#pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #include <sourcemod> #include <sdkhooks> #include <sdktools> #include <dhooks> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "FixPointViewcontrol", author = "xen", description = "A plugin to make disabling point_viewcontrol work properly", version = "1.1", url = "" } Handle g_hAcceptInput; public void OnPluginStart() { // Gamedata. Handle hConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("sdktools.games"); if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE) SetFailState("Couldn't load sdktools game config!"); int offset = GameConfGetOffset(hConfig, "AcceptInput"); if (offset == -1) SetFailState("Failed to find AcceptInput offset"); delete hConfig; // DHooks. g_hAcceptInput = DHookCreate(offset, HookType_Entity, ReturnType_Bool, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, Hook_AcceptInput); DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CharPtr); DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CBaseEntity); DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CBaseEntity); DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_Object, 20, DHookPass_ByVal|DHookPass_ODTOR|DHookPass_OCTOR|DHookPass_OASSIGNOP); DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_Int); } public void OnEntityCreated(int entity, const char[] classname) { if (StrEqual(classname, "point_viewcontrol")) DHookEntity(g_hAcceptInput, false, entity); } public MRESReturn Hook_AcceptInput(int entity, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams) { char sCommand[128]; DHookGetParamString(hParams, 1, sCommand, sizeof(sCommand)); if(DHookIsNullParam(hParams, 2)) return MRES_Ignored; int iActivator = DHookGetParam(hParams, 2); if (iActivator < 1 || iActivator > MaxClients) return MRES_Ignored; else if (StrEqual(sCommand, "Disable", false)) SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hPlayer", iActivator); return MRES_Ignored; }