#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Disguise Plugin", author = "Moltard / LightningZLaser", description = "A plugin to disguise players", version = "0.1", url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/0123456789ABC/" }; Menu g_MainMenu = null; Menu g_ModelsMenu = null; Menu g_PlayerMenuD = null; Menu g_PlayerMenuU = null; KeyValues g_Models; int DisguiseStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that have a disguise char DisguisePickedOption[MAXPLAYERS + 1][32]; // Save the model id selected by the admin char OriginalPlayerModel[MAXPLAYERS + 1][128]; // Save the playermodel of the player before changing it public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); char sModelsFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, sModelsFile, sizeof(sModelsFile), "configs/DisguisePlugin.cfg"); if(!FileExists(sModelsFile)) { SetFailState("Could not find config: \"%s\"", sModelsFile); return; } g_Models = new KeyValues("models"); if(!g_Models.ImportFromFile(sModelsFile)) { delete g_Models; SetFailState("ImportFromFile() failed!"); return; } g_Models.Rewind(); // Go back to the root node HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy); RegAdminCmd("sm_disguise", Command_MainMenu, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP); //g } public void OnMapStart() { g_Models.Rewind(); g_MainMenu = BuildMainMenu(); g_ModelsMenu = BuildModelsMenu(); g_PlayerMenuD = InitPlayerMenu(true); g_PlayerMenuU = InitPlayerMenu(false); } public void OnMapEnd() { if (g_MainMenu != null) { delete(g_MainMenu); g_MainMenu = null; } if (g_ModelsMenu != null) { delete(g_ModelsMenu); g_ModelsMenu = null; } if (g_PlayerMenuD != null) { delete(g_PlayerMenuD); g_PlayerMenuD = null; } if (g_PlayerMenuU != null) { delete(g_PlayerMenuU); g_PlayerMenuU = null; } } public OnRoundStart(Handle event, const String:name[], bool dontBroadcast) { for (int i = 1; i <= (GetMaxClients()); i++) { if (IsValidEntity(i)) { DisguiseStatus[i] = 0; OriginalPlayerModel[i] = ""; DisguisePickedOption[i] = ""; } } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client){ DisguiseStatus[client] = 0; OriginalPlayerModel[client] = ""; DisguisePickedOption[client] = ""; } /* ----------------------------------- */ Menu BuildMainMenu(){ Menu menu = new Menu(MainMenuHandler); menu.SetTitle("Disguise Plugin"); menu.AddItem("menu_disguise", "Disguise Player"); menu.AddItem("menu_undisguise", "Undisguise Player"); menu.ExitButton = true; return menu; } Menu BuildModelsMenu(){ g_Models.Rewind(); // Go back to the root node Menu menu; menu = new Menu(ModelsMenuHandler); menu.SetTitle("Select Disguise"); menu.AddItem("menu_undisguise", "Undisguise"); for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++){ char sName[32]; char sIndex[11]; IntToString(i,sIndex, sizeof(sIndex)); // Index i of the model if (!(g_Models.JumpToKey(sIndex, false))) // if the key doesnt exist break; // we stop the loop g_Models.GetString("name", sName, sizeof(sName)); // Name of the model menu.AddItem(sIndex,sName); g_Models.GoBack(); // First sub key of the model category } g_Models.Rewind(); // Go back to the root node menu.ExitBackButton = true; menu.ExitButton = true; return menu; } /* ----------------------------------- */ Menu InitPlayerMenu(bool bl_disguise){ Menu menu = null; if(bl_disguise){ menu = new Menu(DisguiseHandle); menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Disguise"); } else{ menu = new Menu(UndisguiseHandle); menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Undisguise"); } menu.ExitBackButton = true; menu.ExitButton = true; return menu; } void BuildPlayerMenu(bool bl_disguise){ if(bl_disguise){ // If we come from the Disguise menu g_PlayerMenuD.RemoveAllItems(); } else{ // If we come from the Undisguise g_PlayerMenuU.RemoveAllItems(); } for (int i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++) { if ((IsClientInGame(i)) && IsPlayerAlive(i)) { char sIndex[11]; IntToString(GetClientSerial(i),sIndex, sizeof(sIndex)); // Serial of the player char playerName[64]; char labelName[64]; GetClientName(i, playerName, sizeof(playerName)); if (DisguiseStatus[i] == 1) { Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[DISGUISED] %s",playerName); // [DISGUISED] Name } else if (DisguiseStatus[i] == 0) { labelName = playerName; // Name } if(bl_disguise){ // If we come from the Disguise menu g_PlayerMenuD.AddItem(sIndex,labelName); } else{ // If we come from the Undisguise g_PlayerMenuU.AddItem(sIndex,labelName); } } } } /* ----------------------------------- */ public Action Command_MainMenu(int client, int args) { g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return Plugin_Handled; } public MainMenuHandler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2) { char info[32]; menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { if(StrEqual(info, "menu_disguise")){ g_ModelsMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_undisguise")){ BuildPlayerMenu(false); g_PlayerMenuU.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } } } public ModelsMenuHandler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2) { char info[32]; menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { if(StrEqual(info, "menu_undisguise")) { BuildPlayerMenu(false); g_PlayerMenuU.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } else{ // Info has the index of the model DisguisePickedOption[client] = info; // we set the index selected by the admin BuildPlayerMenu(true); g_PlayerMenuD.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } case(MenuAction_Cancel): { if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } } } public DisguiseHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2) { char info[32]; // serial id of the player menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { int serialId = StringToInt(info); int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){ if(g_Models.JumpToKey(DisguisePickedOption[client], false)){ if (DisguiseStatus[playerId] == 0){ // We set the status of the player to disguised GetClientModel(playerId, OriginalPlayerModel[playerId], 128); DisguiseStatus[playerId] = 1; } char sModelName[64]; g_Models.GetString("name", sModelName, sizeof(sModelName)); // Name of the model char sModelPath[128]; g_Models.GetString("model", sModelPath, sizeof(sModelPath)); // Path of the model PrecacheModel(sModelPath, false); SetEntityModel(playerId, sModelPath); ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01disguised %N (Model: \x04%s\x01).",playerId,sModelName); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" disguised \"%L\" (Model: %s).", client,playerId,sModelName); } g_Models.Rewind(); } BuildPlayerMenu(true); g_PlayerMenuD.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); // Display again the player menu } case(MenuAction_Cancel): { if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { DisguisePickedOption[client] = ""; g_ModelsMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } } } public UndisguiseHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2) { char info[32]; // serial id of the player menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { int serialId = StringToInt(info); int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){ if (DisguiseStatus[playerId] == 0){ // We set the status of the player to disguised PrintToChat(client, "\x01[SM]\x04 Player is not disguised"); } else if (DisguiseStatus[playerId] == 1) { PrecacheModel(OriginalPlayerModel[playerId], false); SetEntityModel(playerId, OriginalPlayerModel[playerId]); DisguiseStatus[playerId] = 0; ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01undisguised %N.",playerId); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" undisguised \"%L\".", client,playerId); } } BuildPlayerMenu(false); g_PlayerMenuU.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); // Display again the player menu } case(MenuAction_Cancel): { if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } } }