// ************************************************************************* // This file is part of SourceBans++. // // Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Sarabveer Singh // // SourceBans++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, per version 3 of the License. // // SourceBans++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with SourceBans++. If not, see . // // This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright(s): // // SourceComms 0.9.266 // Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Alexandr Duplishchev // Licensed under GNU GPL version 3, or later. // Page: - // // ************************************************************************* #pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include #define UNBLOCK_FLAG ADMFLAG_CHEATS #define DATABASE "sourcebans" // #define DEBUG // #define LOG_QUERIES // Do not edit below this line // //-----------------------------// #define PLUGIN_VERSION "(SB++) 1.5.5-dev" #define PREFIX "\x04[SourceComms]\x01 " #define MAX_TIME_MULTI 30 // maximum mass-target punishment length // session mute will expire after this if it hasn't already (fallback) #define SESSION_MUTE_FALLBACK 120 * 60 #define NOW 0 #define TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT 10 #define TYPE_MUTE 1 #define TYPE_GAG 2 #define TYPE_SILENCE 3 #define TYPE_UNMUTE 4 #define TYPE_UNGAG 5 #define TYPE_UNSILENCE 6 #define TYPE_TEMP_UNMUTE 14 // TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT + TYPE_UNMUTE #define TYPE_TEMP_UNGAG 15 // TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT + TYPE_UNGAG #define TYPE_TEMP_UNSILENCE 16 // TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT + TYPE_UNSILENCE #define MAX_REASONS 32 #define DISPLAY_SIZE 64 #define REASON_SIZE 192 new iNumReasons; new String:g_sReasonDisplays[MAX_REASONS][DISPLAY_SIZE], String:g_sReasonKey[MAX_REASONS][REASON_SIZE]; #define MAX_TIMES 32 new iNumTimes, g_iTimeMinutes[MAX_TIMES]; new String:g_sTimeDisplays[MAX_TIMES][DISPLAY_SIZE]; enum State/* ConfigState */ { ConfigStateNone = 0, ConfigStateConfig, ConfigStateReasons, ConfigStateTimes, ConfigStateServers, } enum DatabaseState/* Database connection state */ { DatabaseState_None = 0, DatabaseState_Wait, DatabaseState_Connecting, DatabaseState_Connected, } new DatabaseState:g_DatabaseState; new g_iConnectLock = 0; new g_iSequence = 0; new State:ConfigState; new Handle:ConfigParser; new Handle:hTopMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; /* Cvar handle*/ new Handle:CvarHostIp; new Handle:CvarPort; new String:ServerIp[24]; new String:ServerPort[7]; /* Database handle */ new Handle:g_hDatabase; new Handle:SQLiteDB; new String:DatabasePrefix[10] = "sb"; /* Timer handles */ new Handle:g_hPlayerRecheck[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { INVALID_HANDLE, ... }; new Handle:g_hGagExpireTimer[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { INVALID_HANDLE, ... }; new Handle:g_hMuteExpireTimer[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { INVALID_HANDLE, ... }; /* Log Stuff */ #if defined LOG_QUERIES new String:logQuery[256]; #endif new Float:RetryTime = 15.0; new DefaultTime = 30; new DisUBImCheck = 0; new ConsoleImmunity = 0; new ConfigMaxLength = 0; new ConfigWhiteListOnly = 0; new serverID = 0; /* List menu */ enum PeskyPanels { curTarget, curIndex, viewingMute, viewingGag, viewingList, } new g_iPeskyPanels[MAXPLAYERS + 1][PeskyPanels]; new bool:g_bPlayerStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // Player block check status new String:g_sName[MAXPLAYERS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new bType:g_MuteType[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new g_iMuteTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new g_iMuteLength[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // in sec new g_iMuteLevel[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // immunity level of admin new String:g_sMuteAdminName[MAXPLAYERS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new String:g_sMuteReason[MAXPLAYERS + 1][256]; new String:g_sMuteAdminAuth[MAXPLAYERS + 1][64]; new bType:g_GagType[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new g_iGagTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new g_iGagLength[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // in sec new g_iGagLevel[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // immunity level of admin new String:g_sGagAdminName[MAXPLAYERS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new String:g_sGagReason[MAXPLAYERS + 1][256]; new String:g_sGagAdminAuth[MAXPLAYERS + 1][64]; new Handle:g_hServersWhiteList = INVALID_HANDLE; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "SourceComms", author = "Alex, Sarabveer(VEERâ„¢)", description = "Advanced punishments management for the Source engine in SourceBans style", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=207176" }; public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max) { CreateNative("SourceComms_SetClientMute", Native_SetClientMute); CreateNative("SourceComms_SetClientGag", Native_SetClientGag); CreateNative("SourceComms_GetClientMuteType", Native_GetClientMuteType); CreateNative("SourceComms_GetClientGagType", Native_GetClientGagType); MarkNativeAsOptional("SQL_SetCharset"); RegPluginLibrary("sourcecomms"); return APLRes_Success; } public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("sourcecomms.phrases"); new Handle:hTemp = INVALID_HANDLE; if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && ((hTemp = GetAdminTopMenu()) != INVALID_HANDLE)) OnAdminMenuReady(hTemp); CvarHostIp = FindConVar("hostip"); CvarPort = FindConVar("hostport"); g_hServersWhiteList = CreateArray(); CreateConVar("sourcecomms_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, _, FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_gag"); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_mute"); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_silence"); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_ungag"); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_unmute"); AddCommandListener(CommandCallback, "sm_unsilence"); RegServerCmd("sc_fw_block", FWBlock, "Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site"); RegServerCmd("sc_fw_ungag", FWUngag, "Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site"); RegServerCmd("sc_fw_unmute", FWUnmute, "Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_comms", CommandComms, "Shows current player communications status"); HookEvent("player_changename", Event_OnPlayerName, EventHookMode_Post); #if defined LOG_QUERIES BuildPath(Path_SM, logQuery, sizeof(logQuery), "logs/sourcecomms-q.log"); #endif #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Sourcecomms plugin loading. Version %s", PLUGIN_VERSION); #endif // Catch config error if (!SQL_CheckConfig(DATABASE)) { SetFailState("Database failure: could not find database config: %s", DATABASE); return; } DB_Connect(); InitializeBackupDB(); ServerInfo(); for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsClientAuthorized(client)) OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); } } public OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[]) { if (StrEqual(name, "adminmenu")) hTopMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; } public OnMapStart() { ReadConfig(); } public OnMapEnd() { if (!g_hDatabase) return; decl String:Query[2048]; Format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE %s_comms \ SET RemovedBy = 0, \ RemoveType = 'E', \ RemovedOn = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() \ WHERE sid = %d \ AND RemovedOn IS NULL \ AND length = -1", DatabasePrefix, serverID); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "OnMapEnd. QUERY: %s", Query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_ErrorCheck, Query); // Clean up on map end just so we can start a fresh connection when we need it later. // Also it is necessary for using SQL_SetCharset if (g_hDatabase) CloseHandle(g_hDatabase); g_hDatabase = INVALID_HANDLE; } // CLIENT CONNECTION FUNCTIONS // public OnClientDisconnect(client) { if (g_hPlayerRecheck[client] != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hPlayerRecheck[client])) g_hPlayerRecheck[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; CloseMuteExpireTimer(client); CloseGagExpireTimer(client); } public bool:OnClientConnect(client, String:rejectmsg[], maxlen) { g_bPlayerStatus[client] = false; return true; } public OnClientConnected(client) { g_sName[client][0] = '\0'; MarkClientAsUnMuted(client); MarkClientAsUnGagged(client); } public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) { decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); GetClientName(client, g_sName[client], sizeof(g_sName[])); /* Do not check bots or check player with lan steamid. */ if (clientAuth[0] == 'B' || clientAuth[9] == 'L' || !DB_Connect()) { g_bPlayerStatus[client] = true; return; } if (client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client)) { // if plugin was late loaded if (BaseComm_IsClientMuted(client)) { MarkClientAsMuted(client); } if (BaseComm_IsClientGagged(client)) { MarkClientAsGagged(client); } decl String:sClAuthYZEscaped[sizeof(clientAuth) * 2 + 1]; SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, clientAuth[8], sClAuthYZEscaped, sizeof(sClAuthYZEscaped)); decl String:Query[4096]; FormatEx(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT (c.ends - UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS remaining, \ c.length, c.type, c.created, c.reason, a.user, \ IF (a.immunity>=g.immunity, a.immunity, IFNULL(g.immunity,0)) AS immunity, \ c.aid, c.sid, a.authid \ FROM %s_comms AS c \ LEFT JOIN %s_admins AS a ON a.aid = c.aid \ LEFT JOIN %s_srvgroups AS g ON g.name = a.srv_group \ WHERE RemoveType IS NULL \ AND c.authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$' \ AND (length = '0' OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", DatabasePrefix, DatabasePrefix, DatabasePrefix, sClAuthYZEscaped); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "OnClientPostAdminCheck for: %s. QUERY: %s", clientAuth, Query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_VerifyBlock, Query, GetClientUserId(client), DBPrio_High); } } // OTHER CLIENT CODE // public Action:Event_OnPlayerName(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if (client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client)) GetEventString(event, "newname", g_sName[client], sizeof(g_sName[])); } public BaseComm_OnClientMute(client, bool:muteState) { if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients) { if (muteState) { if (g_MuteType[client] == bNot) { MarkClientAsMuted(client, _, _, _, _, _, "Muted through BaseComm natives"); SavePunishment(_, client, TYPE_MUTE, _, "Muted through BaseComm natives"); } } else { if (g_MuteType[client] > bNot) { MarkClientAsUnMuted(client); } } } } public BaseComm_OnClientGag(client, bool:gagState) { if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients) { if (gagState) { if (g_GagType[client] == bNot) { MarkClientAsGagged(client, _, _, _, _, _, "Gagged through BaseComm natives"); SavePunishment(_, client, TYPE_GAG, _, "Gagged through BaseComm natives"); } } else { if (g_GagType[client] > bNot) { MarkClientAsUnGagged(client); } } } } // COMMAND CODE // public Action:CommandComms(client, args) { if (!client) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "CommandComms_na"); return Plugin_Continue; } if (g_MuteType[client] > bNot || g_GagType[client] > bNot) AdminMenu_ListTarget(client, client, 0); else ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "CommandComms_nb"); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:FWBlock(args) { decl String:arg_string[256]; new String:sArg[3][64]; GetCmdArgString(arg_string, sizeof(arg_string)); decl type, length; if (ExplodeString(arg_string, " ", sArg, 3, 64) != 3 || !StringToIntEx(sArg[0], type) || type < 1 || type > 3 || !StringToIntEx(sArg[1], length)) { LogError("Wrong usage of sc_fw_block"); return Plugin_Stop; } LogMessage("Received block command from web: steam %s, type %d, length %d", sArg[2], type, length); decl String:clientAuth[64]; for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); if (strcmp(clientAuth, sArg[2], false) == 0) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Catched %s for blocking from web", clientAuth); #endif switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE:setMute(i, length, clientAuth); case TYPE_GAG:setGag(i, length, clientAuth); case TYPE_SILENCE: { setMute(i, length, clientAuth); setGag(i, length, clientAuth); } } break; } } } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:FWUngag(args) { decl String:arg_string[256]; new String:sArg[1][64]; GetCmdArgString(arg_string, sizeof(arg_string)); if (!ExplodeString(arg_string, " ", sArg, 1, 64)) { LogError("Wrong usage of sc_fw_ungag"); return Plugin_Stop; } LogMessage("Received ungag command from web: steam %s", sArg[0]); for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); if (strcmp(clientAuth, sArg[0], false) == 0) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Catched %s for ungagging from web", clientAuth); #endif if (g_GagType[i] > bNot) { PerformUnGag(i); PrintToChat(i, "%s%t", PREFIX, "FWUngag"); LogMessage("%s is ungagged from web", clientAuth); } else LogError("Can't ungag %s from web, it isn't gagged", clientAuth); break; } } } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:FWUnmute(args) { decl String:arg_string[256]; new String:sArg[1][64]; GetCmdArgString(arg_string, sizeof(arg_string)); if (!ExplodeString(arg_string, " ", sArg, 1, 64)) { LogError("Wrong usage of sc_fw_ungag"); return Plugin_Stop; } LogMessage("Received unmute command from web: steam %s", sArg[0]); for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); if (strcmp(clientAuth, sArg[0], false) == 0) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Catched %s for unmuting from web", clientAuth); #endif if (g_MuteType[i] > bNot) { PerformUnMute(i); PrintToChat(i, "%s%t", PREFIX, "FWUnmute"); LogMessage("%s is unmuted from web", clientAuth); } else LogError("Can't unmute %s from web, it isn't muted", clientAuth); break; } } } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:CommandCallback(client, const String:command[], args) { if (client && !CheckCommandAccess(client, command, ADMFLAG_CHAT)) return Plugin_Continue; new type; if (StrEqual(command, "sm_gag", false)) type = TYPE_GAG; else if (StrEqual(command, "sm_mute", false)) type = TYPE_MUTE; else if (StrEqual(command, "sm_ungag", false)) type = TYPE_UNGAG; else if (StrEqual(command, "sm_unmute", false)) type = TYPE_UNMUTE; else if (StrEqual(command, "sm_silence", false)) type = TYPE_SILENCE; else if (StrEqual(command, "sm_unsilence", false)) type = TYPE_UNSILENCE; else return Plugin_Stop; if (args < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%sUsage: %s <#userid|name> %s", PREFIX, command, type <= TYPE_SILENCE ? "[time|0] [reason]" : "[reason]"); if (type <= TYPE_SILENCE) ReplyToCommand(client, "%sUsage: %s <#userid|name> [reason]", PREFIX, command); return Plugin_Stop; } decl String:sBuffer[256]; GetCmdArgString(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); if (type <= TYPE_SILENCE) CreateBlock(client, _, _, type, _, sBuffer); else ProcessUnBlock(client, _, type, _, sBuffer); return Plugin_Stop; } // MENU CODE // public OnAdminMenuReady(Handle:topmenu) { /* Block us from being called twice */ if (topmenu == hTopMenu) return; /* Save the Handle */ hTopMenu = topmenu; new TopMenuObject:MenuObject = AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_cmds", TopMenuObject_Category, Handle_Commands, INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT); if (MenuObject == INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT) return; AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_gag", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuGag, MenuObject, "sm_gag", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_ungag", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuUnGag, MenuObject, "sm_ungag", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_mute", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuMute, MenuObject, "sm_mute", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_unmute", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuUnMute, MenuObject, "sm_unmute", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_silence", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuSilence, MenuObject, "sm_silence", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_unsilence", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuUnSilence, MenuObject, "sm_unsilence", ADMFLAG_CHAT); AddToTopMenu(hTopMenu, "sourcecomm_list", TopMenuObject_Item, Handle_MenuList, MenuObject, "sm_commlist", ADMFLAG_CHAT); } public Handle_Commands(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { switch (action) { case TopMenuAction_DisplayOption: Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_Main", param1); case TopMenuAction_DisplayTitle: Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Main", param1); } } public Handle_MenuGag(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_Gag", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_GAG); } public Handle_MenuUnGag(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_UnGag", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_UNGAG); } public Handle_MenuMute(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_Mute", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_MUTE); } public Handle_MenuUnMute(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_UnMute", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_UNMUTE); } public Handle_MenuSilence(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_Silence", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_SILENCE); } public Handle_MenuUnSilence(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_UnSilence", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) AdminMenu_Target(param1, TYPE_UNSILENCE); } public Handle_MenuList(Handle:menu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:object_id, param1, String:buffer[], maxlength) { if (action == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption) Format(buffer, maxlength, "%T", "AdminMenu_List", param1); else if (action == TopMenuAction_SelectOption) { g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingList] = false; AdminMenu_List(param1, 0); } } AdminMenu_Target(client, type) { decl String:Title[192], String:Option[32]; switch (type) { case TYPE_GAG: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Gag", client); case TYPE_MUTE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Mute", client); case TYPE_SILENCE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Silence", client); case TYPE_UNGAG: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Ungag", client); case TYPE_UNMUTE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Unmute", client); case TYPE_UNSILENCE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_Unsilence", client); } new Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_MenuTarget); // Common menu - players list. Almost full for blocking, and almost empty for unblocking SetMenuTitle(hMenu, Title); SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, true); new iClients; if (type <= 3) // Mute, gag, silence { for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: if (g_MuteType[i] > bNot) continue; case TYPE_GAG: if (g_GagType[i] > bNot) continue; case TYPE_SILENCE: if (g_MuteType[i] > bNot || g_GagType[i] > bNot) continue; } iClients++; strcopy(Title, sizeof(Title), g_sName[i]); AdminMenu_GetPunishPhrase(client, i, Title, sizeof(Title)); Format(Option, sizeof(Option), "%d %d", GetClientUserId(i), type); AddMenuItem(hMenu, Option, Title, (CanUserTarget(client, i) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)); } } } else // UnMute, ungag, unsilence { for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { if (g_MuteType[i] > bNot) { iClients++; strcopy(Title, sizeof(Title), g_sName[i]); Format(Option, sizeof(Option), "%d %d", GetClientUserId(i), type); AddMenuItem(hMenu, Option, Title, (CanUserTarget(client, i) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)); } } case TYPE_UNGAG: { if (g_GagType[i] > bNot) { iClients++; strcopy(Title, sizeof(Title), g_sName[i]); Format(Option, sizeof(Option), "%d %d", GetClientUserId(i), type); AddMenuItem(hMenu, Option, Title, (CanUserTarget(client, i) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)); } } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { if (g_MuteType[i] > bNot && g_GagType[i] > bNot) { iClients++; strcopy(Title, sizeof(Title), g_sName[i]); Format(Option, sizeof(Option), "%d %d", GetClientUserId(i), type); AddMenuItem(hMenu, Option, Title, (CanUserTarget(client, i) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)); } } } } } } if (!iClients) { switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Option_Mute_Empty", client); case TYPE_UNGAG: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Option_Gag_Empty", client); case TYPE_UNSILENCE: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Option_Silence_Empty", client); default: Format(Title, sizeof(Title), "%T", "AdminMenu_Option_Empty", client); } AddMenuItem(hMenu, "0", Title, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } DisplayMenu(hMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public MenuHandler_MenuTarget(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { switch (action) { case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu); case MenuAction_Cancel: { if (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayTopMenu(hTopMenu, param1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory); } case MenuAction_Select: { decl String:Option[32], String:Temp[2][8]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, Option, sizeof(Option)); ExplodeString(Option, " ", Temp, 2, 8); new target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(Temp[0])); if (Bool_ValidMenuTarget(param1, target)) { new type = StringToInt(Temp[1]); if (type <= TYPE_SILENCE) AdminMenu_Duration(param1, target, type); else ProcessUnBlock(param1, target, type); } } } } AdminMenu_Duration(client, target, type) { new Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_MenuDuration); decl String:sBuffer[192], String:sTemp[64]; Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Title_Durations", client); SetMenuTitle(hMenu, sBuffer); SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, true); for (new i = 0; i <= iNumTimes; i++) { if (IsAllowedBlockLength(client, g_iTimeMinutes[i])) { Format(sTemp, sizeof(sTemp), "%d %d %d", GetClientUserId(target), type, i); // TargetID TYPE_BLOCK index_of_Time AddMenuItem(hMenu, sTemp, g_sTimeDisplays[i]); } } DisplayMenu(hMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public MenuHandler_MenuDuration(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { switch (action) { case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu); case MenuAction_Cancel: { if (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayTopMenu(hTopMenu, param1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory); } case MenuAction_Select: { decl String:sOption[32], String:sTemp[3][8]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, sOption, sizeof(sOption)); ExplodeString(sOption, " ", sTemp, 3, 8); // TargetID TYPE_BLOCK index_of_Time new target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sTemp[0])); if (Bool_ValidMenuTarget(param1, target)) { new type = StringToInt(sTemp[1]); new lengthIndex = StringToInt(sTemp[2]); if (iNumReasons) // we have reasons to show AdminMenu_Reason(param1, target, type, lengthIndex); else CreateBlock(param1, target, g_iTimeMinutes[lengthIndex], type); } } } } AdminMenu_Reason(client, target, type, lengthIndex) { new Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_MenuReason); decl String:sBuffer[192], String:sTemp[64]; Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Title_Reasons", client); SetMenuTitle(hMenu, sBuffer); SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, true); for (new i = 0; i <= iNumReasons; i++) { Format(sTemp, sizeof(sTemp), "%d %d %d %d", GetClientUserId(target), type, i, lengthIndex); // TargetID TYPE_BLOCK ReasonIndex LenghtIndex AddMenuItem(hMenu, sTemp, g_sReasonDisplays[i]); } DisplayMenu(hMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public MenuHandler_MenuReason(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { switch (action) { case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu); case MenuAction_Cancel: { if (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayTopMenu(hTopMenu, param1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory); } case MenuAction_Select: { decl String:sOption[64], String:sTemp[4][8]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, sOption, sizeof(sOption)); ExplodeString(sOption, " ", sTemp, 4, 8); // TargetID TYPE_BLOCK ReasonIndex LenghtIndex new target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sTemp[0])); if (Bool_ValidMenuTarget(param1, target)) { new type = StringToInt(sTemp[1]); new reasonIndex = StringToInt(sTemp[2]); new lengthIndex = StringToInt(sTemp[3]); new length; if (lengthIndex >= 0 && lengthIndex <= iNumTimes) length = g_iTimeMinutes[lengthIndex]; else { length = DefaultTime; LogError("Wrong length index in menu - using default time"); } CreateBlock(param1, target, length, type, g_sReasonKey[reasonIndex]); } } } } AdminMenu_List(client, index) { decl String:sTitle[192], String:sOption[32]; Format(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), "%T", "AdminMenu_Select_List", client); new iClients, Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_MenuList); SetMenuTitle(hMenu, sTitle); if (!g_iPeskyPanels[client][viewingList]) SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, true); for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && (g_MuteType[i] > bNot || g_GagType[i] > bNot)) { iClients++; strcopy(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), g_sName[i]); AdminMenu_GetPunishPhrase(client, i, sTitle, sizeof(sTitle)); Format(sOption, sizeof(sOption), "%d", GetClientUserId(i)); AddMenuItem(hMenu, sOption, sTitle); } } if (!iClients) { Format(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Empty", client); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "0", sTitle, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } DisplayMenuAtItem(hMenu, client, index, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public MenuHandler_MenuList(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { switch (action) { case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu); case MenuAction_Cancel: { if (!g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingList]) if (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayTopMenu(hTopMenu, param1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory); } case MenuAction_Select: { decl String:sOption[32]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, sOption, sizeof(sOption)); new target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption)); if (Bool_ValidMenuTarget(param1, target)) AdminMenu_ListTarget(param1, target, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); else AdminMenu_List(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); } } } AdminMenu_ListTarget(client, target, index, viewMute = 0, viewGag = 0) { new userid = GetClientUserId(target), Handle:hMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_MenuListTarget); decl String:sBuffer[192], String:sOption[32]; SetMenuTitle(hMenu, g_sName[target]); SetMenuPagination(hMenu, MENU_NO_PAGINATION); SetMenuExitButton(hMenu, true); SetMenuExitBackButton(hMenu, false); if (g_MuteType[target] > bNot) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Mute", client); Format(sOption, sizeof(sOption), "0 %d %d %b %b", userid, index, viewMute, viewGag); AddMenuItem(hMenu, sOption, sBuffer); if (viewMute) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Admin", client, g_sMuteAdminName[target]); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); decl String:sMuteTemp[192], String:_sMuteTime[192]; Format(sMuteTemp, sizeof(sMuteTemp), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Duration", client); switch (g_MuteType[target]) { case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Perm", client); case bTime:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Time", client, g_iMuteLength[target]); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Temp", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); FormatTime(_sMuteTime, sizeof(_sMuteTime), NULL_STRING, g_iMuteTime[target]); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Issue", client, _sMuteTime); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); Format(sMuteTemp, sizeof(sMuteTemp), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Expire", client); switch (g_MuteType[target]) { case bTime: { FormatTime(_sMuteTime, sizeof(_sMuteTime), NULL_STRING, (g_iMuteTime[target] + g_iMuteLength[target] * 60)); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Time", client, _sMuteTime); } case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Perm", client); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sMuteTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Temp_Reconnect", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); if (strlen(g_sMuteReason[target]) > 0) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Reason", client); Format(sOption, sizeof(sOption), "1 %d %d %b %b", userid, index, viewMute, viewGag); AddMenuItem(hMenu, sOption, sBuffer); } else { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Reason_None", client); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } } } if (g_GagType[target] > bNot) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Gag", client); Format(sOption, sizeof(sOption), "2 %d %d %b %b", userid, index, viewMute, viewGag); AddMenuItem(hMenu, sOption, sBuffer); if (viewGag) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Admin", client, g_sGagAdminName[target]); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); decl String:sGagTemp[192], String:_sGagTime[192]; Format(sGagTemp, sizeof(sGagTemp), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Duration", client); switch (g_GagType[target]) { case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Perm", client); case bTime:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Time", client, g_iGagLength[target]); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Duration_Temp", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); FormatTime(_sGagTime, sizeof(_sGagTime), NULL_STRING, g_iGagTime[target]); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Issue", client, _sGagTime); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); Format(sGagTemp, sizeof(sGagTemp), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Expire", client); switch (g_GagType[target]) { case bTime: { FormatTime(_sGagTime, sizeof(_sGagTime), NULL_STRING, (g_iGagTime[target] + g_iGagLength[target] * 60)); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Time", client, _sGagTime); } case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Perm", client); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sGagTemp, "ListMenu_Option_Expire_Temp_Reconnect", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); if (strlen(g_sGagReason[target]) > 0) { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Reason", client); Format(sOption, sizeof(sOption), "3 %d %d %b %b", userid, index, viewMute, viewGag); AddMenuItem(hMenu, sOption, sBuffer); } else { Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ListMenu_Option_Reason_None", client); AddMenuItem(hMenu, "", sBuffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } } } g_iPeskyPanels[client][curIndex] = index; g_iPeskyPanels[client][curTarget] = target; g_iPeskyPanels[client][viewingGag] = viewGag; g_iPeskyPanels[client][viewingMute] = viewMute; DisplayMenu(hMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public MenuHandler_MenuListTarget(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { switch (action) { case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu); case MenuAction_Cancel: { if (param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) AdminMenu_List(param1, g_iPeskyPanels[param1][curIndex]); } case MenuAction_Select: { decl String:sOption[64], String:sTemp[5][8]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, sOption, sizeof(sOption)); ExplodeString(sOption, " ", sTemp, 5, 8); new target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sTemp[1])); if (param1 == target || Bool_ValidMenuTarget(param1, target)) { switch (StringToInt(sTemp[0])) { case 0: AdminMenu_ListTarget(param1, target, StringToInt(sTemp[2]), !(StringToInt(sTemp[3])), 0); case 1, 3: AdminMenu_ListTargetReason(param1, target, g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingMute], g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingGag]); case 2: AdminMenu_ListTarget(param1, target, StringToInt(sTemp[2]), 0, !(StringToInt(sTemp[4]))); } } else AdminMenu_List(param1, StringToInt(sTemp[2])); } } } AdminMenu_ListTargetReason(client, target, showMute, showGag) { decl String:sTemp[192], String:sBuffer[192]; new Handle:hPanel = CreatePanel(); SetPanelTitle(hPanel, g_sName[target]); DrawPanelItem(hPanel, " ", ITEMDRAW_SPACER | ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); if (showMute) { Format(sTemp, sizeof(sTemp), "%T", "ReasonPanel_Punishment_Mute", client); switch (g_MuteType[target]) { case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Perm", client); case bTime:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Time", client, g_iMuteLength[target]); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Temp", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } DrawPanelText(hPanel, sBuffer); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ReasonPanel_Reason", client, g_sMuteReason[target]); DrawPanelText(hPanel, sBuffer); } else if (showGag) { Format(sTemp, sizeof(sTemp), "%T", "ReasonPanel_Punishment_Gag", client); switch (g_GagType[target]) { case bPerm:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Perm", client); case bTime:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Time", client, g_iGagLength[target]); case bSess:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s%T", sTemp, "ReasonPanel_Temp", client); default:Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "error"); } DrawPanelText(hPanel, sBuffer); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ReasonPanel_Reason", client, g_sGagReason[target]); DrawPanelText(hPanel, sBuffer); } DrawPanelItem(hPanel, " ", ITEMDRAW_SPACER | ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE); SetPanelCurrentKey(hPanel, 10); Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%T", "ReasonPanel_Back", client); DrawPanelItem(hPanel, sBuffer); SendPanelToClient(hPanel, client, PanelHandler_ListTargetReason, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); CloseHandle(hPanel); } public PanelHandler_ListTargetReason(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_Select) { AdminMenu_ListTarget(param1, g_iPeskyPanels[param1][curTarget], g_iPeskyPanels[param1][curIndex], g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingMute], g_iPeskyPanels[param1][viewingGag]); } } // SQL CALLBACKS // public GotDatabase(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("GotDatabase(data: %d, lock: %d, g_h: %d, hndl: %d)", data, g_iConnectLock, g_hDatabase, hndl); #endif // If this happens to be an old connection request, ignore it. if (data != g_iConnectLock || g_hDatabase) { if (hndl) CloseHandle(hndl); return; } g_iConnectLock = 0; g_DatabaseState = DatabaseState_Connected; g_hDatabase = hndl; // See if the connection is valid. If not, don't un-mark the caches // as needing rebuilding, in case the next connection request works. if (!g_hDatabase) { LogError("Connecting to database failed: %s", error); return; } // Set character set to UTF-8 in the database if (GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "SQL_SetCharset") == FeatureStatus_Available) { SQL_SetCharset(g_hDatabase, "utf8"); } else { decl String:query[128]; FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "Set encoding. QUERY: %s", query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_ErrorCheck, query); } // Process queue SQL_TQuery(SQLiteDB, Query_ProcessQueue, "SELECT id, steam_id, time, start_time, reason, name, admin_id, admin_ip, type \ FROM queue2"); // Force recheck players ForcePlayersRecheck(); } public Query_AddBlockInsert(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (DB_Conn_Lost(hndl) || error[0]) { LogError("Query_AddBlockInsert failed: %s", error); ResetPack(data); new length = ReadPackCell(data); new type = ReadPackCell(data); decl String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:auth[64], String:adminAuth[32], String:adminIp[20]; new String:reason[256]; ReadPackString(data, name, sizeof(name)); ReadPackString(data, auth, sizeof(auth)); ReadPackString(data, reason, sizeof(reason)); ReadPackString(data, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); ReadPackString(data, adminIp, sizeof(adminIp)); InsertTempBlock(length, type, name, auth, reason, adminAuth, adminIp); } CloseHandle(data); } public Query_UnBlockSelect(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { decl String:adminAuth[30], String:targetAuth[30]; new String:reason[256]; ResetPack(data); new adminUserID = ReadPackCell(data); new targetUserID = ReadPackCell(data); new type = ReadPackCell(data); // not in use unless DEBUG ReadPackString(data, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); ReadPackString(data, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); ReadPackString(data, reason, sizeof(reason)); new admin = GetClientOfUserId(adminUserID); new target = GetClientOfUserId(targetUserID); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Query_UnBlockSelect(adminUID: %d/%d, targetUID: %d/%d, type: %d, adminAuth: %s, targetAuth: %s, reason: %s)", adminUserID, admin, targetUserID, target, type, adminAuth, targetAuth, reason); #endif decl String:targetName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; strcopy(targetName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, target && IsClientInGame(target) ? g_sName[target] : targetAuth); //FIXME new bool:hasErrors = false; // If error is not an empty string the query failed if (DB_Conn_Lost(hndl) || error[0] != '\0') { LogError("Query_UnBlockSelect failed: %s", error); if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%T", PREFIX, "Unblock Select Failed", admin, targetAuth); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%T", PREFIX, "Unblock Select Failed", admin, targetAuth); } else { PrintToServer("%s%T", PREFIX, "Unblock Select Failed", LANG_SERVER, targetAuth); } hasErrors = true; } // If there was no results then a ban does not exist for that id if (!DB_Conn_Lost(hndl) && !SQL_GetRowCount(hndl)) { if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No blocks found", targetAuth); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No blocks found", targetAuth); } else { PrintToServer("%s%T", PREFIX, "No blocks found", LANG_SERVER, targetAuth); } hasErrors = true; } if (hasErrors) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Calling TempUnBlock from Query_UnBlockSelect"); #endif TempUnBlock(data); // Datapack closed inside. switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" temporary unmuted \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); } case TYPE_UNGAG: { LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" temporary ungagged \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" temporary unsilenced \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); } } return; } else { new bool:b_success = false; // Get the values from the founded blocks. while (SQL_MoreRows(hndl)) { // Oh noes! What happened?! if (!SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) continue; new bid = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 0); new iAID = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 1); new cAID = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 2); new cImmunity = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 3); new cType = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 4); new immunity = admin ? GetAdmImmunity(admin) : ConsoleImmunity; // Block from CONSOLE (aid=0) and we have `console immunity` value in config if (!cAID && ConsoleImmunity > cImmunity) cImmunity = ConsoleImmunity; #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Fetched from DB: bid %d, iAID: %d, cAID: %d, cImmunity: %d, cType: %d", bid, iAID, cAID, cImmunity, cType); // WHO WE ARE? PrintToServer("WHO WE ARE CHECKING!"); if (iAID == cAID) PrintToServer("we are block author"); if (!admin) PrintToServer("we are console (possibly)"); if (AdmHasFlag(admin)) PrintToServer("we have special flag"); if (immunity >= cImmunity) PrintToServer("we have %d immunity and block has %d. we cool", immunity, cImmunity); #endif // Checking - has we access to unblock? if (iAID == cAID || (!admin && StrEqual(adminAuth, "STEAM_ID_SERVER")) || AdmHasFlag(admin) || (DisUBImCheck == 0 && (immunity >= cImmunity))) { // Ok! we have rights to unblock b_success = true; // UnMute/UnGag, Show & log activity if (target && IsClientInGame(target)) { switch (cType) { case TYPE_MUTE: { PerformUnMute(target); LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" unmuted \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_GAG: { PerformUnGag(target); LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" ungagged \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); } } } new Handle:dataPack = CreateDataPack(); WritePackCell(dataPack, adminUserID); WritePackCell(dataPack, cType); WritePackString(dataPack, g_sName[target]); WritePackString(dataPack, targetAuth); decl String:unbanReason[sizeof(reason) * 2 + 1]; SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, reason, unbanReason, sizeof(unbanReason)); decl String:query[2048]; Format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE %s_comms \ SET RemovedBy = %d, \ RemoveType = 'U', \ RemovedOn = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), \ ureason = '%s' \ WHERE bid = %d", DatabasePrefix, iAID, unbanReason, bid); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "Query_UnBlockSelect. QUERY: %s", query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_UnBlockUpdate, query, dataPack); } else { // sorry, we don't have permission to unblock! #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("No permissions to unblock in Query_UnBlockSelect"); #endif switch (cType) { case TYPE_MUTE: { if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No permission unmute", targetName); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No permission unmute", targetName); } LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" tried (and didn't have permission) to unmute %s (reason \"%s\")", admin, targetAuth, reason); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_GAG: { if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No permission ungag", targetName); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No permission ungag", targetName); } LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" tried (and didn't have permission) to ungag %s (reason \"%s\")", admin, targetAuth, reason); } } } } if (b_success && target && IsClientInGame(target)) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Showing activity to server in Query_UnBlockSelect"); #endif ShowActivityToServer(admin, type, _, _, g_sName[target], _); if (type == TYPE_UNSILENCE) { // check result for possible combination with temp and time punishments (temp was skipped in code above) SetPackPosition(data, DataPackPos:16); if (g_MuteType[target] > bNot) { WritePackCell(data, TYPE_UNMUTE); TempUnBlock(data); LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" temporary unmuted \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); data = INVALID_HANDLE; } else if (g_GagType[target] > bNot) { WritePackCell(data, TYPE_UNGAG); TempUnBlock(data); LogAction(admin, target, "\"%L\" temporary ungagged \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", admin, target, reason); data = INVALID_HANDLE; } } } } if (data != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(data); } public Query_UnBlockUpdate(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { new admin, type; decl String:targetName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:targetAuth[30]; ResetPack(data); admin = GetClientOfUserId(ReadPackCell(data)); type = ReadPackCell(data); ReadPackString(data, targetName, sizeof(targetName)); ReadPackString(data, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); CloseHandle(data); if (DB_Conn_Lost(hndl) || error[0] != '\0') { LogError("Query_UnBlockUpdate failed: %s", error); if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Unblock insert failed"); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Unblock insert failed"); } return; } switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { LogAction(admin, -1, "\"%L\" removed mute for %s from DB", admin, targetAuth); if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "successfully unmuted", targetName); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "successfully unmuted", targetName); } else { PrintToServer("%s%T", PREFIX, "successfully unmuted", LANG_SERVER, targetName); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_GAG: { LogAction(admin, -1, "\"%L\" removed gag for %s from DB", admin, targetAuth); if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "successfully ungagged", targetName); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "successfully ungagged", targetName); } else { PrintToServer("%s%T", PREFIX, "successfully ungagged", LANG_SERVER, targetName); } } } } // ProcessQueueCallback is called as the result of selecting all the rows from the queue table public Query_ProcessQueue(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE || error[0]) { LogError("Query_ProcessQueue failed: %s", error); return; } decl String:auth[64]; decl String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new String:reason[256]; decl String:adminAuth[64], String:adminIp[20]; decl String:query[4096]; while (SQL_MoreRows(hndl)) { // Oh noes! What happened?! if (!SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) continue; decl String:sAuthEscaped[sizeof(auth) * 2 + 1]; decl String:banName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; decl String:banReason[sizeof(reason) * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdmAuthEscaped[sizeof(adminAuth) * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdmAuthYZEscaped[sizeof(adminAuth) * 2 + 1]; // if we get to here then there are rows in the queue pending processing //steam_id TEXT, time INTEGER, start_time INTEGER, reason TEXT, name TEXT, admin_id TEXT, admin_ip TEXT, type INTEGER new id = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 0); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 1, auth, sizeof(auth)); new time = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 2); new startTime = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 3); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 4, reason, sizeof(reason)); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 5, name, sizeof(name)); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 6, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 7, adminIp, sizeof(adminIp)); new type = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 8); if (DB_Connect()) { SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, auth, sAuthEscaped, sizeof(sAuthEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, name, banName, sizeof(banName)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, reason, banReason, sizeof(banReason)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth, sAdmAuthEscaped, sizeof(sAdmAuthEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth[8], sAdmAuthYZEscaped, sizeof(sAdmAuthYZEscaped)); } else continue; // all blocks should be entered into db! FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO %s_comms (authid, name, created, ends, length, reason, aid, adminIp, sid, type) \ VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', \ IFNULL((SELECT aid FROM %s_admins WHERE authid = '%s' OR authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$'), '0'), \ '%s', %d, %d)", DatabasePrefix, sAuthEscaped, banName, startTime, (startTime + (time * 60)), (time * 60), banReason, DatabasePrefix, sAdmAuthEscaped, sAdmAuthYZEscaped, adminIp, serverID, type); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "Query_ProcessQueue. QUERY: %s", query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_AddBlockFromQueue, query, id); } } public Query_AddBlockFromQueue(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { decl String:query[512]; if (error[0] == '\0') { // The insert was successful so delete the record from the queue FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM queue2 \ WHERE id = %d", data); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "Query_AddBlockFromQueue. QUERY: %s", query); #endif SQL_TQuery(SQLiteDB, Query_ErrorCheck, query); } } public Query_ErrorCheck(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (DB_Conn_Lost(hndl) || error[0]) LogError("%T (%s)", "Failed to query database", LANG_SERVER, error); } public Query_VerifyBlock(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:userid) { decl String:clientAuth[64]; new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Query_VerifyBlock(userid: %d, client: %d)", userid, client); #endif if (!client) return; /* Failure happen. Do retry with delay */ if (DB_Conn_Lost(hndl)) { LogError("Query_VerifyBlock failed: %s", error); if (g_hPlayerRecheck[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) g_hPlayerRecheck[client] = CreateTimer(RetryTime, ClientRecheck, userid); return; } GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); //SELECT (c.ends - UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) as remaining, c.length, c.type, c.created, c.reason, a.user, //IF (a.immunity>=g.immunity, a.immunity, IFNULL(g.immunity,0)) as immunity, c.aid, c.sid, c.authid //FROM %s_comms c LEFT JOIN %s_admins a ON a.aid=c.aid LEFT JOIN %s_srvgroups g ON g.name = a.srv_group //WHERE c.authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$' AND (length = '0' OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemoveType IS NULL", if (SQL_GetRowCount(hndl) > 0) { while (SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) { if (NotApplyToThisServer(SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 8))) continue; decl String:sAdmName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:sAdmAuth[64]; new String:sReason[256]; new remaining_time = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 0); new length = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 1); new type = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 2); new time = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 3); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 4, sReason, sizeof(sReason)); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 5, sAdmName, sizeof(sAdmName)); new immunity = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 6); new aid = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 7); SQL_FetchString(hndl, 9, sAdmAuth, sizeof(sAdmAuth)); // Block from CONSOLE (aid=0) and we have `console immunity` value in config if (!aid && ConsoleImmunity > immunity) immunity = ConsoleImmunity; #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Fetched from DB: remaining %d, length %d, type %d", remaining_time, length, type); #endif switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { if (g_MuteType[client] < bTime) { PerformMute(client, time, length / 60, sAdmName, sAdmAuth, immunity, sReason, remaining_time); PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Muted on connect"); } } case TYPE_GAG: { if (g_GagType[client] < bTime) { PerformGag(client, time, length / 60, sAdmName, sAdmAuth, immunity, sReason, remaining_time); PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Gagged on connect"); } } } } } g_bPlayerStatus[client] = true; } // TIMER CALL BACKS // public Action:ClientRecheck(Handle:timer, any:userid) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("ClientRecheck(userid: %d)", userid); #endif new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid); if (!client) return; if (IsClientConnected(client)) OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); g_hPlayerRecheck[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; } public Action:Timer_MuteExpire(Handle:timer, any:userid) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid); if (!client) return; #if defined DEBUG decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); PrintToServer("Mute expired for %s", clientAuth); #endif PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Mute expired"); g_hMuteExpireTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; MarkClientAsUnMuted(client); if (IsClientInGame(client)) BaseComm_SetClientMute(client, false); } public Action:Timer_GagExpire(Handle:timer, any:userid) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid); if (!client) return; #if defined DEBUG decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); PrintToServer("Gag expired for %s", clientAuth); #endif PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Gag expired"); g_hGagExpireTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; MarkClientAsUnGagged(client); if (IsClientInGame(client)) BaseComm_SetClientGag(client, false); } public Action:Timer_StopWait(Handle:timer, any:data) { g_DatabaseState = DatabaseState_None; DB_Connect(); } // PARSER // static InitializeConfigParser() { if (ConfigParser == INVALID_HANDLE) { ConfigParser = SMC_CreateParser(); SMC_SetReaders(ConfigParser, ReadConfig_NewSection, ReadConfig_KeyValue, ReadConfig_EndSection); } } static InternalReadConfig(const String:path[]) { ConfigState = ConfigStateNone; new SMCError:err = SMC_ParseFile(ConfigParser, path); if (err != SMCError_Okay) { decl String:buffer[64]; PrintToServer("%s", SMC_GetErrorString(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ? buffer : "Fatal parse error"); } } public SMCResult:ReadConfig_NewSection(Handle:smc, const String:name[], bool:opt_quotes) { if (name[0]) { if (strcmp("Config", name, false) == 0) { ConfigState = ConfigStateConfig; } else if (strcmp("CommsReasons", name, false) == 0) { ConfigState = ConfigStateReasons; } else if (strcmp("CommsTimes", name, false) == 0) { ConfigState = ConfigStateTimes; } else if (strcmp("ServersWhiteList", name, false) == 0) { ConfigState = ConfigStateServers; } } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:ReadConfig_KeyValue(Handle:smc, const String:key[], const String:value[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes) { if (!key[0]) return SMCParse_Continue; switch (ConfigState) { case ConfigStateConfig: { if (strcmp("DatabasePrefix", key, false) == 0) { strcopy(DatabasePrefix, sizeof(DatabasePrefix), value); if (DatabasePrefix[0] == '\0') { DatabasePrefix = "sb"; } } else if (strcmp("RetryTime", key, false) == 0) { RetryTime = StringToFloat(value); if (RetryTime < 15.0) { RetryTime = 15.0; } else if (RetryTime > 60.0) { RetryTime = 60.0; } } else if (strcmp("ServerID", key, false) == 0) { if (!StringToIntEx(value, serverID) || serverID < 1) { serverID = 0; } } else if (strcmp("DefaultTime", key, false) == 0) { DefaultTime = StringToInt(value); if (DefaultTime < 0) { DefaultTime = -1; } if (DefaultTime == 0) { DefaultTime = 30; } } else if (strcmp("DisableUnblockImmunityCheck", key, false) == 0) { DisUBImCheck = StringToInt(value); if (DisUBImCheck != 1) { DisUBImCheck = 0; } } else if (strcmp("ConsoleImmunity", key, false) == 0) { ConsoleImmunity = StringToInt(value); if (ConsoleImmunity < 0 || ConsoleImmunity > 100) { ConsoleImmunity = 0; } } else if (strcmp("MaxLength", key, false) == 0) { ConfigMaxLength = StringToInt(value); } else if (strcmp("OnlyWhiteListServers", key, false) == 0) { ConfigWhiteListOnly = StringToInt(value); if (ConfigWhiteListOnly != 1) { ConfigWhiteListOnly = 0; } } } case ConfigStateReasons: { Format(g_sReasonKey[iNumReasons], REASON_SIZE, "%s", key); Format(g_sReasonDisplays[iNumReasons], DISPLAY_SIZE, "%s", value); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Loaded reason. index %d, key \"%s\", display_text \"%s\"", iNumReasons, g_sReasonKey[iNumReasons], g_sReasonDisplays[iNumReasons]); #endif iNumReasons++; } case ConfigStateTimes: { Format(g_sTimeDisplays[iNumTimes], DISPLAY_SIZE, "%s", value); g_iTimeMinutes[iNumTimes] = StringToInt(key); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Loaded time. index %d, time %d minutes, display_text \"%s\"", iNumTimes, g_iTimeMinutes[iNumTimes], g_sTimeDisplays[iNumTimes]); #endif iNumTimes++; } case ConfigStateServers: { if (strcmp("id", key, false) == 0) { new srvID = StringToInt(value); if (srvID >= 0) { PushArrayCell(g_hServersWhiteList, srvID); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Loaded white list server id %d", srvID); #endif } } } } return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:ReadConfig_EndSection(Handle:smc) { return SMCParse_Continue; } // STOCK FUNCTIONS // stock setGag(client, length, const String:clientAuth[]) { if (g_GagType[client] == bNot) { PerformGag(client, _, length / 60, _, _, _, _); PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Gagged on connect"); LogMessage("%s is gagged from web", clientAuth); } } stock setMute(client, length, const String:clientAuth[]) { if (g_MuteType[client] == bNot) { PerformMute(client, _, length / 60, _, _, _, _); PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Muted on connect"); LogMessage("%s is muted from web", clientAuth); } } stock bool:DB_Connect() { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("DB_Connect(handle %d, state %d, lock %d)", g_hDatabase, g_DatabaseState, g_iConnectLock); #endif if (g_hDatabase) { return true; } if (g_DatabaseState == DatabaseState_Wait) // 100500 connections in a minute is bad idea.. { return false; } if (g_DatabaseState != DatabaseState_Connecting) { g_DatabaseState = DatabaseState_Connecting; g_iConnectLock = ++g_iSequence; // Connect using the "sourcebans" section, or the "default" section if "sourcebans" does not exist SQL_TConnect(GotDatabase, DATABASE, g_iConnectLock); } return false; } stock bool:DB_Conn_Lost(Handle:hndl) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { if (g_hDatabase != INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Lost connection to DB. Reconnect after delay."); CloseHandle(g_hDatabase); g_hDatabase = INVALID_HANDLE; } if (g_DatabaseState != DatabaseState_Wait) { g_DatabaseState = DatabaseState_Wait; CreateTimer(RetryTime, Timer_StopWait, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } return true; } return false; } stock InitializeBackupDB() { decl String:error[255]; SQLiteDB = SQLite_UseDatabase("sourcecomms-queue", error, sizeof(error)); if (SQLiteDB == INVALID_HANDLE) { SetFailState(error); } SQL_TQuery(SQLiteDB, Query_ErrorCheck, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS queue2 ( \ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \ steam_id TEXT, \ time INTEGER, \ start_time INTEGER, \ reason TEXT, \ name TEXT, \ admin_id TEXT, \ admin_ip TEXT, \ type INTEGER)"); } stock CreateBlock(client, targetId = 0, length = -1, type, const String:sReason[] = "", const String:sArgs[] = "") { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("CreateBlock(admin: %d, target: %d, length: %d, type: %d, reason: %s, args: %s)", client, targetId, length, type, sReason, sArgs); #endif decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml, String:target_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new String:reason[256]; new bool:skipped = false; // checking args if (targetId) { target_list[0] = targetId; target_count = 1; tn_is_ml = false; strcopy(target_name, sizeof(target_name), g_sName[targetId]); strcopy(reason, sizeof(reason), sReason); } else if (strlen(sArgs)) { new String:sArg[3][192]; if (ExplodeString(sArgs, "\"", sArg, 3, 192, true) == 3 && strlen(sArg[0]) == 0) // exploding by quotes { decl String:sTempArg[2][192]; TrimString(sArg[2]); sArg[0] = sArg[1]; // target name ExplodeString(sArg[2], " ", sTempArg, 2, 192, true); // get length and reason sArg[1] = sTempArg[0]; // lenght sArg[2] = sTempArg[1]; // reason } else { ExplodeString(sArgs, " ", sArg, 3, 192, true); // exploding by spaces } // Get the target, find target returns a message on failure so we do not if ((target_count = ProcessTargetString( sArg[0], client, target_list, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS, target_name, sizeof(target_name), tn_is_ml)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count); return; } // Get the block length if (!StringToIntEx(sArg[1], length)) // not valid number in second argument { length = DefaultTime; Format(reason, sizeof(reason), "%s %s", sArg[1], sArg[2]); } else { strcopy(reason, sizeof(reason), sArg[2]); } // Strip spaces and quotes from reason TrimString(reason); StripQuotes(reason); if (!IsAllowedBlockLength(client, length, target_count)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "no access"); return; } } else { return; } new admImmunity = client ? GetAdmImmunity(client) : ConsoleImmunity; decl String:adminAuth[64]; if (client && IsClientInGame(client)) { GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); } else { // setup dummy adminAuth and adminIp for server strcopy(adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth), "STEAM_ID_SERVER"); } for (new i = 0; i < target_count; i++) { new target = target_list[i]; #if defined DEBUG decl String:auth[64]; GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, auth, sizeof(auth)); PrintToServer("Processing block for %s", auth); #endif if (!g_bPlayerStatus[target]) { // The target has not been blocks verify. It must be completed before you can block anyone. ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player Comms Not Verified"); skipped = true; continue; // skip } switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientMuted(target)) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s not muted. Mute him, creating unmute timer and add record to DB", auth); #endif PerformMute(target, _, length, g_sName[client], adminAuth, admImmunity, reason); } else { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s already muted", auth); #endif ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player already muted", g_sName[target]); skipped = true; continue; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_GAG: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientGagged(target)) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s not gagged. Gag him, creating ungag timer and add record to DB", auth); #endif PerformGag(target, _, length, g_sName[client], adminAuth, admImmunity, reason); } else { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s already gagged", auth); #endif ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player already gagged", g_sName[target]); skipped = true; continue; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_SILENCE: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientGagged(target) && !BaseComm_IsClientMuted(target)) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s not silenced. Silence him, creating ungag & unmute timers and add records to DB", auth); #endif PerformMute(target, _, length, g_sName[client], adminAuth, admImmunity, reason); PerformGag(target, _, length, g_sName[client], adminAuth, admImmunity, reason); } else { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("%s already gagged or/and muted", auth); #endif ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player already silenced", g_sName[target]); skipped = true; continue; } } } } if (target_count == 1 && !skipped) { switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { LogAction(client, target_list[0], "\"%L\" muted \"%L\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_list[0], length, reason); } case TYPE_GAG: { LogAction(client, target_list[0], "\"%L\" gagged \"%L\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_list[0], length, reason); } case TYPE_SILENCE: { LogAction(client, target_list[0], "\"%L\" silenced \"%L\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_list[0], length, reason); } } SavePunishment(client, target_list[0], type, length, reason); } if (target_count > 1 || skipped) { switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" muted \"%s\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, length, reason); } case TYPE_GAG: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" gagged \"%s\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, length, reason); } case TYPE_SILENCE: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" silenced \"%s\" (minutes \"%d\") (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, length, reason); } } ShowActivityToServer(client, type, length, reason, target_name, tn_is_ml); } return; } stock ProcessUnBlock(client, targetId = 0, type, String:sReason[] = "", const String:sArgs[] = "") { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("ProcessUnBlock(admin: %d, target: %d, type: %d, reason: %s, args: %s)", client, targetId, type, sReason, sArgs); #endif decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml, String:target_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new String:reason[256]; if (targetId) { target_list[0] = targetId; target_count = 1; tn_is_ml = false; strcopy(target_name, sizeof(target_name), g_sName[targetId]); strcopy(reason, sizeof(reason), sReason); } else { decl String:sBuffer[256]; new String:sArg[3][192]; GetCmdArgString(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); if (ExplodeString(sBuffer, "\"", sArg, 3, 192, true) == 3 && strlen(sArg[0]) == 0) { TrimString(sArg[2]); sArg[0] = sArg[1]; // target name sArg[1] = sArg[2]; // reason; sArg[2] - not in use } else { ExplodeString(sBuffer, " ", sArg, 2, 192, true); } strcopy(reason, sizeof(reason), sArg[1]); // Strip spaces and quotes from reason TrimString(reason); StripQuotes(reason); // Get the target, find target returns a message on failure so we do not if ((target_count = ProcessTargetString( sArg[0], client, target_list, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS, target_name, sizeof(target_name), tn_is_ml)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count); return; } } decl String:adminAuth[64]; decl String:targetAuth[64]; if (client && IsClientInGame(client)) { GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); } else { // setup dummy adminAuth and adminIp for server strcopy(adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth), "STEAM_ID_SERVER"); } if (target_count > 1) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("ProcessUnBlock - targets_count > 1"); #endif for (new i = 0; i < target_count; i++) { new target = target_list[i]; if (IsClientInGame(target)) GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); else continue; switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { if (g_MuteType[target] == bTime || g_MuteType[target] == bPerm) continue; } case TYPE_UNGAG: { if (g_GagType[target] == bTime || g_GagType[target] == bPerm) continue; } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { if ((g_MuteType[target] == bTime || g_MuteType[target] == bPerm) && (g_GagType[target] == bTime || g_GagType[target] == bPerm)) continue; } } new Handle:dataPack = CreateDataPack(); WritePackCell(dataPack, GetClientUserId2(client)); WritePackCell(dataPack, GetClientUserId(target)); WritePackCell(dataPack, type); WritePackString(dataPack, adminAuth); WritePackString(dataPack, targetAuth); // not in use in this case WritePackString(dataPack, reason); TempUnBlock(dataPack); } switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" temporary unmuted \"%s\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, reason); } case TYPE_UNGAG: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" temporary ungagged \"%s\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, reason); } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" temporary unsilenced \"%s\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target_name, reason); } } #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Showing activity to server in ProcessUnBlock for targets_count > 1"); #endif ShowActivityToServer(client, type + TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT, _, _, target_name, tn_is_ml); } else { decl String:typeWHERE[100]; new target = target_list[0]; if (IsClientInGame(target)) { GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); } else { return; } switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientMuted(target)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player not muted"); return; } else FormatEx(typeWHERE, sizeof(typeWHERE), "c.type = '%d'", TYPE_MUTE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNGAG: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientGagged(target)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player not gagged"); return; } else FormatEx(typeWHERE, sizeof(typeWHERE), "c.type = '%d'", TYPE_GAG); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { if (!BaseComm_IsClientMuted(target) || !BaseComm_IsClientGagged(target)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Player not silenced"); return; } else FormatEx(typeWHERE, sizeof(typeWHERE), "(c.type = '%d' OR c.type = '%d')", TYPE_MUTE, TYPE_GAG); } } // Pack everything into a data pack so we can retain it new Handle:dataPack = CreateDataPack(); WritePackCell(dataPack, GetClientUserId2(client)); WritePackCell(dataPack, GetClientUserId(target)); WritePackCell(dataPack, type); WritePackString(dataPack, adminAuth); WritePackString(dataPack, targetAuth); WritePackString(dataPack, reason); // Check current player status. If player has temporary punishment - don't get info from DB if (DB_Connect()) { decl String:sAdminAuthEscaped[sizeof(adminAuth) * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdminAuthYZEscaped[sizeof(adminAuth) * 2 + 1]; decl String:sTargetAuthEscaped[sizeof(targetAuth) * 2 + 1]; decl String:sTargetAuthYZEscaped[sizeof(targetAuth) * 2 + 1]; SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth, sAdminAuthEscaped, sizeof(sAdminAuthEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth[8], sAdminAuthYZEscaped, sizeof(sAdminAuthYZEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, targetAuth, sTargetAuthEscaped, sizeof(sTargetAuthEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, targetAuth[8], sTargetAuthYZEscaped, sizeof(sTargetAuthYZEscaped)); decl String:query[4096]; Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT c.bid, \ IFNULL((SELECT aid FROM %s_admins WHERE authid = '%s' OR authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$'), '0') as iaid, \ c.aid, \ IF (a.immunity>=g.immunity, a.immunity, IFNULL(g.immunity,0)) as immunity, \ c.type \ FROM %s_comms AS c \ LEFT JOIN %s_admins AS a ON a.aid = c.aid \ LEFT JOIN %s_srvgroups AS g ON g.name = a.srv_group \ WHERE RemoveType IS NULL \ AND (c.authid = '%s' OR c.authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$') \ AND (length = '0' OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) \ AND %s", DatabasePrefix, sAdminAuthEscaped, sAdminAuthYZEscaped, DatabasePrefix, DatabasePrefix, DatabasePrefix, sTargetAuthEscaped, sTargetAuthYZEscaped, typeWHERE); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "ProcessUnBlock. QUERY: %s", query); #endif SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_UnBlockSelect, query, dataPack); } else { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Calling TempUnBlock from ProcessUnBlock"); #endif if (TempUnBlock(dataPack)) { switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { LogAction(client, target, "\"%L\" temporary unmuted \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target, reason); } case TYPE_UNGAG: { LogAction(client, target, "\"%L\" temporary ungagged \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target, reason); } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { LogAction(client, target, "\"%L\" temporary unsilenced \"%L\" (reason \"%s\")", client, target, reason); } } ShowActivityToServer(client, type + TYPE_TEMP_SHIFT, _, _, g_sName[target], _); } } } } stock bool:TempUnBlock(Handle:data) { decl String:adminAuth[30], String:targetAuth[30]; new String:reason[256]; ResetPack(data); new adminUserID = ReadPackCell(data); new targetUserID = ReadPackCell(data); new type = ReadPackCell(data); ReadPackString(data, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); ReadPackString(data, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); ReadPackString(data, reason, sizeof(reason)); CloseHandle(data); // Need to close datapack #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("TempUnBlock(adminUID: %d, targetUID: %d, type: %d, adminAuth: %s, targetAuth: %s, reason: %s)", adminUserID, targetUserID, type, adminAuth, targetAuth, reason); #endif new admin = GetClientOfUserId(adminUserID); new target = GetClientOfUserId(targetUserID); if (!target) return false; // target has gone away new AdmImmunity = GetAdmImmunity(admin); new bool:AdmImCheck = (DisUBImCheck == 0 && ((type == TYPE_UNMUTE && AdmImmunity >= g_iMuteLevel[target]) || (type == TYPE_UNGAG && AdmImmunity >= g_iGagLevel[target]) || (type == TYPE_UNSILENCE && AdmImmunity >= g_iMuteLevel[target] && AdmImmunity >= g_iGagLevel[target]) ) ); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("WHO WE ARE CHECKING!"); if (!admin) PrintToServer("we are console (possibly)"); if (AdmHasFlag(admin)) PrintToServer("we have special flag"); #endif // Check access for unblock without db changes (temporary unblock) new bool:bHasPermission = (!admin && StrEqual(adminAuth, "STEAM_ID_SERVER")) || AdmHasFlag(admin) || AdmImCheck; // can, if we are console or have special flag. else - deep checking by issuer authid if (!bHasPermission) { switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { bHasPermission = StrEqual(adminAuth, g_sMuteAdminAuth[target]); } case TYPE_UNGAG: { bHasPermission = StrEqual(adminAuth, g_sGagAdminAuth[target]); } case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { bHasPermission = StrEqual(adminAuth, g_sMuteAdminAuth[target]) && StrEqual(adminAuth, g_sGagAdminAuth[target]); } } } if (bHasPermission) { switch (type) { case TYPE_UNMUTE: { PerformUnMute(target); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNGAG: { PerformUnGag(target); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNSILENCE: { PerformUnMute(target); PerformUnGag(target); } default: { return false; } } return true; } else { if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { PrintToChat(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No db error unlock perm"); PrintToConsole(admin, "%s%t", PREFIX, "No db error unlock perm"); } return false; } } stock InsertTempBlock(length, type, const String:name[], const String:auth[], const String:reason[], const String:adminAuth[], const String:adminIp[]) { LogMessage("Saving punishment for %s into queue", auth); decl String:banName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; decl String:banReason[256 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAuthEscaped[64 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdminAuthEscaped[64 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sQuery[4096], String:sQueryVal[2048]; new String:sQueryMute[2048], String:sQueryGag[2048]; // escaping everything SQL_EscapeString(SQLiteDB, name, banName, sizeof(banName)); SQL_EscapeString(SQLiteDB, reason, banReason, sizeof(banReason)); SQL_EscapeString(SQLiteDB, auth, sAuthEscaped, sizeof(sAuthEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(SQLiteDB, adminAuth, sAdminAuthEscaped, sizeof(sAdminAuthEscaped)); // steam_id time start_time reason name admin_id admin_ip FormatEx(sQueryVal, sizeof(sQueryVal), "'%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'", sAuthEscaped, length, GetTime(), banReason, banName, sAdminAuthEscaped, adminIp); switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE:FormatEx(sQueryMute, sizeof(sQueryMute), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, type); case TYPE_GAG:FormatEx(sQueryGag, sizeof(sQueryGag), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, type); case TYPE_SILENCE: { FormatEx(sQueryMute, sizeof(sQueryMute), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, TYPE_MUTE); FormatEx(sQueryGag, sizeof(sQueryGag), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, TYPE_GAG); } } FormatEx(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO queue2 (steam_id, time, start_time, reason, name, admin_id, admin_ip, type) VALUES %s%s%s", sQueryMute, type == TYPE_SILENCE ? ", " : "", sQueryGag); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "InsertTempBlock. QUERY: %s", sQuery); #endif SQL_TQuery(SQLiteDB, Query_ErrorCheck, sQuery); } stock ServerInfo() { decl pieces[4]; new longip = GetConVarInt(CvarHostIp); pieces[0] = (longip >> 24) & 0x000000FF; pieces[1] = (longip >> 16) & 0x000000FF; pieces[2] = (longip >> 8) & 0x000000FF; pieces[3] = longip & 0x000000FF; FormatEx(ServerIp, sizeof(ServerIp), "%d.%d.%d.%d", pieces[0], pieces[1], pieces[2], pieces[3]); GetConVarString(CvarPort, ServerPort, sizeof(ServerPort)); } stock ReadConfig() { InitializeConfigParser(); if (ConfigParser == INVALID_HANDLE) { return; } decl String:ConfigFile1[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], String:ConfigFile2[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, ConfigFile1, sizeof(ConfigFile1), "configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg"); BuildPath(Path_SM, ConfigFile2, sizeof(ConfigFile2), "configs/sourcebans/sourcecomms.cfg"); if (FileExists(ConfigFile1)) { PrintToServer("%sLoading configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg config file", PREFIX); InternalReadConfig(ConfigFile1); } else { SetFailState("FATAL *** ERROR *** can't find %s", ConfigFile1); } if (FileExists(ConfigFile2)) { PrintToServer("%sLoading configs/sourcecomms.cfg config file", PREFIX); iNumReasons = 0; iNumTimes = 0; InternalReadConfig(ConfigFile2); if (iNumReasons) iNumReasons--; if (iNumTimes) iNumTimes--; if (serverID == 0) { LogError("You must set valid `ServerID` value in sourcebans.cfg!"); if (ConfigWhiteListOnly) { LogError("ServersWhiteList feature disabled!"); ConfigWhiteListOnly = 0; } } } else { SetFailState("FATAL *** ERROR *** can't find %s", ConfigFile2); } #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("Loaded DefaultTime value: %d", DefaultTime); PrintToServer("Loaded DisableUnblockImmunityCheck value: %d", DisUBImCheck); #endif } // some more AdminMenu_GetPunishPhrase(client, target, String:name[], length) { decl String:Buffer[192]; if (g_MuteType[target] > bNot && g_GagType[target] > bNot) Format(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Display_Silenced", client, name); else if (g_MuteType[target] > bNot) Format(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Display_Muted", client, name); else if (g_GagType[target] > bNot) Format(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Display_Gagged", client, name); else Format(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%T", "AdminMenu_Display_None", client, name); strcopy(name, length, Buffer); } bool:Bool_ValidMenuTarget(client, target) { if (target <= 0) { if (client) PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "AdminMenu_Not_Available"); else ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "AdminMenu_Not_Available"); return false; } else if (!CanUserTarget(client, target)) { if (client) PrintToChat(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Command_Target_Not_Targetable"); else ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%t", PREFIX, "Command_Target_Not_Targetable"); return false; } return true; } stock bool:IsAllowedBlockLength(admin, length, target_count = 1) { if (target_count == 1) { // Restriction disabled, all allowed for console, all allowed for admins with special flag if (!ConfigMaxLength || !admin || AdmHasFlag(admin)) return true; //return false if one of these statements evaluates to true; otherwise, return true return !(!length || length > ConfigMaxLength); } else { if (length < 0) //'session punishments allowed for mass-targeting' return true; //return false if one of these statements evaluates to true; otherwise, return true return !(!length || length > MAX_TIME_MULTI || length > DefaultTime); } } stock bool:AdmHasFlag(admin) { return admin && CheckCommandAccess(admin, "", UNBLOCK_FLAG, true); } stock _:GetAdmImmunity(admin) { return admin > 0 && GetUserAdmin(admin) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID ? GetAdminImmunityLevel(GetUserAdmin(admin)) : 0; } stock _:GetClientUserId2(client) { return client ? GetClientUserId(client) : 0; // 0 is for CONSOLE } stock ForcePlayersRecheck() { for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && g_hPlayerRecheck[i] == INVALID_HANDLE) { #if defined DEBUG { decl String:clientAuth[64]; GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)); PrintToServer("Creating Recheck timer for %s", clientAuth); } #endif g_hPlayerRecheck[i] = CreateTimer(float(i), ClientRecheck, GetClientUserId(i)); } } } stock bool:NotApplyToThisServer(srvID) { return ConfigWhiteListOnly && FindValueInArray(g_hServersWhiteList, srvID) == -1; } stock MarkClientAsUnMuted(target) { g_MuteType[target] = bNot; g_iMuteTime[target] = 0; g_iMuteLength[target] = 0; g_iMuteLevel[target] = -1; g_sMuteAdminName[target][0] = '\0'; g_sMuteReason[target][0] = '\0'; g_sMuteAdminAuth[target][0] = '\0'; } stock MarkClientAsUnGagged(target) { g_GagType[target] = bNot; g_iGagTime[target] = 0; g_iGagLength[target] = 0; g_iGagLevel[target] = -1; g_sGagAdminName[target][0] = '\0'; g_sGagReason[target][0] = '\0'; g_sGagAdminAuth[target][0] = '\0'; } stock MarkClientAsMuted(target, time = NOW, length = -1, const String:adminName[] = "CONSOLE", const String:adminAuth[] = "STEAM_ID_SERVER", adminImmunity = 0, const String:reason[] = "") { if (time) g_iMuteTime[target] = time; else g_iMuteTime[target] = GetTime(); g_iMuteLength[target] = length; g_iMuteLevel[target] = adminImmunity ? adminImmunity : ConsoleImmunity; strcopy(g_sMuteAdminName[target], sizeof(g_sMuteAdminName[]), adminName); strcopy(g_sMuteReason[target], sizeof(g_sMuteReason[]), reason); strcopy(g_sMuteAdminAuth[target], sizeof(g_sMuteAdminAuth[]), adminAuth); if (length > 0) g_MuteType[target] = bTime; else if (length == 0) g_MuteType[target] = bPerm; else g_MuteType[target] = bSess; } stock MarkClientAsGagged(target, time = NOW, length = -1, const String:adminName[] = "CONSOLE", const String:adminAuth[] = "STEAM_ID_SERVER", adminImmunity = 0, const String:reason[] = "") { if (time) g_iGagTime[target] = time; else g_iGagTime[target] = GetTime(); g_iGagLength[target] = length; g_iGagLevel[target] = adminImmunity ? adminImmunity : ConsoleImmunity; strcopy(g_sGagAdminName[target], sizeof(g_sGagAdminName[]), adminName); strcopy(g_sGagReason[target], sizeof(g_sGagReason[]), reason); strcopy(g_sGagAdminAuth[target], sizeof(g_sGagAdminAuth[]), adminAuth); if (length > 0) g_GagType[target] = bTime; else if (length == 0) g_GagType[target] = bPerm; else g_GagType[target] = bSess; } stock CloseMuteExpireTimer(target) { if (g_hMuteExpireTimer[target] != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hMuteExpireTimer[target])) g_hMuteExpireTimer[target] = INVALID_HANDLE; } stock CloseGagExpireTimer(target) { if (g_hGagExpireTimer[target] != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hGagExpireTimer[target])) g_hGagExpireTimer[target] = INVALID_HANDLE; } stock CreateMuteExpireTimer(target, remainingTime = 0) { if (g_iMuteLength[target] > 0) { if (remainingTime) g_hMuteExpireTimer[target] = CreateTimer(float(remainingTime), Timer_MuteExpire, GetClientUserId(target), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); else g_hMuteExpireTimer[target] = CreateTimer(float(g_iMuteLength[target] * 60), Timer_MuteExpire, GetClientUserId(target), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } } stock CreateGagExpireTimer(target, remainingTime = 0) { if (g_iGagLength[target] > 0) { if (remainingTime) g_hGagExpireTimer[target] = CreateTimer(float(remainingTime), Timer_GagExpire, GetClientUserId(target), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); else g_hGagExpireTimer[target] = CreateTimer(float(g_iGagLength[target] * 60), Timer_GagExpire, GetClientUserId(target), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } } stock PerformUnMute(target) { MarkClientAsUnMuted(target); BaseComm_SetClientMute(target, false); CloseMuteExpireTimer(target); } stock PerformUnGag(target) { MarkClientAsUnGagged(target); BaseComm_SetClientGag(target, false); CloseGagExpireTimer(target); } stock PerformMute(target, time = NOW, length = -1, const String:adminName[] = "CONSOLE", const String:adminAuth[] = "STEAM_ID_SERVER", adminImmunity = 0, const String:reason[] = "", remaining_time = 0) { MarkClientAsMuted(target, time, length, adminName, adminAuth, adminImmunity, reason); BaseComm_SetClientMute(target, true); CreateMuteExpireTimer(target, remaining_time); } stock PerformGag(target, time = NOW, length = -1, const String:adminName[] = "CONSOLE", const String:adminAuth[] = "STEAM_ID_SERVER", adminImmunity = 0, const String:reason[] = "", remaining_time = 0) { MarkClientAsGagged(target, time, length, adminName, adminAuth, adminImmunity, reason); BaseComm_SetClientGag(target, true); CreateGagExpireTimer(target, remaining_time); } stock SavePunishment(admin = 0, target, type, length = -1, const String:reason[] = "") { if (type < TYPE_MUTE || type > TYPE_SILENCE) return; // target information decl String:targetAuth[64]; if (IsClientInGame(target)) { GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, targetAuth, sizeof(targetAuth)); } else { return; } decl String:adminIp[24]; decl String:adminAuth[64]; if (admin && IsClientInGame(admin)) { GetClientIP(admin, adminIp, sizeof(adminIp)); GetClientAuthId(admin, AuthId_Steam2, adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth)); } else { // setup dummy adminAuth and adminIp for server strcopy(adminAuth, sizeof(adminAuth), "STEAM_ID_SERVER"); strcopy(adminIp, sizeof(adminIp), ServerIp); } decl String:sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; strcopy(sName, sizeof(sName), g_sName[target]); if (DB_Connect()) { // Accepts length in minutes, writes to db in seconds! In all over places in plugin - length is in minutes. decl String:banName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; decl String:banReason[256 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAuthidEscaped[64 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdminAuthIdEscaped[64 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sAdminAuthIdYZEscaped[64 * 2 + 1]; decl String:sQuery[4096], String:sQueryAdm[512], String:sQueryVal[1024]; new String:sQueryMute[1024], String:sQueryGag[1024]; // escaping everything SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, sName, banName, sizeof(banName)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, reason, banReason, sizeof(banReason)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, targetAuth, sAuthidEscaped, sizeof(sAuthidEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth, sAdminAuthIdEscaped, sizeof(sAdminAuthIdEscaped)); SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, adminAuth[8], sAdminAuthIdYZEscaped, sizeof(sAdminAuthIdYZEscaped)); // bid authid name created ends lenght reason aid adminip sid removedBy removedType removedon type ureason FormatEx(sQueryAdm, sizeof(sQueryAdm), "IFNULL((SELECT aid FROM %s_admins WHERE authid = '%s' OR authid REGEXP '^STEAM_[0-9]:%s$'), 0)", DatabasePrefix, sAdminAuthIdEscaped, sAdminAuthIdYZEscaped); if (length >= 0) { // authid name, created, ends, length, reason, aid, adminIp, sid FormatEx(sQueryVal, sizeof(sQueryVal), "'%s', '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + %d, %d, '%s', %s, '%s', %d", sAuthidEscaped, banName, length * 60, length * 60, banReason, sQueryAdm, adminIp, serverID); } else // Session mutes { // authid name, created, ends, length, reason, aid, adminIp, sid FormatEx(sQueryVal, sizeof(sQueryVal), "'%s', '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + %d, %d, '%s', %s, '%s', %d", sAuthidEscaped, banName, SESSION_MUTE_FALLBACK, -1, banReason, sQueryAdm, adminIp, serverID); } switch (type) { case TYPE_GAG:FormatEx(sQueryGag, sizeof(sQueryGag), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, type); case TYPE_MUTE:FormatEx(sQueryMute, sizeof(sQueryMute), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, type); case TYPE_SILENCE: { FormatEx(sQueryMute, sizeof(sQueryMute), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, TYPE_MUTE); FormatEx(sQueryGag, sizeof(sQueryGag), "(%s, %d)", sQueryVal, TYPE_GAG); } } // litle magic - one query for all actions (mute, gag or silence) FormatEx(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO %s_comms (authid, name, created, ends, length, reason, aid, adminIp, sid, type) VALUES %s%s%s", DatabasePrefix, sQueryMute, type == TYPE_SILENCE ? ", " : "", sQueryGag); #if defined LOG_QUERIES LogToFile(logQuery, "SavePunishment. QUERY: %s", sQuery); #endif // all data cached before calling asynchronous functions new Handle:dataPack = CreateDataPack(); WritePackCell(dataPack, length); WritePackCell(dataPack, type); WritePackString(dataPack, sName); WritePackString(dataPack, targetAuth); WritePackString(dataPack, reason); WritePackString(dataPack, adminAuth); WritePackString(dataPack, adminIp); SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, Query_AddBlockInsert, sQuery, dataPack, DBPrio_High); } else InsertTempBlock(length, type, sName, targetAuth, reason, adminAuth, adminIp); } stock ShowActivityToServer(admin, type, length = 0, String:reason[] = "", String:targetName[], bool:ml = false) { #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("ShowActivityToServer(admin: %d, type: %d, length: %d, reason: %s, name: %s, ml: %b", admin, type, length, reason, targetName, ml); #endif decl String:actionName[32], String:translationName[64]; switch (type) { case TYPE_MUTE: { if (length > 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Muted"); else if (length == 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Permamuted"); else // temp block strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp muted"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_GAG: { if (length > 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Gagged"); else if (length == 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Permagagged"); else //temp block strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp gagged"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_SILENCE: { if (length > 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Silenced"); else if (length == 0) strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Permasilenced"); else //temp block strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp silenced"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNMUTE: { strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Unmuted"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_UNGAG: { strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Ungagged"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_TEMP_UNMUTE: { strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp unmuted"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_TEMP_UNGAG: { strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp ungagged"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case TYPE_TEMP_UNSILENCE: { strcopy(actionName, sizeof(actionName), "Temp unsilenced"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default: { return; } } Format(translationName, sizeof(translationName), "%s %s", actionName, reason[0] == '\0' ? "player" : "player reason"); #if defined DEBUG PrintToServer("translation name: %s", translationName); #endif if (length > 0) { if (ml) ShowActivity2(admin, PREFIX, "%t", translationName, targetName, length, reason); else ShowActivity2(admin, PREFIX, "%t", translationName, "_s", targetName, length, reason); } else { if (ml) ShowActivity2(admin, PREFIX, "%t", translationName, targetName, reason); else ShowActivity2(admin, PREFIX, "%t", translationName, "_s", targetName, reason); } } // Natives // public Native_SetClientMute(Handle:hPlugin, numParams) { new target = GetNativeCell(1); if (target < 1 || target > MaxClients) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Invalid client index %d", target); } if (!IsClientInGame(target)) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client %d is not in game", target); } new bool:muteState = GetNativeCell(2); new muteLength = GetNativeCell(3); if (muteState && muteLength == 0) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Permanent mute is not allowed!"); } new bool:bSaveToDB = GetNativeCell(4); if (!muteState && bSaveToDB) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Removing punishments from DB is not allowed!"); } new String:sReason[256]; GetNativeString(5, sReason, sizeof(sReason)); if (muteState) { if (g_MuteType[target] > bNot) { return false; } PerformMute(target, _, muteLength, _, _, _, sReason); if (bSaveToDB) SavePunishment(_, target, TYPE_MUTE, muteLength, sReason); } else { if (g_MuteType[target] == bNot) { return false; } PerformUnMute(target); } return true; } public Native_SetClientGag(Handle:hPlugin, numParams) { new target = GetNativeCell(1); if (target < 1 || target > MaxClients) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Invalid client index %d", target); } if (!IsClientInGame(target)) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client %d is not in game", target); } new bool:gagState = GetNativeCell(2); new gagLength = GetNativeCell(3); if (gagState && gagLength == 0) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Permanent gag is not allowed!"); } new bool:bSaveToDB = GetNativeCell(4); if (!gagState && bSaveToDB) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Removing punishments from DB is not allowed!"); } new String:sReason[256]; GetNativeString(5, sReason, sizeof(sReason)); if (gagState) { if (g_GagType[target] > bNot) { return false; } PerformGag(target, _, gagLength, _, _, _, sReason); if (bSaveToDB) SavePunishment(_, target, TYPE_GAG, gagLength, sReason); } else { if (g_GagType[target] == bNot) { return false; } PerformUnGag(target); } return true; } public Native_GetClientMuteType(Handle:hPlugin, numParams) { new target = GetNativeCell(1); if (target < 1 || target > MaxClients) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Invalid client index %d", target); } if (!IsClientInGame(target)) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client %d is not in game", target); } return bType:g_MuteType[target]; } public Native_GetClientGagType(Handle:hPlugin, numParams) { new target = GetNativeCell(1); if (target < 1 || target > MaxClients) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Invalid client index %d", target); } if (!IsClientInGame(target)) { return ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client %d is not in game", target); } return bType:g_GagType[target]; } //Yarr!