 * Called when a player is about to be freezed by a grenade
 * @param client     The victim index
 * @param attacker     The client index who threw the grenade
 * @param duration    The freeze duration, set by reference
 * @return        Plugin_Changed to apply new values, Plugin_Contninue to allow as is and >= Plugin_Handled to block
forward Action:ZR_OnClientFreeze(client, attacker, &Float:duration);

 * Called when a player has been freezed by a grenade
 * @param client     The victim index
 * @param attacker     The client index who threw the grenade
 * @param duration    The freeze duration
 * @noreturn
forward ZR_OnClientFreezed(client, attacker, Float:duration);

 * Called when a player is about to be ignited by a grenade
 * @param client     The victim index
 * @param attacker     The client index who threw the grenade
 * @param duration    The ignite duration, set by reference
 * @return        Plugin_Changed to apply new values, Plugin_Contninue to allow as is and >= Plugin_Handled to block
forward Action:ZR_OnClientIgnite(client, attacker, &Float:duration);

 * Called when a player has been ignited by a grenade
 * @param client     The victim index
 * @param attacker     The client index who threw the grenade
 * @param duration    The freeze duration
 * @noreturn
forward ZR_OnClientIgnited(client, attacker, Float:duration);

 * Called when a grenade will get his effect
 * @param client     Client that throw the grenade
 * @param grenade     Grenade index
 * @return        Plugin_Continue to allow as is and Plugin_Handled to block effect in the grenade
forward Action:ZR_OnGrenadeEffect(client, grenade);