#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <sdkhooks> #include <cstrike> #include <multicolors> #include <zombiereloaded> char g_sBanListFilePath[256]; bool g_bKnifeBanned[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; bool g_bKnifeBan; ArrayList g_TempBanned; KeyValues Banlist; int g_hActiveWeapon; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "KnifeBan", author = "Dogan", description = "Tools to handle Zombie Knifers in ZE", version = "2.0.0", url = "" } public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); ConVar cvar; HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_knifeban_block", "1", "1 = Knifebanned clients are blocked, 0 = Knifebanned clients are not blocked", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0)), g_cvKnifeBan); g_bKnifeBan = cvar.BoolValue; delete cvar; AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.KnifeBan"); RegAdminCmd("sm_knifeban", Command_Knifeban, ADMFLAG_BAN, "Knifebans a client"); RegAdminCmd("sm_knifeunban", Command_Knifeunban, ADMFLAG_BAN, "Knifeunbans a client"); RegAdminCmd("sm_getrawtime", Command_Getrawtime, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Retreives the raw time of the server"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_knifestatus", Command_Knifestatus, "Returns the knifestatus of a client"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_knifebanlist", Command_Knifebanlist, "Returns the knifebanlist of all clients currently on the server"); g_hActiveWeapon = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseCombatCharacter", "m_hActiveWeapon"); if(g_hActiveWeapon == -1) SetFailState("Couldn't find CBaseCombatCharacter::m_hActiveWeapon"); CreateTimer(5.0, CheckKnifeBans, _, TIMER_REPEAT); g_TempBanned = new ArrayList(); Banlist = new KeyValues("banlist"); BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sBanListFilePath, sizeof(g_sBanListFilePath), "configs/knifeban/banlist.cfg"); Banlist.ImportFromFile(g_sBanListFilePath); if(!FileExists(g_sBanListFilePath)) SetFailState("[KnifeBan] Config file missing!"); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i)) OnClientPostAdminCheck(i); } } public void OnPluginEnd() { Banlist.Rewind(); if(!Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath)) SetFailState("[KnifeBan] Config file missing!"); } public void g_cvKnifeBan(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { g_bKnifeBan = convar.BoolValue; } public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage); char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); Banlist.Rewind(); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { int length = Banlist.GetNum("duration"); int time = Banlist.GetNum("time"); if(length == -1) g_bKnifeBanned[client] = true; else if(length > 0) CheckIfClientIsStillKnifeBanned(sAuth, client, time, length); } int accountid = GetSteamAccountID(client); if(accountid != 0) { int index = g_TempBanned.FindValue(accountid); if(index != -1) g_bKnifeBanned[client] = true; } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { g_bKnifeBanned[client] = false; } public void OnMapEnd() { g_TempBanned.Clear(); } public Action CheckKnifeBans(Handle timer) { for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(!IsClientInGame(i)) continue; if(g_bKnifeBanned[i]) { char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); Banlist.Rewind(); int length; int time; if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { length = Banlist.GetNum("duration"); time = Banlist.GetNum("time"); } if(length > 0) CheckIfClientIsStillKnifeBanned(sAuth, i, time, length); } } return Plugin_Continue; } public void CheckIfClientIsStillKnifeBanned(char sAuth[32], int client, int time, int length) { int timesinceknifeban = GetTime() - time; if(timesinceknifeban < length * 60) g_bKnifeBanned[client] = true; else { g_bKnifeBanned[client] = false; Banlist.Rewind(); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { Banlist.SetNum("time", 0); Banlist.SetNum("duration", 0); Banlist.SetString("admin", ""); Banlist.Rewind(); Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath); } } } public Action OnTakeDamage(int victim, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &damage, int &damagetype, int &weapon, float damageForce[3], float damagePosition[3], int damagecustom) { if(attacker < 1 || attacker > MaxClients) return Plugin_Continue; if(!IsPlayerAlive(victim)) return Plugin_Continue; if(!g_bKnifeBan) return Plugin_Continue; if(!g_bKnifeBanned[attacker]) return Plugin_Continue; if(!ZR_IsClientZombie(victim)) return Plugin_Continue; if(!ZR_IsClientHuman(attacker)) return Plugin_Continue; char sWeapon[32]; int iWeapon = GetEntDataEnt2(attacker, g_hActiveWeapon); if(iWeapon != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) GetEdictClassname(iWeapon, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon)); else return Plugin_Continue; if(!StrEqual(sWeapon, "weapon_knife") || damagetype & DMG_BLAST) return Plugin_Continue; CPrintToChat(attacker, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sYou are currently knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); damage = 0.0; return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Knifeban(int client, int args) { if(!GetCmdArgs()) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sUsage: sm_knifeban <#userid/name> [duration]", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sArguments[2][32]; GetCmdArg(1, sArguments[0], sizeof(sArguments[])); GetCmdArg(2, sArguments[1], sizeof(sArguments[])); int target; if((target = FindTarget(client, sArguments[0], true)) == -1) return Plugin_Handled; int length; if(GetCmdArgs() >= 2) { length = StringToInt(sArguments[1]); if(length < 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sThe given knifeban duration is invalid.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } } if(g_bKnifeBanned[target]) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sThe given client is already knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } g_bKnifeBanned[target] = true; int time = GetTime(); char sAdmin[32]; GetClientName(client, sAdmin, sizeof(sAdmin)); if(client == 0) sAdmin = "Console"; char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); Banlist.Rewind(); if(GetCmdArgs() >= 2) { if(length) { CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s knifebanned \x07%s%N\x07%s for \x07%s%d\x07%s minutes.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767", "EDEDED", length, "F16767"); LogAction(client, target, "%L knifebanned %L for %d minutes.", client, target, length); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth, true)) { int history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); Banlist.SetNum("history", history + 1); Banlist.SetNum("time", time); Banlist.SetNum("duration", length); Banlist.SetString("admin", sAdmin); Banlist.Rewind(); Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath); } } else { CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s knifebanned \x07%s%N\x07%s permanently.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); LogAction(client, target, "%L knifebanned %L permanently.", client, target); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth, true)) { int history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); Banlist.SetNum("history", history + 1); Banlist.SetNum("time", time); Banlist.SetNum("duration", -1); Banlist.SetString("admin", sAdmin); Banlist.Rewind(); Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath); } } } else { CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s knifebanned \x07%s%N\x07%s temporarily.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); LogAction(client, target, "%L knifebanned %L temporarily.", client, target); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth, true)) { int history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); Banlist.SetNum("history", history + 1); Banlist.SetNum("time", time); Banlist.SetString("admin", sAdmin); Banlist.Rewind(); Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath); int accountid = GetSteamAccountID(target); g_TempBanned.Push(accountid); } } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Knifeunban(int client, int args) { if(!GetCmdArgs()) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sUsage: sm_knifeunban <#userid/name>", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } char sArguments[1][32]; GetCmdArg(1, sArguments[0], sizeof(sArguments[])); int target; if((target = FindTarget(client, sArguments[0], true)) == -1) return Plugin_Handled; if(!g_bKnifeBanned[target]) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sThe given client is not knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } g_bKnifeBanned[target] = false; Banlist.Rewind(); char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { int history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); Banlist.SetNum("history", history - 1); Banlist.SetNum("time", 0); Banlist.SetNum("duration", 0); Banlist.SetString("admin", ""); Banlist.Rewind(); Banlist.ExportToFile(g_sBanListFilePath); } int accountid = GetSteamAccountID(target); if(accountid != 0) { int index = g_TempBanned.FindValue(accountid); if(index != -1) g_TempBanned.Erase(index); } CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s knifeunbanned \x07%s%N\x07%s.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); LogAction(client, target, "%L knifeunbanned %L.", client, target); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Getrawtime(int client, int args) { int time = GetTime(); ReplyToCommand(client, "%d", time); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_Knifestatus(int client, int args) { if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_BAN) && GetCmdArgs()) { char sArguments[1][32]; GetCmdArg(1, sArguments[0], sizeof(sArguments[])); int target; if((target = FindTarget(client, sArguments[0], true)) == -1) return Plugin_Handled; char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); int accountid = GetSteamAccountID(target); int index = g_TempBanned.FindValue(accountid); Banlist.Rewind(); int length; int time; int history; if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { length = Banlist.GetNum("duration"); time = Banlist.GetNum("time"); history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); } CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s has been knifebanned \x07%s%d\x07%s times before.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", target, "F16767", "EDEDED", history, "F16767"); if(g_bKnifeBanned[target] && index != -1) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s is currently temporarily knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else if(g_bKnifeBanned[target] && length == -1) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s is currently permanently knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else if(g_bKnifeBanned[target] && length > 0) { char sTimeRemaining[64]; int timesinceknifeban = GetTime() - time; int iTimeRemaining = length * 60 - timesinceknifeban; int iDays = (iTimeRemaining / 86400); int iHours = (iTimeRemaining / 3600) % 24; int iMinutes = (iTimeRemaining / 60) % 60; int iSeconds = (iTimeRemaining % 60); if (iDays) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Days %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iDays, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds); else if (iHours) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds); else if (iMinutes) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Minutes %d Seconds", iMinutes, iSeconds); else Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Seconds", iSeconds); CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s is currently knifebanned for another \x07%s%s\x07%s.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", target, "F16767", "EDEDED", sTimeRemaining, "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%s%N\x07%s is currently not knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", target, "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } } else { char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); int accountid = GetSteamAccountID(client); int index = g_TempBanned.FindValue(accountid); Banlist.Rewind(); int length; int time; if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { length = Banlist.GetNum("duration"); time = Banlist.GetNum("time"); } if(g_bKnifeBanned[client] && index != -1) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sYou are currently temporarily knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else if(g_bKnifeBanned[client] && length == -1) { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sYou are currently permanently knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else if (g_bKnifeBanned[client] && length > 0) { char sTimeRemaining[64]; int timesinceknifeban = GetTime() - time; int iTimeRemaining = length * 60 - timesinceknifeban; int iDays = (iTimeRemaining / 86400); int iHours = (iTimeRemaining / 3600) % 24; int iMinutes = (iTimeRemaining / 60) % 60; int iSeconds = (iTimeRemaining % 60); if (iDays) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Days %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iDays, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds); else if (iHours) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds); else if (iMinutes) Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Minutes %d Seconds", iMinutes, iSeconds); else Format(sTimeRemaining, sizeof(sTimeRemaining), "%d Seconds", iSeconds); CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sYou are currently knifebanned for another \x07%s%s\x07%s.", "E01B5D", "F16767", "EDEDED", sTimeRemaining, "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } else { CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sYou are currently not knifebanned.", "E01B5D", "F16767"); return Plugin_Handled; } } } public Action Command_Knifebanlist(int client, int args) { char aBuf[1024]; char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { if(g_bKnifeBanned[i]) { GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2)); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2); StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", "); } } } if(strlen(aBuf)) { aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0; CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sCurrently knifebanned clients: \x07%s%s", "E01B5D", "F16767", "EDEDED", aBuf); } else CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[KnifeBan] \x07%sCurrently knifebanned clients: \x07%snone", "E01B5D", "F16767", "EDEDED"); if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_BAN)) OpenKnifebanlistMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } public void OpenKnifebanlistMenu(int client) { if(client == 0) return; Menu menu = new Menu(MenuHandler_MainMenu); menu.SetTitle("Currently knifebanned clients:", client); char sBuffer[32]; int iMenuItem; char sMenuItem[8]; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { if(g_bKnifeBanned[i]) { GetClientName(i, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); IntToString(iMenuItem, sMenuItem, sizeof(sMenuItem)); menu.AddItem(sMenuItem, sBuffer); iMenuItem++; } } } menu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int MenuHandler_MainMenu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection) { switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { char sMenuItem[8]; char sBuffer[32]; int flag; menu.GetItem(selection, sMenuItem, sizeof(sMenuItem), flag, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); OpenKnifebanlistOfTheClient(client, sBuffer); } case(MenuAction_End): { delete menu; } } } public void OpenKnifebanlistOfTheClient(int client, char sBuffer[32]) { Menu menuclient = new Menu(MenuHandler_ClientMenu); char sTitle[64] = "Knifebanned client: "; StrCat(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), sBuffer); int target; char sName[32]; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && g_bKnifeBanned[i]) { GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName)); if(StrEqual(sName, sBuffer)) { target = i; break; } } } char sAuth[32]; GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth)); Banlist.Rewind(); int length; int time; int history; char sAdmin[32]; if(Banlist.JumpToKey(sAuth)) { length = Banlist.GetNum("duration"); time = Banlist.GetNum("time"); history = Banlist.GetNum("history"); Banlist.GetString("admin", sAdmin, sizeof(sAdmin)); } menuclient.SetTitle(sTitle, client); char sInfo[256]; Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Banned by: %s", sAdmin); menuclient.AddItem("0", sInfo); if(length > 0) Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Duration: %d Minutes", length); else if(length == -1) Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Duration: Permanently"); else Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Duration: Temporarly"); menuclient.AddItem("1", sInfo); char sTime[32]; FormatTime(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%c", time); Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Date: %s", sTime); menuclient.AddItem("2", sInfo); Format(sInfo, sizeof(sInfo), "Ban History: %d times", history); menuclient.AddItem("3", sInfo); menuclient.AddItem("4", "Back to List"); menuclient.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public int MenuHandler_ClientMenu(Menu menuclient, MenuAction action, int client, int selection) { switch(action) { case(MenuAction_Select): { switch(selection) { case(4): OpenKnifebanlistMenu(client); } } case(MenuAction_End): { delete menuclient; } } }