2020-03-25 20:09:12 +02:00

273 lines
8.1 KiB

#include <sourcemod>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <multicolors>
#include <mapmusic_interface>
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
// Purpose: MyInfo
public Plugin myinfo = {
name = "Map Music Control",
author = "Mitch & SHUFEN from & Multi lang by Yuna & New Methods by PerfectLaugh from & Testing by CrazyKid",
description = "Allows clients to adjust ambient sounds played by the map",
version = "4.0",
url = " +"
Handle cDisableSounds;
Handle cSoundVolume;
ConVar sm_mapmusic_length;
bool bLateLoad;
// Purpose: General
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) {
bLateLoad = late;
return APLRes_Success;
public void OnPluginStart() {
RegConsoleCmd("sm_music", Command_Music, "Brings up the music menu");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_mapmusic", Command_Music, "Brings up the music menu");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_stopmusic", Command_StopMusic, "Toggles map music");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_startmusic", Command_StartMusic, "Start map music");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_playmusic", Command_StartMusic, "Start map music");
sm_mapmusic_length = CreateConVar("sm_mapmusic_length", "10.0", "How long required length for it will be music files.", _, true, 0.0);
cDisableSounds = RegClientCookie("mapmusic_disable", "Disable Map Music", CookieAccess_Private);
cSoundVolume = RegClientCookie("mapmusic_volume_int", "Map Music Volume", CookieAccess_Private);
SetCookieMenuItem(PrefMenu, 0, "Map Music");
if (bLateLoad) {
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (AreClientCookiesCached(i))
// Purpose: Clients
public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client) {
char sValue[8];
sValue[0] = '\0';
GetClientCookie(client, cSoundVolume, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
if (sValue[0] == '\0') {
SetClientCookie(client, cSoundVolume, "100");
strcopy(sValue, sizeof(sValue), "100");
MapMusicInterface_SetMusicVolume(client, StringToInt(sValue) / 100.0);
sValue[0] = '\0';
GetClientCookie(client, cDisableSounds, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
if (sValue[0] == '\0') {
SetClientCookie(client, cDisableSounds, "0");
strcopy(sValue, sizeof(sValue), "0");
MapMusicInterface_SetDisabled(client, view_as<bool>(StringToInt(sValue)));
// Purpose: Commands
public Action Command_Music(int client, int args) {
if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients) return Plugin_Handled;
if (GetCmdArgs() < 1) {
return Plugin_Handled;
char sArguments[256];
GetCmdArg(1, sArguments, sizeof(sArguments));
if (StrContains(sArguments, "off", false) > -1 || StrContains(sArguments, "disable", false) > -1 || StrContains(sArguments, "stop", false) > -1 || (strncmp(sArguments, "0", 1) == 0 && sArguments[1] == '\0')) {
SetStatus(client, true);
return Plugin_Handled;
} else if (StrContains(sArguments, "on", false) > -1 || StrContains(sArguments, "enable", false) > -1 || StrContains(sArguments, "play", false) > -1) {
SetStatus(client, false);
return Plugin_Handled;
SetVolume(client, StringToInt(sArguments));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_StopMusic(int client, int args) {
if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients) return Plugin_Handled;
if (GetStatus(client)) {
SetStatus(client, false);
return Plugin_Handled;
SetStatus(client, true);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_StartMusic(int client, int args) {
if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients) return Plugin_Handled;
SetStatus(client, false);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose: Menu
public void PrefMenu(int client, CookieMenuAction actions, any info, char[] buffer, int maxlen){
if (actions == CookieMenuAction_DisplayOption) {
Format(buffer, maxlen, "%T", "Cookie_Menu", client);
if (actions == CookieMenuAction_SelectOption) {
void DisplaySettingsMenu(int client) {
Menu prefmenu = CreateMenu(PrefMenuHandler, MENU_ACTIONS_DEFAULT);
char szMenuTitle[64];
Format(szMenuTitle, sizeof(szMenuTitle), "%T", "Menu_Title", client);
char szEnable[128];
Format(szEnable, sizeof(szEnable), "%T\n \n%T", "Menu_Music", client, GetStatus(client) ? "Disabled" : "Enabled", client, "Menu_AdjustDesc", client);
prefmenu.AddItem(GetStatus(client) ? "enable" : "disable", szEnable);
char szItem[32];
int iVolume = GetVolume(client);
Format(szItem, sizeof(szItem), "%T", "Menu_Vol", client, iVolume);
switch (iVolume) {
case 100: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_80", szItem);
case 80: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_60", szItem);
case 60: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_40", szItem);
case 40: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_20", szItem);
case 20: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_15", szItem);
case 15: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_10", szItem);
case 10: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_5", szItem);
case 5: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_100", szItem);
default: {
prefmenu.AddItem("vol_100", szItem);
prefmenu.ExitBackButton = true;
prefmenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public int PrefMenuHandler(Menu prefmenu, MenuAction actions, int client, int item){
if (actions == MenuAction_Select) {
char preference[8];
GetMenuItem(prefmenu, item, preference, sizeof(preference));
if (StrEqual(preference, "disable")) {
SetStatus(client, true);
} else if (StrEqual(preference, "enable")) {
SetStatus(client, false);
if (strncmp(preference, "vol_", 4) == 0) {
SetVolume(client, StringToInt(preference[4]));
else if (actions == MenuAction_Cancel) {
if (item == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
else if (actions == MenuAction_End) {
delete prefmenu;
// Purpose: Internal
int GetVolume(int client) {
return RoundToFloor(MapMusicInterface_GetMusicVolume(client) * 100.0);
void SetVolume(int client, int volume) {
if (!IsClientInGame(client)) {
if (volume < 0) {
volume = 0;
else if (volume > 100) {
volume = 100;
MapMusicInterface_SetMusicVolume(client, volume / 100.0);
char sValue[8];
IntToString(volume, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
SetClientCookie(client, cSoundVolume, sValue);
CPrintToChat(client, "\x04[MapMusic] \x01%t", "Text_MapMusicVolume", volume);
bool GetStatus(int client) {
return MapMusicInterface_IsDisabled(client);
void SetStatus(int client, bool bBlockMapMusic) {
if (!IsClientInGame(client)) {
MapMusicInterface_SetDisabled(client, bBlockMapMusic);
char sValue[8];
IntToString(view_as<int>(bBlockMapMusic), sValue, sizeof(sValue));
SetClientCookie(client, cDisableSounds, sValue);
CPrintToChat(client, "\x04[MapMusic] \x01%t", bBlockMapMusic ? "Text_MapMusicDisable" : "Text_MapMusicEnable");
public Action MapMusicInterface_OnStartSound(const char[] sample, float length, bool& isMusic, int& volume)
if (length >= sm_mapmusic_length.FloatValue) {
isMusic = true;