#pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> KeyValues g_Config; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "MapAdmin", author = "BotoX", description = "Adminroom teleport and changing stages.", version = "0.1", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); RegAdminCmd("sm_adminroom", Command_AdminRoom, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_adminroom [#userid|name]"); RegAdminCmd("sm_stage", Command_Stage, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_stage <stage>"); } public void OnMapStart() { if(g_Config) delete g_Config; char sMapName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentMap(sMapName, sizeof(sMapName)); char sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), "configs/mapadmin/%s.cfg", sMapName); if(!FileExists(sConfigFile)) { LogMessage("Could not find mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile); return; } LogMessage("Found mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile); g_Config = new KeyValues("mapadmin"); if(!g_Config.ImportFromFile(sConfigFile)) { delete g_Config; SetFailState("ImportFromFile() failed!"); return; } g_Config.Rewind(); } public Action Command_AdminRoom(int client, int argc) { if(!g_Config) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map is not supported."); return Plugin_Handled; } char sAdminRoom[64]; g_Config.GetString("adminroom", sAdminRoom, sizeof(sAdminRoom), ""); if(!sAdminRoom[0]) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map does not have an adminroom (configured)."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(argc > 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_adminroom [#userid|name]"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sOrigins[3][16]; ExplodeString(sAdminRoom, " ", sOrigins, sizeof(sOrigins), sizeof(sOrigins[])); float fOrigin[3]; fOrigin[0] = StringToFloat(sOrigins[0]); fOrigin[1] = StringToFloat(sOrigins[1]); fOrigin[2] = StringToFloat(sOrigins[2]); char sArgs[64]; char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS]; int iTargetCount; bool bIsML; if(argc == 1) GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs)); else strcopy(sArgs, sizeof(sArgs), "@me"); if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, 0, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0) { ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount); return Plugin_Handled; } for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++) { TeleportEntity(iTargets[i], fOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); } ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Teleported \x04%s\x01 to the adminroom.", sTargetName); if(iTargetCount > 1) LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" teleported \"%s\" to the adminroom.", client, sTargetName); else LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" teleported \"%L\" to the adminroom.", client, iTargets[0]); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Stage(int client, int argc) { if(!g_Config) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map is not supported."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("stages", false)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map does not have stages (configured)."); return Plugin_Handled; } if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The current map does not have any stages configured."); g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" return Plugin_Handled; } if(argc < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Available stages:"); do { char sSection[32]; g_Config.GetSectionName(sSection, sizeof(sSection)); char sName[64]; g_Config.GetString("name", sName, sizeof(sName), "MISSING_NAME"); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("triggers", false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), missing \"triggers\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" g_Config.GoBack(); // "triggers" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), empty \"triggers\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } char sTriggers[128]; do { char sTrigger[32]; g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sTrigger, sizeof(sTrigger)); StrCat(sTrigger, sizeof(sTrigger), ", "); StrCat(sTriggers, sizeof(sTriggers), sTrigger); } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "triggers" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" // Remove last ", " sTriggers[strlen(sTriggers) - 2] = 0; ReplyToCommand(client, "%s: %s", sName, sTriggers); } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" return Plugin_Handled; } char sArg[64]; GetCmdArgString(sArg, sizeof(sArg)); do { char sSection[32]; g_Config.GetSectionName(sSection, sizeof(sSection)); char sName[64]; g_Config.GetString("name", sName, sizeof(sName), "MISSING_NAME"); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("triggers", false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), missing \"triggers\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" g_Config.GoBack(); // "triggers" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), empty \"triggers\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } bool bFound = false; do { char sTrigger[32]; g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sTrigger, sizeof(sTrigger)); if(StrEqual(sArg, sTrigger, true)) { bFound = true; break; } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "triggers" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" if(!bFound) continue; ReplyToCommand(client, "Triggering \"%s\"", sName); if(!g_Config.JumpToKey("actions", false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), missing \"actions\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } if(!g_Config.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" g_Config.GoBack(); // "actions" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), empty \"actions\" block.", sSection, sName); return Plugin_Handled; } do { char sAction[256]; g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sAction, sizeof(sAction)); int iDelim = FindCharInString(sAction, ':'); if(iDelim == -1) { char sActionSection[32]; g_Config.GetSectionName(sActionSection, sizeof(sActionSection)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "actions" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" ReplyToCommand(client, "Config error in stage \"%s\"(\"%s\"), action \"%s\" missing delim ':'.", sSection, sName, sActionSection); return Plugin_Handled; } ReplyToCommand(client, "Firing \"%s\"", sAction); sAction[iDelim++] = 0; int entity = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; while((entity = FindEntityByTargetname(entity, sAction, "*")) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { AcceptEntityInput(entity, sAction[iDelim], client, client); } } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "actions" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Changed the stage to \x04%s\x01.", sName); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" changed the stage to \"%s\".", client, sName); break; } while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false)); g_Config.GoBack(); // "stages" g_Config.GoBack(); // "GotoFirstSubKey" return Plugin_Handled; } int FindEntityByTargetname(int entity, const char[] sTargetname, const char[] sClassname="*") { if(sTargetname[0] == '#') // HammerID { int HammerID = StringToInt(sTargetname[1]); while((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, sClassname)) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { if(GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID") == HammerID) return entity; } } else // Targetname { int Wildcard = FindCharInString(sTargetname, '*'); char sTargetnameBuf[64]; while((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, sClassname)) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { if(GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetnameBuf, sizeof(sTargetnameBuf)) <= 0) continue; if(strncmp(sTargetnameBuf, sTargetname, Wildcard) == 0) return entity; } } return INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE; }