* sourcebans.cfg
* This file contains settings for the SourceBans Source Server Plugin
* @author SteamFriends Development Team
* @version 0.0.0.$Rev: 74 $
* @copyright SteamFriends (www.steamfriends.com)
* @package SourceBans

		// Website address to tell where the player to go for unban, etc
		"Website"			"http://www.yourwebsite.net/"

		// Allow or disallow admins access to addban command
		"Addban"			"1"

		// Allow or disallow admins access to unban command
		"Unban"				"1"
        // The Tableprefix you set while installing the webpanel. (default: "sb")
		"DatabasePrefix"	"sb"

		// How many seconds to wait before retrying when a players ban fails to be checked. Min = 15.0 Max = 60.0
		"RetryTime"			"45.0"
		// How often should we process the failed ban queue in minutes
		"ProcessQueueTime"	"5"

		// Should the plugin automaticaly add the server to sourcebans 
		// (servers without -ip being set on startup need this set to 0)
		"AutoAddServer"		"0"

		// Enable backing up config files after getting admins from database (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
		"BackupConfigs"	"1"

		// Enable admin part of the plugin (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
		"EnableAdmins"	"1"
		// Require the admin to login once into website
		"RequireSiteLogin"	"0"

		// This is the ID of this server (Check in the admin panel -> servers to find the ID of this server)
		"ServerID"		"-1"

	 * Generic menu options for if a reason isn't supplied in a ban
	 * Without a supplied reason the ban will never be written to the database
		"Hacking"	"Hacking"
		"Exploit"	"General Exploit of Game/Map/Server"
		"TK"	"Team Killing"
		"TF"	"Team Flashing"
		"CommSpam"	"Spamming Mic/Chat"
		"BadSpray"	"Inappropriate Spray"
		"BadLang"	"Inappropriate Language"
		"BadName"	"Inappropriate Name"
		"IgnoreAdmin"	"Ignoring Admins"
        "Stacking"	"Team Stacking"
		"Own Reason"	"Own Reason"
	 * Submenu options for when "Hacking" is selected
	 * If "Hacking" is removed from the menu above this will not be accessable
		"Aimbot"	"Aimbot"
		"Antirecoil"	"Anti Recoil"
		"Wallhack"	"Wallhack"
		"Spinhack"	"Spinhack"
		"Speedhack"	"Speedhack"
		"Multi-Hack"	"Multi-Hack"
		"No Smoke"	"No Smoke"
		"No Flash"	"No Flash"

	 * Available time for bans.
	 * Permanent (0) available only for admins with access for command "sm_unban"
		// "time in minutes"	"display text"

		"0"						"Permanent"
		"10"					"10 Minutes"
		"30"					"30 Minutes"
		"60"					"1 Hour"
		"240"					"4 Hours"
		"1440"					"1 Day"
		"10080"					"1 Week"

		// Examples:
		// "43200"					"1 Month"
		// "525600"				"1 Year"