// ************************************************************************* // This file is part of SourceBans++. // // Copyright (C) 2014-2016 SourceBans++ Dev Team // // SourceBans++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, per version 3 of the License. // // SourceBans++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with SourceBans++. If not, see . // // This file is based off work(s) covered by the following copyright(s): // // SourceMod Admin File Reader Plugin // Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC // Licensed under GNU GPL version 3 // Page: // // ************************************************************************* #if SOURCEMOD_V_MAJOR >= 1 && SOURCEMOD_V_MINOR >= 7 #define USER_STATE_NONE 0 #define USER_STATE_ADMINS 1 #define USER_STATE_INADMIN 2 static SMCParser g_hUserParser; static g_UserState = USER_STATE_NONE; static String:g_CurAuth[64]; static String:g_CurIdent[64]; static String:g_CurName[64]; static String:g_CurPass[64]; static Handle:g_GroupArray; static g_CurFlags; static g_CurImmunity; public SMCResult:ReadUsers_NewSection(Handle:smc, const String:name[], bool:opt_quotes) { if (g_IgnoreLevel) { g_IgnoreLevel++; return SMCParse_Continue; } if (g_UserState == USER_STATE_NONE) { if (StrEqual(name, "Admins", false)) { g_UserState = USER_STATE_ADMINS; } else { g_IgnoreLevel++; } } else if (g_UserState == USER_STATE_ADMINS) { g_UserState = USER_STATE_INADMIN; strcopy(g_CurName, sizeof(g_CurName), name); g_CurAuth[0] = '\0'; g_CurIdent[0] = '\0'; g_CurPass[0] = '\0'; ClearArray(g_GroupArray); g_CurFlags = 0; g_CurImmunity = 0; } else { g_IgnoreLevel++; } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:ReadUsers_KeyValue(Handle:smc, const String:key[], const String:value[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes) { if (g_UserState != USER_STATE_INADMIN || g_IgnoreLevel) { return SMCParse_Continue; } if (StrEqual(key, "auth", false)) { strcopy(g_CurAuth, sizeof(g_CurAuth), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "identity", false)) { strcopy(g_CurIdent, sizeof(g_CurIdent), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "password", false)) { strcopy(g_CurPass, sizeof(g_CurPass), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "group", false)) { new GroupId:id = FindAdmGroup(value); if (id == INVALID_GROUP_ID) { ParseError("Unknown group \"%s\"", value); } PushArrayCell(g_GroupArray, id); } else if (StrEqual(key, "flags", false)) { new len = strlen(value); new AdminFlag:flag; for (new i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!FindFlagByChar(value[i], flag)) { ParseError("Invalid flag detected: %c", value[i]); } else { g_CurFlags |= FlagToBit(flag); } } } else if (StrEqual(key, "immunity", false)) { g_CurImmunity = StringToInt(value); } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:ReadUsers_EndSection(Handle:smc) { if (g_IgnoreLevel) { g_IgnoreLevel--; return SMCParse_Continue; } if (g_UserState == USER_STATE_INADMIN) { /* Dump this user to memory */ if (g_CurIdent[0] != '\0' && g_CurAuth[0] != '\0') { decl AdminFlag:flags[26]; new AdminId:id, i, num_groups, num_flags; if ((id = FindAdminByIdentity(g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent)) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { id = CreateAdmin(g_CurName); if (!BindAdminIdentity(id, g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent)) { RemoveAdmin(id); ParseError("Failed to bind auth \"%s\" to identity \"%s\"", g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent); return SMCParse_Continue; } } num_groups = GetArraySize(g_GroupArray); for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) { AdminInheritGroup(id, GetArrayCell(g_GroupArray, i)); } SetAdminPassword(id, g_CurPass); if (GetAdminImmunityLevel(id) < g_CurImmunity) { SetAdminImmunityLevel(id, g_CurImmunity); } num_flags = FlagBitsToArray(g_CurFlags, flags, sizeof(flags)); for (i = 0; i < num_flags; i++) { SetAdminFlag(id, flags[i], true); } } else { ParseError("Failed to create admin: did you forget either the auth or identity properties?"); } g_UserState = USER_STATE_ADMINS; } else if (g_UserState == USER_STATE_ADMINS) { g_UserState = USER_STATE_NONE; } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:ReadUsers_CurrentLine(Handle:smc, const String:line[], lineno) { g_CurrentLine = lineno; return SMCParse_Continue; } static InitializeUserParser() { if (!g_hUserParser) { g_hUserParser = new SMCParser(); g_hUserParser.OnEnterSection = ReadUsers_NewSection; g_hUserParser.OnKeyValue = ReadUsers_KeyValue; g_hUserParser.OnLeaveSection = ReadUsers_EndSection; g_hUserParser.OnRawLine = ReadUsers_CurrentLine; g_GroupArray = CreateArray(); } } ReadUsers() { InitializeUserParser(); BuildPath(Path_SM, g_Filename, sizeof(g_Filename), "configs/sourcebans/sb_admins.cfg"); /* Set states */ InitGlobalStates(); g_UserState = USER_STATE_NONE; SMCError err = g_hUserParser.ParseFile(g_Filename); if (err != SMCError_Okay) { char buffer[64]; if (g_hUserParser.GetErrorString(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { ParseError("%s", buffer); } else { ParseError("Fatal parse error"); } } } /* SOURCEMOD 1.7 PLUGIN STOPS HERE */ #else enum UserState { UserState_None, UserState_Admins, UserState_InAdmin, } static SMCParser g_hUserParser; static UserState g_UserState = UserState_None; static char g_CurAuth[64]; static char g_CurIdent[64]; static char g_CurName[64]; static char g_CurPass[64]; static ArrayList g_GroupArray; static int g_CurFlags; static int g_CurImmunity; public SMCResult ReadUsers_NewSection(SMCParser smc, const char[] name, bool opt_quotes) { if (g_IgnoreLevel) { g_IgnoreLevel++; return SMCParse_Continue; } if (g_UserState == UserState_None) { if (StrEqual(name, "Admins", false)) { g_UserState = UserState_Admins; } else { g_IgnoreLevel++; } } else if (g_UserState == UserState_Admins) { g_UserState = UserState_InAdmin; strcopy(g_CurName, sizeof(g_CurName), name); g_CurAuth[0] = '\0'; g_CurIdent[0] = '\0'; g_CurPass[0] = '\0'; g_GroupArray.Clear(); g_CurFlags = 0; g_CurImmunity = 0; } else { g_IgnoreLevel++; } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult ReadUsers_KeyValue(SMCParser smc, const char[] key, const char[] value, bool key_quotes, bool value_quotes) { if (g_UserState != UserState_InAdmin || g_IgnoreLevel) { return SMCParse_Continue; } if (StrEqual(key, "auth", false)) { strcopy(g_CurAuth, sizeof(g_CurAuth), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "identity", false)) { strcopy(g_CurIdent, sizeof(g_CurIdent), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "password", false)) { strcopy(g_CurPass, sizeof(g_CurPass), value); } else if (StrEqual(key, "group", false)) { GroupId id = FindAdmGroup(value); if (id == INVALID_GROUP_ID) { ParseError("Unknown group \"%s\"", value); } g_GroupArray.Push(id); } else if (StrEqual(key, "flags", false)) { int len = strlen(value); AdminFlag flag; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!FindFlagByChar(value[i], flag)) { ParseError("Invalid flag detected: %c", value[i]); } else { g_CurFlags |= FlagToBit(flag); } } } else if (StrEqual(key, "immunity", false)) { g_CurImmunity = StringToInt(value); } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult ReadUsers_EndSection(SMCParser smc) { if (g_IgnoreLevel) { g_IgnoreLevel--; return SMCParse_Continue; } if (g_UserState == UserState_InAdmin) { /* Dump this user to memory */ if (g_CurIdent[0] != '\0' && g_CurAuth[0] != '\0') { AdminFlag flags[26]; AdminId id; int i, num_groups, num_flags; if ((id = FindAdminByIdentity(g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent)) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { id = CreateAdmin(g_CurName); if (!BindAdminIdentity(id, g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent)) { RemoveAdmin(id); ParseError("Failed to bind auth \"%s\" to identity \"%s\"", g_CurAuth, g_CurIdent); return SMCParse_Continue; } } num_groups = g_GroupArray.Length; for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) { AdminInheritGroup(id, g_GroupArray.Get(i)); } SetAdminPassword(id, g_CurPass); if (GetAdminImmunityLevel(id) < g_CurImmunity) { SetAdminImmunityLevel(id, g_CurImmunity); } num_flags = FlagBitsToArray(g_CurFlags, flags, sizeof(flags)); for (i = 0; i < num_flags; i++) { SetAdminFlag(id, flags[i], true); } } else { ParseError("Failed to create admin: did you forget either the auth or identity properties?"); } g_UserState = UserState_Admins; } else if (g_UserState == UserState_Admins) { g_UserState = UserState_None; } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult ReadUsers_CurrentLine(SMCParser smc, const char[] line, int lineno) { g_CurrentLine = lineno; return SMCParse_Continue; } static void InitializeUserParser() { if (!g_hUserParser) { g_hUserParser = new SMCParser(); g_hUserParser.OnEnterSection = ReadUsers_NewSection; g_hUserParser.OnKeyValue = ReadUsers_KeyValue; g_hUserParser.OnLeaveSection = ReadUsers_EndSection; g_hUserParser.OnRawLine = ReadUsers_CurrentLine; g_GroupArray = CreateArray(); } } void ReadUsers() { InitializeUserParser(); BuildPath(Path_SM, g_Filename, sizeof(g_Filename), "configs/sourcebans/sb_admins.cfg"); /* Set states */ InitGlobalStates(); g_UserState = UserState_None; SMCError err = g_hUserParser.ParseFile(g_Filename); if (err != SMCError_Okay) { char buffer[64]; if (g_hUserParser.GetErrorString(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { ParseError("%s", buffer); } else { ParseError("Fatal Parse Error"); } } } #endif