#pragma semicolon 1 #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "TRANSLUCENT" #define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.62wtf" #define MAXLENGTH_MESSAGE 256 #define STARTZONE 0 #define ENDZONE 1 #define FRAMEINTERVAL 330 #define REPLAYS_PATH "data/ctimer" // Path to where replays are stored #define BACKUP_REPLAYS #define MAXVELOCITY 280.0 #define MAX_DIST 1536.0 #define MAX_DIST_SQ MAX_DIST * MAX_DIST #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <sdkhooks> #include <cstrike> #include <PlayerManager> /* Global variables */ enum { RUNDATA_POSITION_X, RUNDATA_POSITION_Y, RUNDATA_POSITION_Z, RUNDATA_PITCH, RUNDATA_YAW, RUNDATA_BUTTONS, RUNDATA_IMPULSE, RUNDATA_WEAPONID, RUNDATA_MAX } ///TIMER HANDLES Handle g_hDrawFullZone = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_hDrawZone = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_hHudLoop = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_hSideHudLoop = INVALID_HANDLE; ///DATABASE Database g_hDatabase = null; ///PLAYERS float g_fMapTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; float g_fStartTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; int g_iActivity[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = -1; //-1 - Inactive, 0 - Running, 1 - StartZone, 2 - EndZone ///BOTS AND RECORDING //ArrayList g_arrayGhost; ArrayList g_arrayRun[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; //Record array //char g_sGhostNames[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; //int g_iGhost = -1; //int g_iGhostFrame = -1; //int g_fGhostVel = -1; float g_fTickrate; ///ZONEMAP INFO int g_iSnapToClient = -1; bool g_bEditorComesFromMenu; float g_fStartOrigins[2][3]; float g_fEndOrigins[2][3]; int g_iEditor = -1; int g_iTriggerEnt[2] = -1; ///MAP INFO bool g_bActive = false; int g_iTier = 1; int g_iMapID = -1; float g_fWrTime = -1.0; char g_sMapName[64]; char g_sWrHolder[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; ///OTHERS bool g_bLateLoad = false; int g_iBeam; ConVar g_hCvarLasers = null; bool g_bLasers = false; // Offsets (netprops) int m_vecOrigin; // CBaseEntity::m_vecOrigin int m_hActiveWeapon; // CBaseCombatCharacter::m_hActiveWeapon public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Under Average Timer", author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, description = "", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) { CreateNative("CTimer_Stop", Native_StopTime); RegPluginLibrary("ctimer"); g_bLateLoad = late; return APLRes_Success; } public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("ctimer.phrases"); HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart); HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath); RegAdminCmd("sm_timeradmin", Command_TimerAdmin, ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "Your one stop for timer management"); RegAdminCmd("sm_zones", Command_Zones, ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "Create zones"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_stop", Command_Stop, "Stops your timer"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_time", Command_Time, "Get a players time"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_top", Command_Top, "Get a maps top times"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_wr", Command_WR, "Get a maps best time"); RegAdminCmd("sm_origins", Command_Origins, ADMFLAG_CHEATS); g_hCvarLasers = CreateConVar("ctimer_zone_lazers", "1", "Lazors", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); if(g_hCvarLasers != null) { g_hCvarLasers.AddChangeHook(OnLazorsChange); } g_hDrawFullZone = CreateTimer(0.2, DrawFullZoneTimer, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); g_hDrawZone = CreateTimer(1.0, DrawZoneTimer, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); g_hHudLoop = CreateTimer(0.2, HudLoop, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); g_hSideHudLoop = CreateTimer(1.0, SideHudLoop, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { g_arrayRun[i] = new ArrayList(RUNDATA_MAX); } m_vecOrigin = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin"); if (m_vecOrigin == -1) { SetFailState("Couldn't find CBaseEntity::m_vecOrigin"); } if (m_vecOrigin == 0) { SetFailState("No offset available for CBaseEntity::m_vecOrigin"); } m_hActiveWeapon = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon"); if (m_hActiveWeapon == -1) { SetFailState("Couldn't find CBaseCombatCharacter::m_hActiveWeapon"); } if (m_hActiveWeapon == 0) { SetFailState("No offset available for CBaseCombatCharacter::m_hActiveWeapon"); } //g_arrayGhost = new ArrayList(9, 0); g_fTickrate = (1.0 / GetTickInterval()); EstablishConnection(); } #include "ctimer/actions.sp" #include "ctimer/bots.sp" #include "ctimer/commands.sp" #include "ctimer/menus.sp" #include "ctimer/timers.sp" #include "ctimer/utility.sp" #include "ctimer/sql.sp" #include "ctimer/zones.sp" public Action Command_Origins(int client, int args) { PrintToChatAll("Start: %f|%f|%f %f|%f|%f", g_fStartOrigins[0][0], g_fStartOrigins[0][1], g_fStartOrigins[0][2], g_fEndOrigins[0][0], g_fEndOrigins[0][1], g_fEndOrigins[0][2]); PrintToChatAll("End: %f|%f|%f %f|%f|%f", g_fStartOrigins[1][0], g_fStartOrigins[1][1], g_fStartOrigins[1][2], g_fEndOrigins[1][0], g_fEndOrigins[1][1], g_fEndOrigins[1][2]); PrintToChatAll("MapID: %i", g_iMapID); PrintToChatAll("Active: %s", g_bActive ? "active":"inactive"); PrintToChatAll("Tier: %i", g_iTier); PrintToChatAll("Wr: %.2f, %s", g_fWrTime, g_sWrHolder); PrintToChatAll("Speccount: %i", GetSpecCount(client)); return Plugin_Handled; }