#include <sourcemod> #include <cstrike> #include <connect> #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include <AfkManager> #include <GFLClanru> #include <entWatch> #define REQUIRE_PLUGIN #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required bool g_Plugin_AfkManager; bool g_Plugin_GFLClanru; bool g_Plugin_entWatch; int g_Client_Reservation[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {0, ...}; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Reserved Slot", author = "BotoX", description = "Kicks someone to make space for a connecting donator.", version = "1.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { /* Late load */ for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientAuthorized(client)) OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); } } public void OnAllPluginsLoaded() { g_Plugin_AfkManager = LibraryExists("AfkManager"); g_Plugin_GFLClanru = LibraryExists("GFLClanru"); g_Plugin_entWatch = LibraryExists("entWatch"); LogMessage("ReservedSlots capabilities:\nAfkManager: %s\nGFLClanru: %s\nentWatch: %s", (g_Plugin_AfkManager ? "loaded" : "not loaded"), (g_Plugin_GFLClanru ? "loaded" : "not loaded"), (g_Plugin_entWatch ? "loaded" : "not loaded")); } public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { AdminId admin = GetUserAdmin(client); if(admin == INVALID_ADMIN_ID) return; if(GetAdminFlag(admin, Admin_Reservation)) { g_Client_Reservation[client] = GetAdminImmunityLevel(admin); if(!g_Client_Reservation[client]) g_Client_Reservation[client] = 1; } } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { g_Client_Reservation[client] = 0; } public EConnect OnClientPreConnectEx(const char[] sName, char sPassword[255], const char[] sIP, const char[] sSteam32ID, char sRejectReason[255]) { // Server not full, nothing to do... if(GetClientCount(false) < MaxClients) return k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Accept; // Try to get precached admin id. AdminId admin = FindAdminByIdentity(AUTHMETHOD_STEAM, sSteam32ID); int Immunity = 0; // Valid and has reserved slot? if(admin != INVALID_ADMIN_ID && GetAdminFlag(admin, Admin_Reservation)) { Immunity = GetAdminImmunityLevel(admin); if(!KickValidClient(sName, sSteam32ID, admin, Immunity)) { Format(sRejectReason, sizeof(sRejectReason), "No reserved slot available, sorry."); return k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Reject; } else return k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Accept; } if(g_Plugin_GFLClanru) { DataPack pack = new DataPack(); pack.WriteCell(admin); pack.WriteCell(Immunity); pack.WriteString(sName); AsyncHasSteamIDReservedSlot(sSteam32ID, AsyncHasSteamIDReservedSlotCallback, pack); return k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Async; } // Let the engine handle the rest. return k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Accept; } public void AsyncHasSteamIDReservedSlotCallback(const char[] sSteam32ID, int Result, any Data) { DataPack pack = view_as<DataPack>(Data); // Slot free'd up while waiting or doesn't have a reserved slot? if(GetClientCount(false) < MaxClients || Result <= 0) { delete pack; ClientPreConnectEx(sSteam32ID, k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Accept, ""); return; } pack.Reset(); AdminId admin = view_as<AdminId>(pack.ReadCell()); int Immunity = pack.ReadCell(); char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pack.ReadString(sName, sizeof(sName)); delete pack; if(Result > Immunity) Immunity = Result; if(!KickValidClient(sName, sSteam32ID, admin, Immunity)) ClientPreConnectEx(sSteam32ID, k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Reject, "No reserved slot available, sorry."); else ClientPreConnectEx(sSteam32ID, k_OnClientPreConnectEx_Accept, ""); } stock bool KickValidClient(const char[] sName, const char[] sSteam32ID, AdminId admin, int Immunity) { int HighestValue[4] = {0, ...}; int HighestValueClient[4] = {0, ...}; for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(!IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) continue; int Donator = g_Client_Reservation[client]; int ConnectionTime = RoundToNearest(GetClientTime(client)); int IdleTime; if(g_Plugin_AfkManager) IdleTime = GetClientIdleTime(client); else // Fall back to highest connection time. IdleTime = ConnectionTime; bool HasItem = false; if(g_Plugin_entWatch) HasItem = entWatch_HasSpecialItem(client); /* Spectators * Sort by idle time and also kick donators if IdleTime > 30 */ if(GetClientTeam(client) <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) { if(!Donator || IdleTime > 30) { if(IdleTime > HighestValue[0]) { HighestValue[0] = IdleTime; HighestValueClient[0] = client; } } } /* Spectators */ /* Dead non-donator with IdleTime > 30 * Sort by idle time and don't kick donators. */ if(!Donator && GetClientTeam(client) > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && !IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if(IdleTime > 30 && IdleTime > HighestValue[1]) { HighestValue[1] = IdleTime; HighestValueClient[1] = client; } } /* Dead non-donator with IdleTime > 30 */ /* Alive non-donator with IdleTime > 30 * Sort by idle time and don't kick donators and item owners. */ if(!Donator && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !HasItem) { if(IdleTime > 30 && IdleTime > HighestValue[2]) { HighestValue[2] = IdleTime; HighestValueClient[2] = client; } } /* Alive non-donator with IdleTime > 30 */ /* Non-donator with highest connection time * Sort by connection time and don't kick donators and item owners. */ if(!Donator && !HasItem) { if(ConnectionTime > HighestValue[3]) { HighestValue[3] = ConnectionTime; HighestValueClient[3] = client; } } /* Non-donator with highest connection time */ } // Check if any condition was met in the correct order and perform kick for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(HighestValue); i++) { if(HighestValue[i]) { ExecuteKickValidClient(HighestValueClient[i], sName, sSteam32ID, admin, Immunity); return true; } } return false; } stock void ExecuteKickValidClient(int client, const char[] sName, const char[] sSteam32ID, AdminId admin, int Immunity) { KickClientEx(client, "Kicked for reserved slot (%s joined).", sName); }