#pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include #include #include #include #define REQUIRE_PLUGIN #pragma newdecls required bool g_Plugin_ccc = false; bool g_Plugin_zombiereloaded = false; bool g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex = false; bool g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting = false; bool g_bIsProtoBuf = false; #define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.2" public Plugin myinfo = { name = "SelfMute", author = "BotoX", description = "Ignore other players in text and voicechat.", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; enum { MUTE_NONE = 0, MUTE_SPEC = 1, MUTE_CT = 2, MUTE_T = 4, MUTE_DEAD = 8, MUTE_ALIVE = 16, MUTE_NOTFRIENDS = 32, MUTE_ALL = 64, MUTE_LAST = 64 }; bool g_Ignored[(MAXPLAYERS + 1) * (MAXPLAYERS + 1)]; int g_SpecialMutes[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; char g_PlayerNames[MAXPLAYERS+1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); CreateConVar("sm_selfmute_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Version of Self-Mute", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); RegConsoleCmd("sm_sm", Command_SelfMute, "Mute player by typing !sm [playername]"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_su", Command_SelfUnMute, "Unmute player by typing !su [playername]"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_cm", Command_CheckMutes, "Check who you have self-muted"); HookEvent("round_start", Event_Round); HookEvent("round_end", Event_Round); HookEvent("player_team", Event_TeamChange); if(GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetUserMessageType") == FeatureStatus_Available && GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf) g_bIsProtoBuf = true; UserMsg RadioText = GetUserMessageId("RadioText"); if(RadioText == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) SetFailState("This game doesn't support RadioText user messages."); HookUserMessage(RadioText, Hook_UserMessageRadioText, true); UserMsg SendAudio = GetUserMessageId("SendAudio"); if(SendAudio == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) SetFailState("This game doesn't support SendAudio user messages."); HookUserMessage(SendAudio, Hook_UserMessageSendAudio, true); } public void OnAllPluginsLoaded() { g_Plugin_ccc = LibraryExists("ccc"); g_Plugin_zombiereloaded = LibraryExists("zombiereloaded"); g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex = LibraryExists("voiceannounce_ex"); g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting = LibraryExists("AdvancedTargeting"); LogMessage("SelfMute capabilities:\nProtoBuf: %s\nCCC: %s\nZombieReloaded: %s\nVoiceAnnounce: %s\nAdvancedTargeting: %s", (g_bIsProtoBuf ? "yes" : "no"), (g_Plugin_ccc ? "loaded" : "not loaded"), (g_Plugin_zombiereloaded ? "loaded" : "not loaded"), (g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex ? "loaded" : "not loaded"), (g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting ? "loaded" : "not loaded")); } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) SetIgnored(client, i, false); UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(client); UpdateIgnored(); } public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(client); UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(client); } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { SetIgnored(client, i, false); if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && i != client) SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes); } UpdateIgnored(); } public void Event_Round(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(i); } } public void Event_TeamChange(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(client); } public int ZR_OnClientInfected(int client, int attacker, bool motherInfect, bool respawnOverride, bool respawn) { UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(client); } public int ZR_OnClientHumanPost(int client, bool respawn, bool protect) { UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(client); } /* * Mutes this client on other players */ void UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(int client) { bool Alive = IsPlayerAlive(client); int Team = GetClientTeam(client); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(i == client || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i)) continue; int Flags = MUTE_NONE; if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_SPEC && Team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) Flags |= MUTE_SPEC; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_CT && Alive && ((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientHuman(client)) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && Team == CS_TEAM_CT))) Flags |= MUTE_CT; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_T && Alive && ((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientZombie(client)) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && Team == CS_TEAM_T))) Flags |= MUTE_T; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_DEAD && !Alive) Flags |= MUTE_DEAD; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_ALIVE && Alive) Flags |= MUTE_ALIVE; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS && g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && IsClientFriend(i, client) == 0) Flags |= MUTE_NOTFRIENDS; else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_ALL) Flags |= MUTE_ALL; if(Flags) SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_No); else if(!GetIgnored(i, client)) SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes); } } /* * Mutes other players on this client */ void UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(int client) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(i == client || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i)) continue; bool Alive = IsPlayerAlive(i); int Team = GetClientTeam(i); int Flags = MUTE_NONE; if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_SPEC && Team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) Flags |= MUTE_SPEC; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_CT && Alive && ((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientHuman(i) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded) && Team == CS_TEAM_CT))) Flags |= MUTE_CT; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_T && Alive && ((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientZombie(i) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded) && Team == CS_TEAM_T))) Flags |= MUTE_T; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_DEAD && !Alive) Flags |= MUTE_DEAD; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALIVE && Alive) Flags |= MUTE_ALIVE; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS && g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && IsClientFriend(client, i) == 0) Flags |= MUTE_NOTFRIENDS; else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALL) Flags |= MUTE_ALL; if(Flags) SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_No); else if(!GetIgnored(client, i)) SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_Yes); } } int GetSpecialMutesFlags(char[] Argument) { int SpecialMute = MUTE_NONE; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@spec", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!t", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_SPEC; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!t", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!spec", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_CT; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@t", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!spec", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_T; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@dead", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!alive", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_DEAD; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@alive", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!dead", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_ALIVE; if(g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && StrEqual(Argument, "@!friends", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_NOTFRIENDS; if(StrEqual(Argument, "@all", false)) SpecialMute |= MUTE_ALL; return SpecialMute; } void FormatSpecialMutes(int SpecialMute, char[] aBuf, int BufLen) { if(!SpecialMute) { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "none"); return; } bool Status = false; int MuteCount = RoundFloat(Logarithm(float(MUTE_LAST), 2.0)); for(int i = 0; i <= MuteCount; i++) { switch(SpecialMute & RoundFloat(Pow(2.0, float(i)))) { case MUTE_SPEC: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Spectators, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_CT: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "CTs, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_T: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Ts, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_DEAD: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Dead players, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_ALIVE: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Alive players, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_NOTFRIENDS: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Not Steam friends, "); Status = true; } case MUTE_ALL: { StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Everyone, "); Status = true; } } } // Cut off last ', ' if(Status) aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0; } bool MuteSpecial(int client, char[] Argument) { bool RetValue = false; int SpecialMute = GetSpecialMutesFlags(Argument); if(SpecialMute & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS && g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && ReadClientFriends(client) != 1) { PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Could not read your friendslist, your profile must be set to public!"); SpecialMute &= ~MUTE_NOTFRIENDS; RetValue = true; } if(SpecialMute) { if(SpecialMute & MUTE_ALL || g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALL) { g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_ALL; SpecialMute = MUTE_ALL; } else g_SpecialMutes[client] |= SpecialMute; UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(client); char aBuf[128]; FormatSpecialMutes(SpecialMute, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted group:\x04 %s", aBuf); RetValue = true; } return RetValue; } bool UnMuteSpecial(int client, char[] Argument) { int SpecialMute = GetSpecialMutesFlags(Argument); if(SpecialMute) { if(SpecialMute & MUTE_ALL) { if(g_SpecialMutes[client]) { SpecialMute = g_SpecialMutes[client]; g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE; } else { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) UnIgnore(client, i); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 all players"); return true; } } } else g_SpecialMutes[client] &= ~SpecialMute; UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(client); char aBuf[256]; FormatSpecialMutes(SpecialMute, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted group:\x04 %s", aBuf); return true; } return false; } void Ignore(int client, int target) { SetIgnored(client, target, true); SetListenOverride(client, target, Listen_No); } void UnIgnore(int client, int target) { SetIgnored(client, target, false); SetListenOverride(client, target, Listen_Yes); } /* * CHAT COMMANDS */ public Action Command_SelfMute(int client, int args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 1) { DisplayMuteMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } char Argument[65]; GetCmdArgString(Argument, sizeof(Argument)); char Filtered[65]; strcopy(Filtered, sizeof(Filtered), Argument); StripQuotes(Filtered); TrimString(Filtered); if(StrEqual(Filtered, "@me", false)) { PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You can't mute yourself, don't be silly."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(MuteSpecial(client, Filtered)) return Plugin_Handled; char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; int aTargetList[MAXPLAYERS]; int TargetCount; bool TnIsMl; if((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString( Argument, client, aTargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED|COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), TnIsMl)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) { if(aTargetList[i] != client) Ignore(client, aTargetList[i]); } UpdateIgnored(); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %s", sTargetName); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_SelfUnMute(int client, int args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(args < 1) { DisplayUnMuteMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } char Argument[65]; GetCmdArgString(Argument, sizeof(Argument)); char Filtered[65]; strcopy(Filtered, sizeof(Filtered), Argument); StripQuotes(Filtered); TrimString(Filtered); if(StrEqual(Filtered, "@me", false)) { PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Unmuting won't work either."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(UnMuteSpecial(client, Filtered)) return Plugin_Handled; char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; int aTargetList[MAXPLAYERS]; int TargetCount; bool TnIsMl; if((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString( Argument, client, aTargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED|COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), TnIsMl)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) { if(aTargetList[i] != client) UnIgnore(client, aTargetList[i]); } UpdateIgnored(); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 %s", sTargetName); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_CheckMutes(int client, int args) { if(client == 0) { PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console."); return Plugin_Handled; } char aBuf[1024]; char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(GetIgnored(client, i)) { GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2)); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", "); } } // Cut off last ', ' if(strlen(aBuf)) { aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0; PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %s", aBuf); } else if(!g_SpecialMutes[client]) PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have not self-muted anyone!\x04", aBuf); if(g_SpecialMutes[client]) { aBuf[0] = 0; FormatSpecialMutes(g_SpecialMutes[client], aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted group:\x04 %s", aBuf); } return Plugin_Handled; } /* * MENU */ void DisplayMuteMenu(int client) { Menu menu = new Menu(MenuHandler_MuteMenu, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel|MenuAction_End|MenuAction_DrawItem|MenuAction_DisplayItem); menu.ExitButton = true; int[] aClients = new int[MaxClients + 1]; if(g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex) { // Count talking players and insert id's into aClients array int CurrentlyTalking = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientSpeaking(i)) aClients[CurrentlyTalking++] = i; } if(CurrentlyTalking > 0) { // insert player names into g_PlayerNames array for(int i = 0; i < CurrentlyTalking; i++) GetClientName(aClients[i], g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[])); // sort aClients array by player name SortCustom1D(aClients, CurrentlyTalking, SortByPlayerName); // insert players sorted char aBuf[11]; for(int i = 0; i < CurrentlyTalking; i++) { IntToString(GetClientUserId(aClients[i]), aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); menu.AddItem(aBuf, g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]]); } // insert spacers int Entries = 7 - CurrentlyTalking % 7; while(Entries--) menu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); } } menu.AddItem("@all", "Everyone"); menu.AddItem("@spec", "Spectators"); menu.AddItem("@ct", "Counter-Terrorists"); menu.AddItem("@t", "Terrorists"); menu.AddItem("@dead", "Dead players"); menu.AddItem("@alive", "Alive players"); if(g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting) menu.AddItem("@!friends", "Not Steam friend"); else menu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); // Count valid players and insert id's into aClients array int Players = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) aClients[Players++] = i; } // insert player names into g_PlayerNames array for(int i = 0; i < Players; i++) GetClientName(aClients[i], g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[])); // sort aClients array by player name SortCustom1D(aClients, Players, SortByPlayerName); // insert players sorted char aBuf[12]; for(int i = 0; i < Players; i++) { IntToString(GetClientUserId(aClients[i]), aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); menu.AddItem(aBuf, g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]]); } menu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int MenuHandler_MuteMenu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2) { switch(action) { case MenuAction_End: { if(param1 != MenuEnd_Selected) CloseHandle(menu); } case MenuAction_Select: { int Style; char aItem[32]; char aDisp[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style, aDisp, sizeof(aDisp)); if(Style != ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT || !aItem[0]) { PrintToChat(param1, "Internal error: aItem[0] -> %d | Style -> %d", aItem[0], Style); return 0; } if(aItem[0] == '@') { int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem); if(Flag && g_SpecialMutes[param1] & Flag) UnMuteSpecial(param1, aItem); else MuteSpecial(param1, aItem); menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return 0; } int UserId = StringToInt(aItem); int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId); if(!client) { PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Player no longer available."); menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return 0; } if(GetIgnored(param1, client)) { UnIgnore(param1, client); PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 %N", client); } else { Ignore(param1, client); PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %N", client); } menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return 0; } case MenuAction_DrawItem: { int Style; char aItem[32]; menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style); if(!aItem[0]) return ITEMDRAW_DISABLED; if(aItem[0] == '@') { int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem); if(Flag & MUTE_ALL) return Style; else if(g_SpecialMutes[param1] & MUTE_ALL) return ITEMDRAW_DISABLED; return Style; } int UserId = StringToInt(aItem); int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId); if(!client) // Player disconnected return ITEMDRAW_DISABLED; return Style; } case MenuAction_DisplayItem: { int Style; char aItem[32]; char aDisp[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style, aDisp, sizeof(aDisp)); // Start of current page if((param2 + 1) % 7 == 1) { if(aItem[0] == '@') menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] Groups"); else if(param2 == 0) menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] Talking players"); else menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] All players"); } if(!aItem[0]) return 0; if(aItem[0] == '@') { int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem); if(Flag && g_SpecialMutes[param1] & Flag) { char aBuf[32] = "[M] "; FormatSpecialMutes(Flag, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf)) return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf); } return 0; } int UserId = StringToInt(aItem); int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId); if(!client) // Player disconnected { char aBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4] = "[D] "; StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aDisp); if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf)) return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf); } if(GetIgnored(param1, client)) { char aBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4] = "[M] "; GetClientName(client, g_PlayerNames[client], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[])); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), g_PlayerNames[client]); if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf)) return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf); } else { GetClientName(client, g_PlayerNames[client], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[])); if(!StrEqual(aDisp, g_PlayerNames[client])) return RedrawMenuItem(g_PlayerNames[client]); } return 0; } } return 0; } void DisplayUnMuteMenu(int client) { // TODO: Implement me } /* * HOOKS */ int g_MsgDest; int g_MsgClient; char g_MsgName[256]; char g_MsgParam1[256]; char g_MsgParam2[256]; char g_MsgParam3[256]; char g_MsgParam4[256]; char g_MsgRadioSound[256]; int g_MsgPlayersNum; int g_MsgPlayers[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; public Action Hook_UserMessageRadioText(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init) { if(g_bIsProtoBuf) { g_MsgDest = PbReadInt(bf, "msg_dst"); g_MsgClient = PbReadInt(bf, "client"); PbReadString(bf, "msg_name", g_MsgName, sizeof(g_MsgName)); PbReadString(bf, "params", g_MsgParam1, sizeof(g_MsgParam1), 0); PbReadString(bf, "params", g_MsgParam2, sizeof(g_MsgParam2), 1); PbReadString(bf, "params", g_MsgParam3, sizeof(g_MsgParam3), 2); PbReadString(bf, "params", g_MsgParam4, sizeof(g_MsgParam4), 3); } else { g_MsgDest = BfReadByte(bf); g_MsgClient = BfReadByte(bf); BfReadString(bf, g_MsgName, sizeof(g_MsgName), false); BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam1, sizeof(g_MsgParam1), false); BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam2, sizeof(g_MsgParam2), false); BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam3, sizeof(g_MsgParam3), false); BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam4, sizeof(g_MsgParam4), false); } // Check which clients need to be excluded. g_MsgPlayersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < playersNum; i++) { int client = players[i]; if(!GetIgnored(client, g_MsgClient)) g_MsgPlayers[g_MsgPlayersNum++] = client; } // No clients were excluded. if(g_MsgPlayersNum == playersNum) { g_MsgClient = -1; return Plugin_Continue; } else if(g_MsgPlayersNum == 0) // All clients were excluded and there is no need to broadcast. { g_MsgClient = -2; return Plugin_Handled; } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Hook_UserMessageSendAudio(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init) { if(g_MsgClient == -1) return Plugin_Continue; else if(g_MsgClient == -2) return Plugin_Handled; if(g_bIsProtoBuf) PbReadString(bf, "radio_sound", g_MsgRadioSound, sizeof(g_MsgRadioSound)); else BfReadString(bf, g_MsgRadioSound, sizeof(g_MsgRadioSound), false); if(StrEqual(g_MsgRadioSound, "radio.locknload")) return Plugin_Continue; DataPack pack = new DataPack(); pack.WriteCell(g_MsgDest); pack.WriteCell(g_MsgClient); pack.WriteString(g_MsgName); pack.WriteString(g_MsgParam1); pack.WriteString(g_MsgParam2); pack.WriteString(g_MsgParam3); pack.WriteString(g_MsgParam4); pack.WriteString(g_MsgRadioSound); pack.WriteCell(g_MsgPlayersNum); for(int i = 0; i < g_MsgPlayersNum; i++) pack.WriteCell(g_MsgPlayers[i]); RequestFrame(OnPlayerRadio, pack); return Plugin_Handled; } public void OnPlayerRadio(DataPack pack) { pack.Reset(); g_MsgDest = pack.ReadCell(); g_MsgClient = pack.ReadCell(); pack.ReadString(g_MsgName, sizeof(g_MsgName)); pack.ReadString(g_MsgParam1, sizeof(g_MsgParam1)); pack.ReadString(g_MsgParam2, sizeof(g_MsgParam2)); pack.ReadString(g_MsgParam3, sizeof(g_MsgParam3)); pack.ReadString(g_MsgParam4, sizeof(g_MsgParam4)); pack.ReadString(g_MsgRadioSound, sizeof(g_MsgRadioSound)); g_MsgPlayersNum = pack.ReadCell(); int playersNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < g_MsgPlayersNum; i++) { int client_ = pack.ReadCell(); if(IsClientInGame(client_)) g_MsgPlayers[playersNum++] = client_; } CloseHandle(pack); Handle RadioText = StartMessage("RadioText", g_MsgPlayers, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); if(g_bIsProtoBuf) { PbSetInt(RadioText, "msg_dst", g_MsgDest); PbSetInt(RadioText, "client", g_MsgClient); PbSetString(RadioText, "msg_name", g_MsgName); PbSetString(RadioText, "params", g_MsgParam1, 0); PbSetString(RadioText, "params", g_MsgParam2, 1); PbSetString(RadioText, "params", g_MsgParam3, 2); PbSetString(RadioText, "params", g_MsgParam4, 3); } else { BfWriteByte(RadioText, g_MsgDest); BfWriteByte(RadioText, g_MsgClient); BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgName); BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam1); BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam2); BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam3); BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam4); } EndMessage(); Handle SendAudio = StartMessage("SendAudio", g_MsgPlayers, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); if(g_bIsProtoBuf) PbSetString(SendAudio, "radio_sound", g_MsgRadioSound); else BfWriteString(SendAudio, g_MsgRadioSound); EndMessage(); } /* * HELPERS */ void UpdateIgnored() { if(g_Plugin_ccc) CCC_UpdateIgnoredArray(g_Ignored); } public int SortByPlayerName(int elem1, int elem2, const int[] array, Handle hndl) { return strcmp(g_PlayerNames[elem1], g_PlayerNames[elem2], false); } bool GetIgnored(int client, int target) { return g_Ignored[(client * (MAXPLAYERS + 1) + target)]; } void SetIgnored(int client, int target, bool ignored) { g_Ignored[(client * (MAXPLAYERS + 1) + target)] = ignored; }