#pragma semicolon 1 #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Cloud Strife" #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <dhooks> #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "FixFuncRotating", author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, description = "Fixes func_rotating`s StartForward and StopAtStartPos inputs", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; Handle g_CFuncRotating_StartForward = null; Handle g_CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed = null; stock float FloatMod(float num, float denom) { return num - denom * RoundToFloor(num / denom); } stock float operator%(float oper1, float oper2) { return FloatMod(oper1, oper2); } // Set m_bStopAtStartPos to false public MRESReturn CFuncRotating_InputStartForward(int entity) { SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_bStopAtStartPos", false, 1); return MRES_Ignored; } public MRESReturn CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed(int entity, Handle hParams) { if(GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_bStopAtStartPos", 1)) { float flNewSpeed = view_as<float>(DHookGetParam(hParams, 1)); if(flNewSpeed <= 25) { float vecMoveAng[3], angStart[3], angRotation[3], avelpertick[3]; GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecMoveAng", vecMoveAng); GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_angStart", angStart); GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_angRotation", angRotation); GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecAngVelocity", avelpertick); ScaleVector(avelpertick, GetTickInterval()); int checkAxis = 2; if (vecMoveAng[0] != 0) checkAxis = 0; else if ( vecMoveAng[1] != 0 ) checkAxis = 1; float angDelta = ( angRotation[ checkAxis ] - angStart[ checkAxis ] )%360.0; if ( angDelta > 180.0 ) angDelta -= 360.0; if(FloatAbs(angDelta) < FloatAbs(avelpertick[ checkAxis ])) { SetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_angRotation", angStart); return MRES_Ignored; } } } return MRES_Ignored; } public void OnPluginStart() { Handle hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile("FixFuncRotating.games"); if(hGameConf == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Couldn't load FixFuncRotating.games game config!"); return; } Address pStartForward = GameConfGetAddress(hGameConf, "CFuncRotating::InputStartForward"); if(pStartForward) { g_CFuncRotating_StartForward = DHookCreateDetour(pStartForward, CallConv_THISCALL, ReturnType_Void, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity); if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_CFuncRotating_StartForward, false, CFuncRotating_InputStartForward)) { LogError("Could not enable detour for CFuncRotating::InputStartForward"); } } else LogError("Could not find CFuncRotating::InputStartForward address"); Address pUpdateSpeed = GameConfGetAddress(hGameConf, "CFuncRotating::UpdateSpeed"); if(!pUpdateSpeed) { LogError("Could not find CFuncRotating::UpdateSpeed address"); return; } g_CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed = DHookCreateDetour(pUpdateSpeed, CallConv_THISCALL, ReturnType_Void, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity); DHookAddParam(g_CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed, HookParamType_Float); if(!DHookEnableDetour(g_CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed, false, CFuncRotating_UpdateSpeed)) { LogError("Could not enable detour for CFuncRotating::UpdateSpeed"); } }