#pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #include #define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.9" #pragma newdecls required int leaderMVP, leaderScore, currentSprite = -1, spriteEntities[MAXPLAYERS+1], markerEntities[MAXPLAYERS+1], leaderClient = -1; int voteCount[MAXPLAYERS+1], votedFor[MAXPLAYERS+1]; bool markerActive = false, beaconActive = false, allowVoting = false; ConVar g_cVDefendVTF = null; ConVar g_cVDefendVMT = null; ConVar g_cVFollowVTF = null; ConVar g_cVFollowVMT = null; ConVar g_cVAllowVoting = null; char DefendVMT[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char DefendVTF[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char FollowVMT[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char FollowVTF[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char leaderTag[64]; int g_BeamSprite = -1; int g_HaloSprite = -1; int greyColor[4] = {128, 128, 128, 255}; int g_BeaconSerial[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { 0, ... }; int g_Serial_Gen = 0; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Leader", author = "AntiTeal", description = "Allows for a human to be a leader, and give them special functions with it.", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "https://antiteal.com" }; public void OnPluginStart() { CreateConVar("sm_leader_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Leader Version", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("core.phrases"); HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd); HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath); //AddCommandListener(HookPlayerChat, "say"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_leader", Leader); RegConsoleCmd("sm_currentleader", CurrentLeader); RegConsoleCmd("sm_voteleader", VoteLeader); RegAdminCmd("sm_removeleader", RemoveTheLeader, ADMFLAG_GENERIC); g_cVDefendVMT = CreateConVar("sm_leader_defend_vmt", "materials/sg/sgdefend.vmt", "The defend here .vmt file"); g_cVDefendVTF = CreateConVar("sm_leader_defend_vtf", "materials/sg/sgdefend.vtf", "The defend here .vtf file"); g_cVFollowVMT = CreateConVar("sm_leader_follow_vmt", "materials/sg/sgfollow.vmt", "The follow me .vmt file"); g_cVFollowVTF = CreateConVar("sm_leader_follow_vtf", "materials/sg/sgfollow.vtf", "The follow me .vtf file"); g_cVAllowVoting = CreateConVar("sm_leader_allow_votes", "1", "Determines whether players can vote for leaders."); g_cVDefendVMT.AddChangeHook(ConVarChange); g_cVDefendVTF.AddChangeHook(ConVarChange); g_cVFollowVMT.AddChangeHook(ConVarChange); g_cVFollowVTF.AddChangeHook(ConVarChange); g_cVAllowVoting.AddChangeHook(ConVarChange); AutoExecConfig(true, "leader"); g_cVDefendVTF.GetString(DefendVTF, sizeof(DefendVTF)); g_cVDefendVMT.GetString(DefendVMT, sizeof(DefendVMT)); g_cVFollowVTF.GetString(FollowVTF, sizeof(FollowVTF)); g_cVFollowVMT.GetString(FollowVMT, sizeof(FollowVMT)); AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVMT); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVMT); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVMT, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVMT, true); allowVoting = g_cVAllowVoting.BoolValue; RegPluginLibrary("leader"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "compliment"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "coverme"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "cheer"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "takepoint"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "holdpos"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "regroup"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "followme"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "takingfire"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "thanks"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "go"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "fallback"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "sticktog"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "getinpos"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "stormfront"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "report"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "roger"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "enemyspot"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "needbackup"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "sectorclear"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "inposition"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "reportingin"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "getout"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "negative"); AddCommandListener(Radio, "enemydown"); } public void ConVarChange(ConVar CVar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_cVDefendVTF.GetString(DefendVTF, sizeof(DefendVTF)); g_cVDefendVMT.GetString(DefendVMT, sizeof(DefendVMT)); g_cVFollowVTF.GetString(FollowVTF, sizeof(FollowVTF)); g_cVFollowVMT.GetString(FollowVMT, sizeof(FollowVMT)); AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVMT); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVMT); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVMT, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVMT, true); allowVoting = g_cVAllowVoting.BoolValue; } public void OnMapStart() { AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(DefendVMT); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVTF); AddFileToDownloadsTable(FollowVMT); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(DefendVMT, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVTF, true); PrecacheGeneric(FollowVMT, true); Handle gameConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("funcommands.games"); if (gameConfig == null) { SetFailState("Unable to load game config funcommands.games"); return; } char buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteBeam", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0]) { g_BeamSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer); } if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteHalo", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0]) { g_HaloSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer); } } public void CreateBeacon(int client) { g_BeaconSerial[client] = ++g_Serial_Gen; CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_Beacon, client | (g_Serial_Gen << 7), TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } public void KillBeacon(int client) { g_BeaconSerial[client] = 0; if (IsClientInGame(client)) { SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } public void KillAllBeacons() { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { KillBeacon(i); } } public void PerformBeacon(int client) { if (g_BeaconSerial[client] == 0) { CreateBeacon(client); LogAction(client, client, "\"%L\" set a beacon on himself", client); } else { KillBeacon(client); LogAction(client, client, "\"%L\" removed a beacon on himself", client); } } public Action Timer_Beacon(Handle timer, any value) { int client = value & 0x7f; int serial = value >> 7; if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || g_BeaconSerial[client] != serial) { KillBeacon(client); return Plugin_Stop; } float vec[3]; GetClientAbsOrigin(client, vec); vec[2] += 10; TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(vec, 10.0, 375.0, g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 15, 0.5, 5.0, 0.0, greyColor, 10, 0); TE_SendToAll(); int rainbowColor[4]; float i = GetGameTime(); float Frequency = 2.5; rainbowColor[0] = RoundFloat(Sine(Frequency * i + 0.0) * 127.0 + 128.0); rainbowColor[1] = RoundFloat(Sine(Frequency * i + 2.0943951) * 127.0 + 128.0); rainbowColor[2] = RoundFloat(Sine(Frequency * i + 4.1887902) * 127.0 + 128.0); rainbowColor[3] = 255; TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(vec, 10.0, 375.0, g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 10, 0.6, 10.0, 0.5, rainbowColor, 10, 0); TE_SendToAll(); GetClientEyePosition(client, vec); return Plugin_Continue; } public int AttachSprite(int client, char[] sprite) //https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1880207&postcount=5 { if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { return -1; } char iTarget[16], sTargetname[64]; GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); Format(iTarget, sizeof(iTarget), "Client%d", client); DispatchKeyValue(client, "targetname", iTarget); float Origin[3]; GetClientEyePosition(client, Origin); Origin[2] += 45.0; int Ent = CreateEntityByName("env_sprite"); if(!Ent) return -1; DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "model", sprite); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "classname", "env_sprite"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "spawnflags", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "scale", "0.1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "rendermode", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "rendercolor", "255 255 255"); DispatchSpawn(Ent); TeleportEntity(Ent, Origin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); SetVariantString(iTarget); AcceptEntityInput(Ent, "SetParent", Ent, Ent, 0); DispatchKeyValue(client, "targetname", sTargetname); return Ent; } public void RemoveSprite(int client) { if (spriteEntities[client] != -1 && IsValidEdict(spriteEntities[client])) { char m_szClassname[64]; GetEdictClassname(spriteEntities[client], m_szClassname, sizeof(m_szClassname)); if(strcmp("env_sprite", m_szClassname)==0) AcceptEntityInput(spriteEntities[client], "Kill"); } spriteEntities[client] = -1; } public void RemoveMarker(int client) { if (markerEntities[client] != -1 && IsValidEdict(markerEntities[client])) { char m_szClassname[64]; GetEdictClassname(markerEntities[client], m_szClassname, sizeof(m_szClassname)); if(strcmp("env_sprite", m_szClassname)==0) AcceptEntityInput(markerEntities[client], "Kill"); } markerEntities[client] = -1; } public void SetLeader(int client) { if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { RemoveLeader(leaderClient); PrintToChatAll("[SM] The current leader has been removed!"); } if(IsValidClient(client)) { leaderClient = client; CS_GetClientClanTag(client, leaderTag, sizeof(leaderTag)); //CS_SetClientClanTag(client, "[Leader]"); //leaderMVP = CS_GetMVPCount(client); //CS_SetMVPCount(client, 99); //leaderScore = CS_GetClientContributionScore(client); //CS_SetClientContributionScore(client, 9999); currentSprite = -1; } } public void RemoveLeader(int client) { //CS_SetClientClanTag(client, leaderTag); //CS_SetMVPCount(client, leaderMVP); //CS_SetClientContributionScore(client, leaderScore); RemoveSprite(client); RemoveMarker(client); if(beaconActive) { KillBeacon(client); } currentSprite = -1; leaderClient = -1; markerActive = false; beaconActive = false; } public int SpawnMarker(int client, char[] sprite) { if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { return -1; } float Origin[3]; GetClientEyePosition(client, Origin); Origin[2] += 25.0; int Ent = CreateEntityByName("env_sprite"); if(!Ent) return -1; DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "model", sprite); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "classname", "env_sprite"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "spawnflags", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "scale", "0.1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "rendermode", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "rendercolor", "255 255 255"); DispatchSpawn(Ent); TeleportEntity(Ent, Origin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); return Ent; } public Action CurrentLeader(int client, int args) { if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { PrintToChat(client, "[SM] The current leader is %N!", leaderClient); return Plugin_Handled; } else { PrintToChat(client, "[SM] There is no current leader!"); return Plugin_Handled; } } public Action RemoveTheLeader(int client, int args) { if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { PrintToChatAll("[SM] The current leader has been removed!"); RemoveLeader(leaderClient); return Plugin_Handled; } else { PrintToChat(client, "[SM] There is no current leader!"); return Plugin_Handled; } } public Action Leader(int client, int args) { if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_admin", ADMFLAG_GENERIC, false)) { if(args == 1) { char arg1[65]; GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); int target = FindTarget(client, arg1, false, false); if (target == -1) { return Plugin_Handled; } if(target == leaderClient) { LeaderMenu(target); } else { if(IsPlayerAlive(target)) { SetLeader(target); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %N is the new leader!", target); PrintToChat(target, "[SM] You are now the leader! Type !leader to open up the leader menu."); LeaderMenu(target); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The target has to be alive!"); } } } else if(args == 0) { if(client == leaderClient) { LeaderMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } if(IsPlayerAlive(client)) { SetLeader(client); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %N is the new leader!", client); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] You are now the leader! Type !leader to open up the leader menu."); LeaderMenu(client); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The target has to be alive!"); } } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_leader "); } } if(client == leaderClient) { LeaderMenu(client); } return Plugin_Handled; } public void LeaderMenu(int client) { Handle menu = CreateMenu(LeaderMenu_Handler); char sprite[64], marker[64], beacon[64]; switch (currentSprite) { case 0: sprite = "Defend"; case 1: sprite = "Follow"; default: sprite = "None"; } if(markerActive) marker = "Yes"; else marker = "No"; if(beaconActive) beacon = "Yes"; else beacon = "No"; SetMenuTitle(menu, "Leader Menu\nSprite: %s\nMarker: %s\nBeacon: %s", sprite, marker, beacon); AddMenuItem(menu, "resign", "Resign from Leader"); AddMenuItem(menu, "sprite", "Sprite Menu"); AddMenuItem(menu, "marker", "Marker Menu"); AddMenuItem(menu, "beacon", "Toggle Beacon"); SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int LeaderMenu_Handler(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int client, int position) { if(leaderClient == client && IsValidClient(client)) { if(action == MenuAction_Select) { char info[32]; GetMenuItem(menu, position, info, sizeof(info)); if(StrEqual(info, "resign")) { RemoveLeader(client); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %N has resigned from being leader!", client); } if(StrEqual(info, "sprite")) { SpriteMenu(client); } if(StrEqual(info, "marker")) { MarkerMenu(client); } if(StrEqual(info, "beacon")) { ToggleBeacon(client); LeaderMenu(client); } } else if(action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu); } } } public void ToggleBeacon(int client) { if(beaconActive) beaconActive = false; else beaconActive = true; PerformBeacon(client); } public void SpriteMenu(int client) { Handle menu = CreateMenu(SpriteMenu_Handler); char sprite[64], marker[64], beacon[64]; switch (currentSprite) { case 0: sprite = "Defend"; case 1: sprite = "Follow"; default: sprite = "None"; } if(markerActive) marker = "Yes"; else marker = "No"; if(beaconActive) beacon = "Yes"; else beacon = "No"; SetMenuTitle(menu, "Leader Menu\nSprite: %s\nMarker: %s\nBeacon: %s", sprite, marker, beacon); AddMenuItem(menu, "none", "No Sprite"); AddMenuItem(menu, "defend", "Defend Here"); AddMenuItem(menu, "follow", "Follow Me"); SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true); SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int SpriteMenu_Handler(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int client, int position) { if(leaderClient == client && IsValidClient(client)) { if(action == MenuAction_Select) { char info[32]; GetMenuItem(menu, position, info, sizeof(info)); if(StrEqual(info, "none")) { RemoveSprite(client); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Sprite removed."); currentSprite = -1; LeaderMenu(client); } if(StrEqual(info, "defend")) { RemoveSprite(client); spriteEntities[client] = AttachSprite(client, DefendVMT); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Sprite changed to 'Defend Here'."); currentSprite = 0; LeaderMenu(client); } if(StrEqual(info, "follow")) { RemoveSprite(client); spriteEntities[client] = AttachSprite(client, FollowVMT); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Sprite changed to 'Follow Me'."); currentSprite = 1; LeaderMenu(client); } } else if(action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu); } else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel && position == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { LeaderMenu(client); } } } public void MarkerMenu(int client) { Handle menu = CreateMenu(MarkerMenu_Handler); char sprite[64], marker[64], beacon[64]; switch (currentSprite) { case 0: sprite = "Defend"; case 1: sprite = "Follow"; default: sprite = "None"; } if(markerActive) marker = "Yes"; else marker = "No"; if(beaconActive) beacon = "Yes"; else beacon = "No"; SetMenuTitle(menu, "Leader Menu\nSprite: %s\nMarker: %s\nBeacon: %s", sprite, marker, beacon); AddMenuItem(menu, "removemarker", "Remove Marker"); AddMenuItem(menu, "defendmarker", "Defend Marker"); SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true); SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int MarkerMenu_Handler(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int client, int position) { if(leaderClient == client && IsValidClient(client)) { if(action == MenuAction_Select) { char info[32]; GetMenuItem(menu, position, info, sizeof(info)); if(StrEqual(info, "removemarker")) { RemoveMarker(client); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Marker removed."); markerActive = false; LeaderMenu(client); } if(StrEqual(info, "defendmarker")) { RemoveMarker(client); markerEntities[client] = SpawnMarker(client, DefendVMT); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] 'Defend Here' marker placed."); markerActive = true; LeaderMenu(client); } } else if(action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu); } else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel && position == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { LeaderMenu(client); } } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { if(client == leaderClient) { PrintToChatAll("[SM] The leader has disconnected!"); RemoveLeader(client); } voteCount[client] = 0; } public Action Event_PlayerDeath(Handle event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if(client == leaderClient) { PrintToChatAll("[SM] The leader has died!"); RemoveLeader(client); } } public void ZR_OnClientInfected(int client, int attacker, bool motherInfect, bool respawnOverride, bool respawn) { if(client == leaderClient) { PrintToChatAll("[SM] The leader has been infected!"); RemoveLeader(client); } } public void OnMapEnd() { if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { RemoveLeader(leaderClient); } leaderClient = -1; KillAllBeacons(); } bool IsValidClient(int client, bool nobots = true) { if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientConnected(client) || (nobots && IsFakeClient(client))) { return false; } return IsClientInGame(client); } public Action Event_RoundEnd(Handle event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { RemoveLeader(leaderClient); } KillAllBeacons(); } public Action HookPlayerChat(int client, char[] command, int args) { if(IsValidClient(client) && leaderClient == client) { char LeaderText[256]; GetCmdArgString(LeaderText, sizeof(LeaderText)); StripQuotes(LeaderText); if(LeaderText[0] == '/' || LeaderText[0] == '@' || strlen(LeaderText) == 0 || IsChatTrigger()) { return Plugin_Handled; } if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client)) { PrintToChatAll("\x01[Leader] \x0C%N:\x02 %s", client, LeaderText); return Plugin_Handled; } } return Plugin_Continue; } public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) { CreateNative("Leader_CurrentLeader", Native_CurrentLeader); CreateNative("Leader_SetLeader", Native_SetLeader); return APLRes_Success; } public int Native_CurrentLeader(Handle plugin, int numParams) { return leaderClient; } public int Native_SetLeader(Handle plugin, int numParams) { SetLeader(GetNativeCell(1)); } public Action Radio(int client, const char[] command, int argc) { if(client == leaderClient) { if(StrEqual(command, "compliment")) PrintRadio(client, "Nice!"); if(StrEqual(command, "coverme")) PrintRadio(client, "Cover Me!"); if(StrEqual(command, "cheer")) PrintRadio(client, "Cheer!"); if(StrEqual(command, "takepoint")) PrintRadio(client, "You take the point."); if(StrEqual(command, "holdpos")) PrintRadio(client, "Hold This Position."); if(StrEqual(command, "regroup")) PrintRadio(client, "Regroup Team."); if(StrEqual(command, "followme")) PrintRadio(client, "Follow me."); if(StrEqual(command, "takingfire")) PrintRadio(client, "Taking fire... need assistance!"); if(StrEqual(command, "thanks")) PrintRadio(client, "Thanks!"); if(StrEqual(command, "go")) PrintRadio(client, "Go go go!"); if(StrEqual(command, "fallback")) PrintRadio(client, "Team, fall back!"); if(StrEqual(command, "sticktog")) PrintRadio(client, "Stick together, team."); if(StrEqual(command, "report")) PrintRadio(client, "Report in, team."); if(StrEqual(command, "roger")) PrintRadio(client, "Roger that."); if(StrEqual(command, "enemyspot")) PrintRadio(client, "Enemy spotted."); if(StrEqual(command, "needbackup")) PrintRadio(client, "Need backup."); if(StrEqual(command, "sectorclear")) PrintRadio(client, "Sector clear."); if(StrEqual(command, "inposition")) PrintRadio(client, "I'm in position."); if(StrEqual(command, "reportingin")) PrintRadio(client, "Reporting In."); if(StrEqual(command, "getout")) PrintRadio(client, "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!."); if(StrEqual(command, "negative")) PrintRadio(client, "Negative."); if(StrEqual(command, "enemydown")) PrintRadio(client, "Enemy down."); return Plugin_Stop; } return Plugin_Continue; } public void PrintRadio(int client, char[] text) { char szClantag[32], szMessage[64]; CS_GetClientClanTag(client, szClantag, sizeof(szClantag)); Format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "\x01 \x02%s %N (RADIO): %s", szClantag, client, text); PrintToChatAll(szMessage); } public Action VoteLeader(int client, int argc) { if(!allowVoting) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Voting for leader is disabled."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(IsValidClient(leaderClient)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] There is already a leader!"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(argc < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_voteleader "); return Plugin_Handled; } char arg[64]; GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); int target = FindTarget(client, arg, false, false); if (target == -1) { return Plugin_Handled; } if(GetClientFromSerial(votedFor[client]) == target) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] You've already voted for this person!"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(ZR_IsClientZombie(target)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] You have to vote for a human!"); return Plugin_Handled; } if(GetClientFromSerial(votedFor[client]) != 0) { if(IsValidClient(GetClientFromSerial(votedFor[client]))) { voteCount[GetClientFromSerial(votedFor[client])]--; } } voteCount[target]++; votedFor[client] = GetClientSerial(target); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %N has voted for %N to be the leader (%i/%i votes)", client, target, voteCount[target], GetClientCount(true)/10); if(voteCount[target] >= GetClientCount(true)/10) { SetLeader(target); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %N has been voted to be the new leader!", target); LeaderMenu(target); } return Plugin_Handled; }