#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <clientprefs> #include <multicolors> #define MESSAGE_RADIOTEXT 1 #define MESSAGE_SENDAUDIO 2 bool g_bStopRadioSounds[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ... }; bool g_bStopNadeSounds[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ...}; bool g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked = false; Handle g_hCookieStopRadio = null; Handle g_hCookieStopNade = null; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "SelfMuteRadio", author = "Dogan + zaCade", description = "Make it possible to self mute the radio (aka ignoread via command)", version = "1.0.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { UserMsg RadioText = GetUserMessageId("RadioText"); if (RadioText == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) SetFailState("This game does not support the \"RadioText\" UserMessage."); UserMsg SendAudio = GetUserMessageId("SendAudio"); if (SendAudio == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) SetFailState("This game does not support the \"SendAudio\" UserMessage."); RegConsoleCmd("sm_smradio", OnToggleSelfMuteRadio, "Toggle Radio Self Mute"); //RegConsoleCmd("sm_radio", OnToggleSelfMuteRadio, "Toggle Radio Self Mute"); //GFL only RegConsoleCmd("sm_smradio_nades", OnToggleSelfMuteNade, "Toggle only Radio 'Fire in the hole' Self Mute"); g_hCookieStopRadio = RegClientCookie("radio_blocked", "is the radio blocked", CookieAccess_Protected); g_hCookieStopNade = RegClientCookie("nades_blocked", "is the 'fire in the hole' radio blocked", CookieAccess_Protected); SetCookieMenuItem(MenuHandler_CookieMenu, 0, "Radio Self Mute"); HookUserMessage(RadioText, Hook_RadioText, true); HookUserMessage(SendAudio, Hook_SendAudio, true); } public Action Hook_RadioText(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init) { if(!g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked) return Plugin_Continue; int dest = BfReadByte(bf); int client = BfReadByte(bf); char sSoundType[128]; BfReadString(bf, sSoundType, sizeof(sSoundType), false); char sSoundName[128]; BfReadString(bf, sSoundName, sizeof(sSoundName), false); char sSoundFile[128]; BfReadString(bf, sSoundFile, sizeof(sSoundFile), false); // Check which clients need to be excluded. int[] newPlayers = new int[playersNum]; int newPlayersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < playersNum; i++) { int player = players[i]; if(IsClientInGame(player) && !g_bStopRadioSounds[player] && !(g_bStopNadeSounds[player] && StrContains(sSoundFile, "hole", false) != -1)) { newPlayers[newPlayersNum++] = player; } } if (newPlayersNum == playersNum) { // No clients where excluded. return Plugin_Continue; } else if (newPlayersNum == 0) { // All clients were excluded and there is no need to broadcast. return Plugin_Handled; } DataPack pack = new DataPack(); pack.WriteString(sSoundType); pack.WriteString(sSoundName); pack.WriteString(sSoundFile); pack.WriteCell(dest); pack.WriteCell(client); pack.WriteCell(newPlayersNum); for(int i = 0; i < newPlayersNum; i++) { pack.WriteCell(newPlayers[i]); } RequestFrame(OnRadioText, pack); return Plugin_Handled; } public void OnRadioText(DataPack pack) { pack.Reset(); char sSoundType[128]; pack.ReadString(sSoundType, sizeof(sSoundType)); char sSoundName[128]; pack.ReadString(sSoundName, sizeof(sSoundName)); char sSoundFile[128]; pack.ReadString(sSoundFile, sizeof(sSoundFile)); int dest = pack.ReadCell(); int client = pack.ReadCell(); int newPlayersNum = pack.ReadCell(); int[] players = new int[newPlayersNum]; int playersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < newPlayersNum; i++) { int player = pack.ReadCell(); if(IsClientInGame(player)) { players[playersNum++] = player; } } CloseHandle(pack); Handle RadioText = StartMessage("RadioText", players, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); if (RadioText != INVALID_HANDLE) { BfWriteByte(RadioText, dest); BfWriteByte(RadioText, client); BfWriteString(RadioText, sSoundType); BfWriteString(RadioText, sSoundName); BfWriteString(RadioText, sSoundFile); } EndMessage(); } public Action Hook_SendAudio(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init) { if(!g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked) return Plugin_Continue; char sSoundFile[128]; BfReadString(bf, sSoundFile, sizeof(sSoundFile), false); // Check which clients need to be excluded. int[] newPlayers = new int[playersNum]; int newPlayersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < playersNum; i++) { int player = players[i]; if(IsClientInGame(player) && !g_bStopRadioSounds[player] && !(g_bStopNadeSounds[player] && StrContains(sSoundFile, "hole", false) != -1)) { newPlayers[newPlayersNum++] = player; } } if (newPlayersNum == playersNum) { // No clients where excluded. return Plugin_Continue; } else if (newPlayersNum == 0) { // All clients were excluded and there is no need to broadcast. return Plugin_Handled; } DataPack pack = new DataPack(); pack.WriteString(sSoundFile); pack.WriteCell(newPlayersNum); for(int i = 0; i < newPlayersNum; i++) { pack.WriteCell(newPlayers[i]); } RequestFrame(OnSendAudio, pack); return Plugin_Handled; } public void OnSendAudio(DataPack pack) { pack.Reset(); char sSoundFile[128]; pack.ReadString(sSoundFile, sizeof(sSoundFile)); int newPlayersNum = pack.ReadCell(); int[] players = new int[newPlayersNum]; int playersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < newPlayersNum; i++) { int player = pack.ReadCell(); if(IsClientInGame(player)) { players[playersNum++] = player; } } CloseHandle(pack); Handle SendAudio = StartMessage("SendAudio", players, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); if (SendAudio != INVALID_HANDLE) { BfWriteString(SendAudio, sSoundFile); } EndMessage(); } public Action OnToggleSelfMuteRadio(int client, int args) { ToggleSelfMuteRadio(client); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action OnToggleSelfMuteNade(int client, int args) { ToggleSelfMuteNade(client); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action ToggleSelfMuteRadio(int client) { g_bStopRadioSounds[client] = !g_bStopRadioSounds[client]; CheckHooks(); SetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieStopRadio, g_bStopRadioSounds[client] ? "1" : ""); CPrintToChat(client, "{cyan}[SelfMuteRadio] {white}%s", g_bStopRadioSounds[client] ? "You self-muted all Radio Messages and Sounds." : "You self-unmuted all Radio Messages and Sounds."); } public Action ToggleSelfMuteNade(int client) { g_bStopNadeSounds[client] = !g_bStopNadeSounds[client]; CheckHooks(); SetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieStopNade, g_bStopNadeSounds[client] ? "1" : ""); CPrintToChat(client, "{cyan}[SelfMuteRadio] {white}%s", g_bStopNadeSounds[client] ? "You self-muted 'Fire in the Hole' Radio Messages and Sounds." : "You self-unmuted 'Fire in the Hole' Radio Messages and Sounds."); } public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client) { char sBuffer[2]; GetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieStopRadio, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); if(sBuffer[0] != '\0') { g_bStopRadioSounds[client] = true; g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked = true; } else { g_bStopRadioSounds[client] = false; } GetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieStopRadio, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); if(sBuffer[0] != '\0') { g_bStopNadeSounds[client] = true; g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked = true; } else { g_bStopNadeSounds[client] = false; } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { g_bStopRadioSounds[client] = false; g_bStopNadeSounds[client] = false; CheckHooks(); } public void CheckHooks() { bool bShouldHook = false; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bStopRadioSounds[i] || g_bStopNadeSounds[i]) { bShouldHook = true; break; } } g_bStopRadioSoundsHooked = bShouldHook; } public void ShowSettingsMenu(int client) { Menu menu = new Menu(MenuHandler_MainMenu); menu.SetTitle("SelfMuteRadio Settings", client); char sBuffer[128]; Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "Self-Muting all Radio: %s", g_bStopRadioSounds[client] ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); menu.AddItem("0", sBuffer); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "Self-Muting Nades Radio only: %s", g_bStopNadeSounds[client] ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); menu.AddItem("1", sBuffer); menu.ExitBackButton = true; menu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public void MenuHandler_CookieMenu(int client, CookieMenuAction action, any info, char[] buffer, int maxlen) { switch(action) { case(CookieMenuAction_DisplayOption): { Format(buffer, maxlen, "SelfMuteRadio", client); } case(CookieMenuAction_SelectOption): { ShowSettingsMenu(client); } } } public int MenuHandler_MainMenu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection) { switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { switch(selection) { case(0): ToggleSelfMuteRadio(client); case(1): ToggleSelfMuteNade(client); } ShowSettingsMenu(client); } case(MenuAction_Cancel): { ShowCookieMenu(client); } case(MenuAction_End): { delete menu; } } }