#include <multicolors>
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <pscd>
#pragma newdecls required

float roundStartedTime = -1.0;
int g_iTextChannel;
bool g_bDisabled;
ConVar g_cvEnabled;

public Plugin myinfo =
	name = "UNLOZE Console Messages",
	description = "Make console messages printed by maps more fancy",
	author = "zaCade, decompiled by Neon and slightly modified by jenz",
	version = "1.2",
	url = ""

public void OnPluginStart()
	g_cvEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_centertext", "1", "Enable the 'game_text' message", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);

public void OnMapStart()
	bool bChannelTaken[6];
	bool bChannelFound;
	int entity = -1;
	while ((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, "game_text")) != -1)
		int channel = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_textParms.channel", 4, 0);
		LogMessage("Checking channel: %d", channel);
		if (channel < 6)
			if (!bChannelTaken[channel])
				LogMessage("Channel in use: %d", channel);
				bChannelTaken[channel] = true;
	int channel;
	while (channel < 6)
		if (!bChannelTaken[channel])
			LogMessage("Using channel: %d", channel);
			g_iTextChannel = channel;
			bChannelFound = true;
			if (!bChannelFound)
				LogMessage("No channel found!");
				g_bDisabled = true;
	if (!bChannelFound)
		LogMessage("No channel found!");
		g_bDisabled = true;

public float GetRoundTimeAtTimerEnd(int number)
	float g = GetCurrentRoundTime() - number;
	return g;

public float GetCurrentRoundTime()
	Handle hFreezeTime = FindConVar("mp_freezetime"); // Freezetime Handle
	int freezeTime = GetConVarInt(hFreezeTime); // Freezetime in seconds
	return GameRules_GetProp("m_iRoundTime") - ((GetEngineTime() - roundStartedTime) - freezeTime);

public void Event_RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	roundStartedTime = GetEngineTime();

public bool CheckString(const char[] string)
	char Blacklist[][] = {
		"recharge", "recast", "cooldown", "cool"
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(Blacklist); i++)
		if (StrContains(string, Blacklist[i], false) != -1)
			return true;
	return false;

public Action PointServerCommandForward(const char[] sCommand)
	if (!strncmp("say", sCommand, 3, false))
		char sMessage[512];
		char sSecondsAppend[32];
                bool found_numeric = false;
		int i;
		while (strlen(sCommand) + -4 > i)
			sMessage[i] = sCommand[i + 4];
		if (StrContains(sMessage, "sec", false) != -1 && !CheckString(sMessage))
			int indexTracker = -1
			int endIndexTracker = -1
			for (int j = 0; j < strlen(sMessage); ++j)
				if (IsCharNumeric(sMessage[j]))
					found_numeric = true;
					if (indexTracker == -1)
						indexTracker = j;
				else if (found_numeric)
					endIndexTracker = j;
			if (found_numeric)
				if (endIndexTracker == -1)
					endIndexTracker = strlen(sMessage);
				char SecondsLocal[512];
				for (int ij = indexTracker; ij < endIndexTracker; ij++)
					StrCat(SecondsLocal, sizeof(SecondsLocal), sMessage[ij]);
				int number = StringToInt(SecondsLocal);
				//PrintToChatAll("number: %i", number);
				if (GetRoundTimeAtTimerEnd(number) > 0.0)
					float client_time = GetRoundTimeAtTimerEnd(number);
					char sTime[32];
					FormatPlayerTime(client_time, sTime, sizeof(sTime));
					Format(sSecondsAppend, sizeof(sSecondsAppend), " {green}@ %s", sTime);
		if (found_numeric)
			CPrintToChatAll("{CRIMSON}[NARRATOR] {WHITESMOKE}%s%s", sMessage, sSecondsAppend);
			CPrintToChatAll("{CRIMSON}[NARRATOR] {WHITESMOKE}%s", sMessage);
		if (!g_bDisabled)
			if (g_cvEnabled.BoolValue)
				Handle hMessage = StartMessageAll("HudMsg", 0);
				if (hMessage)
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, g_iTextChannel);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, -1.0);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, 0.15);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 255);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 200);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 255);
					BfWriteByte(hMessage, 0);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, 0.5);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, 0.0);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, 5.0);
					BfWriteFloat(hMessage, 0.0);
					BfWriteString(hMessage, sMessage);
		return Plugin_Handled;
	return Plugin_Continue;

stock void FormatPlayerTime(float fTime, char[] sResult, int iMaxlength)
	int iMinutes = RoundToFloor(fTime / 60);
	fTime -= iMinutes * 60;
	int iSeconds = RoundToFloor(fTime);

		Format(sResult, iMaxlength, "%d:%02d", iMinutes, iSeconds);
		Format(sResult, iMaxlength, "%d", iSeconds);