#pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #define TIMER_INTERVAL 1.0 Handle g_hTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; ConVar g_CVar_MaxWeapons; ConVar g_CVar_WeaponLifetime; new g_RealRoundStartedTime; new g_MaxWeapons; new g_MaxWeaponLifetime; #define MAX_WEAPONS MAXPLAYERS new G_WeaponArray[MAX_WEAPONS][2]; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "WeaponCleaner", author = "BotoX", description = "Clean unneeded weapons", version = "2.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_sweep", Command_CleanupWeapons, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Cleans up all the weapons on the map unless they have a HammerID attached to them."); g_CVar_MaxWeapons = CreateConVar("sm_weaponcleaner_max", "5", "The maximum amount of weapons allowed in the game.", 0, true, 0.0, true, MAX_WEAPONS - 1.0); g_MaxWeapons = g_CVar_MaxWeapons.IntValue; g_CVar_MaxWeapons.AddChangeHook(OnConVarChanged); g_CVar_WeaponLifetime = CreateConVar("sm_weaponcleaner_lifetime", "15", "The maximum amount of time in seconds a weapon is allowed in the game.", 0, true, 0.0); g_MaxWeaponLifetime = g_CVar_WeaponLifetime.IntValue; g_CVar_WeaponLifetime.AddChangeHook(OnConVarChanged); HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart); AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.WeaponCleaner"); } public void OnConVarChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { if(convar == g_CVar_MaxWeapons) { if(StringToInt(newValue) < StringToInt(oldValue)) { // Need to shrink list and kill items new d = StringToInt(oldValue) - StringToInt(newValue); // Kill items that don't have space anymore for(new i = 0; d && i < g_MaxWeapons; i++) { if(!G_WeaponArray[i][0]) continue; // Kill it AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[0][0], "Kill"); // This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon() // Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it) i--; d--; } } g_MaxWeapons = StringToInt(newValue); } else if(convar == g_CVar_WeaponLifetime) { g_MaxWeaponLifetime = StringToInt(newValue); CheckWeapons(); } } public void OnMapStart() { if(g_hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hTimer)) g_hTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; g_hTimer = CreateTimer(TIMER_INTERVAL, Timer_CleanupWeapons, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT); } public void OnMapEnd() { if(g_hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hTimer)) g_hTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponDropPost, OnWeaponDrop); SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, OnWeaponEquip); } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_WeaponDropPost, OnWeaponDrop); SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, OnWeaponEquip); } public void OnEntityCreated(int entity, const char[] classname) { if(IsValidEntity(entity) && strncmp(classname, "weapon_", 7) == 0) { SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_Spawn, OnWeaponSpawned); } } public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity) { RemoveWeapon(entity); } public void OnWeaponSpawned(int entity) { new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); // Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon if(HammerID) return; // Weapon doesn't belong to any player if(GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity") == -1) InsertWeapon(entity); } public Action OnWeaponEquip(int client, int entity) { if(!IsValidEntity(entity)) return; new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); // Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon if(HammerID) return; // Weapon should not be cleaned anymore RemoveWeapon(entity); } public Action OnWeaponDrop(int client, int entity) { if(!IsValidEntity(entity)) return; new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID"); // Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon if(HammerID) return; // Kill all dropped weapons during mp_freezetime if(GetTime() < g_RealRoundStartedTime) { // Kill it AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill"); return; } // Weapon should be cleaned again InsertWeapon(entity); } bool InsertWeapon(int entity) { // Try to find a free slot for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++) { if(G_WeaponArray[i][0]) continue; // Found a free slot, add it here G_WeaponArray[i][0] = entity; G_WeaponArray[i][1] = GetTime(); return true; } // No free slot found // Kill the first (oldest) item in the list AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[0][0], "Kill"); // This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon() // Add new weapon to the end of the list G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][0] = entity; G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][1] = GetTime(); return true; } bool RemoveWeapon(int entity) { // Find the Weapon for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++) { if(G_WeaponArray[i][0] == entity) { G_WeaponArray[i][0] = 0; G_WeaponArray[i][1] = 0; // Move list items in front of this index back by one for(new j = i + 1; j < g_MaxWeapons; j++) { G_WeaponArray[j - 1][0] = G_WeaponArray[j][0]; G_WeaponArray[j - 1][1] = G_WeaponArray[j][1]; } // Reset last list item G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][0] = 0; G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][1] = 0; return true; } } return false; } bool CheckWeapons() { for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++) { if(!G_WeaponArray[i][0]) continue; if(GetTime() - G_WeaponArray[i][1] >= g_MaxWeaponLifetime) { // Kill it AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[i][0], "Kill"); // This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon() // Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it) i--; } } return true; } void CleanupWeapons() { for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++) { if(!G_WeaponArray[i][0]) continue; // Kill it AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[i][0], "Kill"); // This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon() // Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it) i--; } } public Action Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const char[] name, bool:dontBroadcast) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) { G_WeaponArray[i][0] = 0; G_WeaponArray[i][1] = 0; } g_RealRoundStartedTime = GetTime() + GetConVarInt(FindConVar("mp_freezetime")); } public Action Timer_CleanupWeapons(Handle:timer) { CheckWeapons(); } public Action Command_CleanupWeapons(client, args) { CleanupWeapons(); LogAction(client, -1, "%L performed a weapons cleanup", client); PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Weapons cleaned successfully!"); }