#include #include #include #include #include #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "LagCompensation", author = "BotoX", description = "", version = "1.0", url = "" }; bool g_bLateLoad = false; // Don't change this. #define MAX_EDICTS 2048 #define FSOLID_FORCE_WORLD_ALIGNED 0x0040 #define FSOLID_ROOT_PARENT_ALIGNED 0x0100 #define EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM (1<<11) #define EFL_DIRTY_SURROUNDING_COLLISION_BOUNDS (1<<14) #define EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH (1<<24) #define COORDINATE_FRAME_SIZE 14 enum { USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS = 0, USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS, USE_HITBOXES, USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS, USE_GAME_CODE, USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS, USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS, } enum { SOLID_NONE = 0, // no solid model SOLID_BSP = 1, // a BSP tree SOLID_BBOX = 2, // an AABB SOLID_OBB = 3, // an OBB (not implemented yet) SOLID_OBB_YAW = 4, // an OBB, constrained so that it can only yaw SOLID_CUSTOM = 5, // Always call into the entity for tests SOLID_VPHYSICS = 6, // solid vphysics object, get vcollide from the model and collide with that SOLID_LAST, }; #define MAX_RECORDS 32 #define MAX_ENTITIES 256 //#define DEBUG enum struct LagRecord { float vecOrigin[3]; float vecAbsOrigin[3]; float angRotation[3]; float angAbsRotation[3]; float flSimulationTime; float rgflCoordinateFrame[COORDINATE_FRAME_SIZE]; } enum struct EntityLagData { int iEntity; int iRecordIndex; int iNumRecords; int iRecordsValid; int iSpawned; int iDeleted; int iNotMoving; int iTouchStamp; bool bRestore; bool bLateKill; LagRecord RestoreData; } LagRecord g_aaLagRecords[MAX_ENTITIES][MAX_RECORDS]; EntityLagData g_aEntityLagData[MAX_ENTITIES]; int g_iNumEntities = 0; bool g_bCleaningUp = true; Handle g_hCalcAbsolutePosition; Handle g_hMarkPartitionHandleDirty; Handle g_hUTIL_Remove; Handle g_hRestartRound; Handle g_hSetTarget; Handle g_hSetTargetPost; Handle g_hFrameUpdatePostEntityThink; int g_iTouchStamp; int g_iCollision; int g_iSolidFlags; int g_iSolidType; int g_iSurroundType; int g_iEFlags; int g_iVecOrigin; int g_iVecAbsOrigin; int g_iAngRotation; int g_iAngAbsRotation; int g_iSimulationTime; int g_iCoordinateFrame; char g_aBlockTriggerTouch[MAX_EDICTS]; char g_aaBlockTouch[(MAXPLAYERS + 1) * MAX_EDICTS]; public void OnPluginStart() { Handle hGameData = LoadGameConfigFile("LagCompensation.games"); if(!hGameData) SetFailState("Failed to load LagCompensation gamedata."); // CBaseEntity::CalcAbsolutePosition StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Entity); if(!PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameData, SDKConf_Signature, "CalcAbsolutePosition")) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameData, SDKConf_Signature, \"CalcAbsolutePosition\") failed!"); } g_hCalcAbsolutePosition = EndPrepSDKCall(); // CCollisionProperty::MarkPartitionHandleDirty StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Raw); if(!PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameData, SDKConf_Signature, "MarkPartitionHandleDirty")) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameData, SDKConf_Signature, \"MarkPartitionHandleDirty\") failed!"); } g_hMarkPartitionHandleDirty = EndPrepSDKCall(); // ::UTIL_Remove g_hUTIL_Remove = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameData, "UTIL_Remove"); if(!g_hUTIL_Remove) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to setup detour for UTIL_Remove"); } if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_hUTIL_Remove, false, Detour_OnUTIL_Remove)) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to detour UTIL_Remove."); } // CCSGameRules::RestartRound g_hRestartRound = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameData, "CCSGameRules__RestartRound"); if(!g_hRestartRound) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to setup detour for CCSGameRules__RestartRound"); } if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_hRestartRound, false, Detour_OnRestartRound)) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to detour CCSGameRules__RestartRound."); } // CLogicMeasureMovement::SetTarget g_hSetTarget = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameData, "CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget"); if(!g_hSetTarget) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to setup detour for CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget"); } if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_hSetTarget, false, Detour_OnSetTargetPre)) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to detour CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget."); } // CLogicMeasureMovement::SetTarget (fix post hook crashing due to this pointer being overwritten) g_hSetTargetPost = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameData, "CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget_post"); if(!g_hSetTargetPost) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to setup detour for CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget_post"); } if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_hSetTargetPost, true, Detour_OnSetTargetPost)) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to detour CLogicMeasureMovement__SetTarget_post."); } // CEntityTouchManager::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink g_hFrameUpdatePostEntityThink = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameData, "CEntityTouchManager__FrameUpdatePostEntityThink"); if(!g_hFrameUpdatePostEntityThink) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to setup detour for CEntityTouchManager__FrameUpdatePostEntityThink"); } if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_hFrameUpdatePostEntityThink, false, Detour_OnFrameUpdatePostEntityThink)) { delete hGameData; SetFailState("Failed to detour CEntityTouchManager__FrameUpdatePostEntityThink."); } delete hGameData; RegAdminCmd("sm_unlag", Command_AddLagCompensation, ADMFLAG_RCON, "sm_unlag "); RegAdminCmd("sm_lagged", Command_CheckLagCompensated, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_lagged"); FilterClientEntityMap(g_aaBlockTouch, true); } public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) { g_bLateLoad = late; return APLRes_Success; } public void OnPluginEnd() { g_bCleaningUp = true; FilterClientEntityMap(g_aaBlockTouch, false); FilterTriggerTouchPlayers(g_aBlockTriggerTouch, false); DHookDisableDetour(g_hUTIL_Remove, false, Detour_OnUTIL_Remove); for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(!IsValidEntity(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity)) continue; if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { RemoveEdict(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity); } } } public void OnMapStart() { bool bLate = g_bLateLoad; g_bLateLoad = false; g_bCleaningUp = false; g_iTouchStamp = FindDataMapInfo(0, "touchStamp"); g_iCollision = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_Collision"); g_iSolidFlags = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_usSolidFlags"); g_iSolidType = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_nSolidType"); g_iSurroundType = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_nSurroundType"); g_iEFlags = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_iEFlags"); g_iVecOrigin = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_vecOrigin"); g_iVecAbsOrigin = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_vecAbsOrigin"); g_iAngRotation = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_angRotation"); g_iAngAbsRotation = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_angAbsRotation"); g_iSimulationTime = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_flSimulationTime"); g_iCoordinateFrame = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_rgflCoordinateFrame"); /* Late Load */ if(bLate) { int entity = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; while((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, "*")) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { char sClassname[64]; if(GetEntityClassname(entity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname))) OnEntitySpawned(entity, sClassname); } } } public void OnEntitySpawned(int entity, const char[] classname) { if(g_bCleaningUp) return; if(entity < 0 || entity > MAX_EDICTS) return; if(!IsValidEntity(entity)) return; bool bTrigger = StrEqual(classname, "trigger_hurt", false) || StrEqual(classname, "trigger_push", false) || StrEqual(classname, "trigger_teleport", false); //StrEqual(classname, "trigger_multiple", false); bool bMoving = !strncmp(classname, "func_physbox", 12, false); if(!bTrigger && !bMoving) return; // Don't lag compensate anything that could be parented to a player // The player simulation would usually move the entity, // but we would overwrite that position change by restoring the entity to its previous state. int iParent = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; char sParentClassname[64]; for(int iTmp = entity;;) { iTmp = GetEntPropEnt(iTmp, Prop_Data, "m_pParent"); if(iTmp == INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) break; iParent = iTmp; GetEntityClassname(iParent, sParentClassname, sizeof(sParentClassname)); if(StrEqual(sParentClassname, "player") || !strncmp(sParentClassname, "weapon_", 7)) { return; } } // Lag compensate all moving stuff if(bMoving) { AddEntityForLagCompensation(entity, false); return; } // Lag compensate all (non player-) parented hurt triggers if(bTrigger && iParent > MaxClients && iParent < MAX_EDICTS) { if(AddEntityForLagCompensation(entity, true)) { // Filter the trigger from being touched outside of the lag compensation g_aBlockTriggerTouch[entity] = 1; } } } public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity) { if(g_bCleaningUp) return; if(entity < 0 || entity > MAX_EDICTS) return; if(!IsValidEntity(entity)) return; for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity != entity) continue; RemoveRecord(i); return; } } public MRESReturn Detour_OnUTIL_Remove(Handle hParams) { if(g_bCleaningUp) return MRES_Ignored; int entity = DHookGetParam(hParams, 1); if(entity < 0 || entity > MAX_EDICTS) return MRES_Ignored; for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity != entity) continue; // let it die if(!g_aEntityLagData[i].bLateKill) break; // ignore sleeping entities if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving >= MAX_RECORDS) break; if(!g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted = GetGameTickCount(); } return MRES_Supercede; } return MRES_Ignored; } public MRESReturn Detour_OnRestartRound() { g_bCleaningUp = true; for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { int iEntity = g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity; g_aBlockTriggerTouch[iEntity] = 0; for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { g_aaBlockTouch[client * MAX_EDICTS + iEntity] = 0; } if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { if(IsValidEntity(iEntity)) RemoveEdict(iEntity); } g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; } g_iNumEntities = 0; g_bCleaningUp = false; return MRES_Ignored; } // https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Logic_measure_movement int g_OnSetTarget_pThis; public MRESReturn Detour_OnSetTargetPre(int pThis, Handle hParams) { g_OnSetTarget_pThis = pThis; return MRES_Ignored; } public MRESReturn Detour_OnSetTargetPost(Handle hParams) { int entity = GetEntPropEnt(g_OnSetTarget_pThis, Prop_Data, "m_hTarget"); if(!IsValidEntity(entity)) return MRES_Ignored; char sClassname[64]; if(!GetEntityClassname(entity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname))) return MRES_Ignored; if(!(StrEqual(sClassname, "trigger_hurt", false) || StrEqual(sClassname, "trigger_push", false) || StrEqual(sClassname, "trigger_teleport", false))) { return MRES_Ignored; } if(AddEntityForLagCompensation(entity, true)) { // Filter the trigger from being touched outside of the lag compensation g_aBlockTriggerTouch[entity] = 1; } return MRES_Ignored; } public MRESReturn Detour_OnFrameUpdatePostEntityThink() { for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { // Don't make the entity check untouch in FrameUpdatePostEntityThink. // If the player didn't get simulated in the current frame then // they didn't have a chance to touch this entity. // Hence the touchlink could be broken and we only let the player check untouch. int EFlags = GetEntData(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_iEFlags); EFlags &= ~EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH; SetEntData(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_iEFlags, EFlags); } } public void OnRunThinkFunctions(bool simulating) { FilterTriggerTouchPlayers(g_aBlockTriggerTouch, false); for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(!IsValidEntity(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity)) { PrintToBoth("!!!!!!!!!!! OnRunThinkFunctions SHIT deleted: %d / %d", i, g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity); RemoveRecord(i); i--; continue; } // Save old touchStamp int touchStamp = GetEntData(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_iTouchStamp); g_aEntityLagData[i].iTouchStamp = touchStamp; // We have to increase the touchStamp by 1 here to avoid breaking the touchlink. // The touchStamp is incremented by 1 every time an entities physics are simulated. // When two entities touch then a touchlink is created on both entities with the touchStamp of either entity. // Usually the player would touch the trigger first and then the trigger would touch the player later on in the same frame. // The trigger touching the player would fix up the touchStamp (which was increased by 1 by the trigger physics simulate) // But since we're blocking the trigger from ever touching a player outside of here we need to manually increase it by 1 up front // so the correct +1'd touchStamp is stored in the touchlink. // After simulating the players we restore the old touchStamp (-1) and when the entity is simulated it will increase it again by 1 // Thus both touchlinks will have the correct touchStamp value. // The touchStamp doesn't increase when the entity is idle, however it also doesn't check untouch so we're fine. touchStamp++; SetEntData(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_iTouchStamp, touchStamp); if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted + MAX_RECORDS <= GetGameTickCount()) { // calls OnEntityDestroyed right away // which calls RemoveRecord // which moves the next element to our current position RemoveEdict(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity); i--; continue; } continue; } if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving >= MAX_RECORDS) continue; RecordDataIntoRecord(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_aEntityLagData[i].RestoreData); } } public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon, int &subtype, int &cmdnum, int &tickcount, int &seed, int mouse[2]) { if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) return Plugin_Continue; // -1 because the newest record in the list is one tick old // this is because we simulate players first // hence no new entity record was inserted on the current tick int iGameTick = GetGameTickCount() - 1; int iDelta = iGameTick - tickcount; if(iDelta < 0) iDelta = 0; if(iDelta > MAX_RECORDS) iDelta = MAX_RECORDS; int iPlayerSimTick = iGameTick - iDelta; for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { int iEntity = g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity; // Entity too new, the client couldn't even see it yet. if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iSpawned > iPlayerSimTick) { g_aaBlockTouch[client * MAX_EDICTS + iEntity] = 1; continue; } else if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iSpawned == iPlayerSimTick) { g_aaBlockTouch[client * MAX_EDICTS + iEntity] = 0; } if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted <= iPlayerSimTick) { g_aaBlockTouch[client * MAX_EDICTS + iEntity] = 1; continue; } } if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving >= MAX_RECORDS) continue; int iRecord = iDelta; if(iRecord >= g_aEntityLagData[i].iNumRecords) iRecord = g_aEntityLagData[i].iNumRecords - 1; int iRecordIndex = g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex - iRecord; if(iRecordIndex < 0) iRecordIndex += MAX_RECORDS; RestoreEntityFromRecord(iEntity, g_aaLagRecords[i][iRecordIndex]); g_aEntityLagData[i].bRestore = !g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted; } return Plugin_Continue; } public void OnPostPlayerThinkFunctions() { for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { // Restore original touchStamp SetEntData(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_iTouchStamp, g_aEntityLagData[i].iTouchStamp); if(!g_aEntityLagData[i].bRestore) continue; RestoreEntityFromRecord(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, g_aEntityLagData[i].RestoreData); g_aEntityLagData[i].bRestore = false; } FilterTriggerTouchPlayers(g_aBlockTriggerTouch, true); } public void OnRunThinkFunctionsPost(bool simulating) { for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordsValid) { g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex++; if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex >= MAX_RECORDS) g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex = 0; g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordsValid--; } continue; } LagRecord TmpRecord; RecordDataIntoRecord(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, TmpRecord); // sleep detection { int iOldRecord = g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex; if(CompareVectors(g_aaLagRecords[i][iOldRecord].vecAbsOrigin, TmpRecord.vecAbsOrigin) && CompareVectors(g_aaLagRecords[i][iOldRecord].angAbsRotation, TmpRecord.angAbsRotation)) { g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving++; } else { g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving = 0; } if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving >= MAX_RECORDS) continue; } g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex++; if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex >= MAX_RECORDS) g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex = 0; if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iNumRecords < MAX_RECORDS) g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordsValid = ++g_aEntityLagData[i].iNumRecords; LagRecord_Copy(g_aaLagRecords[i][g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex], TmpRecord); } } void RecordDataIntoRecord(int iEntity, LagRecord Record) { // Force recalculation of all values int EFlags = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iEFlags); EFlags |= EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM; SetEntData(iEntity, g_iEFlags, EFlags); SDKCall(g_hCalcAbsolutePosition, iEntity); GetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iVecOrigin, Record.vecOrigin); GetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iVecAbsOrigin, Record.vecAbsOrigin); GetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iAngRotation, Record.angRotation); GetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iAngAbsRotation, Record.angAbsRotation); GetEntDataArray(iEntity, g_iCoordinateFrame, view_as(Record.rgflCoordinateFrame), COORDINATE_FRAME_SIZE); Record.flSimulationTime = GetEntDataFloat(iEntity, g_iSimulationTime); } bool DoesRotationInvalidateSurroundingBox(int iEntity) { int SolidFlags = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iSolidFlags); if(SolidFlags & FSOLID_ROOT_PARENT_ALIGNED) return true; int SurroundType = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iSurroundType); switch(SurroundType) { case USE_COLLISION_BOUNDS_NEVER_VPHYSICS, USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS, USE_BEST_COLLISION_BOUNDS: { // IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace() int SolidType = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iSolidType); return ((SolidFlags & FSOLID_FORCE_WORLD_ALIGNED) == 0) && (SolidType != SOLID_BBOX) && (SolidType != SOLID_NONE); } case USE_HITBOXES, USE_GAME_CODE: { return true; } case USE_ROTATION_EXPANDED_BOUNDS, USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS: { return false; } default: { return true; } } } void InvalidatePhysicsRecursive(int iEntity) { // NetworkProp()->MarkPVSInformationDirty() int fStateFlags = GetEdictFlags(iEntity); fStateFlags |= FL_EDICT_DIRTY_PVS_INFORMATION; SetEdictFlags(iEntity, fStateFlags); // CollisionProp()->MarkPartitionHandleDirty(); Address CollisionProp = GetEntityAddress(iEntity) + view_as
(g_iCollision); SDKCall(g_hMarkPartitionHandleDirty, CollisionProp); if(DoesRotationInvalidateSurroundingBox(iEntity)) { // CollisionProp()->MarkSurroundingBoundsDirty(); int EFlags = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iEFlags); EFlags |= EFL_DIRTY_SURROUNDING_COLLISION_BOUNDS; SetEntData(iEntity, g_iEFlags, EFlags); } } void RestoreEntityFromRecord(int iEntity, LagRecord Record) { SetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iVecOrigin, Record.vecOrigin); SetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iVecAbsOrigin, Record.vecAbsOrigin); SetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iAngRotation, Record.angRotation); SetEntDataVector(iEntity, g_iAngAbsRotation, Record.angAbsRotation); SetEntDataArray(iEntity, g_iCoordinateFrame, view_as(Record.rgflCoordinateFrame), COORDINATE_FRAME_SIZE); SetEntDataFloat(iEntity, g_iSimulationTime, Record.flSimulationTime); InvalidatePhysicsRecursive(iEntity); } bool AddEntityForLagCompensation(int iEntity, bool bLateKill) { if(g_bCleaningUp) return false; if(g_iNumEntities == MAX_ENTITIES) { char sClassname[64]; GetEntityClassname(iEntity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); char sTargetname[64]; GetEntPropString(iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); int iHammerID = GetEntProp(iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); PrintToBoth("[%d] OUT OF LAGCOMP SLOTS entity %d (%s)\"%s\"(#%d)", GetGameTickCount(), iEntity, sClassname, sTargetname, iHammerID); return false; } for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { if(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity == iEntity) return true; } int i = g_iNumEntities; g_iNumEntities++; g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity = iEntity; g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordIndex = 0; g_aEntityLagData[i].iNumRecords = 1; g_aEntityLagData[i].iRecordsValid = 1; g_aEntityLagData[i].iSpawned = GetGameTickCount(); g_aEntityLagData[i].iDeleted = 0; g_aEntityLagData[i].iNotMoving = MAX_RECORDS; g_aEntityLagData[i].bRestore = false; g_aEntityLagData[i].bLateKill = bLateKill; g_aEntityLagData[i].iTouchStamp = GetEntData(iEntity, g_iTouchStamp); RecordDataIntoRecord(iEntity, g_aaLagRecords[i][0]); { char sClassname[64]; GetEntityClassname(iEntity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); char sTargetname[64]; GetEntPropString(iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); int iHammerID = GetEntProp(iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); PrintToBoth("[%d] added entity %d (%s)\"%s\"(#%d) under index %d", GetGameTickCount(), iEntity, sClassname, sTargetname, iHammerID, i); } return true; } void RemoveRecord(int index) { if(g_bCleaningUp) return; int iEntity = g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity; { char sClassname[64]; GetEntityClassname(g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); char sTargetname[64]; GetEntPropString(g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); int iHammerID = GetEntProp(g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); PrintToBoth("[%d] RemoveRecord %d / %d (%s)\"%s\"(#%d), num: %d", GetGameTickCount(), index, g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity, sClassname, sTargetname, iHammerID, g_iNumEntities); } g_aBlockTriggerTouch[iEntity] = 0; for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { g_aaBlockTouch[client * MAX_EDICTS + iEntity] = 0; } g_aEntityLagData[index].iEntity = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; for(int src = index + 1; src < g_iNumEntities; src++) { int dest = src - 1; EntityLagData_Copy(g_aEntityLagData[dest], g_aEntityLagData[src]); g_aEntityLagData[src].iEntity = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; int iNumRecords = g_aEntityLagData[dest].iNumRecords; for(int i = 0; i < iNumRecords; i++) { LagRecord_Copy(g_aaLagRecords[dest][i], g_aaLagRecords[src][i]); } } g_iNumEntities--; } void EntityLagData_Copy(EntityLagData obj, const EntityLagData other) { obj.iEntity = other.iEntity; obj.iRecordIndex = other.iRecordIndex; obj.iNumRecords = other.iNumRecords; obj.iRecordsValid = other.iRecordsValid; obj.iSpawned = other.iSpawned; obj.iDeleted = other.iDeleted; obj.iNotMoving = other.iNotMoving; obj.iTouchStamp = other.iTouchStamp; obj.bRestore = other.bRestore; obj.bLateKill = other.bLateKill; LagRecord_Copy(obj.RestoreData, other.RestoreData); } void LagRecord_Copy(LagRecord obj, const LagRecord other) { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { obj.vecOrigin[i] = other.vecOrigin[i]; obj.vecAbsOrigin[i] = other.vecAbsOrigin[i]; obj.angRotation[i] = other.angRotation[i]; obj.angAbsRotation[i] = other.angAbsRotation[i]; } obj.flSimulationTime = other.flSimulationTime; for(int i = 0; i < COORDINATE_FRAME_SIZE; i++) { obj.rgflCoordinateFrame[i] = other.rgflCoordinateFrame[i]; } } bool CompareVectors(const float vec1[3], const float vec2[3]) { return vec1[0] == vec2[0] && vec1[1] == vec2[1] && vec1[2] == vec2[2]; } public Action Command_AddLagCompensation(int client, int argc) { if(argc < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_unlag [late]"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sArgs[32]; GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs)); int entity = StringToInt(sArgs); bool late = false; if(argc >= 2) { GetCmdArg(2, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs)); late = view_as(StringToInt(sArgs)); } AddEntityForLagCompensation(entity, late); g_aBlockTriggerTouch[entity] = 1; return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_CheckLagCompensated(int client, int argc) { for(int i = 0; i < g_iNumEntities; i++) { char sClassname[64]; GetEntityClassname(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); char sTargetname[64]; GetEntPropString(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); int iHammerID = GetEntProp(g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); PrintToConsole(client, "%2d. #%d %s \"%s\" (#%d)", i, g_aEntityLagData[i].iEntity, sClassname, sTargetname, iHammerID); } for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++) { bool bDeleted = false; for(int j = 1; j <= MaxClients; j++) { if(g_aaBlockTouch[j * MAX_EDICTS + i]) { bDeleted = true; break; } } if(g_aBlockTriggerTouch[i] || bDeleted) { int index = -1; for(int j = 0; j < g_iNumEntities; j++) { if(g_aEntityLagData[j].iEntity == i) { index = j; break; } } char sClassname[64] = "INVALID"; char sTargetname[64] = "INVALID"; int iHammerID = -1; if(IsValidEntity(i)) { GetEntityClassname(i, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname)); GetEntPropString(i, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname)); iHammerID = GetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); } bool bBlockPhysics = g_aBlockTriggerTouch[i]; PrintToConsole(client, "%2d. #%d %s \"%s\" (#%d) -> BlockPhysics: %d / Deleted: %d", index, i, sClassname, sTargetname, iHammerID, bBlockPhysics, bDeleted); } } return Plugin_Handled; } stock void PrintToBoth(const char[] format, any ...) { char buffer[254]; VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2); LogMessage(buffer); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { PrintToConsole(i, "%s", buffer); } } }