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2020-03-25 19:04:16 +01:00
#if defined _multicolors_included
#define _multicolors_included
#define MuCo_VERSION "2.1.2"
#include <multicolors/morecolors>
#include <multicolors/colors>
* Credits:
* - Popoklopsi
* - Powerlord
* - exvel
* - Dr. McKay
* Based on stamm-colors
* -
#define PREFIX_SEPARATOR "{default} "
/* Global var to check whether colors are fixed or not */
static bool g_bCFixColors;
static char g_sCPrefix[PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH];
* Add a chat prefix before all chat msg
* @param sPrefix Prefix
stock void CSetPrefix(const char[] sPrefix, any ...) {
if (!sPrefix[0]) {
VFormat(g_sCPrefix, sizeof(g_sCPrefix) - strlen(PREFIX_SEPARATOR), sPrefix, 2);
// Add ending space
Format(g_sCPrefix, sizeof(g_sCPrefix), "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, PREFIX_SEPARATOR);
* Add a chat prefix before all chat msg
* @param sPrefix Prefix
stock void CClearPrefix() {
g_sCPrefix[0] = '\0';
* Writes a message to a client with the correct stock for the game.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock void CPrintToChat(int client, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_PrintToChat(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_PrintToChat(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
stock void CPrintToChatAll(const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (IsClientInGame(client))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 2);
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_PrintToChat(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_PrintToChat(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Writes a message to all of a client's observers.
* @param target Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
stock void CPrintToChatObservers(int target, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (IsClientInGame(client) && !IsPlayerAlive(client) && !IsFakeClient(client)) {
int observee = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget");
int ObserverMode = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode");
if (observee == target && (ObserverMode == 4 || ObserverMode == 5)) {
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
CPrintToChat(client, buffer);
* Writes a message to a client with the correct stock for the game.
* @param client Client index.
* @param author Author index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock void CPrintToChatEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 4);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_PrintToChatEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_PrintToChatEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Writes a message to all clients with the correct stock for the game.
* @param author Author index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
stock void CPrintToChatAllEx(int author, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (IsClientInGame(client))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 2);
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_PrintToChatEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_PrintToChatEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Writes a message to all of a client's observers with the correct
* game stock.
* @param target Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
stock void CPrintToChatObserversEx(int target, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (IsClientInGame(client) && !IsPlayerAlive(client) && !IsFakeClient(client)) {
int observee = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget");
int ObserverMode = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode");
if (observee == target && (ObserverMode == 4 || ObserverMode == 5)) {
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
CPrintToChatEx(client, target, buffer);
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
stock void CReplyToCommand(int client, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_ReplyToCommand(client, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param author Client to use for {teamcolor}
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
stock void CReplyToCommandEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 4);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_ReplyToCommandEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
else {
MC_ReplyToCommandEx(client, author, "%s%s", g_sCPrefix, buffer);
* Remove all tags and print to server
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
stock void CPrintToServer(const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
char prefixBuffer[PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 2);
strcopy(prefixBuffer, sizeof(prefixBuffer), g_sCPrefix);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
CRemoveTags(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
CRemoveTags(prefixBuffer, sizeof(prefixBuffer));
PrintToServer("%s%s", prefixBuffer, buffer);
* Displays usage of an admin command to users depending on the
* setting of the sm_show_activity cvar.
* This version does not display a message to the originating client
* if used from chat triggers or menus. If manual replies are used
* for these cases, then this function will suffice. Otherwise,
* CShowActivity2() is slightly more useful.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error
stock void CShowActivity(int client, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_ShowActivity(client, "%s", buffer);
else {
MC_ShowActivity(client, "%s", buffer);
* Same as C_ShowActivity(), except the tag parameter is used instead of "[SM] " (note that you must supply any spacing).
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server.
* @param tags Tag to display with.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error
stock void CShowActivityEx(int client, const char[] tag, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 4);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_ShowActivityEx(client, tag, "%s", buffer);
else {
MC_ShowActivityEx(client, tag, "%s", buffer);
* Displays usage of an admin command to users depending on the setting of the sm_show_activity cvar.
* All users receive a message in their chat text, except for the originating client,
* who receives the message based on the current ReplySource.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server.
* @param tags Tag to prepend to the message.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @error
stock void CShowActivity2(int client, const char[] tag, const char[] message, any ...) {
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 4);
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_ShowActivity2(client, tag, "%s", buffer);
else {
MC_ShowActivity2(client, tag, "%s", buffer);
* Replaces color tags in a string with color codes
* @param message String.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the string buffer.
stock void CFormatColor(char[] message, int maxlength, int author = -1, bool csgofix = true) {
if (!g_bCFixColors) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
if (author == 0) {
author = -1;
C_Format(message, maxlength, author, csgofix);
else {
if (author == -1) {
author = 0;
MC_ReplaceColorCodes(message, author, false, maxlength);
* Removes color tags from a message
* @param message Message to remove tags from
* @param maxlen Maximum buffer length
stock void CRemoveTags(char[] message, int maxlen) {
if (!IsSource2009()) {
C_RemoveTags(message, maxlen);
else {
MC_RemoveTags(message, maxlen);
* Fixes missing Lightgreen color.
stock void CFixColors() {
g_bCFixColors = true;
// Replace lightgreen if not exists
if (!C_ColorAllowed(Color_Lightgreen)) {
if (C_ColorAllowed(Color_Lime)) {
C_ReplaceColor(Color_Lightgreen, Color_Lime);
else if (C_ColorAllowed(Color_Olive)) {
C_ReplaceColor(Color_Lightgreen, Color_Olive);
stock bool IsSource2009() {
return (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSS
|| GetEngineVersion() == Engine_HL2DM
|| GetEngineVersion() == Engine_DODS
|| GetEngineVersion() == Engine_TF2
|| GetEngineVersion() == Engine_SDK2013);