"Phrases" { "Rock The Vote" { "en" "Rock The Vote:" } "RTV Not Allowed" { "en" "Rock the Vote is not allowed yet." } "RTV Started" { "en" "Rock the Vote has already started." } "RTV Ended" { "en" "RTV has already ended, you cannot start it again or nominate maps." } "Already Voted" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:s},{3:.1f}" "en" "You have already voted to Rock the Vote. ({1}{2} RTV reached. ({3} RTV boost)" } "Wait Before Revoting" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "Please wait {1} seconds before you can vote to Rock the Vote again." } "Didn't RTV Yet" { "en" "You have not voted to Rock the Vote yet." } "Minimal Players Not Met" { "en" "The minimal number of players required has not been met." } "RTV Requested" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s},{4:.1f}" "en" "{1} wants to rock the vote. ({2}{3} RTV reached) ({4} RTV boost)" } "RTV Undone" { "en" "You have undone your vote to Rock the Vote." } "RTV Vote Ready" { "en" "Rocking the Vote!" } "Don't Change" { "en" "Keep Current Map" } "Selected Map" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has selected {2}" } "No Votes" { "en" "No votes received for Rock the Vote, keeping current map." } "Current Map Stays" { "en" "Current map continues! Rock the Vote has spoken!" } "Changing Maps" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Changing map to {1}! Rock the Vote has spoken!" } }