#if defined _TopDefenders_OnRoundEnd
#define _TopDefenders_OnRoundEnd

 * Called when TopDefenders are being printed out.
 * @param iPlayers          The sorted array of the Defenders' Client IDs. (iPlayers[0] is the TopDefender)
 * @param iDamage           The sorted array of the Defenders' Damages. (iDamage[0] is the TopDefender's Damage)
 * @param iHits             The sorted array of the Defenders' Hits. (iHits[0] is the TopDefender's Hits)
forward void TopDefenders_OnRoundEnd(int iPlayers[MAXPLAYERS+1], int iDamage[MAXPLAYERS+1], int iHits[MAXPLAYERS+1]);

 * Returns the current damage of a client
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @return				The current damage of the client.
native int TopDefenders_GetClientDamage(int client);

 * Returns the current hits of a client
 * @param client		Client index.
 * @return				The current hits of the client.
native int TopDefenders_GetClientHits(int client);