#if defined _updater_included
#define _updater_included

 * Adds your plugin to the updater. The URL will be updated if
 * your plugin was previously added.
 * @param url		URL to your plugin's update file.
 * @noreturn
native Updater_AddPlugin(const String:url[]);

 * Removes your plugin from the updater. This does not need to
 * be called during OnPluginEnd.
 * @noreturn
native Updater_RemovePlugin();

 * Forces your plugin to be checked for updates. The behaviour
 * of the update is dependant on the server's configuration.
 * @return		True if an update was triggered. False otherwise.
 * @error		Plugin not found in updater.
native bool:Updater_ForceUpdate();

 * Called when your plugin is about to be checked for updates.
 * @return		Plugin_Handled to prevent checking, Plugin_Continue to allow it.
forward Action:Updater_OnPluginChecking();

 * Called when your plugin is about to begin downloading an available update.
 * @return		Plugin_Handled to prevent downloading, Plugin_Continue to allow it.
forward Action:Updater_OnPluginDownloading();

 * Called when your plugin's update files have been fully downloaded
 * and are about to write to their proper location. This should be used
 * to free read-only resources that require write access for your update.
 * @note OnPluginUpdated will be called later during the same frame.
 * @noreturn
forward Updater_OnPluginUpdating();

 * Called when your plugin's update has been completed. It is safe
 * to reload your plugin at this time.
 * @noreturn
forward Updater_OnPluginUpdated();

 * @brief Reloads a plugin.
 * @param plugin	Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
 * @noreturn
stock ReloadPlugin(Handle:plugin=INVALID_HANDLE)
	decl String:filename[64];
	GetPluginFilename(plugin, filename, sizeof(filename));
	ServerCommand("sm plugins reload %s", filename);

public SharedPlugin:__pl_updater =
	name = "updater",
	file = "updater.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
	required = 1,
	required = 0,

#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_updater_SetNTVOptional()