#include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #define NUMBEROFNAMES 62 char g_cName[NUMBEROFNAMES][] = {"Dwelitram", "Gwyri", "Caredus", "Arerawia", "Vilali", "Astiwiel", "Vardonydd", "Ybaossa", "Umyk", "Nico50Pax", "Onand", "Thelian", "Nydaleth", "Chomarin", "Traedien", "Miev", "Kaaede", "Koamond", "TheRottenBenson", "BigLegend2017", "TRIGGEREDHarambexXx", "InPepe2016", "xXxMaster2012", "InBoixXx", "TheKopsing", "Cornelius", "Gustavo", "Bryant", "Winfred", "Nicolas", "Mitchel", "Dana", "Carrol", "Darell", "Ruben", "Jeromy", "Wade", "Scotty", "Salvatore", "Kory", "Don", "Morgan", "Kurtis", "Federico", "Darin", "css-ru", "aimbot", "lastkraftwagenfahrzeug", "edger", "clownface", "слово", "счастливый", "kara", "puta", "meow", "uncle sam", "FunBun", "Counter-Strike.Com.Ua", "For-css.Ru", "BOBO", "", "."}; bool g_bFakePopulation[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; bool g_bMapEnded; int g_iBaseLatency[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; int g_iLatency[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; int g_iAdminFakes; bool g_bCheckRequested; //int g_iUserInfoStringTable; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Plugin myinfo = { name = "ImprovedHitboxes", //camouflage author = "Neon + Dogan + Botox", description = "Handle Hitboxes via Plugin", version = "4.0", url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/n3ontm" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_debugfakes", Command_DebugFakes, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Shows the amount of fake-clients on server"); RegAdminCmd("sm_setfakes", Command_SetFakes, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Manually sets the amount of fake-clients"); RegAdminCmd("sm_fakes", Command_Fakes, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Shows the fake-clients on server"); g_iAdminFakes = -1; g_bMapEnded = false; CreateTimer(3.0, RandomizePing, _, TIMER_REPEAT); RequestFrame(CheckPopulation); //g_iUserInfoStringTable = FindStringTable("userinfo"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnPluginEnd() { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i]) { g_bFakePopulation[i] = false; g_iLatency[i] = 0; KickClient(i); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnMapStart() { g_bMapEnded = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnMapEnd() { g_bMapEnded = true; g_iAdminFakes = -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Action RandomizePing(Handle timer) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i]) g_iLatency[i] = g_iBaseLatency[i] + GetRandomInt(-3, 3); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Action Command_DebugFakes(int client, int argc) { int iFakes = 0; int iFakesInTeam = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (g_bFakePopulation[i]) iFakes++; if (g_bFakePopulation[i] && GetClientTeam(i) > 0) iFakesInTeam++; } ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] There are currently %d Fake-Clients, from which %d are in Spectate.", iFakes, iFakes - iFakesInTeam); return Plugin_Handled; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Action Command_SetFakes(int client, int argc) { if (argc < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_setfakes <amount of fakes>"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sArgs[16]; GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs)); if (!StringToIntEx(sArgs, g_iAdminFakes)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid value"); return Plugin_Handled; } ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] You set the amount of Fake-Clients to %d.", g_iAdminFakes); CheckPopulation(); return Plugin_Handled; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Action Command_Fakes(int client, int args) { char aBuf[1024]; char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i)) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i]) { GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2)); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", "); } } } if(strlen(aBuf)) { aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0; ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Fake-Clients online: %s", aBuf); } else ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Fake-Clients online: none"); return Plugin_Handled; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnClientConnected(int client) { if (!g_bCheckRequested && !IsFakeClient(client)) { RequestFrame(CheckPopulation); g_bCheckRequested = true; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { if (client > 0) { if(g_bFakePopulation[client]) { g_bFakePopulation[client] = false; g_iLatency[client] = 0; } if (!g_bCheckRequested && !IsFakeClient(client)) { RequestFrame(CheckPopulation); g_bCheckRequested = true; } } } /*public void OnClientSettingsChanged(int client) { if(!g_bFakePopulation[client]) return; int len = GetStringTableDataLength(g_iUserInfoStringTable, client - 1); char[] aData = new char[len]; if(len < 106) return; GetStringTableData(g_iUserInfoStringTable, client - 1, aData, len); // bool fakeplayer; aData[105] = 0; SetStringTableData(g_iUserInfoStringTable, client - 1, aData, len); }*/ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void CheckPopulation() { g_bCheckRequested = false; if(g_bMapEnded) return; int iPlayers = GetClientCount(false); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientConnected(i) && IsFakeClient(i)) iPlayers--; } int iFakes = 0; int iFakesInTeam = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (g_bFakePopulation[i]) iFakes++; } int iFakesNeeded = 0; int iFakesInTeamNeeded = 0; if (iPlayers > 61) { iFakesNeeded = 0; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 0; } else if(iPlayers > 59) { iFakesNeeded = 1; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 0; } else if(iPlayers > 57) { iFakesNeeded = 2; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 1; } else if(iPlayers > 55) { iFakesNeeded = 3; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 1; } else if (iPlayers > 20) { iFakesNeeded = 4; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 2; } else if (iPlayers > 10) { iFakesNeeded = 3; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 1; } else if (iPlayers > 5) { iFakesNeeded = 2; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 0; } else { iFakesNeeded = 0; iFakesInTeamNeeded = 0; } if(g_iAdminFakes != -1) iFakesNeeded = g_iAdminFakes; if (iFakes != iFakesNeeded) { while (iFakes < iFakesNeeded) { int RandomName = GetRandomInt(0, NUMBEROFNAMES - 1); int iIndex = CreateFakeClient(g_cName[RandomName]); if(iIndex < 1 || iIndex > MaxClients) return; SetEntityFlags(iIndex, FL_CLIENT); DispatchKeyValue(iIndex, "classname", "player"); DispatchSpawn(iIndex); g_bFakePopulation[iIndex] = true; g_iBaseLatency[iIndex] = GetRandomInt(20, 110); g_iLatency[iIndex] = g_iBaseLatency[iIndex]; AdminId FakeAdmin = CreateAdmin(); SetAdminFlag(FakeAdmin, Admin_Custom6, true); SetUserAdmin(iIndex, FakeAdmin, true); CS_SetClientClanTag(iIndex, "UNLOZE"); iFakes++; } while (iFakes > iFakesNeeded) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i]) { g_bFakePopulation[i] = false; g_iLatency[i] = 0; KickClient(i); iFakes--; break; } } } } for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (g_bFakePopulation[i] && GetClientTeam(i) >= CS_TEAM_T) iFakesInTeam++; } if (iFakes == iFakesNeeded && iFakesInTeam != iFakesInTeamNeeded && g_iAdminFakes == -1) { while (iFakesInTeam < iFakesInTeamNeeded) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i] && GetClientTeam(i) <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) { ChangeClientTeam(i, CS_TEAM_CT); FakeClientCommandEx(i, "joinclass"); iFakesInTeam++; break; } } } while (iFakesInTeam > iFakesInTeamNeeded) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i] && GetClientTeam(i) >= CS_TEAM_T) { ChangeClientTeam(i, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR); iFakesInTeam--; break; } } } } } public void OnGameFrame() { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(g_bFakePopulation[i]) { int iResEnt = GetPlayerResourceEntity(); if(iResEnt == -1) return; SetEntProp(iResEnt, Prop_Send, "m_iPing", g_iLatency[i], _, i); } } }