/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * Rock The Vote Extended * Creates a map vote when the required number of players have requested one. * * Rock The Vote Extended (C)2012-2013 Powerlord (Ross Bemrose) * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include "include/mapchooser_extended" #include #include #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #define MCE_VERSION "1.11.0" public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Rock The Vote Extended", author = "Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC", description = "Provides RTV Map Voting", version = MCE_VERSION, url = "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=156974" }; Handle g_Cvar_Needed = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_Cvar_MinPlayers = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_Cvar_InitialDelay = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_Cvar_Interval = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_Cvar_ChangeTime = INVALID_HANDLE; Handle g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction = INVALID_HANDLE; bool g_CanRTV = false; // True if RTV loaded maps and is active. bool g_RTVAllowed = false; // True if RTV is available to players. Used to delay rtv votes. int g_Voters = 0; // Total voters connected. Doesn't include fake clients. int g_Votes = 0; // Total number of "say rtv" votes int g_VotesNeeded = 0; // Necessary votes before map vote begins. (voters * percent_needed) bool g_Voted[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; bool g_InChange = false; bool g_bLate = false; public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("rockthevote.phrases"); LoadTranslations("basevotes.phrases"); g_Cvar_Needed = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_needed", "0.60", "Percentage of players needed to rockthevote (Def 60%)", 0, true, 0.05, true, 1.0); g_Cvar_MinPlayers = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_minplayers", "0", "Number of players required before RTV will be enabled.", 0, true, 0.0, true, float(MAXPLAYERS)); g_Cvar_InitialDelay = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_initialdelay", "30.0", "Time (in seconds) before first RTV can be held", 0, true, 0.00); g_Cvar_Interval = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_interval", "240.0", "Time (in seconds) after a failed RTV before another can be held", 0, true, 0.00); g_Cvar_ChangeTime = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_changetime", "0", "When to change the map after a succesful RTV: 0 - Instant, 1 - RoundEnd, 2 - MapEnd", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0); g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_postvoteaction", "0", "What to do with RTV's after a mapvote has completed. 0 - Allow, success = instant change, 1 - Deny", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); HookEvent("player_team", OnPlayerChangedTeam); RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say); RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say); RegConsoleCmd("sm_rtv", Command_RTV); RegAdminCmd("sm_forcertv", Command_ForceRTV, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "Force an RTV vote"); RegAdminCmd("mce_forcertv", Command_ForceRTV, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "Force an RTV vote"); // Rock The Vote Extended cvars CreateConVar("rtve_version", MCE_VERSION, "Rock The Vote Extended Version", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); AutoExecConfig(true, "rtv"); /* Handle late load */ g_bLate = true; } public void OnMapStart() { g_Voters = 0; g_Votes = 0; g_VotesNeeded = 0; g_InChange = false; if(g_bLate) { for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(IsClientConnected(client)) OnClientConnected(client); } g_bLate = false; } } public void OnMapEnd() { g_CanRTV = false; g_RTVAllowed = false; } public void OnConfigsExecuted() { g_CanRTV = true; g_RTVAllowed = false; CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_InitialDelay), Timer_DelayRTV, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } public void OnClientConnected(int client) { if(IsFakeClient(client)) return; g_Voted[client] = false; g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3); g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed)); return; } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { if(IsFakeClient(client)) return; if(g_Voted[client]) g_Votes--; g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3); g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed)); if(!g_CanRTV) return; if(g_Votes && g_Voters && g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded && g_RTVAllowed ) { if(GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished()) return; StartRTV(); } } public void OnPlayerChangedTeam(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if(client == 0 || !IsClientConnected(client) || !IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client) || GetClientTeam(client) == 0 || GetClientTeam(client) == 1) return; g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3); g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed)); if(g_Votes && g_Voters && g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded && g_RTVAllowed ) { if(GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished()) return; StartRTV(); } } public Action Command_RTV(int client, int args) { if(!g_CanRTV || !client) return Plugin_Handled; AttemptRTV(client); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Say(int client, int args) { if(!g_CanRTV || !client) return Plugin_Continue; static char text[192]; if(!GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text))) return Plugin_Continue; int startidx = 0; if(text[strlen(text)-1] == '"') { text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0'; startidx = 1; } ReplySource old = SetCmdReplySource(SM_REPLY_TO_CHAT); if(strcmp(text[startidx], "rtv", false) == 0 || strcmp(text[startidx], "rockthevote", false) == 0) AttemptRTV(client); SetCmdReplySource(old); return Plugin_Continue; } void AttemptRTV(int client) { if(!g_RTVAllowed || (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished())) { CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "RTV Not Allowed"); return; } if(!CanMapChooserStartVote()) { CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "RTV Started"); return; } if(GetClientCount(true) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MinPlayers)) { CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Minimal Players Not Met"); return; } if(g_Voted[client]) { CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Already Voted", g_Votes, g_VotesNeeded); return; } char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); g_Votes++; g_Voted[client] = true; CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "RTV Requested", name, g_Votes, g_VotesNeeded); if(g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded) StartRTV(); } public Action Timer_DelayRTV(Handle timer) { g_RTVAllowed = true; } void StartRTV() { if(g_InChange) return; if(EndOfMapVoteEnabled() && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished()) { /* Change right now then */ char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; if(GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map))) { CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "Changing Maps", map); CreateTimer(5.0, Timer_ChangeMap, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); g_InChange = true; ResetRTV(); g_RTVAllowed = false; } return; } if(CanMapChooserStartVote()) { MapChange when = view_as(GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ChangeTime)); InitiateMapChooserVote(when); ResetRTV(); g_RTVAllowed = false; CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Interval), Timer_DelayRTV, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } } void ResetRTV() { g_Votes = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++) g_Voted[i] = false; } public Action Timer_ChangeMap(Handle hTimer) { g_InChange = false; LogMessage("RTV changing map manually"); char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; if(GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map))) ForceChangeLevel(map, "RTV after mapvote"); return Plugin_Stop; } // Rock The Vote Extended functions public Action Command_ForceRTV(int client, int args) { if(!g_CanRTV || !client) return Plugin_Handled; ShowActivity2(client, "[RTVE] ", "%t", "Initiated Vote Map"); StartRTV(); return Plugin_Handled; }