#if defined _webcon_included
#define _webcon_included


//const char WebMethod_Connect[] = "CONNECT";
//const char WebMethod_Delete[] = "DELETE";
//const char WebMethod_Get[] = "GET";
//const char WebMethod_Head[] = "HEAD";
//const char WebMethod_Options[] = "OPTIONS";
//const char WebMethod_Post[] = "POST";
//const char WebMethod_Put[] = "PUT";
//const char WebMethod_Patch[] = "PATCH";
//const char WebMethod_Trace[] = "TRACE";

#define WebMethod_Connect "CONNECT"
#define WebMethod_Delete "DELETE"
#define WebMethod_Get "GET"
#define WebMethod_Head "HEAD"
#define WebMethod_Options "OPTIONS"
#define WebMethod_Post "POST"
#define WebMethod_Put "PUT"
#define WebMethod_Patch "PATCH"
#define WebMethod_Trace "TRACE"

enum WebStatus
	WebStatus_Continue = 100,
	WebStatus_SwitchingProtocols = 101,
	WebStatus_Processing = 102,

	WebStatus_OK = 200,
	WebStatus_Created = 201,
	WebStatus_Accepted = 202,
	WebStatus_NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203,
	WebStatus_NoContent = 204,
	WebStatus_ResetContent = 205,
	WebStatus_PartialContent = 206,
	WebStatus_MultiStatus = 207,

	WebStatus_MultipleChoices = 300,
	WebStatus_MovedPermanently = 301,
	WebStatus_Found = 302,
	WebStatus_SeeOther = 303,
	WebStatus_NotModified = 304,
	WebStatus_UseProxy = 305,
	WebStatus_SwitchProxy = 306,
	WebStatus_TemporaryRedirect = 307,

	WebStatus_BadRequest = 400,
	WebStatus_Unauthorized = 401,
	WebStatus_PaymentRequired = 402,
	WebStatus_Forbidden = 403,
	WebStatus_NotFound = 404,
	WebStatus_MethodNotAllowed = 405,
	WebStatus_NotAcceptable = 406,
	WebStatus_ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
	WebStatus_RequestTimeout = 408,
	WebStatus_Conflict = 409,
	WebStatus_Gone = 410,
	WebStatus_LengthRequired = 411,
	WebStatus_PreconditionFailed = 412,
	WebStatus_RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
	WebStatus_RequestUriTooLong = 414,
	WebStatus_UnsupportedMediaType = 415,
	WebStatus_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
	WebStatus_ExpectationFailed = 417,
	WebStatus_UnprocessableEntity = 422,
	WebStatus_Locked = 423,
	WebStatus_FailedDependency = 424,
	WebStatus_UnorderedCollection = 425,
	WebStatus_UpgradeRequired = 426,
	WebStatus_NoResponse = 444,
	WebStatus_RetryWith = 449,
	WebStatus_BlockedByWindowsParentalControls = 450,
	WebStatus_UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451,

	WebStatus_InternalServerError = 500,
	WebStatus_NotImplemented = 501,
	WebStatus_BadGateway = 502,
	WebStatus_ServiceUnavailable = 503,
	WebStatus_GatewayTimeout = 504,
	WebStatus_HttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
	WebStatus_VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506,
	WebStatus_InsufficientStorage = 507,
	WebStatus_BandwidthLimitExceeded = 509,
	WebStatus_NotExtended = 510,

#define WebHeader_Accept "Accept"
#define WebHeader_AcceptCharset "Accept-Charset"
#define WebHeader_AcceptEncoding "Accept-Encoding"
#define WebHeader_AcceptLanguage "Accept-Language"
#define WebHeader_AcceptRanges "Accept-Ranges"
#define WebHeader_Age "Age"
#define WebHeader_Allow "Allow"
#define WebHeader_Authorization "Authorization"
#define WebHeader_CacheControl "Cache-Control"
#define WebHeader_Connection "Connection"
#define WebHeader_ContentEncoding "Content-Encoding"
#define WebHeader_ContentLanguage "Content-Language"
#define WebHeader_ContentLength "Content-Length"
#define WebHeader_ContentLocation "Content-Location"
#define WebHeader_ContentMD5  "Content-MD5"
#define WebHeader_ContentRange "Content-Range"
#define WebHeader_ContentType "Content-Type"
#define WebHeader_Cookie "Cookie"
#define WebHeader_Date "Date"
#define WebHeader_ETag "ETag"
#define WebHeader_Expect "Expect"
#define WebHeader_Expires "Expires"
#define WebHeader_From "From"
#define WebHeader_Host "Host"
#define WebHeader_IfMatch "If-Match"
#define WebHeader_IfModifiedSince "If-Modified-Since"
#define WebHeader_IfNoneMatch "If-None-Match"
#define WebHeader_IfRange "If-Range"
#define WebHeader_IfUnmodifiedSince "If-Unmodified-Since"
#define WebHeader_LastModified "Last-Modified"
#define WebHeader_Location "Location"
#define WebHeader_MaxForwards "Max-Forwards"
#define WebHeader_Pragma "Pragma"
#define WebHeader_ProxyAuthenticate "Proxy-Authenticate"
#define WebHeader_ProxyAuthorization "Proxy-Authorization"
#define WebHeader_Range "Range"
#define WebHeader_Referer "Referer"
#define WebHeader_RetryAfter "Retry-After"
#define WebHeader_Server "Server"
#define WebHeader_SetCookie "Set-Cookie"
#define WebHeader_SetCookie2 "Set-Cookie2"
#define WebHeader_TE "TE"
#define WebHeader_Trailer "Trailer"
#define WebHeader_TransferEncoding "Transfer-Encoding"
#define WebHeader_Upgrade "Upgrade"
#define WebHeader_UserAgent "User-Agent"
#define WebHeader_Vary "Vary"
#define WebHeader_Via "Via"
#define WebHeader_Warning "Warning"
#define WebHeader_WWWAuthenticate "WWW-Authenticate"
#define WebHeader_AccessControlAllowOrigin "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"

enum WebRequestDataType

methodmap WebResponse < Handle
	/// Add a HTTP header to a response.
	/// Multiple instances of the same header can be added to a response with different values.
	/// This is only valid if the header is specified as a list, but the restriction is not enforced.
	/// @param  header  Name of HTTP header to add. `WebHeader_*` constants exist for standard headers.
	/// @param  content Value to send in response for this header.
	/// @return `true` if the header was sucessfully added, `false` otherwise.
	public native bool AddHeader(const char[] header, const char[] content);

	/// Remove an added HTTP header from a response.
	/// @param  header  Name of HTTP header to remove. `WebHeader_*` constants exist for standard headers.
	/// @param  content If specified, only remove a header matching this value.
	/// @return `true` if any headers were removed, `false` otherwise.
	public native bool RemoveHeader(const char[] header, const char[] content = NULL_STRING);

methodmap WebStringResponse < WebResponse
	/// Create a WebResponse from a character string.
	/// The response length is determined automatically and thus is not binary-safe.
	/// Use `WebBinaryResponse` for binary data.
	/// @param  content Content to use for response.
	/// @return A new WebResponse instance with the specified content as the body.
	public native WebStringResponse(const char[] content);

methodmap WebBinaryResponse < WebResponse
	/// Create a WebResponse from binary data.
	/// @param  content Content to use for response.
	/// @param  length  Length of content.
	/// @return A new WebResponse instance with the specified content as the body.
	public native WebBinaryResponse(const char[] content, int length);

methodmap WebFileResponse < WebResponse
	/// Create a WebResponse from a file path.
	/// This uses efficient kernel data transfer mechanisms where available, and avoids
	/// reading the entire file into memory at once (or when not being sent to a client).
	/// @param  path Path to response file. Should be constructed using `BuildPath`.
	/// @return A new WebResponse instance with the specified file content as the body.
	/// @error  Unable to open file path for reading.
	public native WebFileResponse(const char[] path);

typeset WebBodyDataReceived
	/// Callback for request body.
	/// @param  connection WebConnection handle for the request. Must not be deleted.
	/// @param  data       Raw request body data OR "" if `data_in_cb` = false.
	/// @param  length     Size of `data`.
	/// @param  data1      Optional user data 1.
	/// @param  data2      Optional user data 2.
	/// @return `true` if the request was handled, `false` will terminate the connection.
	function bool(WebConnection connection, char[] data, int length);
	function bool(WebConnection connection, char[] data, int length, any data1);
	function bool(WebConnection connection, char[] data, int length, any data1, any data2);

methodmap WebConnection < Handle
	/// Get the remote client IP address.
	/// @param  buffer Buffer to store the address in. Should be `WEB_CLIENT_ADDRESS_LENGTH` bytes in size.
	/// @param  length Size of `buffer`.
	/// @return `true` if the client address was stored in `buffer`, `false` otherwise.
	public native bool GetClientAddress(char[] buffer, int length);

	/// Get the length of the string that would be returned by GetRequestData().
	/// @param  key    Paramater (GET or POST), Cookie, or Header to get data from.
	/// @return int    the size in bytes.
	/// @error  ParseRequestBody was not called for POST data.
	public native int GetRequestDataLength(WebRequestDataType type, const char[] key);

	/// Get data sent by the client in the request.
	/// Retrieving data from the body (aka. POST) will only work after ParseRequestBody() has been run.
	/// @param  type   Source of data. See `WebRequestDataType` for details.
	/// @param  key    Paramater (GET or POST), Cookie, or Header to get data from.
	/// @param  buffer Buffer to store the data value in.
	/// @param  length Size of `buffer`.
	/// @return `true` if the data exists in the request and was stored in `buffer`, `false` otherwise.
	/// @error  ParseRequestBody was not called for POST data.
	public native bool GetRequestData(WebRequestDataType type, const char[] key, char[] buffer, int length);

	/// Load full request body into memory and call `callback` when done.
	/// @param  callback   WebBodyDataReceived callback that will be called when request body has been loaded.
	/// @param  data1      Optional user data 1.
	/// @param  data2      Optional user data 2.
	/// @param  data_in_cb Pass body through callback if true.
	/// @return `true` on success
	/// @error  Function called more than once.
	public native bool ReadRequestBody(WebBodyDataReceived callback, any data1 = 0, any data2 = 0, bool data_in_cb = true);

	/// Get request body, or part of, into buffer.
	/// @param  start  Start index in request body.
	/// @param  buffer Target buffer.
	/// @param  length Target buffer size.
	/// @return `true` on success
	/// @error  Start exceeds data size.
	public native bool GetRequestBody(int start, char[] buffer, int length);

	/// Detect endcoding of request body and parse into hashtable for use with GetRequestData.
	/// Supports: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data"
	/// @return `true` on success
	/// @error  ReadRequestBody() not called first. Function called twice.
	public native bool ParseRequestBody();

	/// Queue a response to send to the client.
	/// @param  status   HTTP status code to use for response. See `WebStatus`.
	/// @param  response WebResonse to queue. You are responsible for deleting the response.
	/// @return `true` if the response was successfully queued, `false` otherwise.
	/// @error  Invalid response handle.
	public native bool QueueResponse(WebStatus status, WebResponse response);

/// Callback for incoming requests.
/// @param  connection WebConnection handle for the request. Must not be deleted.
/// @param  method     HTTP method used for request. `WebMethod_*` constants exist for standard methods.
/// @param  url        URL requested by client.
/// @return `true` if the request was handled, `false` will terminate the connection.
typedef WebRequestHandler = function bool (WebConnection connection, const char[] method, const char[] url);

/// Register a request handler.
/// @param  id          Unique identifier for request handler. Used for virtual hosting.
/// @param  handler     WebRequestHandler callback for incoming requests.
/// @param  name        Optional name for handler on index page.
/// @param  description Optional description for handler on index page.
/// @return `true` if the handler was sucessfully registered, `false` otherwise.
native bool Web_RegisterRequestHandler(const char[] id, WebRequestHandler handler, const char[] name = "", const char[] description = "");

public Extension __ext_Webcon =
	name = "Webcon",
	file = "webcon.ext",
	autoload = 1,
	autoload = 0,
	required = 1,
	required = 0,