#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <zombiereloaded> #include <cstrike> #include <multicolors> int g_iHighRatio; int g_iMediumRatio; int g_iLowRatio; int g_iHighStreak; int g_iMediumStreak; int g_iLowStreak; int g_iHumanScore; int g_iZombieScore; int g_iOldZombieScore; float g_fKnockbackLowBoost; float g_fKnockbackMediumBoost; float g_fKnockbackHighBoost; float g_fNapalmLowReduction; float g_fNapalmMediumReduction; float g_fNapalmHighReduction; int g_iZombieStreak; bool g_bLowPopulation; int g_iMaxPopulation; float g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost; float g_fNapalmPopulationReduction; int g_iAntiNoob; char g_cAntiNoobHelp[64]; char g_cAntiNoobPopulation[32]; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "AntiNoob", author = "Dogan", description = "Provide help when the server is doing bad on a map", version = "3.0.0", url = "" } public void OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart); ConVar cvar; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_help", "1", "1 = AntiNoob performs help, 0 = AntiNoob is disabled", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), g_cvAntiNoob); g_iAntiNoob = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_maxplayers", "40", "max active players until the kb should be increased")), g_cvMaxPopulation); g_iMaxPopulation = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_kb_population", "5.0", "knockback boost during low population in procent (stacks with the helps)")), g_cvKnockbackPopulationBoost); g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost = cvar.FloatValue / 100.0; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_napalm_population", "2.0", "napalm damage reduction needed during low population for full burn from nades (stacks with the helps)")), g_cvNapalmPopulationReduction); g_fNapalmPopulationReduction = cvar.FloatValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_lowratio", "3", "human:zombie ratio to perform low help")), g_cvLowRatio); g_iLowRatio = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_mediumratio", "5", "human:zombie ratio to perform medium help")), g_cvMediumRatio); g_iMediumRatio = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_highratio", "7", "human:zombie ratio to perform high help")), g_cvHighRatio); g_iHighRatio = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_lowstreak", "2", "zombie win streaks to perfom low help")), g_cvLowStreak); g_iLowStreak = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_mediumstreak", "4", "zombie win streaks to perfom medium help")), g_cvMediumStreak); g_iMediumStreak = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_highstreak", "6", "zombie win streaks to perfom high help")), g_cvHighStreak); g_iHighStreak = cvar.IntValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_kb_lowhelp", "5.0", "knockback boost in procent when low help is performed (stacks with low population boost)")), g_cvKnockbackLowBoost); g_fKnockbackLowBoost = cvar.FloatValue / 100.0; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_kb_mediumhelp", "10.0", "knockback boost in procent when medium help is performed (stacks with low population boost)")), g_cvKnockbackMediumBoost); g_fKnockbackMediumBoost = cvar.FloatValue / 100.0; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_kb_highhelp", "15.0", "knockback boost in procent when high help is performed (stacks with low population boost)")), g_cvKnockbackHighBoost); g_fKnockbackHighBoost = cvar.FloatValue / 100.0; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_napalm_lowhelp", "2.0", "napalm damage reduction needed when low help is perfomed for full burn from nades (stacks with low population reduction)")), g_cvNapalmLowReduction); g_fNapalmLowReduction = cvar.FloatValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_napalm_mediumhelp", "4.0", "napalm damage reduction needed when medium help is performed for full burn from nades (stacks with low population reduction)")), g_cvNapalmMediumReduction); g_fNapalmMediumReduction = cvar.FloatValue; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_an_napalm_highhelp", "6.0", "napalm damage reduction needed when high help is perfomed for full burn from nades (stacks with low population reduction)")), g_cvNapalmHighReduction); g_fNapalmHighReduction = cvar.FloatValue; CloseHandle(cvar); g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Plugin still loading"; g_cAntiNoobPopulation = "{white}."; RegAdminCmd("sm_antinoob", Command_AntiNoob, ADMFLAG_RCON, "returns the current helps or boosts for this round"); AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.AntiNoob"); } public void g_cvAntiNoob(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iAntiNoob = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvMaxPopulation(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iMaxPopulation = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvKnockbackPopulationBoost(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost = convar.FloatValue / 100.0; } public void g_cvNapalmPopulationReduction(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fNapalmPopulationReduction = convar.FloatValue; } public void g_cvLowRatio(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iLowRatio = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvMediumRatio(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iMediumRatio = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvHighRatio(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iHighRatio = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvLowStreak(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iLowStreak = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvMediumStreak(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iMediumStreak = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvHighStreak(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_iHighStreak = convar.IntValue; } public void g_cvKnockbackLowBoost(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fKnockbackLowBoost = convar.FloatValue / 100.0; } public void g_cvKnockbackMediumBoost(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fKnockbackMediumBoost = convar.FloatValue / 100.0; } public void g_cvKnockbackHighBoost(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fKnockbackHighBoost = convar.FloatValue / 100.0; } public void g_cvNapalmLowReduction(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fNapalmLowReduction = convar.FloatValue; } public void g_cvNapalmMediumReduction(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fNapalmMediumReduction = convar.FloatValue; } public void g_cvNapalmHighReduction(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_fNapalmHighReduction = convar.FloatValue; } public void OnMapStart() { g_iHumanScore = 1; g_iZombieScore = 0; g_iOldZombieScore = 0; g_iZombieStreak = 0; } public Action Command_AntiNoob(int client, int args) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s%s", g_cAntiNoobHelp, g_cAntiNoobPopulation); return Plugin_Handled; } public void OnRoundStart(Event hEvent, const char[] sEvent, bool bDontBroadcast) { g_iHumanScore = GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_CT); g_iZombieScore = GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T); if(g_iHumanScore == 0) { g_iHumanScore = 1; } if(g_iZombieScore != g_iOldZombieScore) { g_iZombieStreak++; g_iOldZombieScore++; } else { g_iZombieStreak = 0; } int ActivePlayers; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetClientTeam(i) > 0) { ActivePlayers++; } } if(g_iAntiNoob == 0) { g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Currently disabled"; g_cAntiNoobPopulation = "{white}."; PerformReset(); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsRootAdmin(i)) CPrintToChat(i,"%s%s", g_cAntiNoobHelp, g_cAntiNoobPopulation); } return; } if(ActivePlayers <= g_iMaxPopulation) { g_bLowPopulation = true; g_cAntiNoobPopulation = "{white} + Low Population Boost."; } else { g_bLowPopulation = false; g_cAntiNoobPopulation = "{white}."; } if(g_iZombieScore / g_iHumanScore >= g_iHighRatio || g_iZombieStreak >= g_iHighStreak) { g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Currently perfoming High Help"; PerformHighHelp(); } else if(g_iZombieScore / g_iHumanScore >= g_iMediumRatio || g_iZombieStreak >= g_iMediumStreak) { g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Currently perfoming Medium Help"; PerformMediumHelp(); } else if(g_iZombieScore / g_iHumanScore >= g_iLowRatio || g_iZombieStreak >= g_iLowStreak) { g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Currently perfoming Low Help"; PerformLowHelp(); } else { g_cAntiNoobHelp = "{cyan}[AntiNoob]{white} Currently perfoming No Help"; PerformReset(); } for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsRootAdmin(i)) CPrintToChat(i,"%s%s", g_cAntiNoobHelp, g_cAntiNoobPopulation); } } public void PerformHighHelp() { if(g_bLowPopulation) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackHighBoost + g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmHighReduction - g_fNapalmPopulationReduction); } else { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackHighBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmHighReduction); } } public void PerformMediumHelp() { if(g_bLowPopulation) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackMediumBoost + g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmMediumReduction - g_fNapalmPopulationReduction); } else { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackMediumBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmMediumReduction); } } public void PerformLowHelp() { if(g_bLowPopulation) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackLowBoost + g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmLowReduction - g_fNapalmPopulationReduction); } else { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackLowBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmLowReduction); } } public void PerformReset() { if(g_bLowPopulation && g_iAntiNoob != 0) { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback %f", 1.0 + g_fKnockbackPopulationBoost); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale %f", 50.0 - g_fNapalmPopulationReduction); } else { ServerCommand("zr_class_set_multiplier zombies knockback 1.0"); ServerCommand("zr_napalm_time_scale 50.0"); } } static stock bool IsRootAdmin(int client) { if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_RCON)) return true; else return false; }