/** * AutoExecConfig * * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Impact * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> */ #if defined _autoexecconfig_included #endinput #endif #define _autoexecconfig_included #include <sourcemod> #define AUTOEXECCONFIG_VERSION "0.1.5" #define AUTOEXECCONFIG_URL "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=204254" // Append #define AUTOEXEC_APPEND_BAD_FILENAME 0 #define AUTOEXEC_APPEND_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1 #define AUTOEXEC_APPEND_BAD_HANDLE 2 #define AUTOEXEC_APPEND_SUCCESS 3 // Find #define AUTOEXEC_FIND_BAD_FILENAME 10 #define AUTOEXEC_FIND_FILE_NOT_FOUND 11 #define AUTOEXEC_FIND_BAD_HANDLE 12 #define AUTOEXEC_FIND_NOT_FOUND 13 #define AUTOEXEC_FIND_SUCCESS 14 // Clean #define AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_FILE_NOT_FOUND 20 #define AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_BAD_HANDLE 21 #define AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_SUCCESS 22 // General #define AUTOEXEC_NO_CONFIG 30 // Formatter #define AUTOEXEC_FORMAT_BAD_FILENAME 40 #define AUTOEXEC_FORMAT_SUCCESS 41 // Global variables static char g_sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; static char g_sRawFileName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; static char g_sFolderPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; static bool g_bCreateFile = false; static Handle g_hPluginHandle = null; static bool g_bCreateDirectory = false; static int g_bCreateDirectoryMode = FPERM_U_READ|FPERM_U_WRITE|FPERM_U_EXEC|FPERM_G_READ|FPERM_G_EXEC|FPERM_O_READ|FPERM_O_EXEC; // Workaround for now static int g_iLastFindResult; static int g_iLastAppendResult; /** * Returns the last result from the parser. * * @return Returns one of the AUTOEXEC_FIND values or -1 if not set. */ stock int AutoExecConfig_GetFindResult() { return g_iLastFindResult; } /** * Returns the last result from the appender. * * @return Returns one of the AUTOEXEC_APPEND values or -1 if not set. */ stock int AutoExecConfig_GetAppendResult() { return g_iLastAppendResult; } /** * Set if the config file should be created by the autoexecconfig include itself if it doesn't exist. * * @param create True if config file should be created, false otherwise. * @noreturn */ stock void AutoExecConfig_SetCreateFile(bool create) { g_bCreateFile = create; } /** * Set if the config file's folder should be created by the autoexecconfig include itself if it doesn't exist. * Note: Must be used before AutoExecConfig_SetFile as the potential creation of it happens there * * @param create True if config file should be created, false otherwise. * @param mode Folder permission mode, default is u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx. * @noreturn */ stock void AutoExecConfig_SetCreateDirectory(bool create, int mode=FPERM_U_READ|FPERM_U_WRITE|FPERM_U_EXEC|FPERM_G_READ|FPERM_G_EXEC|FPERM_O_READ|FPERM_O_EXEC) { g_bCreateDirectory = create; g_bCreateDirectoryMode = mode; } /** * Returns if the config file should be created if it doesn't exist. * * @return Returns true, if the config file should be created or false if it should not. */ stock bool AutoExecConfig_GetCreateFile() { return g_bCreateFile; } /** * Set the plugin for which the config file should be created. * Set to null to use the calling plugin. * Used to print the correct filename in the top comment when creating the file. * * @param plugin The plugin to create convars for or null to use the calling plugin. * @noreturn */ stock void AutoExecConfig_SetPlugin(Handle plugin) { g_hPluginHandle = plugin; } /** * Returns the plugin's handle for which the config file is created. * * @return The plugin handle */ stock Handle AutoExecConfig_GetPlugin() { return g_hPluginHandle; } /** * Set the global autoconfigfile used by functions of this file. * Note: does not support subfolders like folder1/folder2 * * @param file Name of the config file, path and .cfg extension is being added if not given. * @param folder Folder under cfg/ to use. By default this is "sourcemod." * @return True if formatter returned success, false otherwise. */ stock bool AutoExecConfig_SetFile(char[] file, char[] folder="sourcemod") { Format(g_sConfigFile, sizeof(g_sConfigFile), "%s", file); // Global buffers for cfg execution strcopy(g_sRawFileName, sizeof(g_sRawFileName), file); strcopy(g_sFolderPath, sizeof(g_sFolderPath), folder); // Format the filename return AutoExecConfig_FormatFileName(g_sConfigFile, sizeof(g_sConfigFile), folder) == AUTOEXEC_FORMAT_SUCCESS; } /** * Get the formatted autoconfigfile used by functions of this file. * * @param buffer String to format. * @param size Maximum size of buffer * @return True if filename was set, false otherwise. */ stock bool AutoExecConfig_GetFile(char[] buffer,int size) { if (strlen(g_sConfigFile) > 0) { strcopy(buffer, size, g_sConfigFile); return true; } // Security for decl users buffer[0] = '\0'; return false; } /** * Creates a convar and appends it to the autoconfigfile if not found. * FCVAR_DONTRECORD will be skipped. * * @param name Name of new convar. * @param defaultValue String containing the default value of new convar. * @param description Optional description of the convar. * @param flags Optional bitstring of flags determining how the convar should be handled. See FCVAR_* constants for more details. * @param hasMin Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a minimum value. * @param min Minimum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMin is true. * @param hasMax Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a maximum value. * @param max Maximum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMax is true. * @return A handle to the newly created convar. If the convar already exists, a handle to it will still be returned. * @error Convar name is blank or is the same as an existing console command. */ stock ConVar AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar(const char[] name, const char[] defaultValue, const char[] description="", int flags=0, bool hasMin=false, float min=0.0, bool hasMax=false, float max=0.0) { // If configfile was set and convar has no dontrecord flag if (!(flags & FCVAR_DONTRECORD) && strlen(g_sConfigFile) > 0) { // Reset the results g_iLastFindResult = -1; g_iLastAppendResult = -1; // Add it if not found char buffer[64]; g_iLastFindResult = AutoExecConfig_FindValue(name, buffer, sizeof(buffer), true); // We only add this convar if it doesn't exist, or the file doesn't exist and it should be auto-generated if (g_iLastFindResult == AUTOEXEC_FIND_NOT_FOUND || (g_iLastFindResult == AUTOEXEC_FIND_FILE_NOT_FOUND && g_bCreateFile)) { g_iLastAppendResult = AutoExecConfig_AppendValue(name, defaultValue, description, flags, hasMin, min, hasMax, max); } } // Create the convar return CreateConVar(name, defaultValue, description, flags, hasMin, min, hasMax, max); } /** * Executes the autoconfigfile and adds it to the OnConfigsExecuted forward. * If we didn't create it ourselves we let SourceMod create it. * * @noreturn */ stock void AutoExecConfig_ExecuteFile() { // Only let sourcemod create the file, if we didn't do that already. AutoExecConfig(!g_bCreateFile, g_sRawFileName, g_sFolderPath); } /** * Formats a autoconfigfile, prefixes path and adds .cfg extension if missing. * * @param buffer String to format. * @param size Maximum size of buffer. * @return Returns one of the AUTOEXEC_FORMAT values.. */ stock static int AutoExecConfig_FormatFileName(char[] buffer, int size, char[] folder="sourcemod") { // No config set if (strlen(g_sConfigFile) < 1) { return AUTOEXEC_NO_CONFIG; } // Can't be an cfgfile if (StrContains(g_sConfigFile, ".cfg") != -1 && strlen(g_sConfigFile) < 4) { return AUTOEXEC_FORMAT_BAD_FILENAME; } // Pathprefix char pathprefixbuffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; if (strlen(folder) > 0) { Format(pathprefixbuffer, sizeof(pathprefixbuffer), "cfg/%s/", folder); if (g_bCreateDirectory && !DirExists(pathprefixbuffer)) { CreateDirectory(pathprefixbuffer, g_bCreateDirectoryMode); } } else { Format(pathprefixbuffer, sizeof(pathprefixbuffer), "cfg/"); } char filebuffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; filebuffer[0] = '\0'; // Add path if file doesn't begin with it if (StrContains(buffer, pathprefixbuffer) != 0) { StrCat(filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer), pathprefixbuffer); } StrCat(filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer), g_sConfigFile); // Add .cfg extension if file doesn't end with it if (StrContains(filebuffer[strlen(filebuffer) - 4], ".cfg") != 0) { StrCat(filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer), ".cfg"); } strcopy(buffer, size, filebuffer); return AUTOEXEC_FORMAT_SUCCESS; } /** * Appends a convar to the global autoconfigfile * * @param name Name of new convar. * @param defaultValue String containing the default value of new convar. * @param description Optional description of the convar. * @param flags Optional bitstring of flags determining how the convar should be handled. See FCVAR_* constants for more details. * @param hasMin Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a minimum value. * @param min Minimum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMin is true. * @param hasMax Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a maximum value. * @param max Maximum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMax is true. * @return Returns one of the AUTOEXEC_APPEND values */ stock int AutoExecConfig_AppendValue(const char[] name, const char[] defaultValue, const char[] description, int flags, bool hasMin, float min, bool hasMax, float max) { // No config set if (strlen(g_sConfigFile) < 1) { return AUTOEXEC_NO_CONFIG; } char filebuffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; strcopy(filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer), g_sConfigFile); //PrintToServer("pathbuffer: %s", filebuffer); bool bFileExists = FileExists(filebuffer); if (g_bCreateFile || bFileExists) { // If the file already exists we open it in append mode, otherwise we use a write mode which creates the file File fFile = OpenFile(filebuffer, (bFileExists ? "a" : "w")); char writebuffer[2048]; if (fFile == null) { return AUTOEXEC_APPEND_BAD_HANDLE; } // We just created the file, so add some header about version and stuff if (g_bCreateFile && !bFileExists) { fFile.WriteLine( "// This file was auto-generated by AutoExecConfig v%s (%s)", AUTOEXECCONFIG_VERSION, AUTOEXECCONFIG_URL); GetPluginFilename(g_hPluginHandle, writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer)); Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "// ConVars for plugin \"%s\"", writebuffer); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); } // Spacer fFile.WriteLine("\n"); // This is used for multiline comments int newlines = GetCharCountInStr('\n', description); if (newlines == 0) { // We have no newlines, we can write the description to the file as is Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "// %s", description); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); } else { char[][] newlineBuf = new char[newlines +1][2048]; ExplodeString(description, "\n", newlineBuf, newlines +1, 2048, false); // Each newline gets a commented newline for (int i; i <= newlines; i++) { if (strlen(newlineBuf[i]) > 0) { fFile.WriteLine("// %s", newlineBuf[i]); } } } // Descspacer fFile.WriteLine("// -"); // Default Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "// Default: \"%s\"", defaultValue); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); // Minimum if (hasMin) { Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "// Minimum: \"%f\"", min); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); } // Maximum if (hasMax) { Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "// Maximum: \"%f\"", max); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); } // Write end and defaultvalue Format(writebuffer, sizeof(writebuffer), "%s \"%s\"", name, defaultValue); fFile.WriteLine(writebuffer); fFile.Close(); return AUTOEXEC_APPEND_SUCCESS; } return AUTOEXEC_APPEND_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Returns a convar's value from the global autoconfigfile * * @param cvar Cvar to search for. * @param value Buffer to store result into. * @param size Maximum size of buffer. * @param caseSensitive Whether or not the search should be case sensitive. * @return Returns one of the AUTOEXEC_FIND values */ stock int AutoExecConfig_FindValue(const char[] cvar, char[] value, int size, bool caseSensitive=false) { // Security for decl users value[0] = '\0'; // No config set if (strlen(g_sConfigFile) < 1) { return AUTOEXEC_NO_CONFIG; } char filebuffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; strcopy(filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer), g_sConfigFile); //PrintToServer("pathbuffer: %s", filebuffer); bool bFileExists = FileExists(filebuffer); // We want to create the config file and it doesn't exist yet. if (g_bCreateFile && !bFileExists) { return AUTOEXEC_FIND_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (bFileExists) { File fFile = OpenFile(filebuffer, "r"); int valuestart; int valueend; int cvarend; // Just an reminder to self, leave the values that high char sConvar[64]; char sValue[64]; char readbuffer[2048]; char copybuffer[2048]; if (fFile == null) { return AUTOEXEC_FIND_BAD_HANDLE; } while (!fFile.EndOfFile() && fFile.ReadLine(readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer))) { // Is a comment or not valid if (IsCharSpace(readbuffer[0]) || readbuffer[0] == '/' || (!IsCharNumeric(readbuffer[0]) && !IsCharAlpha(readbuffer[0])) ) { continue; } // Has not enough spaces, must have at least 1 if (GetCharCountInStr(' ', readbuffer) < 1) { continue; } // Ignore cvars which aren't quoted if (GetCharCountInStr('"', readbuffer) != 2) { continue; } // Get the start of the value if ( (valuestart = StrContains(readbuffer, "\"")) == -1 ) { continue; } // Get the end of the value if ( (valueend = StrContains(readbuffer[valuestart+1], "\"")) == -1 ) { continue; } // Get the start of the cvar, if ( (cvarend = StrContains(readbuffer, " ")) == -1 || cvarend >= valuestart) { continue; } // Skip if cvarendindex is before valuestartindex if (cvarend >= valuestart) { continue; } // Convar // Tempcopy for security strcopy(copybuffer, sizeof(copybuffer), readbuffer); copybuffer[cvarend] = '\0'; strcopy(sConvar, sizeof(sConvar), copybuffer); // Value // Tempcopy for security strcopy(copybuffer, sizeof(copybuffer), readbuffer[valuestart+1]); copybuffer[valueend] = '\0'; strcopy(sValue, sizeof(sValue), copybuffer); //PrintToServer("Cvar %s has a value of %s", sConvar, sValue); if (StrEqual(sConvar, cvar, caseSensitive)) { Format(value, size, "%s", sConvar); fFile.Close(); return AUTOEXEC_FIND_SUCCESS; } } fFile.Close(); return AUTOEXEC_FIND_NOT_FOUND; } return AUTOEXEC_FIND_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Cleans the global autoconfigfile from too much spaces * * @return One of the AUTOEXEC_CLEAN values. */ stock int AutoExecConfig_CleanFile() { // No config set if (strlen(g_sConfigFile) < 1) { return AUTOEXEC_NO_CONFIG; } char sfile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; strcopy(sfile, sizeof(sfile), g_sConfigFile); // Security if (!FileExists(sfile)) { return AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } char sfile2[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; Format(sfile2, sizeof(sfile2), "%s_tempcopy", sfile); char readbuffer[2048]; int count; bool firstreached; // Open files File fFile1 = OpenFile(sfile, "r"); File fFile2 = OpenFile(sfile2, "w"); // Check filehandles if (fFile1 == null || fFile2 == null) { if (fFile1 != null) { //PrintToServer("Handle1 invalid"); fFile1.Close(); } if (fFile2 != null) { //PrintToServer("Handle2 invalid"); fFile2.Close(); } return AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_BAD_HANDLE; } while (!fFile1.EndOfFile() && fFile1.ReadLine(readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer))) { // Is space if (IsCharSpace(readbuffer[0])) { count++; } // No space, count from start else { count = 0; } // Don't write more than 1 space if seperation after informations have been reached if (count < 2 || !firstreached) { ReplaceString(readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer), "\n", ""); fFile2.WriteLine(readbuffer); } // First bigger seperation after informations has been reached if (count == 2) { firstreached = true; } } fFile1.Close(); fFile2.Close(); // This might be a risk, for now it works DeleteFile(sfile); RenameFile(sfile, sfile2); return AUTOEXEC_CLEAN_SUCCESS; } /** * Returns how many times the given char occures in the given string. * * @param str String to search for in. * @return Occurences of the given char found in string. */ stock static int GetCharCountInStr(int character, const char[] str) { int len = strlen(str); int count; for (int i; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == character) { count++; } } return count; } #pragma deprecated stock bool AutoExecConfig_CacheConvars() { return false; }