#include <cstrike> #include <sourcemod> #include <zombiereloaded> #include "loghelper.inc" #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required ConVar g_cvarMinimumStreak = null; ConVar g_cvarMaximumStreak = null; bool g_bIsMotherZM[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false; int g_iKillStreak[MAXPLAYERS+1] = 0; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "KillStreaks", author = "Neon", description = "Recreation of the original HLSTATS Killstreaks for Zombies only + new MotherZM-Win event", version = "1.1", url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/n3ontm" }; public void OnPluginStart() { g_cvarMinimumStreak = CreateConVar("sm_killstreaks_min", "2", "amount of kills required for the lowest killstreak", 0, true, 0.0); g_cvarMaximumStreak = CreateConVar("sm_killstreaks_max", "12", "amount of kills required for the highest killstreak", 0, true, 0.0); HookEvent("round_end", OnRoundEnding, EventHookMode_Pre); HookEvent("player_spawn", OnClientSpawn); HookEvent("player_death", OnClientDeath, EventHookMode_Pre); } public void OnMapStart() { GetTeams(); } public void ZR_OnClientInfected(int client, int attacker, bool motherInfect, bool respawnOverride, bool respawn) { if (motherInfect) g_bIsMotherZM[client] = true; if (attacker > -1) g_iKillStreak[attacker] += 1; } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { ResetClient(client); } public void OnClientSpawn(Event hEvent, const char[] sEvent, bool bDontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid")); ResetClient(client); } public void OnClientDeath(Event hEvent, const char[] sEvent, bool bDontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid")); EndKillStreak(client); } public void OnRoundEnding(Event hEvent, const char[] sEvent, bool bDontBroadcast) { int iReason = hEvent.GetInt("reason"); if (iReason != view_as<int>(CSRoundEnd_GameStart)) { for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if (IsValidClient(client)) { if ((ZR_IsClientZombie(client)) && (g_bIsMotherZM[client])) LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", "ze_m_zombies_win"); EndKillStreak(client); } } } } public void EndKillStreak(int client) { if (g_iKillStreak[client] >= g_cvarMinimumStreak.IntValue) { if (g_iKillStreak[client] > g_cvarMaximumStreak.IntValue) g_iKillStreak[client] = g_cvarMaximumStreak.IntValue; char StrEventName[32]; if(g_bIsMotherZM[client]) { Format(StrEventName, sizeof(StrEventName), "ze_m_kill_streak_%d", g_iKillStreak[client]); LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", StrEventName); } else { Format(StrEventName, sizeof(StrEventName), "ze_kill_streak_%d", g_iKillStreak[client]); LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", StrEventName); } ResetClient(client); } } public void ResetClient(int client) { g_bIsMotherZM[client] = false; g_iKillStreak[client] = 0; } stock bool IsValidClient(int client) { return (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client)); }