/*public void LoadMainGhost() { //Something went wrong, escape. if (!g_iGhost) return; char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, path, sizeof(path), "data/ctimer/replay/%s.bin", g_sMapName); if (!FileExists(path)) { Format(g_sGhostNames, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "No replay available"); g_iGhostFrame = -1; return; } File file = OpenFile(path, "rb", false, "GAME"); if (file) { g_arrayGhost.Clear(); float pos[3], ang[2], vel[3]; int currentframe, buttons; while (!file.EndOfFile()) { currentframe = g_arrayGhost.Length; currentframe++; g_arrayGhost.Resize(currentframe); file.Read(view_as<int>(pos), 3, 4); file.Read(view_as<int>(ang), 2, 4); file.Read(view_as<int>(vel), 3, 4); file.ReadInt32(buttons); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, pos[0], 0); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, pos[1], 1); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, pos[2], 2); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, ang[0], 3); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, ang[1], 4); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, vel[0], 5); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, vel[1], 6); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, vel[2], 7); SetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, currentframe, buttons, 8); } file.Close(); PrintToServer("Main replay loaded"); g_iGhostFrame = -2; pos[0] = GetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, 0, 0); pos[1] = GetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, 0, 1); pos[2] = GetArrayCell(g_arrayGhost, 0, 2); TeleportEntity(g_iGhost, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); } }*/ bool SaveRecord(int client) { if ( !isValidClient(client) ) { LogError("Client %d is not valid", client); return false; } char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s.steamedhams", REPLAYS_PATH, g_sMapName, g_sMapName); if (FileExists(path)) { #if defined BACKUP_REPLAYS BackupRecord(path); #endif DeleteFile(path); // Kinda unnecessary? Opening the file later will truncate it. } File file = OpenFile(path, "wb"); if (file) { int size = g_arrayRun[client].Length; if (!size) { LogError("Couldn't save record. Run array is empty."); return false; } int values[RUNDATA_MAX]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { g_arrayRun[client].GetArray(i, values, RUNDATA_MAX); file.Write(values, RUNDATA_MAX-1, 4); file.WriteInt8(values[RUNDATA_WEAPONID]); } file.Close(); return true; } LogError("Could not open the file \"%s\" for writing.", path); return false; } void BackupRecord(char[] recordPath) { char sPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; FormatEx(sPath, sizeof(sPath), "%s_old", recordPath); // Delete the last backup if (FileExists(sPath)) { DeleteFile(sPath); } RenameFile(sPath, recordPath); } public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon, int &subtype, int &cmdnum, int &tickcount, int &seed, int mouse[2]) { // Handle humans if (isValidClient(client)) { if (IsPlayerAlive(client)) { // Is the player running? if (g_iActivity[client] == 0) { if(GetEntityMoveType(client) != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { // Record run data int values[RUNDATA_MAX]; float origin[3]; GetEntDataVector(client, m_vecOrigin, origin); values[RUNDATA_POSITION_X] = view_as<int>(origin[0]); values[RUNDATA_POSITION_Y] = view_as<int>(origin[1]); values[RUNDATA_POSITION_Z] = view_as<int>(origin[2]); values[RUNDATA_PITCH] = view_as<int>(angles[0]); values[RUNDATA_YAW] = view_as<int>(angles[1]); values[RUNDATA_BUTTONS] = buttons; values[RUNDATA_IMPULSE] = impulse; values[RUNDATA_WEAPONID] = view_as<int>( GetWeaponID(client) ); g_arrayRun[client].PushArray(values, RUNDATA_MAX); } else { g_iActivity[client] = -1; TimerPrintToChat(client, false, "%T", "TimerCheatStopped", LANG_SERVER); } } } } }