

public SharedPlugin:__pl_zr_tools =
	name = "zr_tools",
	file = "zr_tools.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
	required = 1,
	required = 0,

#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_zr_tools_SetNTVOptional()